Mobile Suit Z Gundam

Mobile Suit Z Gundam

16.10.2013 23:25:48
System: Sony PlayStation
Developer/Publisher: Bandai (1997)

FAQ by Kelvin Koh

1 Basic Controls & Explanation
2 Mobile Suits Info
3 Characters
4 Story Mode - Kamiru & Char
5 Secrets
6 Miscellaneous


Mobile Suit Z Gundam is a 3D Shooting-Action game for the PlayStation
that was released last year.
It has plenty of re-done scenes from the anime that features new
character art while the backgrounds & Mobile Suits are beautifully
rendered CG. The game also has many Mobile Suits & Pilots to choose
from, though not all from the anime are present in the game.
As a bonus, the game comes packaged with 2 CDs, which not only
contains 2 different scenarios (one for Kamiru and the other for
Char), but also can be used to play a linked Vs game with another
PlayStation via the Link Cable.
The gameplay may seem like Sega's Virtual On at first, but they
actually have very little similarities. In Z Gundam, your Mobile Suit
has freedom of flight, maneuver in several ways, and attacks with only
a few weapons, namely Short & Long Range weapons.
Once you get used to the feel of the game, you will find it very
enjoyable & fun to play.



Move Towards Opponent - Press UP
Move Away From Opponent - Press Down
Move Left - Press LEFT
Move Right - Press - RIGHT

Ascend (Move Up) - Press L1
Descend (Move Down) - Press L2

Circle Around Opponent: (Uses Vernier Gauge)
Left - Hold R1 + LEFT + X Button
Right - Hold R1 + RIGHT + X Button

Boost - X Button + any DIRECTION (Uses Vernier Gauge)


Attack With Weapon - Press Square Button
Special Attack - Press R1 + Square Button

Change Weapon - Press Triangle Button

Defend/Sway - Press Circle Button (depends on each Mobile Suit)

Transform - Press R2 (only applies to some Mobile Suits)



***{Vernier Movement}*** Press D-Pad + X Button

This will cause your Mobile Suit to accelerate at high speeds in
the direction you choose. It can be used to avoid attacks, or simply
to move around quickly.
When you use the Boost, your Vernier Gauge (located on the bottom
right of the screen) will start to decrease, but it will regenerate if
you simply let go of the X Button.
However, if you completely use up your Vernier Gauge, your Mobile
Suit will lose power. A "Power Down" message will appear, and during
this period, all your movements will be slowed down, but everything
will be back to normal after a while.

***{Circling}*** Hold Left/Right + R1 + X Button

This move will make you move sideways (left or right) at an angle,
and thus, enables you to circle round your opponent. You can use this
to avoid attacks, move to the side of your opponent, or even maneuver
all the way to the back of him.
This is a very useful move, but it requires energy from the Vernier
Gauge to perform.

***{Ascend/Descend}*** Press L1 or L2

Makes your Mobile Suit fly upward or downward.


***{Attack}*** Press Square Button

In this game, there are 2 types of Attacks: Long-range & Short-
range. What you are currently using is displayed on the bar above your
Vernier Gauge, along with the ammo remaining (for Long-range).
By pressing the Triangle Button, you can switch between your Long-
& Short-range weapons.

>>>[Long Range Attack]

Long-range weapons usually consist of the standard beam weapon,
which is fired from afar. If you move close enough to your enemy, the
cross-air will turn red, which signifies a Lock-On. This is the best
time to shoot, though it is not always a guaranteed hit.
You can fire up to 3 shots at once by pressing the Square Button 3
times. (only applies to characters armed with Beam Rifle-type
The number on the bottom-left of the screen shows the number of
ammo you have remaining. When you run out of ammo, you can simply wait
for it to be re-filled to the max again. In the meantime, you can
switch to using your Short-range weapon for close combat.
Note that you have to use up all your ammo (counter reads zero
ammo) before they will automatically be replenished it for you.

>>>[Short Range Attack]

Your Mobile Suit's Short-range weapon consists of the Beam Saber.
It is handy for close combat, and it does quite a lot of damage. Also,
it can be used unlimitedly, so don't hesitate to swing that saber!
You can press the Square Button up to 2 times for a double saber
Holding the different directions on the D-Pad when you are slashing
also has various effects on the way your character swing its Beam
Saber. For example, pressing the Square Button alone, or holding UP as
you push the button, performs a top-to-down slash with the saber.
Holding Left or Right while you attack performs a sideways-slash.

