Fruit Ninja's Kickstarter Paid Off, Get Ready For Fruit Ninja...Tabletop?

Dean (24. October 2017 20:47 )
Fruit Ninja's Kickstarter Paid Off, Get Ready For Fruit Ninja...Tabletop?Video Game News Online, Gaming News

I suppose someone will have to explain this one to me, cuz I don't get it.

Fruit Ninja; the swipey, chopping up fruit game is going to now be a board game? AND a card game? How does that work? Who thought this would be a good idea? No one, i'll bet. Who the hell would be interested in that?

Oh...they had a kickstarter, huh? Well that doesn't necessarily mean its a good idea, it just means that...oh, they got it? Really? How much?

Ten grand? Seriously? They need ten grand to make a damned- they already have over TWENTY? What? Geez, I suppose some fanboys must have all gathered up their lunch money way. FOUR HOURS? They got twenty grand in FOUR hours?

Alright, fine. I guess it's a good idea. It still seems weird though,, I'll shut up now.

Fruit Ninja will come in three flavors, and you can read all about em below in the official announcement. The first of the three game in the Fruit Ninja Tabletop Game Series is called Fruit Ninja: Card Master, and it's scheduled to release in August of 2018 for  $29.

Official Announcement:

Los Angeles, October 24, 2017 - 
Lucky Duck Games, a board game publisher with a mission to transform popular online licenses into amazing tabletop experiences, is proud to announce today that its Fruit Ninja Tabletop Game series has been 100% funded on Kickstarter and is now entering it stretch goals phase. Throughout the Kickstarter campaign, Lucky Duck Games is planning to release stretch goals one at a time. So far, 5 new stretch goals have been reached, including the unlocking of a new companion app and additional bonus cards.

The Fruit Ninja Tabletop Game Series consists of three wildly entertaining, family-friendly tabletop games. The creators wanted to make sure that the final products had to be unique in design, fun, accessible for any user, and quick to play. In order to create the dream Fruit Ninja game set, Lucky Duck Games collaborated with 50 of the most creative game designers in the board game industry. After reviewing 20 different prototypes, they selected three of the best games that were submitted:

  • Fruit Ninja - Card Master - A Fast-Paced Deck Building Game
  • Fruit Ninja - Slice & Dice - A Dice Game of Strategic Fruit Slashing
  • Fruit Ninja - Combo Party – An Energy Pack Party Game!
"We are thrilled to have reached our Kickstarter campaign goal which will enable Lucky Duck Games to start the production of all 3 Fruit Ninja Tabletop games and deliver the first batch of product to early backers in August 2018. We feel extremely thankful towards the financial support we have received from board game players and Fruit Ninja fans all over the world. There is still time for everyone interested in the Fruit Ninja tabletop Game Series to pledge for the game sets and help us unlock more content!" says Lucky Duck Founder, Vincent Vergonjeanne.
The first game from the Fruit Ninja Tabletop Game Series, Fruit Ninja: Card Master, is scheduled to release in August of 2018 for the retail price of $29. 

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