A Plague Tale: Innocence is an upcoming adventure game developed by Asobo Studio for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Set in 1349, rats are swarming through France, and unfortunately for the French, the rats are lousy with the plague, and I'm talking about the black death here. They are also a pretty formidable army, consuming pretty much everything in their path, including animals, crops and humans and aren't deterred by a whole let, except for fire.
The story follows two orphan siblings, Amicia and young Hugo, as they struggle through the center of this brutal and ruthless world. Touted as a "one-player co-op", Amicia has to get by on her wits, using ingenuity to get the pair out of tight spots. The game is bleak and unforgiving, and the screenshots released today drive that home, showing a gruesome landscape full of disease-devastated villages, and blood soaked battlefields as the armies of France and England clash, with rats swarming over the corpses left behind.
A Plague Tale: Innocence arrives on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in 2019.