There have been plenty of games that make you the bad guy, but this trailer still makes the concept seem fresh. In this first person action adventure title, you are Darkborn, a creepy ass little goblin who has been orphaned, thanks to a bunch of Vikings who seem to have quite the time impaling your (presumed) mom and dad. Aren't humans great?
The trailer does a good job making Viking-like warriors look like monsters in this 15 minute gameplay trailer as you stealthily sneak around the humans, known as "The Pale Enemy". These men also seem to be involved in some gnarly shit, as you stumble across more of your monstrous people who have been made a part of some kind of blood sacrifice ritual type situation
Little is known about the project beyond this, but the trailer is already looking pretty good. Take a look below and we'll let you know more about this title developed by The Outsiders when we get the good word.