Omensight has players assuming the role of the Harbinger, a skilled warrior who exists outside of time. The Harbinger has foreseen the annihilation of the land known as Urralia and has been summoned to rewrite its fate, with his only lead being a mysterious, unsolved murder. The Harbinger serves as the eyes and the sword of Urralia, and it's up to you to identify characters who could have played a part in its destruction, from mighty war generals to powerful sorcerers. You travel through time, appearing alongside these characters in an attempt to discover how they chose to spend their final moments. It's up to you to choose whether or not you will you fight with them or against them.
The premise is definitely an interesting one; by participating in these fateful events from different perspectives, you'll learn valuable information about how specific decisions unfolded. When those decisions call for battle (and lets be honest, a lot of them are going to), you can rely on the Harbinger's badass sword techniques, creatively combining time-slowing spells and other abilities to eliminate threats. You can also use the power of Omensight to weave a new narrative, and give the world of Urralia a second chance.
"When we released Stories: The Path of Destinies in 2016, we were thrilled with the response to its narrative structure," says Malik Boukhira, Creative Director on Omensight. "Players told us how they enjoyed manipulating time to collect all the different endings in the game. With Omensight, our new original title set in a fresh universe, we're taking this idea one step further. What we like to call the 'narrative puzzle' will extend to a range of diverse characters in Omensight, and we can't wait to see how players navigate the intricacies of these characters' actions and reactions to solve the mystery of Urralia's demise."
The voice actors in Omensight are all top-notch, with Patricia Summersett (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) and Julian Casey (We Happy Few) among the talented group lending their voices to Omensight's characters.
Watch the trailer below, or if you're going to be at PAX South 2018 this year, you'll get a chance to go hands-on with a short section of Omensight's story and slick combat.