WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

17.10.2013 03:24:02
Glitches FAQ
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Glitches FAQ-WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It-PS2
Version FINAL-11/27/2002
Matt Pewo - mpewo_faqs@yahoo.com
Also known as MPewo on the GameFAQs Message boards



This FAQ is Copyright 2002, Matt Pewo, All rights reserved!

-Ask before you post this FAQ elsewhere
-You may print a copy, save a copy on your PC, and fold, spindle, and/or
mutilate this if you wish.
-You may not wipe your feet on this FAQ!
-If you find anything that you think will help me in the Next Version please
e-mail me at mpewo_faqs@yahoo.com
-You may not use this FAQ for Profit!!


Version 1.0-2/13/02-3 Pages-This FAQ starts.-Public

Version 1.1-2/16/02-3 Pages-Added PSXCodez.com to the credits as they now can
host this FAQ.-Public

Version 1.6-2/22/02-4 Pages-Added a whole slew of glitches that were mailed to

Final Version-3/15/02-5 Pages-It's the end of this FAQ as we know it. This FAQ
is now dead. Email is still welcome, but I most likely will not be updating
again! Added Art. Neoseeker.com is now allowed to post this. Fixed misc.
grammar problems. Some Glitches added.-Public

Version 2.1-5/28/2002-7 Pages-This FAQ is no longer dead! If you keep mailing
them I'll keep posting' them! Added glitches.-Private

Version 3.1-8/20/2002-7 Pages-Oh it lives! This FAQ is no longer dead! Please
Email Glitches to the Email and I will keep posting them.
WrestlingGameZone.com is now allowed to host this FAQ-Public

Version 3.2-10/11/2002-10 Pages(I think)-Added one Glitch. Changed E-mail, so
send any new glitches to the new address. Added the Indicators related to
Private and Public Releases to each version's info.-Public

Version 3.3-10/27/2002-9 Pages-kissmyass.com got shut down last week along with
my Email account with them. If you Emailed me scince 10/11 please re-send
your Message.-Public

=Table of Contents=
b)Moveset Glitches
c)Match Glitches
d)CAW Glitches
e)Story Mode Glitches
f)Demo Glitches



You are now forewarned that deliberately attempting to cause a glitch in your
game may cause unrepairable damage.

I, Matt Pewo assume no liability for any damage and/or injury (financially or
physically) to you and/or personal property.


b)Moveset Glitches

*Grand Master/Goldberg Glitch*

Giving a CAW either Moveset 09 or 31 will cause the game to freeze when you
load or save your game.

Solution:Delete SD:JBI file from your memory card

*Roughneck/Lita/Moveset 39 Glitch*

Giving a CAW any of the movesets listed above will cause a Glitch, scence they
are missing right grapple moves.

Solution:No apparent Problems. Just don't risk it or add the move manually.

*RVD Glitch*

Moveset 04 EVD is missing a rebound attack, similar to the glitch above.

Solution:Same as Roughneck/Lita/Moveset 39


c)Match Glitches


1.Make sure you use a wrestler that has the Body Press FW as a normal move.

2.Go to fall's Count anywhere match.

3.Make your way to the front of Madison square garden.

4.Go to the flat side of the stairs.

5.put player that has the Body Press FW behind the second player.

6.Make sure there looking at each other then do the Body Press FW right next to
the flat part.

7.then take the second player on top of the stairs.

8.The player under the stairs must hit the other player then the player has to
reverse the hit to get under the stairs too.

Solution: No Damage to Game

*Teleport to ladder!*

I have something I would like you to add to your FAQ. I figured it out
playing with my brother. You could call it "Teleporting to the Ladder."
is how to do it.

1) Go in a TLC match with at least 2 human controlled players.
2) Do Walls of Jericho on the ladder to a CPU.
3) Have the other human player knock down the ladder. (You should be
floating now)
4) Have the other human player set up the ladder anywhere else BEFORE
walls of jericho ends.
5) When you are done walls of jericho, you should teleport to the


*CAW Ability Glitch*

If you have two created wrestlers which have the same abilities, moves,
And logic, and have both controlled by the computer in the same match,
occasionally they will lock horns and then freeze. In other words,
neither is moving at all, they're both just standing there holding each other.
You can push them around by walking in to them, but they will still just hold
each other. Sometimes they will resume after 5 minutes of stillness, but more
often they'll just run the timer out.

Solution: Pause and select Exit Game

*Table Glitch*

This Glicth causes no harm to your Game!

1.Stack Two Tables on the stage
2.place opponent on top table
3.push bottom table away
4.Top Table will hover and you can still put your opponent thourgh it

*TLC Invisible Move*

This Glitch causes no harm to your game!

