WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

14.10.2013 16:55:48
The Howy's WWF Smackdown! Just Bring It FAQ/Move List

Version 1.5

By: The Howynho
Mail: the_howy@yahoo.com
Icq UIN #33313827
Last Update: 11/25/01

Ps2 release date: November 19, 2001
Xbox release date: You are thinking on another game
GameCube release date: Never! No wrestling game on GC

This FAQ is Copyright 2001 of Howard Wood
(for info on how and when to use it check the Introduction section)


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1. Wwwaaasssssuuuuppppp!!!!!(Introduction)
2. Review History
3. The old, the new and the ugly
4. Old School Stuff
5. The Commissioner's Manual
6. The Move List
7. Every Hardcore fan's dream
8. Arenas and Backstages
9. Quick Finish moves and Trademarks guide
10. Secret Stuff
11. Thank You and Good Night


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| 1. Wwwaaasssssuuuupppp!!!! |

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages, the sWo
proudly presents to you a work by The Howynho, The Full WWF Smackdown! Just
Bring It FAQ/Move List! This work is 100% written and edited by me, The Howy.
Since this is one of my first works(and hopefully the first one to be ever
published) I hope you understand any mistakes or crappy jokes in here and
feel free to mail me to ask or suggest me anything. Since a lot of people
will be watching this and most of you will probably want to print it and who
knows, maybe post it on some site of your own I won't tell you not to do it;
the only thing I want from you is my rightful credit, you can use it, you can
print it, you can post it, you can turn it into toilet paper for all I care
as long as my name is on it and my credit is given, thank you and lets go


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| 2. Review History |

- Version 0.5 -11/09/01- Everything is new, I was working like a month ago on
a this but my computer died and I lost all my work =( so I'm starting all
over again, the game should be on stores in like 10 days or something, so be
looking for your money already.

- Version 0.6 -11/10/01- Continued where I left yesterday, nothing big today,
finished all the Old, New and Ugly part.

- Version 0.7 -11/12/01- Continued the Old School Stuff, nothing good here
yet, only the controls and you might find that interesting.

- Version 0.8 -11/13/01- Finished the Old School Stuff and a lot of other
good advance, long work to do here before I can launch this FAQ.

- Version 0.9 -11/14/01- Added some very important stuff to the Old School
Stuff and kept working as long as I could the time is finishing, the game
will be out on 5 days and I must finish this quickly.

- Version 1.0 -11/15/01- Ready to be released, there are words that the game
is already out if it's true then I'm just in time, if not, 4 days down for
the great day!

- Version 1.1 -11/19/01- Added a couple of stuff, some big stuff added here.

- Version 1.2 -11/21/01- With the game already out, I'm working all I can,
added the arenas and some other stuff.

- Version 1.3 -11/23/01- I'm always adding new stuff, full description of
some matches.

- Version 1.4 -11/24/01- Trying to finish the commissioner's manual, but
that's some long stuff to add.

- Version 1.5 -11/25/01- Fixed some major mistakes I made on the info about
the career mode, sorry to those who read the mistaken info.


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| 3. The Old, The New and The Ugly |

Ok, this is the first real part of every good FAQ, the review, once you
read this all your doubts about buying the game should be out of your head
and you will be moving to a store near you to get your copy of the game and
then proceed to the rest of the faq. The game will be out on November 19,
2001. By the time you read this it might be out already, all this info is
based on an almost finished demo released a couple of days ago so it's pretty
accurate, I will update some wrong(if there are any) stuff once I get my
copy, for the time enjoy.

First of all, how do you know when you have just done a great video game
series?? Easy, when the sequel(or in this case the 3rd part of the trilogy)
has all the good old things, some good new things and less ugly things than

On this, the third version of the Smackdown! Series, you can note a huge
difference from the other two games, specially from the first one, I'll post
each important point here so if you have played any of the other 2 SD!'s you
can see the difference and if you haven't, well you will still want the game.

- General New Gameplay Stuff: Well lotta new stuff here, like fully
interactive 3D ref(you can distract him, you can kick him, you can Rock
Bottom him, but if you hit him to much he'll DQ your a$$) fully interactive
3D announcers(Tazz and Michael Cole, have fun) who actually give color
commentary(finally) also a cool 9 guys on the screen at once, a new 60 fps
animation, new animation for old moves(there are 3 different ones just for
the People's Elbow, one with both elbow pads, one with one elbow pad and one
with out elbow pads, check it out), 2 finisher's per guy, better graphics,
new grappling system(see the Old School Stuff to see it), more fighting
modes(see the Commissioner's Manual), improved CAW, wrestlers that slow down
as they're getting damage, on crowd wrestling and wow, lots and lots of cool
new stuff, keep reading to see.

