Moira, the fifth character released for the Blizzard smash hit Overwatch is a pretty rad looking broad. If you got Overwatch, quit reading this and go give her a shot. Or rather, use her to shoot your friends and enemies.
Take a look at her launch trailer, and here are the specs on her kit via the Overwatch page.
Using her left hand, Moira expends biotic energy to heal allies in front of her. Her right hand fires a long-range beam weapon that saps enemies’ health, healing Moira and replenishing her biotic energy.
Moira launches a rebounding biotic sphere; she can choose between a regeneration effect that heals the allies it passes through, or a decay effect that deals damage to enemies.
Moira quickly teleports a short distance.
Moira channels a long-range beam that both heals allies and bypasses barriers to damage her enemies.