Tekken 3

Tekken 3

17.10.2013 08:14:41
Bryan Fury FAQ
by ChOoMaG < choomag@mailcity.com >

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appears in full. This BRYAN FURY FAQ was created by ChOoMaG .
All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that were not mentioned in this FAQ.

for comments,suggestions, etc. mail me !



1. Bio
2. Controls
2.1 Basic Moves
2.2 Throws
2.3 Combos
2.4 Juggles
2.5 Kewl Stuff
3. Versus Opponents
3.1 Human
3.2 Computer
4. X-tra Stuff
4.1 Costumes
4.2 Winning Poses
5. Credits
1. BIO

Name : Bryan Fury
Catch copy : Snake-eye
Nationality : USA
Fighting style : Kick boxing
Age : 29
Height : 186cm (about 6 feet)
Weight : 80kg
Blood type : AB
Job : Collecting brain data
Hobby : Collecting Cigarette Lighters
Like : Alone, Hair-cutting
Hate : Sunlight


Bryan Fury, of the International Police Organization, had a reputation as a
skillfull detective with a dark side. A case involving Lei Wulong, of the Hong
Kong PD, pointed to a connection between Bryan and the drug trade. At 29 Bryan
was killed in a Hong Kong shoot out. Instead of his body going to the grave, it
was brought to the laboratory of a reputed underworld scientist, Dr. Abel.
Bryan's body was reanimated by Dr. Abel for special future projects. ThoTHISugh
much of Dr. Abel's research was pioneered by Dr. Boskonovitch, he could be the
first to complete an AI controlled "Cyborg Army". But first he needs Bryan to
collect the perfect brain data from none other than Dr. Boskonovitch himself.
Bryan successfully sneaks into the tournament and targets Yoshimitsu because
of his close ties with Dr. Boskonovitch.


These conventions will be used throughout this FAQ, so better read on...

f - tap forward F - hold forward
b - tap back B - hold back
u - tap up U - hold up
d - tap down D - hold down

d/f - tap down+forward D/F - hold down+forward
d/b - tap down+back D/B - hold down+back
u/f - tap up+forward U/F - hold up+forward
u/b - tap up+back U/B - hold up+back

QCF - quarter circle forward (d,d/f,f)
QCB - quarter circle back (d,d/b,b)
HCF - half circle forward (b,d/b,d,d/f,f)
HCB - half circle back (f,d/f,d,d/b,b)

left punch = 1 (O) (O) 2 = right punch

left kick = 3 (O) (O) 4 = right kick


l - move hits low range
m - move hits mid range
h - move hits high range
Sm - move hits special mid range
! - move is unblockable


~ - immediately followed by
+ - moves on both sides must be done simultaneously
N - Neutral (return joystick in center position)
SS - Sidestep
WS - While Standing


Command Damage Level

One-Two Punches 1,2 6,8 h,h
Bruce Rush 1,2,1,2 6,8,11,14 h,h,m,m
Rush Low Kick 1,2,1,4 6,8,11,12 h,h,m,l
One-Two Low Kick 1,2,3 6,8,15 h,h,l
Punch-Double Spin Kick 1~4,3 6,15,17 h,h,m
Running Blind 1~4,3,3 6,15,17,16 h,h,m,h
Dash Changeup 1~4,2,4 6,15,21,26 h,h,h,m
Lair's Dance 1~4,2,1,2 6,15,21,21,21 h,h,h,h,h
Dance of Doom 1~4,2,1,4 6,15,21,21,26 h,h,h,h,m
Quick Spin Kick 3,3 16,16 m,h
Bruce Special-Elbow 3,2,1,2 18,11,10,14 m,m,m,m
Bruce Special-Low Kick 3,2,1,4 18,11,10,12 m,m,m,l
Triple Roundhouses f+4,3,4 18,14,18 h,m,h
Mach Breaker f,f+2 30 h
Spinning Roundhouse f,f+3 36 m
Side-Step Elbow f+1+2 26 h
Light Back Knuckle b+2 21 h
Double Back Knuckle b+2,1 21,21 h,h
Hands of Doom b+2,1,2 21,21,21 h,h,h
Rush of Doom b+2,1,4 21,21,26 h,h,m
Backhand-Side Stunner b+2,4 21,26 h,m
Front Kick b+3 20 h
Front Kick-Rush Elbow b+3,2,1,2 20,12,11,14 h,h,m,m
Front Kick-Low Kick b+3,2,1,4 20,12,11,12 h,h,m,l
Front Kick-Knee b+3,4 20,12 h,m
Flying Knee Kick b,b+4 25 h
Thin Low Kick d+3+4 15 l
Left Body Blow d/f+1 10 m
One Two-Body Blow D/F+1,2 10,16 m,m
Vulcan Body Blow D/F+1,1,1,1,2 10,15,12,11,16 m,m,m,m,m
Right Body Blow d/f+2 16 m
Snake Edge d/f+3 17 l
Power Axe d/f+4 26 m
Sway QCB,N - -
Sway-Slash Elbow QCB,N+2 21 m
Left Upper WS+1 18 m
Right Upper WS+2 18 m
Power Knee WS+3 22 m
Double Power Knee WS+3+4 28 m,m
Short Uppercut WS+1+2 28 m
Headhunter SS+1 33 h
Cheap Trick SS+1,2 28 m
Shell Shock SS+2 26 h
Taunt 1+3+4 - -
Low Parry d/b+1+3 - -
Gravity Blow f+1+4 21 !
Meteor Smash b+1+4 60 !


