When evil darkens the doorsteps of Twin Lakes City, Detective Francis McQueen is there, ready to investigate the cases that nobody else will...
The Darkside Detective is a humorous, classic point and click adventure starring Detective Francis McQueen, the lead investigator of the criminally underfunded Darkside Division. Featuring retro pixel art with a modern twist, The Darkside Detective has 6 unique cases for you to solve, and the game is packed full of 90s pop culture references, of which I will understand every single one.
"We're really excited to bring The Darkside Detective to the Switch. To us, it’s a natural fit. We've designed the game to be played in short sessions and to us, the bus to work seems like a perfect place for some time with McQueen and Dooley", said writer Dave McCabe.
After an original release on PC, Mac, Linux and Ouija boards in 2017, this classic point-and-click adventure game is landing on Nintendo Switch February 7th.