- New Career Mode: this time THQ utilizes a new version of their old career
mode, you're no longer able to play it between lots of people, you still have
cool storylines, you keep making friends and foes during the game and unlock
stuff like wrestlers, attires and moves, all this form the old stuff. The
new? Roaming Mode, what? Roaming Mode, what?(Austin makes it funnier) ok I'll
explain, now you get to roam around the building before matches, talk to
other stars, go see a fight and maybe help someone out and even go to WWF NY
to get some drinks(no drinking, sorry) all of this before your match on a 2
minutes time limit and on a very cool first person view(like Shoot-em-alls,
you know like 007, Quake and those stuff). Sometimes you do this for fun and
sometimes to complete storylines like finding yourself a tag team partner.
The ugly? You can't play forever, yeah it's pretty short now, you play like 3
or 4 matches, win the belt and the end, new game, but hey, noone's perfect,
luckily on SD!4(if there is one) this problem will be fixed. They actually
removed all the crappy stuff from old SD!'s careers like the crappy cut
scenes where you see Taka arriving at the arena and the fact of having to
simulate every single match on the event, now the career is only focused on
you, only you, and that's the only thing you'll see.

That's pretty much it, it's not a little though, read and you'll know,
the game is not a redone from scratch simply 'cause it wasn't necessary it
corrected all(well most of) the old mistakes that made the game not that
good, and besides this is the first one for ps2 wait for the possible sequel(
hell there's got to be one) and you might be looking at something
unbelievable. Oh, and btw we still have no blood, but it is because of some
European law that forbids blood on videogames, and since this game is gonna
be released on Europe(around Nov. 16) they had to take out the blood(I think
the law is from Germany or something...) but hell if you wanna see blood buy
like Bloody Roar 3, this is a pro wrestling game, not a gory fighting game.

This is what I think about the game:

Graphics: 9
Beautiful looking, period. Cool wrestler models, cool stages, the only down
point is that the crowd is still cardboard-like, but hey, who really cares!

Animation: 9
The moves, the wrestlers, everything moves so freaking real! The only down
point are the small mistakes on hit detection like rubbing your butt after a
neck breaker.

Gameplay: 10
Simply perfect. The best Gameplay ever: fast, fun, easy to learn if you have
played it you know what I mean and with the new stuff's it is even better.

Sound: 7
Repetitive music, and sometimes the commentaries can get a little annoying,
but it is not that bad, they actually recorded real life sounds for the
hitting the mat, running, and weapon hitting stuff.

Replay Value: 10
One word: eternal. Lots of gimmick matches to play in, sure the career mode
is not unlimited, but you can always play KOTR and stuff like that, and a
pretty good CAW so you won't get tired of seeing same ol' faces, I still play
SD!2 and I stopped playing SD!1 when the sequel appeared, so, you have tons
and tons of years here

Overall: 9.5
Not an average, just what I think, and I think it's pretty good, go buy it
now and then continue reading.


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| 4. Old School Stuff |

This part is dedicated to the basics(get it, old school, basic wrestling
knowledge?) here you'll know how to, well play, after you learn this, the
rest is just practice, lets begin now shall we?

Basic Controls: _______________________
| |
On the menus, follow on screen |Key: |
instructions don't be lazy. |Triangle button: /\ |
|Square Button: [] |
For the fights this is what you should |Circle Button: () |
Know: |X button: >< |
|D-pad: Directional Pad |
|R# & L#: R & L buttons |
- ><: This is your average action button |_______________________|
it is the button you will use to pull out any kind of hits and it is the
accept button for the menus. Each time you want to punch or kick someone,
this is your button for using weapons and also for jumping from top ropes and
that kind of stuff, think of this if you wanna hit someone, any where, on any
position, press X.

- []: Block and Reverse button. The most important button on the game??
Maybe, after all if you can't escape a move you'll loose. Use it to get
covered from your typical attack, some attacks can't be covered though, like
top rope ones, also grappling moves, to escape this ones get ready to press
the button at the exact time the opponent move begins, must of the moves on
the game can be reversed, but some of them not(weapons and top ropes) it is
pretty hard at the beginning just mash it for defense, but after a lot of
practice you might be invincible(If you have played No Mercy it will be

- (): The most important button on the whole game! This is your grappling
button, all the moves, all the grapples, from a simple DDT to a Superplex,
are done with this button and a direction, for further explanation on the
grappling system check Grappling Move section below. You also need this
button for some special use with weapons like doing a piledriver over tables
and using the mic. on the I Quit Match.

- /\: Not really important, this is your running button, use to guess what?
run! Either you want to get away or run for a running grapple you will need
this button, you can also use it to climb turnbuckles or get into the ring,
not really a big deal with this one.

- L1 button: Finisher button! That's right, if you have already played a SD!
You should be familiar with this, you just need to have the guy on the right
position and press the button(of course you need to have at least one
special, I'll get to this later), usually a Smack! sign appears below your
name indicating that you are on the right position.

- L2 button: Taunt, yeah that's right, taunt, nothing that big, there are a
couple of useful taunts though(like the All On Fours, you can use it to do a
human springboard on a double team-Hardy Boyz anyone?-).