Command Damage Position Escape

Swing DDT 1+3 30 f-throw 1
Gravity Suplex 2+4 30 f-throw 2
Chains of Misery FC,d/f,d,d/f+1+2 10,8,27 f-throw 1+2
Gravity Elbow [1+3 or 2+4] 40 ls-throw 1
Knee Blast [1+3 or 2+4] 40 rs-throw 2
Neck Wringer [1+3 or 2+4] 60 b-throw -

2.3 8 to 10-HIT COMBOS

Level Damage

b+3,4,1,2,1,4,2,1,4,2 h,m,m,m,h,h,h,h,m,h 20,12,5,7,3,8,5,5,10,21

b+3,4,1,2,1,4,2,4 h,m,m,m,h,h,h,m 20,12,5,7,3,8,5,26

b+3,4,1,2,1,4,3,4 h,m,m,m,h,h,m,h 20,12,5,7,3,8,17,16


(d,d/f,f or WS)+2,b+2,f,F+2
(d,d/f,f or WS)+2,b+2,1,4,3,3
(d,d/f,f or WS)+2,b+2,1,4,f,f+2
(d,d/f,f or WS)+2,b+2,b+2,1,4
(d,d/f,f or WS)+1,1,b+2,1,4


Supercharger (1+2+3+4), Double Back Hands (b+2,1), Wolf Bite(b+2,3,4)
for 70 percent damage.

Supercharger (1+2+3+4), Double Back Hands(b+2,1), Taunt (1+3+4), Wolf
Bite (b+2,3,4) for 70 percent damage.

Supercharger, High Knee Kick (WS+3), Front Neck Full Swing (1+3) or Gravity
Brain Buster (2+4)

Power Axe (d/f+4), and while they're getting up Slash Kick(f,f+3) then Run at
them (f,f,F) for about 100 damage if they try to get up before you run over
them. Only really works against the comp.


3.1 Human

LING XIAOYU-Always avoid doing moves that hit high because of the
Phoenix Stance and the Sunflower (WS+RP). She'll just go under and mess you
up bad. If she turns around and starts to move in closer, do a Hammer Driver
when she's in range to knock her out.

EDDY GORDO-Always remember your low counter and low kicks (d+LK,d+RK+LK,d+RK)
to get him out of his combos, then punish him with some juggle starter or
Slash Kick.

NINA WILLIAMS-She is really fast and strong as hell, if you get stunned or
juggled, I feel sorry for you, watch out for the boot kick, and the divine
cannon mainly. She will also do quick little 2 or 3 hit combos that switch
between H,M, and L.
One example of these is d+RK,LP. These are really annoying because you can't
guess on them because they're so fast. Try to find out where the breaks in
their attack are, and jab her out of it.

PAUL PHOENIX-Try to block anything that comes, especialy the Death Fist
(QCT+RP), and do a Mach Breaker or what ever your favorite big damage move is.
If they do tile spliters all day long, try to hit them out of it right after
the tile spliter with a jab. His Sidestepping Shoulder (f+LP+RK) could also
give you some trouble due to the straight forwardness of Bryan's attacks.