1.Start a TLC match with two human players
2.Player 1 sit in chair
3.Player 2 climb ladder
4.Player 1 act as if you were on the ladder

*Outside the ring in Survival*

If for some reason you should end up outside the ring in a survival match,
other than after you are eliminated the Game will freeze.

Solution:Reset PS2

*CAW SlobberKnocker*

If you get a ranking score in slobber with a CAW and then delete the CAW the
game will freeze when you try to acsees Slober Knocker Again.

Solution:Don't delete the CAW. Create a CAW by the same name.

* Floating Cushion*
While in the lobby, go to the breakable glass and break it. Push the
cushion near the edge but not all the way off. Run and hit the L2 button to
roll into the cushion. The cushion should now be floating.

Solution:NO Harm to Game!

*Wrestle Behind Stage!*

I have a glitch that I have yet to see listed anywhere. It starts with the
glitch with the ladder and the
entrance ramp. And you need to human players to do it. Set up the ladder on
the ground so it is the
corner in between the ramp and the stage, then have both players climb it and
have the one closest to
the stage do the armdrag off of the top of the ladder. So at least one of the
players ends up inside the
stage. Have that person run at the place where the wrestlers com out of. But
that person should do a
running move where they fall down and have them roll towards the entrance.
They should roll through he wall and now can wrestle, if both players do the
glitch, behind the titantron or in the crowd, or in
complete blackness. One warning though, if one wrestler sends the other
wrestler running and it is not towards the arena the cannot stop running and
will run on forever.

Solution:NoHarm to Game!

*TLC Table Gltich*

one thing you forgot was another table glitch,me and my freind were playing and
it was a fatal four way match and in a tlc we set up a table and were able to
put the other two players on one table at one
time but whatever you do dont smash them through the table or it will freeze.
is this a glitch or just luck

Solution:Reset PS2

*TLC Table Transport*

Hey Matt,I found a glitch for ya. It is in a TLC match just like I said. It has
no harm to the game and it only works on the outside on the left. If you set up
one table right up against the side guard rail. Then set up another right
beside it, the table right next to the guard rail should transport to the other
side into the crowd. I am not sure if it works on the other side. I have tried
it and it didn't work. Give credit to Jebus Crisp. Hope this helps you in some
why shape or form.

Solution:No Harm to Game!

*Dragonrana/HIAC Glitch*

If you do a Dragonrana in a Hell In A Cell and your opponent is at the
Other side of the ring. You'll Land on the roof of the cage

P.S. i was a special ref (my created guy) in a Fatal Four Way HIAC

in hell in a cell, if ya have shooting star press as one of your finisher
moves, the person who used it
who "fly" out of the cage and will stand on top of the cage.
i used a created wresrler and this works
no harm is done to your game or ps2, this is juz done for some fun

*End Note*

Solution: No harm to Game!


d)CAW Glitches

*Grand Master/Goldburg Glitch*

Giving a CAW either Moveset 09 or 31 will cause the game to freeze when you
load or save your game.

Solution:Delete SD:JBI file from your memory card

*X-Pac MoveSet Glitch*

whats up. i tried to create XPac and use his movelist and it was a glitch. the
best thing to do i think is to just to go create a superstar, then go to moves,
then to regular superstar and just click on a movelist and write them down.
that is, if you really want to use the exact moves the game gives to the
created wrestler. i did that for xpac and goldberg. thanks guys.

Solution:Read that again, it's in there!

*CAW Ability Glitch*

If you have two created wrestlers which have the same abilities, moves,
And logic, and have both controlled by the computer in the same match,
occasionally they will lock horns and then freeze. In other words,
neither is moving at all, they're both just standing there holding each other.
You can push them around by walking in to them, but they will still just hold
each other. Sometimes they will resume after 5 minutes of stillness, but more
often they'll just run the timer out.

Solution: Pause and select Exit Game

*Roughneck/Lita/Moveset 39 Glitch*

Giving a CAW any of the movesets listed above will cause a Glitch, scence they
are missing right grapple moves.

Solution:No apparent Problems. Just Don't risk it or add the move manually.

*RVD Glitch*

Moveset 04 EVD is missing a rebound attack, similar to the glitch above.


