

03.10.2013 17:31:14
Non-toxic Potion List by Patrik Roos
# This is a list of all non-toxic Morrowind potions possible
# Author: Patrik Roos,
# Format:
# Ingredient 1 + Ingredient 2, ... = Effect 1, Effect 2, ...

Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod = Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bloat = Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bonemeal = Telekinesis
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm = Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat = Resist Poison
Alit Hide + Scuttle = Telekinesis
Ampoule Pod + Bloat = Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm = Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle = Water Walking
Ampoule Pod + Scales = Water Walking
Ampoule Pod + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking
Ash Salts + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat = Fortify Intelligence
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin = Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Diamond = Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax = Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide = Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Muck = Detect Key
Ash Yam + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence
Ash Yam + Pearl = Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Resin = Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Spore Pod = Detect Key
Ash Yam + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond = Invisibility
Bittergreen Petals + Ruby = Restore Intelligence
Bittergreen Petals + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence
Black Anther + Fire Petal = Resist Fire
Black Anther + Frost Salts = Resist Fire
Black Anther + Red Lichen = Light
Black Lichen + Fire Salts = Resist Frost
Black Lichen + Ghoul Heart = Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Rat Meat = Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Roobrush = Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison
Bloat + Ectoplasm = Detect Animal
Bloat + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence
Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower
Bloat + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower
Bonemeal + Scuttle = Telekinesis
Bungler's Bane + Pearl = Dispel
Chokeweed + Crab Meat = Restore Fatigue
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin = Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Gravedust = Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Green Lichen = Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue
Chokeweed + Muck = Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Red Lichen = Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue
Chokeweed + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue
Chokeweed + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue
Chokeweed + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease
Coda Flower + Racer Plumes = Levitate
Coda Flower + Trama Root = Levitate
Comberry + Daedra's Heart = Restore Magicka
Comberry + Diamond = Reflect
Comberry + Fire Salts = Fire Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka
Comberry + Hound Meat = Reflect
Comberry + Raw Glass = Fire Shield
Comberry + Sload Soap = Fire Shield
Comberry + Void Salts = Restore Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Emerald = Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide = Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow = Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation
Corkbulb Root + Resin = Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice = Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation
Corkbulb Root + Wickwheat = Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation
Corprus Weepings + Emerald = Restore Health
Corprus Weepings + Resin = Restore Health
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice = Restore Health
Corprus Weepings + Wickwheat = Restore Health
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf = Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber = Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue
Crab Meat + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue
Crab Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax = Fortify Strength
Daedra Skin + Gravedust = Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen = Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Muck = Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen = Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Scales = Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength
Daedra Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide = Fortify Endurance
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide = Night-Eye
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Endurance
Daedra's Heart + Void Salts = Restore Magicka
Diamond + Hound Meat = Reflect
Diamond + Muck = Detect Key
Diamond + Spore Pod = Detect Key
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength
Dreugh Wax + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength
Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility
Emerald + Marshmerrow = Restore Health
Emerald + Resin = Restore Health
Emerald + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Emerald + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka
Emerald + Wickwheat = Restore Health
Fire Petal + Frost Salts = Resist Fire
Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Spell Absorption
Fire Salts + Raw Glass = Fire Shield
Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Frost Shield
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony = Frost Shield
Frost Salts + Void Salts = Restore Magicka
Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Frost Shield
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison
Ghoul Heart + Roobrush = Cure Poison
Ghoul Heart + Scathecraw = Cure Poison
Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison
Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength
Gravedust + Green Lichen = Cure Common Disease
Gravedust + Scales = Restore Endurance
Gravedust + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease
Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Fortify Personality
Green Lichen + Muck = Cure Common Disease
Green Lichen + Red Lichen = Cure Common Disease
Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality
Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease
Guar Hide + Heather = Restore Personality
Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Endurance
Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Restore Personality
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber = Restore Luck
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle = Water Breathing
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula = Water Breathing
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Water Breathing
Heather + Ruby = Feather
Heather + Scamp Skin = Restore Personality
Heather + Scuttle = Feather
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia = Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue
Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Fortify Speed
Kagouti Hide + Pearl = Resist Common Disease
Kagouti Hide + Resin = Resist Common Disease
Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Water Breathing
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat = Resist Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Water Walking
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Frost Shield
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Frost Shield
Luminous Russula + Pearl = Water Breathing
Marshmerrow + Resin = Restore Health
Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Health
Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Restore Health
Moon Sugar + Pearl = Dispel
Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin = Fortify Speed
Muck + Red Lichen = Cure Common Disease
Muck + Spore Pod = Detect Key
Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation
Pearl + Resin = Resist Common Disease
Racer Plumes + Trama Root = Levitate
Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison
Rat Meat + Roobrush = Cure Poison
Rat Meat + Scathecraw = Cure Poison
Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison
Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Roobrush = Cure Poison
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Cure Poison
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison
Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Frost Shield
Raw Glass + Sload Soap = Fire Shield
Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease
Resin + Saltrice = Restore Health
Resin + Wickwheat = Restore Health
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison
Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility
Ruby + Scuttle = Feather
Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue
Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue
Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka
Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Health
Scales + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim
Scales + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking
Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Strength
Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation
Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Scathecraw + Trama Root = Restore Willpower
Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Restore Willpower
Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower
Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Health
Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Spell Absorption
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Bonemeal = Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Scales = Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Violet Corprinus = Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Alit Hide + Black Lichen + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bloat + Bonemeal = Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bloat + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Alit Hide + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bloat + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Ectoplasm = Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Telekinesis
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Alit Hide + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Heather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Poison, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Resist Poison, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis
Alit Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Roobrush = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Scathecraw = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis
Alit Hide + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather
Alit Hide + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle = Water Walking, Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Scales = Water Walking, Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle = Water Walking, Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Scales = Water Walking, Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Detect Animal
Ampoule Pod + Gravedust + Scales = Water Walking, Restore Endurance
Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Water Walking, Water Breathing
Ampoule Pod + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Swift Swim
Ash Salts + Black Lichen + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond = Detect Key, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Muck = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Bloat + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Muck = Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond = Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corprus Weepings + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond = Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Gravedust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Muck = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Scales = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide = Resist Common Disease, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Diamond + Dreugh Wax = Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat = Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Diamond + Kagouti Hide = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Muck = Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Spore Pod = Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Emerald + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Green Lichen + Muck = Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Muck = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Luminous Russula + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Marshmerrow + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Muck + Red Lichen = Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Muck + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Ash Yam + Pearl + Spore Pod = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Resin + Spore Pod = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Resin + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Spore Pod + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond = Invisibility, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat = Invisibility, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Muck = Invisibility, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Invisibility
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Spore Pod = Invisibility, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Heather + Ruby = Restore Intelligence, Feather
Bittergreen Petals + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Feather
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Red Lichen = Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Comberry + Frost Salts = Resist Fire, Restore Magicka
Black Anther + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen = Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Red Lichen = Resist Fire, Light
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Spell Absorption
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Green Lichen + Red Lichen = Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Muck + Red Lichen = Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Lichen + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts = Resist Frost, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Ghoul Heart = Resist Frost, Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Rat Meat = Resist Frost, Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Raw Ebony = Resist Frost, Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly = Resist Frost, Cure Poison
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Resist Frost, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat = Cure Poison, Resist Poison
Black Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Black Lichen + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Corprus Weepings + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Animal
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal
Bloat + Emerald + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Bloat + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Bloat + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Bloat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Bloat + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Bloat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather
Bonemeal + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bungler's Bane + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Dispel, Water Breathing
Bungler's Bane + Kagouti Hide + Pearl = Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Dispel, Water Breathing
Bungler's Bane + Luminous Russula + Pearl = Dispel, Water Breathing
Bungler's Bane + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Reflect
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Gravedust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Green Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Red Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Vampire Dust = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength
Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Reflect
Chokeweed + Diamond + Muck = Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Red Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Muck + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Muck + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Muck + Spore Pod = Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather
Chokeweed + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Chokeweed + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Coda Flower + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Willpower
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat = Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat = Restore Magicka, Reflect
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Raw Glass = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts = Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Muck = Reflect, Detect Key
Comberry + Diamond + Raw Glass = Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect
Comberry + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Fire Petal + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka, Resist Fire
Comberry + Fire Salts + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat = Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Fire Salts + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat = Restore Magicka, Reflect
Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Raw Glass = Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Hound Meat + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect
Comberry + Raw Glass + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Comberry + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Spell Absorption
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Emerald = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide = Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Guar Hide = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Heather = Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Health, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Kagouti Hide + Resin = Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Resin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Scamp Skin + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Reflect
Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle = Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula = Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Diamond + Muck = Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Gravedust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Green Lichen = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Muck = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scales = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Scales + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Daedra Skin + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Fire Petal + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka, Resist Fire
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Guar Hide = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Heather = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Night-Eye, Fortify Speed
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Resin = Night-Eye, Resist Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Daedra's Heart + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Spell Absorption
Diamond + Green Lichen + Muck = Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Reflect, Detect Enchantment
Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck = Reflect, Detect Key
Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Spore Pod = Reflect, Detect Key
Diamond + Muck + Red Lichen = Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Dreugh Wax + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Dreugh Wax + Heather + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Emerald + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Health, Detect Enchantment
Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Kagouti Hide + Resin = Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Emerald + Marshmerrow + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Emerald + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Emerald + Resin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Emerald + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Emerald + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Emerald + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Emerald + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony = Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Spell Absorption
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Fire Petal + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Spell Absorption, Fortify Health
Fire Salts + Raw Glass + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Frost Salts + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Roobrush = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Frost Salts + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Spell Absorption
Frost Salts + Void Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Ghoul Heart + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Ghoul Heart + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ghoul Heart + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Gold Kanet + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Gold Kanet + Heather + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Gold Kanet + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Gravedust + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Endurance, Swift Swim
Gravedust + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber = Fortify Personality, Restore Luck
Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Muck = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Muck + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Green Lichen + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Red Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Strength
Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Guar Hide + Heather + Ruby = Restore Personality, Feather
Guar Hide + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather
Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kagouti Hide + Pearl = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Kwama Cuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Luminous Russula = Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Pearl = Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Water Breathing, Water Walking
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Water Breathing, Dispel
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Heather + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue
Heather + Ruby + Scamp Skin = Restore Personality, Feather
Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue
Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather
Heather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Heather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Resin = Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Resin = Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease
Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Kagouti Hide + Resin + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Fortify Magicka
Kwama Cuttle + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Water Breathing, Dispel
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Water Breathing
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scales = Water Walking, Water Breathing
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Roobrush = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scales = Resist Poison, Water Walking
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scathecraw = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Swift Swim
Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin = Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Luminous Russula + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Water Breathing, Dispel
Luminous Russula + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Marshmerrow + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Restore Speed
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Marshmerrow + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Shalk Resin = Fortify Speed, Dispel
Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Speed, Fortify Health
Muck + Red Lichen + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Pearl + Resin + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Racer Plumes + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Willpower
Racer Plumes + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Willpower
Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Rat Meat + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush = Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Resin + Wickwheat = Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Raw Glass + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Resin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Cure Poison
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue
Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scales + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Swift Swim
Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Health, Spell Absorption
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Detect Animal, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Crab Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Emerald + Saltrice = Detect Animal, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Heather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Feather
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Walking, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Feather
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Detect Animal, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Scales + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ampoule Pod + Scuttle + Violet Corprinus = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ash Salts + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Ash Salts + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Bonemeal = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Pearl = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Spore Pod = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Vampire Dust = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Bloat + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Poison, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Bittergreen Petals + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Intelligence, Feather
Alit Hide + Black Lichen + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Black Lichen + Bonemeal + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Resist Frost, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Black Lichen + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bloat + Bonemeal + Scrib Jelly = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Bonemeal + Wickwheat = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Chokeweed + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings = Detect Animal, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Alit Hide + Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation
Alit Hide + Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bloat + Corprus Weepings + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bloat + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Detect Animal, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Alit Hide + Bloat + Crab Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Alit Hide + Bloat + Emerald + Saltrice = Detect Animal, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bloat + Emerald + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bloat + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Alit Hide + Bloat + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bloat + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Alit Hide + Bloat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Bloat + Heather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Feather
Alit Hide + Bloat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bloat + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Netch Leather = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Alit Hide + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Wickwheat = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bloat + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bloat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Netch Leather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Alit Hide + Bloat + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bloat + Resin + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bloat + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bloat + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Feather
Alit Hide + Bloat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bloat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bloat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bloat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bloat + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Telekinesis, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Ectoplasm + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Emerald + Saltrice = Telekinesis, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Rat Meat + Roobrush = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Rat Meat + Scathecraw = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Telekinesis, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Alit Hide + Bonemeal + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Bungler's Bane + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Poison, Dispel, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Ectoplasm + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Heather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Chokeweed + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Alit Hide + Comberry + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Alit Hide + Comberry + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ectoplasm = Detect Animal, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Alit Hide + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Alit Hide + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Alit Hide + Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Ectoplasm + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Heather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scrap Metal = Resist Poison, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Rat Meat + Scrap Metal = Resist Poison, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Alit Hide + Crab Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Resist Poison, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Heather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Feather
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle + Sload Soap = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Detect Animal
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Rat Meat + Sload Soap = Resist Poison, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ectoplasm + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Telekinesis, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Alit Hide + Emerald + Kwama Cuttle + Saltrice = Resist Poison, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Emerald + Rat Meat + Saltrice = Resist Poison, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Fire Salts + Kwama Cuttle + Sload Soap = Resist Poison, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Alit Hide + Fire Salts + Rat Meat + Sload Soap = Resist Poison, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Alit Hide + Fire Salts + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Telekinesis, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Alit Hide + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Frost Salts + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Resist Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Guar Hide + Heather + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Personality, Feather
Alit Hide + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Kwama Cuttle = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Alit Hide + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Heather + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Heather + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Feather
Alit Hide + Heather + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Heather + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Feather
Alit Hide + Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Personality, Feather
Alit Hide + Heather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jerky = Resist Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scrib Jerky = Resist Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Dispel
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scales = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Water Breathing
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Ruby + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Feather
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Saltrice + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Water Walking
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Alit Hide + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Alit Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Alit Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Alit Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Alit Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Alit Hide + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Feather
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Cure Poison
Alit Hide + Rat Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Alit Hide + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Alit Hide + Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Alit Hide + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Alit Hide + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Ash Salts + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Muck = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Pearl = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Scales = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Vampire Dust = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Bloat + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Ampoule Pod + Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Water Walking, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ampoule Pod + Black Lichen + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Detect Animal, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Emerald + Saltrice = Detect Animal, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Netch Leather = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Water Breathing
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jelly = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Netch Leather + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Intelligence
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Scales + Scrib Jelly = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Swift Swim
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Scrib Jelly + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Bloat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Bungler's Bane + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Water Walking, Dispel, Water Breathing
Ampoule Pod + Comberry + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Ampoule Pod + Crab Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scrap Metal = Water Walking, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ampoule Pod + Crab Meat + Scales + Scrap Metal = Water Walking, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ampoule Pod + Crab Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Ampoule Pod + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Gravedust + Scales = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Restore Endurance
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Water Breathing
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Kwama Cuttle + Sload Soap = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Swift Swim
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Ampoule Pod + Emerald + Kwama Cuttle + Saltrice = Water Walking, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ampoule Pod + Emerald + Saltrice + Scales = Water Walking, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ampoule Pod + Emerald + Saltrice + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ampoule Pod + Fire Salts + Kwama Cuttle + Sload Soap = Water Walking, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ampoule Pod + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ampoule Pod + Gravedust + Green Lichen + Scales = Water Walking, Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Ampoule Pod + Gravedust + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Restore Endurance, Swift Swim
Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Scales + Scuttle = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Water Walking, Water Breathing, Dispel
Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin = Water Walking, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Walking, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Ampoule Pod + Scales + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Walking, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Walking, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ampoule Pod + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ampoule Pod + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Salts + Ash Yam + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Black Lichen + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Resist Frost, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Black Lichen + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal
Ash Salts + Bloat + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Bloat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Bloat + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Bloat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Coda Flower + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Blight Disease, Levitate, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Salts + Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Salts + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Salts + Ghoul Heart + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Salts + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Racer Plumes + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Blight Disease, Levitate, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Agility, Cure Poison
Ash Salts + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Ash Salts + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Blight Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Salts + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Cure Blight Disease, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond = Detect Key, Invisibility, Reflect
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Daedra Skin + Diamond = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Dreugh Wax = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat = Detect Key, Invisibility, Reflect
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Kagouti Hide = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Scrap Metal = Detect Key, Restore Intelligence, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Invisibility
Ash Yam + Black Anther + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Light, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Black Anther + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Fire, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Black Anther + Muck + Red Lichen = Detect Key, Light, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Black Lichen + Bloat + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Black Lichen + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Bloat + Bungler's Bane + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Bloat + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Chokeweed + Muck = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Comberry + Diamond = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Corprus Weepings + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Corprus Weepings + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Diamond = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Ectoplasm = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Muck = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Scales = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Dreugh Wax = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Ectoplasm = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Hound Meat = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Diamond + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Ectoplasm = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Muck = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Dreugh Wax + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Muck = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ectoplasm + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal
Ash Yam + Bloat + Emerald + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Emerald + Saltrice = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Emerald + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Bloat + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Bloat + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Ash Yam + Bloat + Green Lichen + Muck = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Bloat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Bloat + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide + Muck = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Kagouti Hide + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Bloat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Luminous Russula + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Bloat + Marshmerrow + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Bloat + Muck + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Muck + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Muck + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Muck + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Pearl + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Pearl + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Pearl + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Bloat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Bloat + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Ash Yam + Bloat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Scrib Jelly + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Scrib Jelly + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bloat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Bloat + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Bloat + Spore Pod + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Bloat + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Bloat + Vampire Dust + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Daedra Skin + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Dreugh Wax + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Dispel, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Dispel, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Luminous Russula + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Dispel, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Dispel
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Bungler's Bane + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Muck = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Diamond = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Muck = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Saltrice = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scales = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scuttle = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Reflect
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Muck = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Kagouti Hide + Muck = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Muck = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Muck + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Muck + Saltrice = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Muck + Scuttle = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Chokeweed + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Comberry + Daedra Skin + Diamond = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Dreugh Wax = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts = Detect Key, Fire Shield, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Frost Salts = Detect Key, Restore Magicka, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Raw Glass = Detect Key, Fire Shield, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Sload Soap = Detect Key, Fire Shield, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Diamond + Void Salts = Detect Key, Restore Magicka, Reflect
Ash Yam + Comberry + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Restore Magicka, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Diamond = Detect Key, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Muck = Detect Key, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Diamond + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Diamond + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Muck + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Resin + Scamp Skin = Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Resin + Spore Pod = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corkbulb Root + Resin + Willow Anther = Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corprus Weepings + Diamond + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corprus Weepings + Muck + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Corprus Weepings + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrap Metal = Fortify Strength, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Reflect
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Diamond + Scrap Metal = Detect Key, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Dreugh Wax + Scrap Metal = Fortify Strength, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Kagouti Hide + Scrap Metal = Resist Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Muck + Scrap Metal = Detect Key, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Netch Leather + Scrap Metal = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Pearl + Scrap Metal = Resist Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Resin + Scrap Metal = Resist Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Gravedust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Green Lichen = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Hound Meat = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Muck = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Scales = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Muck = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Emerald + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Emerald + Saltrice = Fortify Strength, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Fortify Strength, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scales = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Muck = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scales = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide + Muck = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide + Scales = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kagouti Hide + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Luminous Russula + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Marshmerrow + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Muck + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Muck + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Muck + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather + Red Lichen = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Pearl + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Pearl + Scales = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Pearl + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scales = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Resin + Scales = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Resin + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Dreugh Wax + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide = Resist Common Disease, Restore Magicka, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Resist Common Disease, Night-Eye, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Muck = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Void Salts = Resist Common Disease, Restore Magicka, Night-Eye
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Void Salts = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Daedra's Heart + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Restore Magicka, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Diamond + Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Diamond + Dreugh Wax + Kagouti Hide = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Dreugh Wax + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Diamond + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Diamond + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Detect Key, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Diamond + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Detect Key, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Detect Key, Reflect, Detect Enchantment
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Detect Key, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Detect Key, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Detect Key, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Diamond + Hound Meat + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Reflect
Ash Yam + Diamond + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Diamond + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Kagouti Hide + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Diamond + Marshmerrow + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Diamond + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Diamond + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Diamond + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Diamond + Resin + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Diamond + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Key, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Diamond + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Diamond + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Diamond + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Emerald + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Emerald + Saltrice = Fortify Strength, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Fortify Strength, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Green Lichen + Muck = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Heather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Kagouti Hide + Muck = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Kagouti Hide + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Luminous Russula + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Muck + Pearl = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Muck + Red Lichen = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Muck + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Muck + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Pearl + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Pearl + Spore Pod = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Raw Ebony + Resin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Resin + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Resin + Spore Pod = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Spore Pod = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Dreugh Wax + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Emerald + Kagouti Hide + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Muck + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Muck + Saltrice = Detect Key, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Resin + Spore Pod = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Resin + Stoneflower Petals = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Emerald + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Fire, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Kagouti Hide + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Fire Petal + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Fire Salts + Kagouti Hide + Sload Soap = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Fire Salts + Pearl + Sload Soap = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Fire Salts + Resin + Sload Soap = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Ash Yam + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Restore Magicka, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Gold Kanet + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Green Lichen + Kagouti Hide + Muck = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Muck = Detect Key, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Green Lichen + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Green Lichen + Muck + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Green Lichen + Muck + Stoneflower Petals = Detect Key, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Green Lichen + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Endurance
Ash Yam + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Ash Yam + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing, Dispel
Ash Yam + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Scrib Jerky = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Muck + Scuttle = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scuttle = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Pearl + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Resin + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Muck = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Speed, Dispel
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Speed
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Muck + Red Lichen = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Kagouti Hide + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing, Dispel
Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat = Resist Common Disease, Resist Poison, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scales = Resist Common Disease, Water Walking, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Luminous Russula + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing, Dispel
Ash Yam + Luminous Russula + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Luminous Russula + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Luminous Russula + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Water Breathing
Ash Yam + Marshmerrow + Muck + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Marshmerrow + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Marshmerrow + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Moon Sugar + Muck + Pearl = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Dispel
Ash Yam + Moon Sugar + Netch Leather + Pearl = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Shalk Resin = Resist Common Disease, Fortify Speed, Dispel
Ash Yam + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Spore Pod = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Dispel
Ash Yam + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Ash Yam + Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Speed, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Muck + Pearl + Red Lichen = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Muck + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Muck + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Muck + Red Lichen + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Muck + Red Lichen + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Ash Yam + Muck + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Muck + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Muck + Resin + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Muck + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Key, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Muck + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Detect Key, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Pearl + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Pearl + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Pearl + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Raw Ebony + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Resin + Scamp Skin = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Resin + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Spore Pod = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Key, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Spore Pod + Vampire Dust = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Pearl + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Pearl + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Pearl + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Pearl + Spore Pod + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Pearl + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Spore Pod = Resist Common Disease, Detect Key, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Resist Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Ash Yam + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Ash Yam + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Ash Yam + Resin + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Ash Yam + Resin + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Fortify Health
Ash Yam + Resin + Spore Pod + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Detect Key
Ash Yam + Resin + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Spell Absorption
Ash Yam + Resin + Vampire Dust + Wickwheat = Fortify Strength, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Ash Yam + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Ash Yam + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ash Yam + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Fortify Health, Spell Absorption
Bittergreen Petals + Bonemeal + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Telekinesis, Feather
Bittergreen Petals + Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat = Invisibility, Restore Fatigue, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Chokeweed + Diamond + Muck = Invisibility, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Chokeweed + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts = Invisibility, Fire Shield, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond + Frost Salts = Invisibility, Restore Magicka, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond + Muck = Invisibility, Reflect, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond + Raw Glass = Invisibility, Fire Shield, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Invisibility, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Comberry + Diamond + Sload Soap = Invisibility, Fire Shield, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Diamond = Invisibility, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bittergreen Petals + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ruby = Restore Intelligence, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bittergreen Petals + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat = Invisibility, Restore Fatigue, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Diamond + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Invisibility, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Muck = Invisibility, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Invisibility, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Green Lichen + Muck = Invisibility, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Invisibility, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Invisibility, Reflect, Detect Enchantment
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck = Invisibility, Reflect, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Invisibility, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Invisibility, Reflect
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Invisibility, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Invisibility, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Hound Meat + Spore Pod = Invisibility, Reflect, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Muck + Scrap Metal = Restore Intelligence, Invisibility, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Invisibility, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Scrap Metal + Spore Pod = Restore Intelligence, Invisibility, Detect Key