- R1 button: Lets call it interaction button. Yeah that's right, this is the
button you use to pick stuff from the floor, or get to the turnbuckle, or in
and out of the ring and that stuff, not really a button for the fight but it
would be a good idea to be able to pick up the weapons on a hardcore match.

- R2 button: Change focus, this is switch between targets. Very important
during a fight with lots of enemies. You are always looking to an enemy well
use this button to toggle between the enemy you want to attack, be quick
though, because sometimes(must of the times?) your opponents won't give you a
chance to look at them(specially on tag team matches)

- D-pad: Pretty obvious right? yeah this is the button you use to move
around, but also is the button you use to select the moves and strikes(see
Moves section)

All of this concerning the basic uses of the buttons on your controller.
Now to some real gameplay basics, the thing any wrestler should know:

- Striking System: same old, same old. You just press the >< button with or
without a direction, each direction is a different hit. This works on every
position, except when you are using a weapon, the different hits with weapons
depend on the position of the enemy and stuff like that. As I said it is for
every single position: running, both standing, opp. on the ground, on top
rope, opp. on corner, etc. If both of you are standing you can pull out
combos. This combo varies from wrestler to wrestler(like Rock's combo is 2
normal Rocky punches and one Punch Spitting on the hand stuff and Austin's
combo is simply 3 Austin punches). To pull out this combo simply press ><
alone three times, no directions, just the button, if done correctly once the
first hit connects the other two will too and the last hit will knock the
opponent down.

- Grappling System: Well old SD! Fans we have a tiny variation here. SD!JBI's
Grappling System is not based on the old SD! Grappling system. What? yes it
is based on WWF Royal Rumble(for the DC). What? ok, the new grappling system
works like this: you have now 3 levels of front grapples-Normal, Groggy and
Tied Up. How to pull them off? easy, Normal grapples(the weakest ones), which
are normally like hitting moves more than anything, are pulled out as usual,
both man standing just press () and any direction and you get your typical
little suplex. Groggy moves are pulled out after you hit the enemy with hit
and he is like stunned for some secs. then you must execute the grapple, this
is how you do almost every special move on the game. And finally the Tied Up
grapples, new to the version, this will be the most powerful moves on your
repertoire, this is done by picking the opponent up from the ground(just
press the () button when opponent on the ground with out a direction-if you
press a direction you'll do a submission-) and you will pick the opponent and
immediately get into a typical Tied Up wrestling position for a couple of
seconds then press the button. This are the most useful moves on the game,
but you also have grapples from behind, the ground, turnbuckle and more, only
follow the same procedure press a direction and the () button at the same
time(you can actually hold the direction and press () while holding it), it
works on every position(of course not on top turnbuckle since here you can
only strike-yes both a missile dropkick and a moonsault are considered
strikes-). To do Irish Whips press the button first and use the D-pad to
aim(use the head). For some extra info you might want to check out the move
list. Oh one more thing when you run toward your opponent, you won't really
do a grapple you will either do a running Irish Whip(without directions) or a
sort of hammer lock(with a direction), this hammer lock can be very useful
because it will let you execute a finish move from the back(if you have one),
this is if you run towards the front of him, if you run towards his back
you'll do a bulldog-kind of attack. To do the real running attacks(like UT's
running DDT) the other wrestler must be also running toward you.

- Special Moves System: On WWF SD!JBI each wrestler(or at least the most of
them) are able to perform 2 different special moves the way to execute them
is the same just press the L1 button at the correct position when the
opponent is stunned. About the positions, well you can either try to think on
how the moves are done on TV or check either the Move List or the Quick
Finisher Guide. For a simple example, to pull out The Rock's Rockbottom you
only have to like hit the guy from the front and when he's groggy and you
have a number(over 0 of course) next to the bar with your wrestler's name(you
should see a small Smack! sign somewhere) then press the button and
Rockbottom! And if you want to pull his second special, the People's Elbow,
just press the button over the opponent's head when he's knocked down on the
floor. Some wrestlers might have 2 specials move from the same position, to
pick between the two press L1 either alone(one special) or with the D-pad(the
other special). Oh I almost forgot, you'll notice a black bar next to your
wrestler's name on the screen when you fight, can you see it?, well this is
your "Special" bar, this bar will fill up while you input some damage to your
opponent(you'll see a blue line inside of it) and when the bar is filled up a
number appears, you normally begin with a 0 and each time you fill the bar up
you go up one number, this are the amount of specials you can execute. You
can set how many specials you wanna begin with and the maximum of stocked
specials on a match.

