Based on the the weekly Shonen Jump manga and anime franchise, My Hero One's Justice lets players form three-person squads made up of U.A. High students, with popular characters like Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Tsuyu Asui and more, all available to round out your team of arena fighters. Squads can also include Pro Heroes, like All Might and Eraserhead, as well as villains, like Stain, Dabi, and Himiko Toga, all fighting in over-the-top three-dimensional, environment-destroying battles. Each squad will be comprised of one primary fighter and up to two sidekicks, paying homage to how the Pro Hero teams are often set up in the anime.
During combat, fighters can call on their sidekicks, as well as unleash their defining superpower, called Quirks, to land explosive combination attacks in order to decimate an opponent, or turn the tide of battle when the player's back is against the wall. Each character's Quirk and support attack is unique, and can be executed on the ground, in the air, or even on buildings. In addition to the Story Mode, there will also be Villain Mode, allowing you to play through the story from a villain's perspective, all which will unlock items for your characters, as well as round out the information you learned in the story mode.
My Hero One's Justice will be available on PS4, Xbox One, Steam, and the Switch.