FOREST LAW-The main thing most Law players do is the Junkyard combo(b+RP,LK,RK)
or his other juggle starting combo (b+LP,RP,LP). If all they do is the
Junkyard, then try to low counter the second hit and slam him or juggle him.
If he does flipkicks on you, DO NOT EVER do a Mach breaker after he finishes,
he recovers crouching so you'll just go right over him and he gets a second
shot to flip kick you, instead try a Power Axe (df+RK), Slash Kick (f,f+LK) or
the Left Upper.

JIN KAZAMA-If they try to uppercut all the time with f,N,d,d/f+RP duck it
because it hits high, and juggle them with the Right upper into Fishermans
Slam if possible. If they really don't know what there doing, and all they do
is the Roundhouse to the Spin Kicks (uf+RK,RK,RK,RK), block the first, and try
to low counter one of the next two hits, then do a Left Upper.

LEI WULONG-Good Lei players are a pain in the ass. If he lays down, don't go
running up to him, it will hurt. If he goes for the low kick to high kick,
either low counter the first hit or block low and stay crouching and when he
goes over your head, do a Right Upper into Fisherman's Slam, or a Left upper.
Also learn what stances do what and where they hit if you can. One thing
almost all good Lei players do is the Rush punches (f,N,LP,RP,LP,RP) after you
whif a move.
Try to stay away from the slow stuff with bad recovery time. The Mach punch
isn't a good idea unless they miss with a combo because his Cannon Ball
(b+LP+RP) evades high hits. And yet another thing you have to be careful of,
is when he has his back turned. If they turnaround a ways away from you, do a
Mach Breaker, but if they do it close, just try to jab, because blocking what
ever comes next is really hard thanks to the ease with witch he can switch
between L an M.

KING-The main thing is to stay out of throw range. Do this by doing Mach
Breakers, Slash Kicks, and the Flying Heel Kick. Another thing to do is when
he tries to throw, duck it, then do a Left Upper or Right Upper into
Fishermans slam and happy juggling!

YOSHIMITSU-I'm finding that Yoshi is really annoying. Don't do too many slow
obvious moves because of his d/f+RK, it's one of his fastest attacks, and it
has very high priority. Be careful of the Sword Flash (b+LP+RK) when doing
most of your high and mid attacks or while trying to sidestep in, it will hit

HWOARANG-Be patient. Wait for him to do one of his juggle starters, block it,
and mess him up good. If he's dumb and just juggles out the Bird Hunter
(d+RK,RK), block low, stay ducking, and then juggle him with with the Left
Upper or Right Upper into Fishermans Slam. Learn where the hich hits are,
duck them, then do a Left Upper, or Right Upper to Fishermans Slam.

KUMA-Kuma isn't hard to fight. Just block his slow ass moves and kick his big
bear butt, you have a MAJOR speed advatage if you didn't know already. The
Mach Breaker is fairly safe against fat boy, so enjoy!

JULIA CHANG-She has a lot of combos that are unblockable after the first hit.
If you block one of her moves, hurt her bad! She has REALLY bad recovery
time, use this to your advantage.

GUN JACK-The same things that apply for Kuma, apply for Gunny too, but his stuff
is a little faster, and he has more low hits.

MOKUJIN-Just try to figure out who the hell he is in the round you're in and
use the strategy listed here for the character if it's up.

BRYAN FURY-It's a real pain to fight against yourself. Watch out for his
combos, and big damage moves like the Mach Breaker. That's how I've
been beat by Bryan, is with the combos. Since most of his good attacks hit
high, try to duck them, and then juggle with the Right Upper to Fishermans
slam or the Left Upper.

HEIHACHI MISHIMA-DON'T GET JUGGLED!!! To avoid this horrible fate, keep your
distance with the Flying Heel kick and the Slash Kick. The Mach Breaker is
again, pretty unadvisable unless he whifs an uppercut. His Hell Sweeps
(f,N,d,DF+RK,RK,RK) are really annoying, but if they don't hit on a
counterhit, you can block after the first one.


Use the MACH BREAKER a lot. Make this your primary move. You must be a good dasher to be able to
do the move plenty-o-times. Also use the (3,2,1,4_2) combo coz it does good amount of damage. Use
10-hit strings also. End of story.



RP or LP ----> A vest, camoflauge pants, combat boots

LK or RK ----> Snake skin pants, boots


LP ----> Quick Spin Kick to Taunt

RP ----> Two jabs then Slash Kick

LK ----> Rush Punches

RK ----> Crouches down and does a "come over here" motion with his hands.


NAMCO ---> for making a great game!
other Bryan Lovers ---> long live Bryan Fury!!!


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