- Team Moves: This game has a very cool feature for team matches it is the
Team Moves. Unlike other games you can pull out not only Double, but Triple
Team moves! If you have played SD!2 or any THQ game for the N64 you must be
familiar with this moves. The first SD! with team moves was SD!2KYR you had
lots of moves but you could only pull them on one kind of match because of
the way they were done(go find a SD!2 faq if you want details), now you can
pull them out as long as two or three wrestlers are focused on the same
wrestler and from the front like any normal move. About how to pull them out,
this is how it's done: you get 8 double team moves(about 50 to choose from)
and only one triple team move(there's only one of this on the game) for a
total of 17 different moves per team(cool!). 4 of the double and the triple
move are pulled out in the same way they were on SD!2, take the opponent to
your corner and then press any direction and (). The other 4 are done like
this: do a strong grapple(see above) and while on the Tied-Up position have
the other wrestler to execute a move to the opponent(any direction and ())

- Reversal System: On WWF SD!JBI almost every single move can be countered,
some counters can even be re-countered(specially punches) it is basically a
matter of good timing and practice, just press the [] button at the right
time, I began mashing it, works pretty well, but after some practice you can
learn how to do it anytime you want and it will make you a pretty good

Well I believe this is the most important things that you should know,
once you know this you can feel comfortable to play the game since the rest
is basically practice, I could even finish this faq here and you would still
be able to play the game without almost any trouble, but I'll do a move list
so you can find out the moves of your favorite wrestler and to have an idea
of which moves can be used for the CAW mode. Enough for this part now, lets
move along ok?


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| 5. The Commissioner's Manual |

This is the part where you can find all the info about the different
types of matches on the game, it rules and stuff like that. Since there are
like 70+ different types of matches(well not really, you'll see now) it's
easy to get lost, so this is something important, specially if you're not a
good fan of wrestling

As soon as you start your game and you pass the Main Screen a menu will
appear this is where this part takes action, I'll explain everything on each
part specially rules and stuff like that, just read ok? Just one more thing
to add before I begin, it's about the run-ins, they are automatic and random,
some people doesn't have one(like The Rock), it depends on who are your
wrestler's friends/foes, you can't control the player, unless some special
stuff happens on Story Mode(never on single). And one more thing if the KO
rule is on, any match(except cage, table, ladder and TLC title) can end with
a KO(this happens when you perform a Finish move on a really weakened

- STORY MODE: as you should imagine this is the 1-player mode of this game.
Here you choose a wrestler and start following the story toward the title you
want to go for and just sit back fight and enjoy. As said before there has
been lots of improvements on this mode since the prequel now with the roaming
mode. Here you are tied to storylines, the idea of this mode is to take a
part on a WWF storyline and do your best to compete for your title, you get
to decide lots of stuff here, like what to say who to convince into being
your friend and more, you can even enter here form a stable and have lots of
fun, nothing to say here really, think of it as the similar of a Story mode
on games like Bloody Roar and that stuff, the only bad thing is that now is
an 1-player only mode and that it's too damn short

- EXHIBITION: basically the typical VS mode of any videogame, you against
another player or the PC, you can fight for titles here and that stuff, if
you have played at least one wrestlinggame you should know what this is. This
are the options inside of this:

- Singles: simple match between two guys, supposed to be a hand-to-hand
match, it can be played with or without managers, this managers can be either
CPU or human controlled and they can be select at the beginning of each
match, they job is to help you win, at any cost. The rules of this match are
pretty straightforward, you must defeat your opponent by either a pin,
submission or by a DQ. The first 2 are very well known, the DQ only happens
on some special occasions like if you beat the ref to much.

- Tag: two-on-two matches. There are two ways of fighting this: Normal Tag
or Tornado Tag, but can be with or without managers, but the rules are kinda
different for the two kinds. Normal Tag matches are two-on-two matches with
only two wrestlers inside the ring at once and their partners waiting on the
apron for a tag to enter. You can get in the ring sometimes when the ref is
distracted to try to help your partner out, to Tag your teammate, simply walk
toward your corner and when next to him press toward him and R1, or you can
also try a double team move of the corner since this move begin with a tag.
Tornado Tag is usually used for hardcore stuff but it can also be used here
with plain rules. In this match all four wrestlers are on the ring at once
and no Tagging is needed. The winner team is the first team to score a fall,
by either pin, submission or DQ on one of the other team members. On Tornado
it can be any of them, but on Normal the legal wrestlers must be the ones who
execute the fall(this is the ones with the tag)

- Six-Man Tag: same stuff as a normal Tag match, even the modes(Tornado and
Normal)only with teams of 3 members each. See above for more information.

- Handicap: suicidal kind of match. This is the match that you create to
make someone pay for his/her acts or to fulfill your deathwish. It is one
player against two or three. The only semi-fair one is the One on Tag mode,
since here the lonely wrestler faces a Tag Team butt only one wrestler can
kick his butt at the time. On the One on Two and One on Three modes the 2/3
wrestlers can be kicking his a$$ at the same time. The winner?, the first one
to score a fall by pin, submission or DQ

- Royal Rumble: noone can call himself a wrestling fan if he/she doesn't
knows what this is. The main event of the January PPV, the winner of this
event gets a title shot a Wretlemania. This is on real life of course. The
idea of this match is to eliminate your opponents by throwing them off the
ring(yes, no pin, no DQ, no submission, nothing) and be the last man on the
ring once all the other 29 athletes had been eliminated. The match begins
with 4 guys on the ring at once, but every 60 seconds another wrestler runs
into the ring, 9 wrestlers can be at the ring at once! Be careful not to fall
down or you'll lose.

