Ein neues Update für Counter-Strike: Source, Source Engine und Source SDK wird automatisch aufgespielt, wenn ihr euren Steam Client neu startet. Der Patch enthält ein paar Bugfixes, unter anderem wird der gestern entdeckte Jump-Bug behoben. Und ein paar Servercommands sind hinzu gekommen, wie zum Beispiel "stats", womit man die Auslastung anzeigen kann. Nachfolgend die komplette Changelist: CS:S * Fixed an issue which was affecting player movement prediction * Stopped players on de_dust2 being able to hide inside of rocks * Added clipbrushes to de_train to prevent players from reaching certain areas * Enabled bots to navigate their way out of the carts in cs_compound * Source Engine (game server changes) * Added "stats" command to print the current cpu usage, players and net bandwidth in use* Fixed rcon responses to properly reflect request id's* Added rate-limiting to connectionless queries to prevent flooding (as in HL1, the rate-limiting is controlled via the cvars: sv_max_queries_sec, sv_max_queries_sec_global, and sv_max_queries_window)* Removed sv_allowlocalquery cvar Source SDK* Added Snow and rain materials * Added qc_eyes.exe * Made various improvements and fixes to .FGD files * Fixed an issue in Vrad which was causing visible artifacts when lighting very large objects/areas * Fixed an issue in Studiomdl which was allowing bad $modelnames to be used * Fixed the "cordon" texture used by Hammer