Bittergreen Petals + Diamond + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Invisibility, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Guar Hide + Heather + Ruby = Restore Intelligence, Restore Personality, Feather
Bittergreen Petals + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scrib Jerky = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Bittergreen Petals + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Bittergreen Petals + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bittergreen Petals + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Red Lichen = Light, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Fire Petal + Red Lichen = Resist Fire, Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Red Lichen = Light, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen = Light, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Saltrice = Light, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Light, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Light, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Comberry + Fire Salts + Frost Salts = Resist Fire, Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Black Anther + Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat = Resist Fire, Restore Magicka, Reflect
Black Anther + Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Resist Fire, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Comberry + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Resist Fire, Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Black Anther + Comberry + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Fire Petal = Resist Fire, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Anther + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Frost Salts = Resist Fire, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Anther + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Red Lichen = Light, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Anther + Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Corkbulb Root + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Light, Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Scrap Metal = Resist Fire, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Black Anther + Crab Meat + Red Lichen + Scrap Metal = Light, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Black Anther + Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Red Lichen = Light, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Black Anther + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scales = Light, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Black Anther + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Light, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Black Anther + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Vampire Dust = Light, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Dreugh Wax + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Muck + Red Lichen = Resist Fire, Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Red Lichen + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Light, Spell Absorption
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Light, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Fire Petal + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Spell Absorption, Fortify Health
Black Anther + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Resist Fire, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Black Anther + Fire Salts + Red Lichen + Sload Soap = Light, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Fire, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Black Anther + Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Green Lichen + Red Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Light, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Light, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Light, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Anther + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Light, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Muck + Red Lichen + Spore Pod = Light, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Black Anther + Red Lichen + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Light, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Black Anther + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Light, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Bloat + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Bloat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts = Resist Frost, Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts = Resist Frost, Fire Shield, Reflect
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts + Ghoul Heart = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat = Resist Frost, Fire Shield, Reflect
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts + Rat Meat = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts + Raw Ebony = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Resist Frost, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Black Lichen + Comberry + Fire Salts + Void Salts = Resist Frost, Restore Magicka, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Comberry + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Fire Salts = Resist Frost, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ghoul Heart = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Rat Meat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Crab Meat + Ghoul Heart + Scrap Metal = Cure Poison, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Black Lichen + Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Crab Meat + Rat Meat + Scrap Metal = Cure Poison, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Black Lichen + Crab Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrap Metal = Cure Poison, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Black Lichen + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Black Lichen + Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Emerald + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Ghoul Heart + Sload Soap = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Resist Frost, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Resist Frost, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Resist Poison
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Rat Meat + Sload Soap = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Raw Ebony + Sload Soap = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Resist Frost, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Fire Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Frost, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat = Cure Poison, Resist Poison, Water Breathing
Black Lichen + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scales = Cure Poison, Resist Poison, Water Walking
Black Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Black Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Shalk Resin = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Black Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Black Lichen + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Rat Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Raw Ebony + Resin + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Black Lichen + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Black Lichen + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Black Lichen + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Black Lichen + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Black Lichen + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Chokeweed + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Bloat + Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Comberry + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Detect Animal, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ectoplasm = Detect Animal, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Ectoplasm + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Animal, Cure Paralyzation
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Ectoplasm + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Restore Health
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Fortify Intelligence, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Paralyzation
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Bloat + Corkbulb Root + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Fortify Willpower, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Bloat + Corprus Weepings + Ectoplasm + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Restore Health
Bloat + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Crab Meat + Netch Leather + Scrap Metal = Fortify Intelligence, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bloat + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Bloat + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bloat + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Ectoplasm + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Animal, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye
Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Void Salts = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Emerald + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Restore Health
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Cure Poison
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Fortify Intelligence, Detect Animal, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Restore Health
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Cure Poison
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Restore Health
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Detect Animal, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Animal, Fortify Agility
Bloat + Emerald + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Bloat + Emerald + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Bloat + Emerald + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Bloat + Emerald + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Bloat + Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fortify Willpower, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Bloat + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Bloat + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Bloat + Ghoul Heart + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Bloat + Ghoul Heart + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Bloat + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Fortify Endurance
Bloat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Bloat + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scuttle = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Bloat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Bloat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Bloat + Marshmerrow + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Netch Leather + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Bloat + Netch Leather + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Netch Leather + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison
Bloat + Netch Leather + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Restore Health
Bloat + Netch Leather + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Intelligence, Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Bloat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Intelligence, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Pearl + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Bloat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Bloat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Bloat + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Bloat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Bloat + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fortify Willpower, Fortify Agility, Cure Poison
Bloat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Bloat + Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Bloat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Bloat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Bloat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bloat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Bonemeal + Chokeweed + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bonemeal + Crab Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Bonemeal + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Bonemeal + Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Bonemeal + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Bonemeal + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Bonemeal + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bonemeal + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Bonemeal + Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Telekinesis, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Bonemeal + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Telekinesis, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Bungler's Bane + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Pearl = Dispel, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Bungler's Bane + Corkbulb Root + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Corprus Weepings + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Dispel, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Bungler's Bane + Crab Meat + Pearl + Scrap Metal = Dispel, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Bungler's Bane + Fire Salts + Pearl + Sload Soap = Dispel, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Bungler's Bane + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kagouti Hide + Pearl = Dispel, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Hound Meat + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Dispel, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bungler's Bane + Hound Meat + Pearl + Scuttle = Dispel, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Bungler's Bane + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat = Dispel, Resist Poison, Water Breathing
Bungler's Bane + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scales = Dispel, Water Walking, Water Breathing
Bungler's Bane + Luminous Russula + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Marshmerrow + Pearl + Resin = Dispel, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Bungler's Bane + Pearl + Resin + Wickwheat = Dispel, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Bungler's Bane + Pearl + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Dispel, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Comberry + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Magicka, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Diamond + Muck = Cure Common Disease, Reflect, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Fire Shield, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Magicka, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Comberry + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Comberry + Gravedust + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Green Lichen + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Raw Glass = Restore Fatigue, Fire Shield, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Red Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fire Shield, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Void Salts = Restore Fatigue, Restore Magicka, Reflect
Chokeweed + Comberry + Hound Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Muck + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Red Lichen + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Restore Fatigue, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Corkbulb Root + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scales = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Diamond + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Gravedust + Hackle-Lo Leaf = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Gravedust + Scales = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Gravedust + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Red Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Muck + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Muck + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Red Lichen + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scales = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scales = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scales + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scales + Vampire Dust = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength
Chokeweed + Daedra Skin + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Diamond + Gravedust + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Diamond + Green Lichen + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat + Red Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Diamond + Hound Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Reflect
Chokeweed + Diamond + Large Kwama Egg + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Diamond + Muck + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Diamond + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Diamond + Muck + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Emerald + Gravedust + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Muck + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Red Lichen + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Emerald + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Fire Salts + Gravedust + Sload Soap = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Fire Salts + Red Lichen + Sload Soap = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Fire Salts + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Fire Salts + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Fire Salts + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Frost Salts + Void Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scales = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Scales = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Saltrice + Scales = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scales + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality, Restore Luck
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Guar Hide + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Personality, Feather
Chokeweed + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Heather + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Personality, Feather
Chokeweed + Heather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Muck + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Muck + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Muck + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Muck + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Red Lichen = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Chokeweed + Muck + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Muck + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Muck + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Muck + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Muck + Scuttle + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Chokeweed + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Raw Ebony + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Resin + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Ruby + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Feather
Chokeweed + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Chokeweed + Saltrice + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Restore Health
Chokeweed + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Chokeweed + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Restore Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Chokeweed + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Scamp Skin + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Chokeweed + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Chokeweed + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Fatigue
Coda Flower + Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Coda Flower + Emerald + Racer Plumes + Saltrice = Levitate, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Coda Flower + Emerald + Saltrice + Trama Root = Levitate, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Coda Flower + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Levitate, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Coda Flower + Hound Meat + Racer Plumes + Scrib Jerky = Levitate, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Coda Flower + Hound Meat + Racer Plumes + Scuttle = Levitate, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Coda Flower + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Coda Flower + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Coda Flower + Racer Plumes + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Levitate, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Coda Flower + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Levitate, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Coda Flower + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Levitate, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Coda Flower + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Endurance