- King Of The Ring: tournament of matches to see who's the best wrestler, the
King of the Ring. The winner also gets a title shot around July's PPV or
something. You can play the KOTR on normal or special. On normal all the
matches are simple single matches. On Special all the matches are gimmick
matches(like ladder, table, etc.) and the rules vary with the kind of match,
only one thing is important: the winner should be the best.

- Hardcore: two bad RVD is not in the game..., but every Cactus Jack fan
should love this match, you've got NO DQ, and the winner is the first one to
pin or submit the opponent on any part of the... WORLD! Yeah, you can even go
and try to win on top of a table on WWF New York. You can use weapons, break
stuff like glass windows, just be sadistic and have fun. It can be played on
either one of this modes: Single, Tornado Tag, Tornado 6-man Tag, Tornado Tag
vs. Tag vs. Tag, One on Two, One on Three, Triple Threat, Fatal 4 Way. For
more info check on each section. Tag vs. Tag vs. Tag is a Triple Threat Tag
Team Match, this is, 3 Tag Teams face each other and the first team to score
a fall wins.

- Falls Count Anywhere: pretty much the same as Hardcore, just that with not
as many weapons and usually the match begins outside the ring.

- Survival: To be the man, woo! Match with lots of wrestler against each
other, it can get pretty crazy sometimes believe me. Matches here include:
Triple Threat matches: three guys on the ring the first one to score a fall
wins, Fatal 4 Way: same as Triple Threat match but with 4 wrestlers, and
Battle Royal: 4, 6 or 8 wrestlers against each other on a elimination match
wins the last man who scores a fall, each wrestler pined, submitted or DQed
must go back to the lockers(but they actually stay down to try to interfere
with the match)

- Slobberknocker: kind of a Royal Rumble, but it works like this, you get a
time limit to eliminate as much wrestler as you can(the limit is 10 minutes I
think) you can eliminate them by any method you know: pin, submission or over
the top rope. You can

- Special: Not a kind of match, but a type of matches. Yeah here you can find
the most cruel matches ever created on wrestling like:

+ Iron-Man: in wrestling history only 4 man had been capable of
finishing this match, Shawn Michaels vs. Brett "The Hitman" Hart, and HHH vs.
The Rock. Why is it so hard? Because you must wrestle through an entire
hour(yep 60 minutes) without stopping and at the end, the man with the most
falls awarded by either pin, submission or DQ is the winner. On the game you
can get to choose the time, from a simple 5 minutes match(not enough for one
fall...) to a real time 60 minutes match!.

+ Three Stages of Hell: : those of us familiar with Mexican and Japanese
wrestling know of a rule called 3 fall match. This is a match that makes you
score 2 out of 3 falls to your opponent, each fall by either pin, submission
or DQ(exept on special occasions of course) to win the match, well this match
is kinda like that. What's the difference then? The matches, all three
matches must be gimmick matches, from hardcore to even Iron-Man! The creator
of this was Triple-H when he fought against Austin on a match he created, it
involved a No DQ match, then the second fall was a Street Fight and the third
was Hell in a Cell!, you can choose the three matches in any order you want.

+ Lumberjack: single match with the ring surrounded of wrestlers to
"help you" go back up as soon as you exit the ring. The idea is a match in
which a wrestler can't go running outside the ring seeking for more air. If
any of them is unlucky enough to fall down all the 6 wrestlers downstairs
will have fun with you until they get tired and end putting you back on the
ring where a blood thirsty enemy is waiting for you.

+ Cage: possibly the older gimmick match on the wrestling anywhere! Any
number from 2 to 4 wrestlers in a roofless cage. The first one to escape wins
the match, easy right? use the up arrow on your D-pad plus R1 to get on the
wall of the cage and start rotating the D-pad to climb up. Hit the cage with
>< or try to grab it with () to make your opponent loose their foot and fall
down. Also a Tornado Tag can be played in here

+ Hell In A Cell: this is the match that has made so much people famous,
specially with the Undertaker or Mick Foley involved on it(Mankind falling
over a table, cool!) you and other wrestler/s are locked on a huge cage just
for fun and see what happens. You aren't supposed to exit the cage, but there
are parts of the walls that can be broken. The pin or submission must be
executed inside the cage. If you exit the cage, you can wrestle outside the
ring but you can't go backstage. You can go crowd wrestling if you want and
you can climb the cage to fight on top of it, you can recreate great moments
like Mankind falling of the top of the cage through a table(not gonna happen,
but he will fall down and get hurt) or Mick Foley falling through the roof
towards the ring(the center of the ring can be broken with a powerful move
like a piledriver or a chokeslam. This match can be played between 2 to
6(Armaggedon) wrestlers and the first one to score a fall wins, also can be
in Tornado Tag.