***{Special Attacks}*** Press R1 + Square Button

Each Mobile Suit has 2 Special Attacks of its own. Each of these
attacks can be performed when you are using either your Long or Short
Range weapon.

>>>[Long Range Special Attack]

When performed in Long-Range, your Mobile Suit will fire 3 shots
repeatedly. Although this may seem similar to just simply pressing the
Attack Button 3 times, this one is different, as your character fires
it in a left-right-left fashion.
This is the same for all Mobile Suits, and uses up ammo, too.

>>>[Short Range Special Attack]

The short-range weapon for each Mobile Suit varies, and unlike the
Long-Range Attacks, this does not require any ammo at all, and can be
used unlimitedly, too! (though some may use up a bit of Vernier
Some short-range Special Attacks can be used to attack your
opponent from quite a distance, but unlike the Long-Range weapons, you
cannot use the cross-air to aim these attacks, which makes their
chances of hitting very low.

***{Defend/Sway}*** Press Circle Button

By pressing the Circle Button, your Mobile Suit will guard all
attacks using its Shield.
If your Mobile Suit does not have a Shield, it will perform a quick
side-step move, whereby it sways momentarily to the left or right.
However, your Mobile Suit will only sway when you push the Circle
Button just before the attack connects, so you will have to time it
Note that the Shield is indestructible in the Story Mode, but in
all other modes, it can be destroyed after blocking too many hits.
(The word "Defense" will appear in red to signify this.)

***{Transform}*** Press L2 Button

By pressing the L2 Button, some Mobile Suits have the ability to
transform into Mobile Armors.
During this form, their mobility becomes very, very high, but you
will have no control over their forward movement, since they will be
flying forward all the time.
Also, the Vernier Gauge will slowly deplete while you are in this
form, and you can still attack with your Long-Range weapon.
This is not particularly useful, though, as you cannot defend
yourself, and nor you can aim at your opponent properly. Only good for
avoiding attacks, and maneuvering close to your opponent.
Note that you will revert back to normal after a period of time, or
when you have used up your Vernier Gauge, or when you receive damage.
To revert back to Mobile Suit form manually, simply press L2 again.


With the exception of the Story Mode, in all other modes, your
Mobile Suit can actually receive damage to the extent that certain
parts may blow up. This is what happens when you lose some of
the body parts on your Mobile Suit:

LEG - Your mobility will decrease.
ARM - You are unable to guard, and/or you cannot perform certain
HEAD - Your lock-on distance worsens

====================[END OF BASIC CONTROLS]===========================


The Mobile Suits in Z Gundam handle differently. Their performance
is based on 6 aspects, and so, each Mobile Suit is quite unique in its
own way, and you have to adjust your playing style to match your
Mobile Suit.
Each ability is rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being the
highest rating.) This section also shows some additional info, like
their short attacks, whether they have shields, or if they can
Also, here is the translation of the graph in the game for the
Mobile Suits.

Ver. Spd. Rot.
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Loc. Arm. Att.

Ver. (Vernier) - determines how long your Vernier Gauge can last you.
Spd. (Speed) - how fast your Mobile Suit can maneuver.
Rot. (Rotate) - how easily you can circle around your opponent.
Loc. (Lock-on) - how close you have to be to an opponent to lock on.
Arm. (Armor) - determines how well your Mobile Suit can take damage.
Att. (Attack) - determines the amount of damage you can inflict.

Note that the first 3 (Ver, Spd, Rot) deals with the Mobile Suit's
maneuverability, whereas the last 3 (Loc, Arm, Att) deals with its
offense/defense power.


---[GUNDAM Mk II]-----------------------------------------------------
Shield: Yes
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Vulcan

Speed: 3
Vernier: 2
Rotation: 3
Lock On: 3
Attack: 2
Armor: 3

(Total: 16)

---[Rick Diaz]--------------------------------------------------------
Shield: No
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Vulcan

Speed: 2
Vernier: 2
Rotation: 3
Lock On: 3
Attack: 1
Armor: 1

(Total: 12)

Shield: No
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Vulcan

Speed: 3
Vernier: 4
Rotation: 4
Lock On: 3
Attack: 2
Armor: 2

(Total: 18)

---[Z GUNDAM]---------------------------------------------------------
Shield: Yes
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Grenade Launcher

Speed: 5
Vernier: 4
Rotation: 3
Lock On: 4
Attack: 4
Armor: 3

(Total: 23)