From: TheKosmicFool@aol.com

in your faq you say that rvds Moveset is glitched. it is not. rvd has
rebound attacks, you simply cannot view one of them. the move you
view is the "slingshot body splash". he does the move to a standing
opponent, but normally you are not supposed to be able to do so. that
is why
his Moveset is special. now you can mess up the Moveset but doing the
following: go in rebound attacks and hit "decision" . now ALL of rvds
rebounds will disappear from the list if you view the rebounds again.
when you play with these screwed up moves, rvd will do the rolling
thunder to
standing opponents, asai moonsault to downed opponents, and freeze the
when doing it to opponents outside the ring. to fix this glitch, go to
change the moves, not the caw's moves, but the rvd movesets moves.
the moves, and then apply the moves to the caw. now do not view or try
change his rebound moves. now he will do all 3 moves perfectly. it
give me credit please if you edit the faq

*End NOTE*

Solution:Same as Roughneck/Lita/Moveset 39

*CAW Title Glitch*

If you use a CAW to win a title, then delete that CAW after his reign is over,
the records will show the name of the CAW that took the place of the former
Champ on your memory Card.

Solution:None, This glitch cause no Harm.

*Fred Durst/Mick Foley Stance*
I Found Another Glitch Do Not Change Fred Dursts Stance If You Do You
Not Select His Stance Again

There is one glitch that you did not include in yoru
glitches faq....Lke Fred dursts stance, Mick Foley's
default winning stance cannot be unlocked, and if you
select another win for Mick Foley, you cannot choose
it again....Just thought you should know...

Solution:Just don't change his stance

*Entrance/CAW Stable Glitch*

I'm not too sure if you are still taking new glitches for your game faqs....but
i have one for you. I made
2 caw and i put both of them in the same stable. Now, i did an exbition
fight....a hardcore-6 man tag against the hardyz and lita and....this is where
the glitch happens.....After they do their entrance and it's my stables turn
for their entrance.....one hardy has his own entrance in the place of mine.
So, the hardyz have their special entrance and then one of them comes and takes
my stables entrance. You may have to try this in order to see it work....this
doesn't cause any damage to your game...it's just funny because it seems like
there is a third hardy that came in way too late.

Solution:No Harm to Game!


e)Story Mode Glitches

*UnDisputed Tag Champs*

Hi ,
I Discovered This The Ova Day (Credit :edgehead206)
Instructions :
1) Create A Stable & Put 2 Members In It , Make Sure
The Entrance Is Set To 'Tag Team Champions'
2) Go Into Season , Accept Tag Title Shot - Find Your Partner
And Win All Your Matches (Including Tag Team Title Shot)
3) After Succesfully Win Tag Titles , Go Into Season Mode
And Defend Them (This Can Be Done By Choosing One Of Your
Tag Team Champions And You Will Automatically Be Put In A Tag Title Defence)
4) When You Enter , You And Your Partner Each Have 2 Titles , One Around You
Waist And Holding A Title Each.

Clever !

Solution:No Harm to Game!

*Tajiri Glitch*

Attempting to win the Light Heavyweight title with Tajiri will cause the Game
to Freeze. This is most likely because Tajiri is already in Regal's Office.

Solution:Reset PS2, or keep defending the title until u r up against him


When in the story mode, when you are able to walk around the building go to
the lobby and walk by the windows. If you push the little brown benches
towards the stairs and then down the steps. The bench will begin to float in
mid-air. It causes no real harm but kinda funny to look at.

*CAW Title Glitch*

If you use a CAW to win a title, then delete that CAW after his reign is over,
the records will show the name of the CAW that took the place of the former
Champ on your memory Card.

Solution:None, This glitch cause no Harm.


f)Demo Glitches

*Glitch: Pause in mid-air (demo version): *
When performing a flying move off the turnbuckle to outside the arena, usually
your character will, for a second, stop in midair before falling the remaining
4 feet to the cement.

*Glitch: Float in mid-air (demo version): *
Sometimes, if your opponent knocks you off a turnbuckle, your character will
fall but stay 4 feet off the ground until he is hit again.

*Glitch: Teleport outside the ring (demo version):*
Sometimes, a character lying prone near the ropes will be teleported outside
the ring.


*Me-For Writing this FAQ
*CJayC/GameFAQs, PSXCodez.com, Neoseeker.com, WrestlingGameZone.com-For hosting
*THQ, WWF, Jakks Pacific, Yukes-For making SD:JBI
*Everyone on the Boards-You know who you are!
*Nick Pewo-For testing some unconfirmed Glitches.
*ejlasota@acsu.buffalo.edu, Joncurtis199@aol.com, chrissayp@hotmail.com, Dara
Ouk/rpgboi89@hotmail.com, NyIslesRule111@aol.com, phantom420_99@yahoo.com,
syntaxxcd@yahoo.com, BraNgotti@aol.com, dgv217@hotmail.com, Jebus Crisp,
TheTitan21, edgehead206, Big Evil - for emailing me and submitting new
*Mildly Evil Ogre-Demo Glitches
*TheKosmicFool@aol.com- correcting my mistakes!

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