Set during World War 2, Pixelated Milk's Warsaw is a gorgeously animated, hand-painted tactical role playing game set in the Nazi-invaded Central European capital city of Warsaw. Featuring a rag tag group of characters from all walks of life; young and old, men and women, soldiers and civilians , all fighting for freedom. This band of resistance fighters have lost family, friends and home, and must rise up against the Nazis. It's all pretty heavy stuff.
The team at Pixelated Milk aims to bring light to the historic uprising of 1944, mixing truth with tactical, urban warfare. Exploring themes of oppression, love, friendship, loyalty, and the terrible struggle against overwhelming odds, this teaser will give you an idea of what you'll be doing in-game. You'll have to use everything at your disposal to help a team of accidental heroes survive the onslaught in their home city as they attempt to stop overwhelming odds.
Watch the trailer below, and learn more about Warsaw, here.