+ I Quit: total humiliation match. You must hit your opponent merciless
until he cries on a microphone the magic words I Quit! It is in every single
aspect a Hardcore match, except for the fact that you can only win by making
the opponent say I Quit. You can go backstage and everything. To win look for
the mic when you find it pick it up and stand next to a downed opponent's
head and press (), a cool animation of your wrestler talking on the mic and
putting it next to your opponent's face will occur, and if you have beaten
the crap out of him hard enough he might say I Quit and you will win. This
can only be a single match.

+ Special Referee: simple match with either one or two guest referees
and guess what? yes you can be one of the refs, hell you and a friend can be
the 2 refs of the match and control everything and do pretty much what you
want since you are the authority. Use R2 for every single ref function:
counts, submission checks, and even to start yelling to some intruder. The
match can be either Single, Tag, Falls Count Anywhere, Iron-Man or Hell in
the Cell.

+ Ladder: 2 Xtreme man! Hail to the Hardy Boyz for this one! A match
created years ago(some say that it was Razor Ramon who created this). The
idea of this match is to get the belt hanging from the ceiling with the help
of a ladder. You use Up on the D-pad plus R1 to climb the ladder and () to
try to grab the belt. Use R1 to pick the ladder up and place it on the spot
you like, also use >< or () to knock it down. The rest? Imagination, once you
are on top of the ladder you can use it the same way you use a turnbuckle.
The ladder also works as a weapon and it is said that you can do some moves
with it, but I don't know how. It can be played on Single, Tornado Tag,
Triple Threat or Fatal 4 Way

+ Table: the best match ever!. Introduced by the Dudley Boys, the winner
is the one or the team who breaks a table using their opponent's bodies. Pick
up the table with R1, use it as a weapon or stand it somewhere or even stock
them one on top of the other. Whip your opponent toward it and he'll lay down
over it. Jump from the top rope toward a opponent laying on a table or press
() and any direction and see how it breaks! It can be either a Single, Triple
Threat, Fatal 4 Way or a Tornado Tag match.

+ TLC: Table, Ladder and chairs. Either a Single, a Triple Threat, a
Fatal 4 Way or a Tornado Tag match, the point of this match varies with one
rule: if it is for a title. When the match is not for a title(just for fun)
the winner is the first man or team to score a fall. You can use Table,
Ladders and Chairs to punish your opponent, but the fall must be on the ring.
If it is for a title, it becomes kind of a ladder match, but with also Tables
and Chairs for you to have fun.

+ Last Man Standing(S): single match without DQ, pins or submission. How
the heck do you win? By knocking your opponent down until the ref can count
to 10, you know, like a KO on boxing. Use everything you can think off to
make this happen, it's a pretty tough one.

+ Street Fight(S): FOLEY IS GOD!! Single match without ANY KIND OF RULE!
Yes, everything goes! From fighting clean to using a shotgun!(you won't be
using one, but you get the point) it is like a hardcore match, only that the
arena is full of weapons(even twice as a hardcore match) and if my memory
doesn't fails the count must be done on the ring(not sure really)

+ Ultimate Submission(S): personally, my kind of match. It is just like
an Iron-Man match, but you can only score falls by submissions. Really a hard
match, specially if you can't use good submission moves(where the hell is Ken

- CREATE MODE: used to create stuff, either Wrestlers, Taunts or Stables. I
won't loose any time in here, if you want info on this refer to a CAW guide,
use your imagination and follow simple on-screen instruction. You use the []
to preview some stuff like moves, so have fun, it all depends on your mind.

- THEATER MODE: dunno, it has some secret stuff on it, I guess it is to see
some videos you unlock on career or something.

- OPTIONS: typical option menu of any videogame. If you've played one before
then you should be able to know what is in here, just follow on-screen


| |
| 6. The Move List |

OK this part is kinda self explanatory, but I don't have it ready
anyway, I need to play this game so hard and for such a long time to be able
to write this up man!(no, not really, but I at least need to have the game
first right?) I have the official roster now, including the secret guys, but
I still don't have the moves so...

*Note: Wrestler marked with an (S) are the secret wrestlers, this can be
unlocked by playing the career mode.



Big Show


Billy Gunn




Buh Buh Ray Dudley


Chris Benoit


Chris Jericho




Crash Holly


Dvon Dudley


Eddie Guerrero






Fred Durst(S)


Hardcore Holly




Jeff Hardy


Jerry Lynn(S)


Justin Credible(S)




Kurt Angle




Matt Hardy


Mick Foley(S)


Molly Holly


Perry Saturn








Shane McMahon


Spike Dudley(S)


Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley


Steve Blackman


Steven Richards


Stone Cold Steve Austin








The Rock


Triple H


Trish Stratus




Vince McMahon


William Regal





| |
| 7. Every Hardcore Fan's Dream |

This part is dedicated to the game's weapons and their uses. I don't
have the actual weapon list or what you can do with them yet, but this is
what I know, oh btw I've heard that you will now have at least a chair on
every match, not sure yet, but it would be cool, now lets go on:

