Resident Evil: The Director's Cut Dual Shock Edition

Resident Evil: The Director's Cut Dual Shock Edition

15.10.2013 10:41:01
Chris Arranged Mode
Chris Arranged Mode Walkthrough
Version 1.0
Thursday, July 20, 2000
Lady Raven

*~ Table of Contents ~*
I. Introduction
II. Differences Between the Original Mode/Game and Arranged Mode
III. General Tips
IV. Herb Guide
V. Chris's Arsenal
VI. The Endings
VII. Walkthrough
VIII. Special Thanks
IX. Disclaimers/Legal Mess
X. Contact Info

I. Introduction
Chris' game is much harder than Jill's, and normally should be for
somewhat advanced players. I've always considered Chris' game faster
than Jill's, even though the guide for him is longer, but a lot of the
stuff can be omitted. Whatever the case, this guide'll help in
finishing less than three hours, rewarding you with the insidious
Rocket Launcher and not-so-good best ending. Note that in Arranged
Mode, getting the best ending will award you with the infinite Colt
Python. The time for completing the game doesn't matter, but you must
see the best ending.

II. Differences Between the Original Mode/Game and Arranged Mode
* Different clothes for Jill, Chris, and Rebecca. The alternate
costumes, however, remain the same. If you've unlocked the clothes
closet with the Special Key in a previous game, it will remain unlocked
and you can access all outfits in the game.
* Ink Ribbons give you 3 instead of 2.
* Key item arrangement is COMPLETELY different, but usually convenient
(herbs are in the same spot, ammunition locations differ a tiny bit).
* More enemies and their locations differ than the original mode.
They also take more bullets before they go down, in addition to
inflicting more damage.
* Different camera angles, and because of these, some areas have
different lighting.
* Not due to angle, but in the mirror room before the clothes closet,
the mirror is on the opposite wall and the zombie is standing.
* The Beretta looks different. It's also similar to the Colt Python
when firing.

III. General Tips
* There's an elusive lack of ammo in the beginning, but later there's
enough to go around for everyone. If you've played as Chris before, you
may know what you do or don't need. Whichever you decide, it's an
excellent idea to scavenge everything up in the beginning.
* Run everywhere... if that doesn't explain it I don't know what to
tell you...
* Dodge when you can, but not within a room full of zombies or when
escape is narrow. Not only will it save time and ammo, but possibly
* Pay attention to your enemy's weakness.
* Chris seems to take more hits before it's over, so he'll use less
healing items. Then again, everything tends to even out with Jill
because he doesn't have enough space for all those healing items she
may normally use.

IV. Herb Guide
You'll have more than enough herbs in this, so I encourage you to use
them when needed. Here are the combinations you will be using and
their percent healing:
1 Green Herb + 1 Blue Herb = 20% healing and nullifies poison.
2 Green Herbs + 1 Blue Herb = 80% healing and nullifies poison.
3 Green Herbs (cannot combine with Blue Herb) = Full health recovery.
1 Green Herb + 1 Red Herb = Full health recovery.
1 Green Herb + 1 Red Herb + 1 Blue = Full health recovery and nullifies

V. Chris's Arsenal
* The Combat Knife is negligent.
* You'll need the Beretta quite a bit in the beginning, try to
conserve your Clips when possible. You'll notice it's similar to the
Colt Python.
* Once you get the Shotgun, that's pretty much all you'll be using
throughout the mansion on zombies. One blast to the head is all it
takes (sometimes two). Also what partly makes his game so much harder
than Jill's, is the fact that the Bazooka is non-existent. So you're
going to have to use the Shotgun on the Hunters for a while. It takes
approx. 3-6 shells, depending on your distance.
* Probably even esteemed by gawd, the Colt Python wastes virtually
anything in one shot except Hunters, Chimeras, and bosses, which uses
two (sometimes one) or more.

