Chaos Island

Chaos Island

13.10.2013 08:29:15


Simply hold [Ctrl][Shift][X] and [X] when playing. A red bar will
appear on the lower left. Then type these cheats, (exactly as written
here) and then hit [Enter].

Kill- Kills selected enemy
Egg raptor- Gives raptor egg
Egg trex- Gives trex egg
Egg stegosaur- Gives stegosaur egg
Egg parasaur- Gives parasaur egg
Egg dilo- Gives dilophosaur egg
Egg triceratops- Gives triceratops egg
Egg compy- Gives compy egg
Money #- (whereas # is amount of supplies to give) Gives supplies
Win- Instantly complete the mission
Lose- Instanly lose the mission
Macleod- invicibility
Clear- Clears the map
Extra- Pumps up eddie and nicks responses to 50% (Consult set.bin)
Audio #- enables specific win/lose character playbacks (Whereas #
is the number)
Dead- Holds the dead longer
Prince- Displays the programmer's special quote
Remdul- Gives the hidden character to you instantly (It's a little
alien with this super-blaster)
Drawrect- Don't do this! It draws rectangles around all units but it
won't go away until you reinstall
Grid- Don't do this either! It makes a permanent grid of the map
and it won't go away until you reinstall
Idcheck- checks for unique ids (Didn't work for me but it says it in set.bin)
Evets- Special setting for winning and extra audio
Core- Display's photo of progammers
raggsdale- Displays the cheat list
health amt- increase or decrease the selected units by the given amount
hppr amt- (heath percent)" sets the health % of the selected units to the given %
Egg Pachy- Head Butter Dinosaur

pausing and frame stepping

[Shift][F3] - pauses the game
[Shift][F4] - frame steps the game
[Shift][F5] - returns to normal game play


Halte einfach [Strg][Shift][X] und [X] gedrückt. Du siehst nun einen
roten Balken unten links. Jetzt tippe die Codes ein und drücke

Kill - Tötet anvisierten Feind
Egg raptor - Raptor-Ei
Egg trex - Trex-Ei
Egg stegosaur - Stegosaurier-Ei
Egg parasaur - Parasaurier-Ei
Egg dilo - Dilophosaurier-Ei
Egg triceratops - Triceratops-Ei
Egg compy - Compy-Ei
Money # - Knete (# die Summe)
Win - Gewinne die Mission
Lose - Verliere die Mission
Macleod - Unbesiegbarkeit
Clear - Karte frei
Extra - Eddie und Nick auf 50 %
Audio # - Spiele Audio-Track
Dead - Tot is länger (Denn wisse: Wer früher stirbt, ist
länger tot)
Prince - Zitat des Programmierers
Remdul - Du erhältst den versteckten Spieler
Drawrect - Zeichnet Dreiecke - Du mußt neu instalieren
Grid - Zeichnet ein Gitter - Du mußt neu instalieren
Idcheck - Id-Check (Wofür - keiner weis es)
Evets - Siegesgesang
Core - Photo des Programmierers
raggsdale - Cheat list
health amt - Erhöht oder verringert die Gesundheit auf den
angegebenen Wert (amt)
hppr amt - Erhöht oder verringert die Gesundheit auf eine
bestimmte Prozentzahl des angegebenen Wertes
Egg pachy - Head Butter Dinosaur

[Shift][F3] - Pause
[Shift][F4] - Frame-Rate
[Shift][F5] - Weiter im Spiel

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