- Ladders: it is said that you have them of different sizes, used for Ladder
and TLC matches(not sure if you can use them on any other match). You can
jump from them, hit opponents with them, do some moves with them(not sure
how, just heard you can) and both opponents can be on a ladder at the same
time(even on the same side) so super-ladder-plexes might be possible(I do
have seen a video with the Walls of Jericho over a Table) and more, just

- Tables: available on almost every single match with NO DQ on the game:
Tables, TLC, Hardcore, Fall Counts Anywhere, I Quit, Street Fight... just
count it, if you can't find one around the ring, you can use either the
announcer's tables or head backstage to try to find one. You can hit them
with them(kinda funny), break them, stock them, jump from them, hell they are
my favorite.

- Chairs, bells, metal stop signs, trash cans, etc: your typical weapons, you
don't have to much to do with them(unless the con-chair-to is here), you can
hit opponents with them or do moves onto them for more damage(it is said that
the fire extinguisher can be used to fire that foam it shoots, but it's not

- Mic.: Not really a weapon, you can cause some damage with it, but it's use
is to win on the I Quit Match

That's pretty much it, I mean for now, I will add everything I can find
about weapons and if you find something feel free to mail me, you'll be
rightly credited. One thing I do know about weapons is that they now make
your "Special" meter grow, yes they have some use(finally).


| |
| 8. Arenas and Backstages |

Ok I will list you all the places you can find here to fight:

1. Raw Stage
2. Heat Stage
3. Smackdown! Stage(the new one)
4. All the 12 PPV stages(except WWF/WCW Invasion, instead there's the stage
of WWF Insurrection a UK PPV)

You can also go wrestler in:

1. Outside Lobby
2. Plaza
3. aPa Office
4. Commissioner's Office
5. Parking Garage
6. Boiler Room
7. WWF New York
8. WWF Times Square

As soon as I get to play through the different backstages I will tell
you which one are in and what special stuff can be found on them.


| |
| 9. Quick Finish Moves and Trademark Guides |

This is to find out how to pull out the finishers for the wrestlers and
some very important moves from them(their trademarks) here you have the list
of the wrestlers, I can only give you the specials for the normal characters,
the secret character's moves will be posted as soon as I found them. Now I
will only list the positions to pull them out, you should already know that
they are pulled out with the L1 button, and when you see two specials on the
same position that means that one of them is done with the D-pad and L1(dunno
which one, give it a try to see). Oh one more thing, when I say on the ropes,
I mean on the ropes, there's a position in which your opponent will get like
tied up on the ropes you can do some special moves here.

- Baldo Bomb: facing opponent
- Spinning Rack Pancake: from behind the opponent

Big Show
- Final Cut: facing opponent
- Alley Oop: facing opponent

Billy Gunn
- The One and Only: from behind opponent
- Fame-a$$-er: facing opponent

- Clothesline from Hell: facing opponent
- Powerbomb: facing opponent

Buh Buh Ray Dudley
- Buh Buh Cutter: facing opponent
- Super Powerbomb: facing opponent on corner

Chris Benoit
- Crippler Crossface: facing opponent
- Swandive Headbutt: when standing on top rope and opponent on the ring

Chris Jericho
- Walls of Jericho: facing opponent
- Lionsault: standing next to a downed opponent

- The Unprettier: from behind opponent
- Reverse Tornado DDT: (don't know why it's this here) opponent on the

Crash Holly
- DDT(you've got to be kidding): facing opponent
- Crash Bulldog: facing opponent on the corner

Dean Malenko
- Texas Cloverleaf: standing next to downed opponent's feet
- Flip and Texas Cloverleaf: facing opponent

Dvon Dudley
- Strong Reverse DDT: from behind opponent
- Piledriver(what?): facing opponent

Eddie Guerrero
- El Paso(the coolest): facing opponent
- Frog Splash: standing on the top rope and opponent downed

- Buzz Killer: Facing opponent
- Downward Spiral(this shouldn't be here): facing opponent

- Super Spinebuster: facing opponent
- Dominator: facing opponent

Fred Durst(S)
- DDT: facing opponent
- Last Ride(right...): facing opponent

Hardcore Holly
- Alabama Slam: facing opponent
- Falcon Arrow: facing opponent

- Samoan Driver: facing opponent
- Women's Special Slap: facing opponent

Jeff Hardy
- Swanton Bomb: on top ropes with opponent downed
- Jeff's Twist of Fate: facing opponent

Jerry Lynn(S)
- Cradle Piledriver: facing opponent
- Irish Whip Combination(???): ????

