Superhot Mind Control Delete, the standalone expansion set in the Superhot universe is on its way to early access. Designed to be a roguelike twist on the linear play of the original Superhot, SMCD will tap into the same fundamental gameplay mechanics, and "distill and expand upon the intoxicating rhythm of slow motion combat." Intoxicating, eh? I might have to jump in on this early access myself.
Superhot Mind Control Delete will run you through dozens of increasingly difficult game-play challenges, and each one you conquer will make you more powerful, unlocking new abilities and giving you access to new playable characters. The more damage you deal out and the more goodies you unlock, the more your enemies will become desperate to stop you.
Superhot was crazy well received, and in a kind of throwback to the kickstarted, community-driven development of the original, the expansion is launching on Steam early access this week, and the Superhot team is looking for a few good men to ignore the rough edges and give them some feedback. The Early Access backers will be welcome to co-create and guide the development on Discord and Reddit, and they'll be able to follow the progress with monthly content updates and livestream AMAs with the developers. How cool is that?
The team has already announced that the expansion will feature a new playable character, dozens of levels, revamped AI and animation systems, procedurally generated runs, and an unlockable power-up system. The first content update drops in January and will introduce the first batch of powerful unlockable gameplay modifiers, new weapons, and four unique new levels added to the location pool.
Early access starts tomorrow.
please need this key