Comberry + Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield
Comberry + Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Reflect, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Scrap Metal = Restore Magicka, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Comberry + Crab Meat + Diamond + Scrap Metal = Reflect, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Comberry + Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Hound Meat = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Hound Meat = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Comberry + Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Scrap Metal = Restore Magicka, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Raw Glass = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Crab Meat + Raw Glass + Scrap Metal = Fire Shield, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Comberry + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Comberry + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Comberry + Daedra Skin + Diamond + Muck = Reflect, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Comberry + Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Comberry + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts + Hound Meat = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Endurance
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Fortify Endurance
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Raw Glass = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Raw Glass = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Endurance
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Cure Paralyzation
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Magicka, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Comberry + Daedra's Heart + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Diamond + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Diamond + Fire Petal + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Resist Fire
Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts + Frost Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts + Muck = Fire Shield, Reflect, Detect Key
Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Diamond + Fire Salts + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Frost Shield
Comberry + Diamond + Frost Salts + Muck = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Detect Key
Comberry + Diamond + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Frost Shield
Comberry + Diamond + Green Lichen + Muck = Reflect, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Comberry + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Diamond + Muck + Red Lichen = Reflect, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Comberry + Diamond + Muck + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Detect Key
Comberry + Diamond + Raw Glass + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Diamond + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Reflect, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Comberry + Diamond + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Diamond + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Diamond + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Spell Absorption
Comberry + Dreugh Wax + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Comberry + Ectoplasm + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Emerald + Fire Salts + Saltrice = Fire Shield, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Comberry + Emerald + Frost Salts + Saltrice = Restore Magicka, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Comberry + Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Reflect, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Emerald + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Comberry + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Hound Meat = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Resist Fire
Comberry + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony = Restore Magicka, Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Comberry + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Resist Fire
Comberry + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust = Restore Magicka, Resist Fire, Spell Absorption
Comberry + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Comberry + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Hound Meat = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Comberry + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Comberry + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Fire Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Fire Salts + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Spell Absorption
Comberry + Frost Salts + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Comberry + Frost Salts + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Comberry + Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Frost Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Frost Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Comberry + Frost Salts + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Comberry + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Comberry + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Roobrush = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Comberry + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Comberry + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Comberry + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Comberry + Frost Salts + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Comberry + Frost Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Magicka, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Comberry + Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Ghoul Heart + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Heather + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Reflect, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Glass = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Comberry + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Comberry + Hound Meat + Raw Glass + Scrib Jerky = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Raw Glass + Scuttle = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Raw Glass + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Hound Meat + Resin + Saltrice = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Comberry + Hound Meat + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Comberry + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Comberry + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Reflect, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Hound Meat + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Reflect
Comberry + Hound Meat + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Reflect, Spell Absorption
Comberry + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Raw Glass + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Raw Glass + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Spell Absorption
Comberry + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Fortify Agility, Cure Poison
Comberry + Roobrush + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Comberry + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Comberry + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Comberry + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Comberry + Sload Soap + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fire Shield, Spell Absorption
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Hound Meat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Gravedust = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Muck = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Scales = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Swift Swim
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Swift Swim
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Vampire Dust = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Strength
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Daedra's Heart + Void Salts = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Diamond + Hound Meat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Reflect
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Diamond + Muck = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Detect Key
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ectoplasm + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Agility
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Fire Petal + Frost Salts = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Resist Fire
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Fire Petal + Vampire Dust = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Spell Absorption
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Fire Salts + Raw Glass = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Frost Salts + Void Salts = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ghoul Heart + Scathecraw = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Gravedust + Green Lichen = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Gravedust + Scales = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Personality
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Green Lichen + Muck = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Green Lichen + Red Lichen = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Personality
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Water Breathing
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Heather + Ruby = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Feather
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Heather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Feather
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Personality
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Health
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Dispel
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Muck + Red Lichen = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather + Resin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Rat Meat + Scathecraw = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Raw Glass + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Feather
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Swift Swim
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scamp Skin + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Spell Absorption
Corkbulb Root + Corprus Weepings + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Emerald + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Guar Hide + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Guar Hide + Scrap Metal = Fortify Luck, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Netch Leather + Scrap Metal = Cure Paralyzation, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Resin + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrap Metal = Cure Paralyzation, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Strength, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Emerald + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Corkbulb Root + Daedra Skin + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Guar Hide = Fortify Luck, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Heather = Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Void Salts = Fortify Luck, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Resin = Restore Health, Night-Eye, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Marshmerrow + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Resin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Void Salts = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Health, Reflect, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Emerald + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Heather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Strength, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Guar Hide + Heather = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Guar Hide + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Guar Hide + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Guar Hide + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Heather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Netch Leather + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Emerald + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Fire Salts + Guar Hide + Sload Soap = Fortify Luck, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Fire Salts + Marshmerrow + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Fire Salts + Resin + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Fire Salts + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Fire Salts + Scamp Skin + Sload Soap = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Void Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Frost Salts + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Gold Kanet + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Gold Kanet + Heather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Gold Kanet + Marshmerrow + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Gold Kanet + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Gravedust + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Personality, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Green Lichen + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Heather + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Heather + Ruby = Fortify Luck, Restore Personality, Feather
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Heather + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Heather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Heather + Scuttle = Fortify Luck, Restore Personality, Feather
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Heather + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Resin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Endurance
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Luck, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Luck, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Luck, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Guar Hide + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Luck
Corkbulb Root + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Marshmerrow + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Ruby + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Personality, Feather
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Personality, Feather
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Heather + Scamp Skin + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Netch Leather = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Detect Enchantment
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Resin = Restore Health, Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather + Resin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Personality, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Shalk Resin = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Corkbulb Root + Luminous Russula + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Pearl + Resin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Saltrice + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Pearl + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Pearl + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scamp Skin = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Raw Ebony + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Corkbulb Root + Red Lichen + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Red Lichen + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Red Lichen + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Corkbulb Root + Resin + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Corkbulb Root + Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Corkbulb Root + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corkbulb Root + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Emerald + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Resin + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Corprus Weepings + Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Reflect, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corprus Weepings + Emerald + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Fire Salts + Resin + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corprus Weepings + Fire Salts + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corprus Weepings + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Corprus Weepings + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Corprus Weepings + Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Personality, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Saltrice = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Corprus Weepings + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Corprus Weepings + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Corprus Weepings + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Corprus Weepings + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Corprus Weepings + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Corprus Weepings + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Corprus Weepings + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Corprus Weepings + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Strength
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Restore Luck, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Muck + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scales + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrap Metal + Vampire Dust = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Strength
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Strength, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Magicka
Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Endurance
Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Night-Eye
Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Endurance
Crab Meat + Daedra's Heart + Scrap Metal + Void Salts = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Magicka
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Reflect
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Reflect
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Detect Key
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Reflect
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Diamond + Hound Meat + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Reflect, Detect Key
Crab Meat + Diamond + Muck + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Detect Key
Crab Meat + Diamond + Scrap Metal + Spore Pod = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Detect Key
Crab Meat + Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Strength, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Strength
Crab Meat + Dreugh Wax + Scrap Metal + Vampire Dust = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Strength
Crab Meat + Emerald + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Luck, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Marshmerrow + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Resin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Emerald + Scrap Metal + Stoneflower Petals = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Magicka
Crab Meat + Emerald + Scrap Metal + Wickwheat = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Sload Soap = Restore Luck, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Kresh Fiber + Sload Soap = Restore Luck, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Fire Salts + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Scrap Metal + Void Salts = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Magicka
Crab Meat + Frost Salts + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Ghoul Heart + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Gravedust + Scales + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Endurance