VI. The Endings
There are four endings for each of the characters, and the events that
take place affect them. If you're going purely for something other
than the first or third ending, you can neglect the MO Disks. Also
note, if you're going for ending three or four, there will be no
triggering system, and no second Tyrant. This guide illustrates
getting the first ending, but here are the requirements for the others:
Second - Save yourself and Rebecca. Do everything in this guide
except save Jill from the Lab Cell.
Third - Save yourself and Jill, get Rebecca killed. There are a
couple of ways to go about it. 1) When you meet Rebecca in the West
Save Room, tell her to stay put. Then when Chris is poisoned by the
Yawn and you take control of Rebecca, get the Serum to him late. By
doing this, you'll have to fight Plant 42 alone and you won't see
Rebecca again until you get to the mansion. She's being attacked by a
Hunter inside the Small Library on 2F or West Stairs 1F. If you don't
get there in time, or not at all, she'll die. 2) Avoid Rebecca in the
West Save Room, and go to where you meet Richard. You'll need to get
the Serum for him. Don't get it in time so Richard can die. As a
result, you'll have to save yourself from the poison after the Yawn (or
use the Serum, if you have it handy), in addition to fighting Plant 42
alone. Then proceed through the game as you would in No. 1, only let
her die in the Small Library by the hands of a Hunter (if you save her
from the Hunter, you'll have a chance for the first or second ending.)
This guide follows No. 2.
Fourth - Save only yourself. Do the same as if you were getting the
third ending, but don't save Jill.

VII. Walkthrough
- Dining Room 1F -
After the beginning, go through the door to the right of the fireplace.

- West L Hall 1F -
Run to the area on the left. Skip the CG. All you have is a knife, so
turn around and run back and through the door on the right you entered

- Dining Room 1F -
Run through the double doors across from the fireplace.

- Main Hall 1F -
Wesker and Jill appear to have vanished. Pick up Jill's Beretta and
equip it. Head back into the dining room.

- Dining Room 1F -
Run through the door to the right of the fireplace.

- West L Hall 1F -
Ignore the zombie on the right and quickly head left to Kenneth.
Search him for two Clips. Leave the way you came in.

- Dining Room 1F -
Hit the door across from the fireplace.

- Main Hall 1F -
Go upstairs.

- Main Hall 2F -
Ascend the steps to the right and go right and through the door at the
far end of the walkway.

- Bloody Passage -
Grab the Small [Desk] Key to the right, then enter the door at the end
of the blood trail.

- Balcony -
You'll come to Forest whose been pecked to death (make my family mad
and you feel our wrath ^^). Pick up the Clip on your way, then
examine the gleam next to him, which is the Mansion [Armor] Key, but as
you try to grab it, he'll turn into a zombie. Run away, shoot, and go
back and grab the key. Leave.

- Bloody Passage -
Go through the door ahead.

- Main Hall 2F -
Hit the door on the right.

- U Passage -
Use the Armor Key on the first door and enter.

- Pillar Room -
This will be a good place to have a stopwatch or an accurate clock.
Make your way to Richard and meet Rebecca. She'll tell you Richie
needs Serum and you automatically leave, you have 15 before he
dies...whether or not you're going for the first ending we want him
dead by the time we return (cruel, yes; nothing you could do anyway

- U Passage -
This is when the clock starts ticking, so take your time a bit. Blast
the zombie on the left, then head cautiously around the corner and
blast the zombie here. Use the Armor Key on the green double doors but
don't enter. Instead, continue down the hall and blast the last
zombie. Then go through the door at the end.

- Small Library -
Go straight and veer a right at the table and go through the door.

- East Stairs 2F -
Kill the two zombies up here, then run past the second zombie and use
the Armor Key on the door. Go downstairs.

- East Stairs 1F -
Kill the zombies here. If you have a space, grab the Green Herb.
Enter the save room.

- East Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Beretta, 2 Clips in the box and the one you already had.
Combine all the Clips. Then grab the Broken Shotgun from the pile of
garden tools and the Green Herb from the outside if you haven't already
and store them both in the magic box. Leave.

- East Stairs 1F -
Go upstairs.

- East Stairs 2F -
Head through the door on the left you unlocked earlier.

