Well, this is just fine. Fans have been clamoring for this for a long time, but then again, Fillion fans (I'll bet they have some little nickname too, like Fillnatics, or Fillionatics or something) are always clamoring for him to be Green Lantern, or a Ghost-Buster or whatever they think he's perfect for this week. Then again, after watching this short, I'd have to agree that Nathon Fillion is a pretty perfect Nathan Drake.
Give this short a watch, and although I won't spoil anything, it is action-packed, funny, and the writers have the sarcasm and quips down pat. This is some good stuff.
Here's Nathan FIllion's comment about the short to the fans, watch it below, and then grab a pen and paper (people still use that, right?) and get to writing Sony about making this into a two hour epic.
From Nathan Fillion:
"This is something I've wanted to do, but more importantly, something I've wanted to see for a long time. If you've ever pinned a towel around your neck for a cape or donned a fedora and nearly put your eye out with a homemade whip, this is for you. Thank you, @allanungar, for letting us all scratch this itch. Thank you, @naughty_dog_inc, for creating such a wonderful archetype. Thank you fans, for your excellent taste. You know who you are. Enjoy."