New god Sylvanus in latest SMITE update

Bernd (04. October 2014 10:31 )
Link: Trailer
New god Sylvanus in latest SMITE updateVideo Game News Online, Gaming News

In this week's SMITE patch the forest awakens, as Sylvanus, Keeper of the Wild, enters the fray.  
Sylvanus commands the power of nature, sitting atop a giant tree he uses against his enemies. With Verdant Growth Sylvanus can throw seeds that can damage enemies on impact, or grow to flowers that assist teammates. His ultimate is Wrath of Terra, Sylvanus slams the large trunks of the tree down causing thorny roots to break out of the ground around him. Enemies hit are knocked up and take damage.

Also included in this latest patch are four new skins: Pajama Party Kumbhakarna; Infinity Wave He Bo; Sugar and Spice Hel and Permafrost Sylvanus.

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