Gestern fand der exklusive Developers Chat mit dem Raven Shield Team statt. Die Fans , sowie Ubi Soft hatten Gestern die Ehre mit Mike McCoy (Lead Game Designer), Joel Trembley (Programmer) & Chadi Lebbos (Producer) live zu chatten und die aktuellsten News und Features zu erfahren. Hier ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Chatlog: Do u count add an iron sights view as option in RS ? If not, why ?(coz thre lot of players who expect see that in RS too) (RS_Mike): We considered using the iron sights, but found them too cumbersome. (RS_Mike): When operatives move they don't look through their sights they look over them. (RS_Mike): We decided to focus on that perspective since it looks the best and doesn't cover too much of the screen. When is the demo planed to be released? (RS_Cedrick): When it's done, sometime between now and september :) Will the players have unique IDs, so u can ban a player totally from a server? (RS_Mike): We're checking on it now, but I'm pretty sure you will be able to kick and ban IPs Can the player himself turn off the 1st. weaponview?...