Shield: Yes
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Shield Missile

Speed: 2
Vernier: 4
Rotation: 3
Lock On: 4
Attack: 3
Armor: 2

(Total: 18)

Shield: No
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Transformation Attack

Speed: 3
Vernier: 3
Rotation: 3
Lock On: 1
Attack: 3
Armor: 4

(Total: 17)

---[PSYCO GUNDAM]-----------------------------------------------------
Shield: Yes
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Scattering Mega Particle Cannon

Speed: 1
Vernier: 1
Rotation: 1
Lock On: 5
Attack: 5
Armor: 5

(Total: 18)


Shield: Yes
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Spike Shoulder

Speed: 1
Vernier: 3
Rotation: 3
Lock On: 3
Attack: 1
Armor: 1

(Total: 12)

Shield: Yes
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Spike Shoulder

Speed: 2
Vernier: 3
Rotation: 4
Lock On: 3
Attack: 3
Armor: 2

(Total: 17)

Shield: No
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Mega Particle Cannon

Speed: 3
Vernier: 3
Rotation: 2
Lock On: 2
Attack: 4
Armor: 3

(Total: 17)

Shield: No
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Shock Wire "Sea Serpent"

Speed: 4
Vernier: 4
Rotation: 5
Lock On: 4
Attack: 3
Armor: 3

(Total: 23)

Shield: No
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Twin Shot Mega Particle Cannon

Speed: 3
Vernier: 5
Rotation: 2
Lock On: 2
Attack: 4
Armor: 3

(Total: 19)

Shield: Yes
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Mega Particle Cannon

Speed: 4
Vernier: 1
Rotation: 3
Lock On: 1
Attack: 4
Armor: 4

(Total: 17)

---[BOUND DOC]--------------------------------------------------------
Shield: Yes
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Transformation Attack

Speed: 3
Vernier: 3
Rotation: 4
Lock On: 3
Attack: 3
Armor: 4

(Total: 20)

Shield: No
Transform: Yes
Short Range Special Attack: Grenade Launcher

Speed: 4
Vernier: 2
Rotation: 2
Lock On: 2
Attack: 3
Armor: 3

(Total: 16)

Shield: No
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Sub-manipulator (Hidden Arm)

Speed: 4
Vernier: 3
Rotation: 5
Lock On: 4
Attack: 5
Armor: 5

(Total: 26)


Shield: No
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: All Range Funnel Attack
(Note: will use up all remaining Long-Range ammo to perform)

Speed: 3
Vernier: 3
Rotation: 2
Lock On: 3
Attack: 5
Armor: 3

(Total: 19)


---[GP-01Fb ZEPHYRANTHES]---------------------------------------------
Organization: U.N.T
Shield: Yes
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Vulcan

Speed: 5
Vernier: 5
Rotation: 4
Lock On: 5
Attack: 3
Armor: 3

(Total: 25)

---[GP-02A PHYSALLIS]-------------------------------------------------
Organization: Delaz Fleet (Zion)
Shield: Yes
Transform: No
Short Range Special Attack: Vulcan

Speed: 2
Vernier: 1
Rotation: 1
Lock On: 4
Attack: 4
Armor: 5

(Total: 17)

===================[END OF MOBILE SUITS INFO]==========================


This section shows all the available characters in the game, and
which Mobile Suit they are able to pilot. Some can only pilot 1, but
others may have up to 6, though some of the Mobile Suits are actually
shared by several different pilots.


Mobile Suits: 1 Rick Diaz
2 Gundam Mk II
3 Z Gundam

Mobile Suits: 1 Rick Diaz
2 Gundam Mk II
3 Hyaku-Shiki

Mobile Suits: 1 Rick Diaz
2 Gundam Mk II
3 Z Gundam

Mobile Suits: 1 Rick Diaz
2 Gundam Mk II


Mobile Suits: 1 Hi-Zack
2 Galbaldy Beta

Mobile Suits: 1 Asshimar

Mobile Suits: 1 Psycho Gundam


Mobile Suits: 1 Hi-Zack
2 Marasai
3 Galbaldy Beta
4 Gabtheley
5 Byalant
6 Bound Doc

Mobile Suits: 1 Hi-Zack
2 Gundam Mk II
3 Marasai

Mobile Suits: 1 Gaplant
2 Hambrabi

Mobile Suits: 1 Gaplant
2 Bound Doc

Mobile Suits: 1 Gabtheley

Mobile Suits: 1 Messala
2 The-O



Mobile Suits: 1 Qubeley


Mobile Suits: 1 GP-01Fb Zephyranthes

Mobile Suits: 1 GP-02A Physallis

=======================[END OF CHARACTERS INFO]========================


This is a simple guide to the game's 2 story modes. Disc 1 contains
Kamiru's Story (14 stages), whereas Disc 2 contains Char's Story (8
The tables will show whom you will encounter in the story mode for
both characters, and some additional remarks, if any.


