The long awaited, star-studded animated series from Simpson's creator Matt Groening, titled Disenchantment, has finally gotten a release date for its first 10 episodes, headed our way in mid-August. With animation being handled by Rough Draft Studios (the same studio that did the animation for Futurama), the series takes place in the kingdom of Dreamland, following the adventures of Bean (Abbi Jacobson) a hard drinking and cranky princess, and her companion, an elf that is cleverly named Elfo (Nat Faxon). Bean also has her very own demon, named Luci, played by Eric Andre. The threesome will have a series of misadventures in the medieval kingdom, and run into a bevy of strange and magical creatures, from ogres to harpies and imps, plus other humans thrown into the mix for good measure.
There are some amazing voice talents in Disenchantment, check out this roll call: John DiMaggio, Tress MacNeille, Billy West, Maurice LaMarche, David Herman, Jeny Batten, Matt Berry, Rich Fulcher, Noel Fielding, and Lucy Montgomery. Netflix has ordered two seasons of the show thus far, in two ten episode runs.