2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on i.not connected to Facebook
2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on inot connected to Twitter
2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on inot connected to Google+
~B German
Wenn ihr 6 Milliarden Dollar haben wollt, solltet ihr folgenden Code eingeben:
J F K B B B B B B B B B B J F K (also JFK,10x B und wieder JFK) English
If you'd like to have Dollars, you should enter this code:
J F K B B B B B B B B B B J F K (JFK,10x B and again JFK)