Die Designer von Bloodmoon haben nun weitere Details über die Werwolf-Klasse des kommenden Expansionspack von Morrowind herausgerückt. Bethesda Softworks hat ein neues Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon Entwickler Tagebuch auf der offiziellen Webseite veröffentlicht. Der letzte Eintrag trägt den Titel:"Dunces With Wolves" und wurde von Mark Nelson (Designer von Bloodmoon) verfasst. Hier ein kleiner Auszug: "...The ideas were sound, but actually making all of this work together was going to be challenging. Nords were easy, as we already had them. Snow, we were sure the artists and programmers could handle. It was the werewolf part that was going to be especially tricky. There were a lot of issues to work out to make being a werewolf fun and interesting for the player. We already had a model of player werewolves from Daggerfall, but Morrowind is a very different game, and the same model wouldn't work as well in the new system. So, we started building our system from the ground up..."