Crab Meat + Gravedust + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Endurance, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Gravedust + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Muck = Restore Luck, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Willow Anther = Restore Luck, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Guar Hide + Heather + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Personality
Crab Meat + Guar Hide + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Personality, Feather
Crab Meat + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Endurance
Crab Meat + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Personality
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Heather + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Feather
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Luminous Russula = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Pearl = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kagouti Hide + Pearl = Restore Luck, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Restore Luck, Water Breathing, Water Walking
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Restore Luck, Water Breathing, Dispel
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Resin = Restore Luck, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Feather
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Magicka
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Luck, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Heather + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Heather + Scamp Skin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Personality
Crab Meat + Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Personality, Feather
Crab Meat + Heather + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Feather
Crab Meat + Heather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Kresh Fiber = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Marshmerrow = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Resin = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Hound Meat + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Speed
Crab Meat + Kagouti Hide + Pearl + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Resist Common Disease
Crab Meat + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Resist Common Disease
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Feather
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality, Fortify Magicka
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Luck, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrap Metal + Stoneflower Petals = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Crab Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Resist Poison
Crab Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Water Walking
Crab Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Luminous Russula + Pearl + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Water Breathing
Crab Meat + Marshmerrow + Resin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Crab Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrap Metal + Wickwheat = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Dispel
Crab Meat + Moon Sugar + Scrap Metal + Shalk Resin = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Speed
Crab Meat + Muck + Red Lichen + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Muck + Scrap Metal + Spore Pod = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Detect Key
Crab Meat + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Crab Meat + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Pearl + Resin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Resist Common Disease
Crab Meat + Racer Plumes + Scrap Metal + Trama Root = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Levitate
Crab Meat + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Rat Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrap Metal = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Speed
Crab Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Poison
Crab Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Frost Shield
Crab Meat + Raw Glass + Scrap Metal + Sload Soap = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fire Shield
Crab Meat + Red Lichen + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Common Disease
Crab Meat + Resin + Saltrice + Scrap Metal = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Crab Meat + Resin + Scrap Metal + Wickwheat = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Magicka
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrap Metal + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Crab Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Crab Meat + Scales + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Scales + Scrap Metal + Violet Corprinus = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Water Walking
Crab Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Restore Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Crab Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrap Metal + Stoneflower Petals = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Strength
Crab Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrap Metal + Willow Anther = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Crab Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Crab Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Restore Willpower
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Willpower
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Fatigue
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Fortify Health
Crab Meat + Scrap Metal + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Resist Shock, Lightning Shield, Spell Absorption
Daedra Skin + Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Diamond + Dreugh Wax + Muck = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Daedra Skin + Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck = Cure Common Disease, Reflect, Detect Key
Daedra Skin + Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Diamond + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Detect Key
Daedra Skin + Diamond + Muck + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Detect Key
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Emerald + Saltrice = Fortify Strength, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Fire Salts + Sload Soap = Fortify Strength, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Gravedust + Scales = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Green Lichen + Scales = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Green Lichen + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Restore Strength
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Heather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Muck + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Restore Strength
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Red Lichen + Scales = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scales + Scamp Skin = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Strength
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Strength
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Dreugh Wax + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Gravedust + Saltrice = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Muck + Saltrice = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Red Lichen + Saltrice = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Saltrice + Scales = Swift Swim, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Daedra Skin + Emerald + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Daedra Skin + Fire Salts + Gravedust + Sload Soap = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra Skin + Fire Salts + Red Lichen + Sload Soap = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra Skin + Fire Salts + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Swift Swim, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra Skin + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Green Lichen + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scales + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Gravedust + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scales + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scales + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality, Restore Strength
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Daedra Skin + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Daedra Skin + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Heather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Muck + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scales + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scales = Swift Swim, Water Walking, Water Breathing
Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Red Lichen + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Speed, Fortify Health
Daedra Skin + Muck + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Muck + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scales + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra Skin + Red Lichen + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Health
Daedra Skin + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Scales + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Swift Swim, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Scales + Vampire Dust + Violet Corprinus = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Water Walking
Daedra Skin + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Daedra Skin + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Swift Swim, Fortify Health
Daedra Skin + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Cure Common Disease, Swift Swim
Daedra's Heart + Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Daedra's Heart + Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Dreugh Wax + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption
Daedra's Heart + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Guar Hide = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Resist Fire
Daedra's Heart + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye, Resist Fire
Daedra's Heart + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Resist Fire
Daedra's Heart + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust = Restore Magicka, Resist Fire, Spell Absorption
Daedra's Heart + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Resist Fire, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Sload Soap = Restore Magicka, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts + Guar Hide + Sload Soap = Fortify Endurance, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts + Kagouti Hide + Sload Soap = Night-Eye, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra's Heart + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Guar Hide + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Guar Hide + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide + Large Kwama Egg = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye, Fortify Speed
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide + Resin = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye, Resist Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Netch Leather = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Frost Shield
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Magicka, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra's Heart + Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Gold Kanet + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Daedra's Heart + Gold Kanet + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Heather + Scuttle = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Feather
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Heather + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Endurance, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Guar Hide + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Spell Absorption
Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Scrib Jerky = Night-Eye, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Scuttle = Night-Eye, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scuttle = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Netch Leather = Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye, Fortify Speed
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Resin = Night-Eye, Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather + Resin = Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye, Resist Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Netch Leather + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Night-Eye
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice = Night-Eye, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye, Resist Common Disease
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Wickwheat = Night-Eye, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Night-Eye, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Night-Eye, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Kagouti Hide + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Night-Eye, Spell Absorption
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Endurance, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Cure Paralyzation
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Endurance, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Netch Leather + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Endurance, Spell Absorption
Daedra's Heart + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Daedra's Heart + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Daedra's Heart + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Health, Spell Absorption
Diamond + Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Sload Soap = Reflect, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Diamond + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Diamond + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg = Reflect, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Diamond + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Muck = Reflect, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Diamond + Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Muck = Detect Key, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Diamond + Green Lichen + Muck + Stoneflower Petals = Detect Key, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Diamond + Heather + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Reflect, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Muck = Reflect, Detect Key, Restore Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Diamond + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Muck = Reflect, Detect Key, Detect Enchantment
Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Resin = Reflect, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Diamond + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Wickwheat = Reflect, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck + Red Lichen = Reflect, Detect Key, Cure Common Disease
Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck + Saltrice = Reflect, Detect Key, Restore Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Muck + Scuttle = Reflect, Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Resin + Saltrice = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Diamond + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Diamond + Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Diamond + Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Reflect, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Reflect, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Spore Pod = Reflect, Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Spore Pod = Reflect, Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Muck + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Key, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Diamond + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Diamond + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Dreugh Wax + Emerald + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Dreugh Wax + Emerald + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Dreugh Wax + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Resist Fire, Spell Absorption
Dreugh Wax + Fire Petal + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Spell Absorption
Dreugh Wax + Fire Petal + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Spell Absorption, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Fire Salts + Scamp Skin + Sload Soap = Restore Strength, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Dreugh Wax + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Dreugh Wax + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Restore Magicka, Spell Absorption
Dreugh Wax + Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Dreugh Wax + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Heather + Ruby + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Restore Personality, Feather
Dreugh Wax + Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Strength, Restore Personality, Feather
Dreugh Wax + Heather + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Restore Personality
Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Dreugh Wax + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Fortify Health
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Spell Absorption
Dreugh Wax + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Fortify Strength, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Dreugh Wax + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Dreugh Wax + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Fortify Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Dreugh Wax + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Strength, Fortify Health, Spell Absorption
Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ectoplasm + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ectoplasm + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Resist Fire
Emerald + Fire Petal + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Spell Absorption
Emerald + Fire Salts + Marshmerrow + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Emerald + Fire Salts + Resin + Sload Soap = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Emerald + Fire Salts + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Emerald + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Emerald + Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Agility, Fire Shield
Emerald + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Frost Salts + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Frost Shield
Emerald + Ghoul Heart + Roobrush + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Poison
Emerald + Ghoul Heart + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Poison
Emerald + Gold Kanet + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Emerald + Gravedust + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Cure Common Disease, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Gravedust + Saltrice + Scales = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Endurance
Emerald + Gravedust + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Emerald + Green Lichen + Marshmerrow + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Green Lichen + Muck + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Emerald + Green Lichen + Red Lichen + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Emerald + Green Lichen + Resin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality, Restore Strength
Emerald + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Emerald + Guar Hide + Heather + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Emerald + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Endurance
Emerald + Guar Hide + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Emerald + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Emerald + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Luck
Emerald + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Water Breathing
Emerald + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Water Breathing
Emerald + Heather + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Personality
