In Subaeria, players take control of a young girl named Styx, who's out for revenge after her family is murdered by the overlord of Subaeria. She has to fight her way through droves of murderous robots by pitting them against one another instead of outright taking them down. As she progresses towards her goal of ultimate revenge, she'll explore the underwater city of Subaeria to uncover the mysteries that lie below the depths.
Everybody is trying to do two (or ten) things at once these days, and Subaeria is no different. Combining platforming and puzzle gameplay mechanics with roguelike elements, Subaeria's single player campaign wants players to use logic (and the help of their drone) to defeat swarms of angry robots by forcing them to take one another out. Each level gradually ramps up the puzzle solving difficulty, enabling power-ups and challenging the levels of strategic thinking you'll need to employ to control the environment and your character abilities to get through the levels alive.
Subaeria's early access version is now available on Steam for $14.99 USD and will be released on April 24th for the same price on PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.