Worlds of Magic the 4X turn-based strategy game launched on Steam Early Access

Bernd (19. September 2014 20:27 )
Link: Website
Worlds of Magic the 4X turn-based strategy game launched on Steam Early AccessVideo Game News Online, Gaming News

The time has finally come to share with the world what Wastelands Interactive has been working on for the past year. Worlds of Magic – the 4X turn-based strategy game is finally available via Steam Early Access for all gamers, that remember and miss Master of Magic and have been waiting for years for a game that could continue its traditions.
Worlds of Magic pays homage to the critically acclaimed Master of Magic. By combining classic elements, like randomly generated world maps and powerful heroes, with new game mechanics such as the D20 OGL rule set and expanded features, (like seven planes of existence), the game is a perfect choice for those that used to spend long hours playing the original classic.

To celebrate the launch developers released a series of gameplay videos with commentary that explain the game mechanics, basic strategies and tools gamers have in hand to become the Master of the World!

Gameplay video Part 1

Gameplay video Part 2
Gameplay video Part 3

You can buy the game for 39,99 USD either on Steam, by visiting the game’s product page:

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