1. Rick Diaz (Char)
{This is only a Practice Stage, so it does not matter whether you win
or lose.}

1. Galbaldy Beta (Lira)

[Stage 3]
1. Galbaldy Beta (Jerid)
2. Marasai (Jerid)

1. Messala (Scirocco)
2. Marasai (Kacricon)
3. Marasai (Jerid)
4. Gouf {After 2 minutes, the fight will automatically end.)
5. Marasai (Jerid)
6. Asshimar (Buran)
7. Hi-Zack {You must defeat him within 1 min.}

1. Gaplant (Rosamia)
2. Asshimar (Buran)
3. Gaplant (Rosamia)
4. Asshimar (Buran)

1. Psyco Gundam (Four)
2. Hi-Zack {Have to defeat 3 of them}
4. Transport Ship

1. Gundam Mk II (Emma) {Practice Stage}

1. Hi-Zack
2. Sulamis Kai
3. Hi-Zack
4. Marasai
5. Gabtheley (Jerid)

1. Gaplant
2. Gaplant

[STAGE 10]
1. Gabtheley (Jerid)
2. Gabtheley (Jerid)

[STAGE 11]
1. Byalant (Jerid)

[STAGE 12]
1. Bylant (Jerid)

[STAGE 13]
1. Sulamis Kai
2. Byalant (Jerid)

[STAGE 14]
1. Bound Doc (Jerid)
2. Bound Doc (Jerid)
3. Hambrabi (Yazan)
4. The-O (Scirocco)
5. The-O (Scirocco) {Final Battle}



1. Gundam Mk II (Kacricon)
3. Galbaldy Beta (Lira)

1. Messala (Scirocco)
2. Marasai (Jerid)
3. Asshimar (Buran) {He will escape if you cannot defeat him within
2 min.}

1. Asshimar (Buran)

1. Hi-Zack {You will have to defeat 2 of them.}
2. Sulamis Kai
3. Gabtheley (Jerid)

1. Dogos Gear
2. Hambrabi (Yazan)

1. Psyco Gundam (Four)

1. Byalant (Jerid)

1. The-O (Scirocco)
2. Qubeley (Haman Karn) {Final Battle}


=========================[END OF STORY MODE]==========================


1. Simply finish both Kamiru's & Char's Story Modes on any difficulty,
and you will be awarded with the following:

- All Pilots & their respective Mobile Suits
- All anime & movie scenes can be re-played using the movie viewer
in both Discs.
- A Mobile Suit viewer in Disc 2, where you can see some
info on the various Mobile Suits. You may even use the D-PAD and
the buttons to control the camera or make the Mobile Suit perform
some actions.

2. Finish the Battle Mode on any difficulty to obtain the GP-01Fb from
the Gundam 0083 series. Now, use him to finish the Battle Mode
again, and this time, you will get the GP-02A.

==========================[END OF SECRETS SECTION]=====================


I have made a list comparing each Mobile Suit, ranked from the
strongest to the weakest.
This comparison is based on the total obtained from adding all the
points for each Mobile Suit's abilities, and hence it may not by very


1. (26 pt.) THE-O
2. (25 pt.) GP-01Fb
3. (23 pt.) Z Gundam
4. (20 pt.) Bound Doc
5. (19 pt.) Qubeley
6. (18 pt.) Psyco Gundam
7. (17 pt.) Gabtheley
8. (16 pt.) Gundam Mk II
9. (12 pt.) Rick Diaz

Also, for more information on the Mobile Suit Z Gundam series,
you may want to check out the following web sites:

{for info and pictures on the characters & Mobile Suits}

{for a summary of the story & info on Mobile Suits)

^_^ THE END ^_^

This FAQ was created by Kelvin Koh.

(19/5/98) Finished Basic Controls section.
(26/5/98) Finished Mobile Suits section.
(28/5/98) Finished Characters section.
(28/5/98) Finished Story Mode section.
(29/5/98) Finished Secrets & Miscellaneous section.

Thanks for reading! ^_^
If anyone has any questions, comments, additional information,
criticisms, or if you have found a mistake, please feel free to e-mail

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