Emerald + Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Heather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Emerald + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Emerald + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Emerald + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Emerald + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Emerald + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Detect Enchantment
Emerald + Hound Meat + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Emerald + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Marshmerrow + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Resin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Kresh Fiber + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Personality
Emerald + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Resist Poison
Emerald + Kwama Cuttle + Saltrice + Scales = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Water Walking
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Scuttle = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Shalk Resin = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Emerald + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Emerald + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scuttle = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Marshmerrow + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Emerald + Marshmerrow + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Emerald + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Muck + Red Lichen + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Emerald + Netch Leather + Saltrice + Scamp Skin = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Paralyzation
Emerald + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Emerald + Racer Plumes + Saltrice + Trama Root = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Levitate
Emerald + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Saltrice = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Poison
Emerald + Rat Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Poison
Emerald + Red Lichen + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Common Disease
Emerald + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Resin + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Emerald + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Emerald + Roobrush + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Poison
Emerald + Roobrush + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Agility
Emerald + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Emerald + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Emerald + Saltrice + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Water Walking
Emerald + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Emerald + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Cure Paralyzation
Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Willpower
Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Emerald + Saltrice + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Health
Emerald + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Emerald + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Emerald + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Emerald + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Emerald + Scrib Jelly + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Emerald + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Emerald + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Emerald + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Gravedust + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Spell Absorption, Frost Shield
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Fire, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Resist Fire, Spell Absorption, Fortify Health
Fire Petal + Frost Salts + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Resist Fire, Spell Absorption, Frost Shield
Fire Petal + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Spell Absorption, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Petal + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Spell Absorption, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Petal + Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Spell Absorption, Fortify Speed, Fortify Health
Fire Petal + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Spell Absorption, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Sload Soap + Void Salts = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Magicka
Fire Salts + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Cure Poison
Fire Salts + Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Cure Poison
Fire Salts + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Personality
Fire Salts + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Luck
Fire Salts + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Water Breathing
Fire Salts + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Water Breathing
Fire Salts + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Water Breathing
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Detect Enchantment
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Detect Enchantment
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Raw Glass + Scrib Jerky = Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Raw Glass + Scuttle = Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Salts + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Fortify Speed
Fire Salts + Kagouti Hide + Pearl + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Resist Common Disease
Fire Salts + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Resist Common Disease
Fire Salts + Kresh Fiber + Sload Soap + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Fortify Personality
Fire Salts + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Water Breathing
Fire Salts + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Resist Poison
Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Frost Shield
Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue
Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue
Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue
Fire Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Sload Soap + Vampire Dust = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Fortify Health
Fire Salts + Luminous Russula + Pearl + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Water Breathing
Fire Salts + Marshmerrow + Resin + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Health
Fire Salts + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Health
Fire Salts + Marshmerrow + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Health
Fire Salts + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Dispel
Fire Salts + Pearl + Resin + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Resist Common Disease
Fire Salts + Racer Plumes + Sload Soap + Trama Root = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Levitate
Fire Salts + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Cure Poison
Fire Salts + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Cure Poison
Fire Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Speed
Fire Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Cure Poison
Fire Salts + Raw Glass + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Salts + Resin + Saltrice + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Health
Fire Salts + Resin + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Health
Fire Salts + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue
Fire Salts + Saltrice + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue
Fire Salts + Saltrice + Sload Soap + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Fortify Magicka
Fire Salts + Saltrice + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Health
Fire Salts + Scamp Skin + Sload Soap + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Strength
Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap + Trama Root = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Willpower
Fire Salts + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Fortify Willpower
Fire Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Fire Salts + Sload Soap + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Spell Absorption
Frost Salts + Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Resin = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Gold Kanet + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Strength, Cure Paralyzation
Frost Salts + Gravedust + Void Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation
Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease
Frost Salts + Green Lichen + Void Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Frost Salts + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Large Kwama Egg = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin = Frost Shield, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony = Frost Shield, Resist Poison, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Feather
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Frost Salts + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Frost Shield, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Resin + Wickwheat = Frost Shield, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Spell Absorption
Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Frost Salts + Scamp Skin + Void Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Frost Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Frost Salts + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Frost Salts + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Magicka, Fortify Health, Spell Absorption
Frost Salts + Vampire Dust + Void Salts + Willow Anther = Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, Spell Absorption
Ghoul Heart + Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Ghoul Heart + Green Lichen + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Ghoul Heart + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Ghoul Heart + Racer Plumes + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Levitate, Restore Willpower
Ghoul Heart + Racer Plumes + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Levitate, Restore Willpower
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Ghoul Heart + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Raw Glass + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Ghoul Heart + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ghoul Heart + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gold Kanet + Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin = Restore Strength, Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Gold Kanet + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Gold Kanet + Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Strength, Restore Personality, Feather
Gold Kanet + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gold Kanet + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Gold Kanet + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Strength, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance, Swift Swim
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Scales + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance, Fortify Personality
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Scales + Violet Corprinus = Cure Common Disease, Restore Endurance, Water Walking
Gravedust + Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gravedust + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Restore Endurance, Water Breathing, Water Walking
Gravedust + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scales + Scuttle = Restore Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gravedust + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gravedust + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scales = Restore Endurance, Water Walking, Water Breathing
Gravedust + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Endurance, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Gravedust + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Gravedust + Scales + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Endurance, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Gravedust + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Endurance, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Gravedust + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Restore Endurance, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Gravedust + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Gravedust + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Green Lichen + Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation
Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Kwama Cuttle = Fortify Personality, Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Luminous Russula = Fortify Personality, Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Muck = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Pearl = Fortify Personality, Water Breathing, Restore Luck
Green Lichen + Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Restore Luck
Green Lichen + Heather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Personality, Restore Strength
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Muck + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Muck + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Hound Meat + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Green Lichen + Muck + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Restore Strength
Green Lichen + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Green Lichen + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Green Lichen + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Green Lichen + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Raw Ebony + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Frost Shield
Green Lichen + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Fortify Personality, Cure Common Disease, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Green Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Heather + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Heather + Hound Meat + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Heather + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Guar Hide + Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Guar Hide + Heather + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Personality, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Guar Hide + Heather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scuttle = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Personality, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Endurance, Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Endurance, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Guar Hide + Netch Leather + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Endurance, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Personality, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Guar Hide + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Personality, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Personality, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Guar Hide + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Restore Personality, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky = Restore Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle = Restore Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jerky = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Luminous Russula + Scrib Jerky = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Luminous Russula + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Hound Meat + Pearl + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kagouti Hide + Kresh Fiber + Pearl = Water Breathing, Restore Luck, Resist Common Disease
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Water Breathing, Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Kwama Cuttle + Scales = Water Breathing, Restore Luck, Water Walking
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Kwama Cuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Water Breathing, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Luminous Russula + Stoneflower Petals = Water Breathing, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Moon Sugar + Pearl = Water Breathing, Restore Luck, Dispel
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Restore Luck, Resist Common Disease
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Pearl + Stoneflower Petals = Water Breathing, Restore Luck, Fortify Personality
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Luck, Fortify Personality, Fortify Magicka
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Luck, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Luck, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Breathing, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Breathing, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Kwama Cuttle + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Breathing, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Luminous Russula + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Marshmerrow + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Shalk Resin = Water Breathing, Fortify Speed, Dispel
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Breathing, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hackle-Lo Leaf + Pearl + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Heather + Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Heather + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scrib Jerky = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Hound Meat + Ruby + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield
Heather + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Heather + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health
Heather + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Heather + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Heather + Ruby + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Strength
Heather + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Heather + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Personality, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Heather + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Heather + Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Heather + Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Personality, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Heather + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Heather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Personality, Feather, Restore Strength
Heather + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Feather, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Large Kwama Egg + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Enchantment, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Hypha Facia + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Speed
Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Speed
Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Resist Common Disease
Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Pearl + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Resist Common Disease
Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Kagouti Hide + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Resist Common Disease
Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Personality, Fortify Magicka
Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Personality
Hound Meat + Kresh Fiber + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Personality
Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Breathing
Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Breathing
Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Resist Poison
Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Resist Poison
Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Walking
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Resin = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Large Kwama Egg + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Luminous Russula + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Breathing
Hound Meat + Luminous Russula + Pearl + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Breathing
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Pearl + Resin = Detect Enchantment, Restore Health, Resist Common Disease
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin = Detect Enchantment, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Ruby + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Feather
