Devil's Hunt is based off of a bestselling novel called Equilibrium by Paweł Leśniak, a story about a man named Desmond who had it all, but then defecated the bed so badly he put his soul in eternal jeopardy, which makes your cringe-inducing antics last Friday night look tame in comparison. After staking a deal with Lucifer, he becomes an executioner but somehow didn't count on the job being so difficult. Who would have thought, right? After realizing that the work is having a gnarly cosmic impact on heaven and hell, he realizes that he's a demonic, hell-dwelling executioner with mad scruples. Dramaaaa!
You'll steer Desmond through Hell, Jerusalem, and Miami (so, another level of hell, i guess) while attempting to choose a side in the face-off between angels and demons that will alter the fate of humankind. You'll make this choice while beating the everlasting shit out of everything that crosses your path with your hell-fists, as you can see below in this 19 minute gameplay trailer. There are quite a few demonic powers on display in the video, with some fiery dashing thrown in for evading attacks. You'll also see one of the games "heavy demons", which appears to serve as a mini-boss.
The game needs a lot of polish, but you can get an idea of the feel and tone they're going for here, which is made obvious by the snarling demons and knee-high pools of blood Desmond is seen wading through.
Devil's Hunt later in 2019 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
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