ONE of 500: Groundbreaking Bible Game Starts Crowdfunding Campaign to Make it Reality

Emanuela (08. December 2020 12:09 )
ONE of 500: Groundbreaking Bible Game Starts Crowdfunding Campaign to Make it RealityNews  |  DLH.NET The Gaming People

ONE of 500: Groundbreaking Bible Game Starts Crowdfunding Campaign to Make it Reality

German studio sets out to break cliches and offer "the greatest story ever told as an exciting computer game".


It is one of the most unusual projects currently in the gaming industry: a third-person adventure game that lets you experience the story of the Gospels on a quality level never been done before. ONE of 500 is a game with an engaging storyline that takes players on a challenging moral and spiritual journey – all with realistic visuals and sophisticated scriptural, historical, and cultural accuracy.

To achieve this, Germany based studio Lightword Productions has teamed up with experts like God of War senior game designer Mark Webster, who has worked at the game concept, former Disney writer Bob Garner, archeologist Dieter Vieweger, and Pirates of the Caribbean soloist Pedro Eustache.



Now, the creators of ONE of 500 are launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, to make the game a reality. The goal is to have the first episode ready within a year after the start of production. Fitting to the game's context, the campaign starts now during Christmas time and runs from December 8th to January 20th.

"ONE of 500 aims at raising existential questions in the form of basic conflicts in human lives in a biblical context, while engaging players in an exciting story. This is something I think has been missing in the gaming world and I am excited this highly committed team is about to change that now", says Hendrik Lesser, President European Developer Federation.


The idea for ONE of 500 originally arose from a dissertation, in which theologian Amin Josua, later founder of Lightword Productions, asked young people about the context of the appropriation of religious content, media and their personal life questions. What he found was that young people were eager to engage with biblical content – but only in a video game they said, and there was no compelling version of that available. 
"In contrast to what many people expect when they hear of a religious game, we have a very different approach", says founder Amin Josua. "ONE of 500 is a game in which players experience the biblical messages in their cultural context, that enables them to understand these texts adequately. But they do not need to 'act biblically', they have the freedom to choose their position. There are realistic consequences, no black and white. Together with a visual quality level never seen before in a religious game and great gameplay, this is exactly what we know many gamers are looking for."

In the game, one slips into the role of a young fisher boy in the year 28 A.D., who experiences a classical coming-of-age story with its challenges in an ancient world, while the conflicts offer a high parallelism to today's time.

"For me, ONE of 500 is a successful example of how values, a medium and young entrepreneurship can be combined to a meaningful product that also promises economic success." says Dr. Rudolf Bulander, supporter of the project and former CEO of BOSCH.
To make the game a reality and show its potential in the market, the basic goal for the Kickstarter campaign is to raise €180.000 as a first step for the first of five chapters in Episode One. The overall estimated budget for the first of six episodes is about 4 million Euros. But with the new German federal games state grant, Lightword would only have to provide about half. The Kickstarter campaign can be found on

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