Justin Credible(S)
- Super Kick: facing opponent
- Twisting Piledriver: Facing opponent

- Kane's Chokeslam: facing opponent
- Kane's Powerbomb With Pin: facing opponent

Kurt Angle
- Anglelock: standing next to downed opponent's feet
- Angle Slam: facing opponent

- Moonsault: on top rope when opponent downed
- Jeff's Twist of Fate: facing opponent

Matt Hardy
- Matt's Twist of Fate: facing opponent
- Hardy's Leg Drop: on top rope when opponent downed

Mick Foley(S)
- Double Arm DDT: facing opponent
- Mandible Claw(Mr. Socko): facing opponent

Molly Holly
- Molly Go Round: on top rope, opponent downed
- Double Wrist Suplex: facing opponent

Perry Saturn
- Three-Handed Family Credenza: facing opponent
- Death Valley Driver: facing opponent

- The Raven Effect: facing opponent
- Complete Shot: facing opponent

- Gore: facing opponent
- Jacknife Powerbomb: facing opponent on ropes

- Rikishidriver: facing opponent
- Banzai Drop: facing opponent on corner

Shane McMahon


Spike Dudley(S)
- Dudley Dog: facing opponent on the corner
- Jumping Tornado DDT: facing opponent

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley


Steve Blackman
- Lethal Kick: facing opponent
- Guillotine: either facing opponent or next to downed opponent

Steven Richards
- Stevenkick: facing opponent
- Powerbomb Pin: facing opponent

Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Stone Cold Stunner: facing opponent

- Green Mist: facing opponent
- The Big Kick(ouch!): opponent on the ground

- Standing Tazzmission: from behind opponent
- Ground Tazzmission: next to downed opponent's head

- Big Boot: facing opponent on the ropes
- Diving Powerbomb: facing opponent

The Rock
- The Rockbottom: facing opponent
- The People's Elbow: standing next to downed opponent's head

Triple H
- Pedigree: facing opponent

Trish Stratus
- Groin Kick: dunno, maybe facing opponent on the corner
- Low Blow: facing opponent's back

- Undertaker's Chokeslam: facing opponent
- The Last Ride: facing opponent

Vince McMahon
- Stunner: facing opponent
- Finishing Punch: facing opponent

William Regal
- Regal Cutter: facing opponent
- Regal Stretch: next to downed opponent's feet




| |
| 10. Secret Stuff |

Unlock Fred Durst
Bea over 15 opponents in one game in slobberknocker with The Undertaker.

Unlock Stephanie McMahon
To unlock the Billion Dollar Princess, open all the secret cards and win the
title match.

Unlock Spike Dudley:
You will unlock Spike Dudley when you meet him in story mode, when you are
searching for a partner in your 6 man tag team match. He will be in one of
the changing rooms, and will be unlocked if you help him out against the
Dudley Boyz.

Unlock Jerry Lynn:
You will unlock Jerry Lynn when you meet him in story mode.

Unlock Tajiri:
You will unlock Tajiri when you meet him in the story mode, and defeat him.

Unlock Rhyno:
You will unlock Rhyno when you meet him in the story mode. To do this, on
Smackdown! stay backstage when a wrestler calls you out, and after speaking
to Michael Cole, talk to Earl Hebner in the lobby. Say that you are going
after the Hardcore title. Beat Rhyno, and he will be unlocked.

Unlock Mick Foley:
With "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as the champion, in story mode play as The
Rock and win both singles matches until Wrestlemania, lose to Austin in the
Last Man Standing match. Foley will come out in a ref shirt and rebook in a
Hell in the Cell match, you must then win.

New Smackdown! arena:
Eliminate 17 Superstars in the Slobber Knocker mode with The Rock.

Unlock the special matches:
To unlock the special matches marked as ?????, in story mode on Smackdown
accept the challenge of whoever propositions you, chose whichever match it is
you want to unlock, out of Last Man Standing, Street Fight and Ultimate


| |
| 11. Thank you and Good Night |

Well this is it, now I must thank all those people who made this work

- THQ & Yukkes, without them there wouldn't even be a game to do this work
- All these sites for giving me the info I needed to write this up and to be
convinced about buying the game: www.videogames.com, ps2.ign.com and
- The guys of www.gamefaqs.com for hosting this FAQ.
- Microsoft for creating WORD, without this I wouldn't be able to write
- Once again, thanks to WWFWG's guys for the secret stuff.

Those are pretty much the ones behind me on this work, so now I will
just say good bye, of course I will be updating this regularly as soon as I
get new info. Now I will just finish this, this is The Howy 666 saying "Good
Fight, Good Night!"
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17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Character FAQ for the Undertaker

17.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For William Regal

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Shane McMahon

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Stephanie McMahon

17.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Technical

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Vince McMahon

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Speedy

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Kane

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Jerry Lynn

17.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Mick Foley

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Spike Dudley

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Undertaker

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Rhyno

18.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Test

17.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Matt Hardy

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Jeff Hardy

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For The Rock

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Tazz

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Steve Austin

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Chris Benoit

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Perry Saturn

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Triple H

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Raven

17.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Eddie Guerrero

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Steve Blackman

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Hardcore Holly

14.Oktober 2013
Character Guide For Dean Malenko

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020