Der Patch 1.01 für Battlefield 2 ist ab sofort erhältlich und bringt euch viele Optimierungen und Ergänzungen im Spiel. * Fixed in issue that caused the Multiplayer Browser to become unresponsive * Fixed an issue where some game controls were not available to be rebound within the Options menu * Fixed an issue with increasing performance degradation on servers * Fixed a problem with shader caching on client/host: after the first map in a rotation, shaders would be loaded on the fly during gameplay * Fixed a crash with rebinding LMB * Fixed a problem that caused environment mapping to not appear on reflective surfaces * Fixed a crash that happened when a client picks up a kit that doesnt exist anymore * Fixed a problem with AI when the game was paused for a long time: bots would become unresponsive and also shoot more accurately * LOD distances tweaked on certain objects Den Patch findet ihr wie gewohnt in unserer DLH.Net-Patches-Sektion zum Download.