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Detect Enchantment, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Detect Enchantment, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Marshmerrow + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Enchantment, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Dispel
Hound Meat + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Dispel
Hound Meat + Moon Sugar + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Speed
Hound Meat + Moon Sugar + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Speed
Hound Meat + Muck + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Hound Meat + Muck + Red Lichen + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Hound Meat + Muck + Scrib Jerky + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Key
Hound Meat + Muck + Scuttle + Spore Pod = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Detect Key
Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Paralyzation
Hound Meat + Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Paralyzation
Hound Meat + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Pearl + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Resist Common Disease
Hound Meat + Racer Plumes + Scrib Jerky + Trama Root = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Levitate
Hound Meat + Racer Plumes + Scuttle + Trama Root = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Levitate
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Speed
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Raw Ebony + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Frost Shield
Hound Meat + Raw Glass + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fire Shield
Hound Meat + Raw Glass + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fire Shield
Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Hound Meat + Red Lichen + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Common Disease
Hound Meat + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Hound Meat + Resin + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison
Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Agility
Hound Meat + Roobrush + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Agility
Hound Meat + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Hound Meat + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Feather
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Hound Meat + Scales + Scuttle + Violet Corprinus = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Water Walking
Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Strength
Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Paralyzation
Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Strength
Hound Meat + Scamp Skin + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Paralyzation
Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky + Trama Root = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Scathecraw + Scuttle + Trama Root = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Trama Root = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Willpower
Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle + Trama Root = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Restore Willpower
Hound Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Willpower
Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Spell Absorption
Hound Meat + Scuttle + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Health
Hound Meat + Scuttle + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Spell Absorption
Kagouti Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease, Dispel
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Raw Ebony + Resin = Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Resin + Saltrice = Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Resin + Wickwheat = Fortify Speed, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Fortify Speed, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Kagouti Hide + Moon Sugar + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Fortify Speed, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Kagouti Hide + Pearl + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Kagouti Hide + Pearl + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Kagouti Hide + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Kagouti Hide + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Resist Common Disease, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Kagouti Hide + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Kagouti Hide + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Kagouti Hide + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Kresh Fiber + Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Kresh Fiber + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Kresh Fiber + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Kresh Fiber + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Personality, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Kresh Fiber + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Kresh Fiber + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Fortify Personality, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Kwama Cuttle + Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Kwama Cuttle + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Rat Meat = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Dispel
Kwama Cuttle + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Kwama Cuttle + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Scales = Water Walking, Water Breathing, Dispel
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat + Resin = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat + Roobrush = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat + Scales = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Water Breathing
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat + Scathecraw = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Water Breathing, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin + Scales = Water Walking, Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Resin + Wickwheat = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Water Breathing, Swift Swim
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Breathing, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Kwama Cuttle + Pearl + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Scales = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Willow Anther = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Frost Shield
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Scales = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scales + Scathecraw = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scales + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Cure Poison
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Resist Poison, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Kwama Cuttle + Rat Meat + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Resist Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Kwama Cuttle + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Walking, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Kwama Cuttle + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Walking, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin = Frost Shield, Restore Health, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Shalk Resin = Fortify Health, Fortify Speed, Dispel
Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Raw Ebony + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Saltrice + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Moon Sugar + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Resin + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Restore Speed
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Saltrice = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Fortify Agility
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Saltrice + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Magicka
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Swift Swim
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Shalk Resin = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Vampire Dust = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Poison
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Raw Ebony + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Large Kwama Egg + Red Lichen + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Common Disease
Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Resin + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Restore Health
Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Feather, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Feather
Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Feather
Large Kwama Egg + Ruby + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Feather
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Shalk Resin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Magicka
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Magicka
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Magicka
Large Kwama Egg + Saltrice + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Swift Swim
Large Kwama Egg + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Restore Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Large Kwama Egg + Scamp Skin + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Fortify Health, Cure Paralyzation
Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Shalk Resin = Fortify Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Vampire Dust = Fortify Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Health, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Fatigue
Large Kwama Egg + Scrib Jerky + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Large Kwama Egg + Scuttle + Vampire Dust + Willow Anther = Restore Fatigue, Frost Shield, Fortify Health
Luminous Russula + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Water Breathing, Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Luminous Russula + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Luminous Russula + Pearl + Resin + Wickwheat = Water Breathing, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Luminous Russula + Pearl + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Water Breathing, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Luminous Russula + Pearl + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Marshmerrow + Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin = Restore Health, Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Marshmerrow + Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Speed
Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Restore Health, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Marshmerrow + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Marshmerrow + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Marshmerrow + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Marshmerrow + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Marshmerrow + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Marshmerrow + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Marshmerrow + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin + Saltrice = Dispel, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin + Shalk Resin = Fortify Speed, Dispel, Resist Common Disease
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Resin + Wickwheat = Dispel, Resist Common Disease, Restore Health
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Dispel, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Dispel, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Moon Sugar + Pearl + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Fortify Speed, Dispel, Fortify Health
Moon Sugar + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Shalk Resin = Fortify Speed, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Moon Sugar + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Shalk Resin = Fortify Speed, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Muck + Red Lichen + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Muck + Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Muck + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Spore Pod = Detect Key, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Netch Leather + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Cure Paralyzation, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Netch Leather + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Pearl + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Pearl + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Pearl + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Resist Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Pearl + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Resist Common Disease, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Racer Plumes + Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Levitate, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Racer Plumes + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Levitate, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Racer Plumes + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Levitate, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Racer Plumes + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Levitate, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Racer Plumes + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Trama Root = Levitate, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Resin + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Rat Meat + Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Rat Meat + Raw Glass + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Rat Meat + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Rat Meat + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Rat Meat + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Raw Ebony + Raw Glass + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Fire Shield, Fortify Agility
Raw Ebony + Red Lichen + Resin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Speed, Cure Common Disease
Raw Ebony + Red Lichen + Roobrush + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Raw Ebony + Red Lichen + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Raw Ebony + Red Lichen + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Common Disease
Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush + Saltrice = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush + Sload Soap = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Fortify Agility
Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Resin + Roobrush + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Speed, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue
Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Speed, Restore Health, Fortify Magicka
Raw Ebony + Resin + Saltrice + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Speed, Cure Paralyzation
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Speed, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Raw Ebony + Resin + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Speed
Raw Ebony + Resin + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Speed, Restore Health
Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Scamp Skin + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Raw Ebony + Roobrush + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Raw Ebony + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation
Raw Ebony + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Raw Ebony + Scathecraw + Trama Root + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Restore Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat + Willow Anther = Cure Poison, Frost Shield, Fortify Willpower
Raw Ebony + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Frost Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Raw Glass + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Fortify Agility, Cure Poison
Raw Glass + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fire Shield, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Red Lichen + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Red Lichen + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Common Disease, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Resin + Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Resin + Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle = Restore Health, Feather, Restore Fatigue
Resin + Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Resin + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Resin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Resin + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Roobrush + Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap + Trama Root = Fortify Agility, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Sload Soap + Wickwheat = Fortify Agility, Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower
Roobrush + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Roobrush + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Sload Soap = Fortify Agility, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ruby + Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka
Ruby + Saltrice + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Feather, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health
Ruby + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Feather, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Restore Fatigue, Swift Swim, Fortify Fatigue
Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Swift Swim
Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Violet Corprinus = Restore Fatigue, Water Walking, Swift Swim
Saltrice + Scales + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Swift Swim
Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Strength
Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Restore Strength
Saltrice + Scamp Skin + Stoneflower Petals + Willow Anther = Fortify Magicka, Cure Paralyzation, Restore Strength
Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Fortify Magicka, Restore Health, Fortify Willpower
Saltrice + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Restore Health, Fortify Willpower, Restore Willpower
Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Fatigue
Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Fortify Fatigue
Saltrice + Scrib Jerky + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Saltrice + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals + Wickwheat = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka, Restore Health
Scales + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky = Swift Swim, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Scales + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Scales + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Violet Corprinus = Water Walking, Swift Swim, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Strength, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Scamp Skin + Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Cure Poison, Restore Willpower
Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Stoneflower Petals = Restore Strength, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scamp Skin + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Willow Anther = Cure Paralyzation, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Health
Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Trama Root + Wickwheat = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Fortify Willpower
Scathecraw + Scrib Jelly + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Cure Poison, Restore Willpower, Spell Absorption
Scathecraw + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Trama Root = Restore Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Trama Root = Restore Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scrib Jelly + Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Wickwheat = Fortify Willpower, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue
Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Shalk Resin + Vampire Dust = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Fortify Health
Scrib Jerky + Scuttle + Vampire Dust + Void Salts = Restore Fatigue, Fortify Fatigue, Spell Absorption

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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.6.1820 Steam)

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