- Deer Room -
Go through the door on the left; ignore the zombies for now.

- Study -
Check the bug showcase to the right and press the switch. Push the
emptied fishtank towards the desk, then the cabinet towards where the
fishtank was previously. Check the wall-cabinet for the Moon Crest
half. Leave.

- Deer Hall -
Shoot the two zombies and go through the door straight ahead.

- Bedroom -
Grab the Lighter from the shelves, then check the area between the bed
and the wall across from there for Shells. Leave.

- Deer Hall -
Go through the door on the left.

- East Stairs 2F -
Head left past the stairs and around the corner. Unlock the door at
the end and go through.

- U Passage -
Head around the corner and enter the green double doors.

- Armor Room -
Push the statue ahead of you over the vent and do the same with the
second. Then press the red switch in the floor. Check the now-open
showcase for the Emblem. Leave the room.

- U Passage -
Continue right and go through the door at the end of this hall.

- Main Hall 2F -
Run through the double doors across the way.

- Dining Room 2F -
Shoot the zombies in here and push the statue over the edge. Leave
through the door near the stained glass.

- West Stairs 2F -
Shoot the zombies and head downstairs.

- West Stairs 1F -
Enter the save room near the staircase, ignoring the dog.

- West Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Beretta, Clip, Armor Key, Small Key.

- West Stairs 1F -
Follow the hall, ignoring the dogs and use the Armor Key on the door to
the right and enter.

- Vacant Room -
Grab the Clip and the Colt Python (wahey! ^^). Then use the Small Key
on the desk for Shells. Leave.

- West Stairs 1F -
Head left, around the corner and enter the save room near the

- West Save Room -
Grab the Serum from the shelves, then open up the magic box…
Inventory: Colt Python, Lighter, Armor Key.
Yep, leave the Serum in the magic box. Leave.

- West Stairs 1F -
Head around the corners and through the brown door at the far end.

- Green Hall -
Ignore the zombies ahead and quickly run right and through the door at
the far end.

- West L Hall 1F -
Ignore the zombie for now, then go right and through the door.

- Dining Room 1F -
Grab the Star Crest from the broken statue and hit the double doors
across from the fireplace.

- Main Hall 1F -
Unlock the door next to the blue double doors. If you want a Clip or
want to change your clothes, enter and kill the two zombies and take it
from the dresser. Back out here, go upstairs.

- Main Hall 2F -
If the 15 minutes aren't up, chill out here 'til then. When they are
(or close), climb up the right steps and enter the door.

- U Passage -
Enter the first door.

- Pillar Room -
Run to Richard, now dead and Becky's gone. Check him for a Clip, then
go through the door.

- Pillar Back Room -
Blast the zombies here, then hang a left and go through the door.

- Small Dining Room -
Use the Lighter on the candles on the table. Then check the cabinet
near the planets for a Clip, and push the other out of the way.
Examine the cabinet in the hidden room for the Mansion [Sword] Key.

- Pillar Back Room -
Go right and through the door across from the stairs.

- Pillar Room -
Run through here.

- U Passage -
Head right, around the corner and past the green double doors, around
the next corner and through the first door on the right.

- East Stairs 2F -
Go downstairs.

- East Stairs 1F -
Enter the save room.

- East Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Beretta, Clip, Sword Key, Broken Shotgun.

- East Stairs 1F -
Go upstairs.

- East Stairs 2F -
Head right around the corner and through the door at the end.

- U Passage -
Run left and enter the door at the end.

- Main Hall 2F -
Go downstairs.

- Main Hall 1F -
Enter the blue double doors to the left.

- Gallery -
Use the Sword Key on the door next to the blocked hall.

- East L Hall 1F -
As you proceed, shoot the dogs. After the second dog, push the middle
shelf out of the way for a Clip. Go through the door.

- Twisted Hall -
Ignore the herb on the left and hit the door around the first corner.

- Bathroom -
Proceed a little bit and kill the zombie. Grab the Clip from the sink
and the Small [Desk] Key from the tub. Leave.

- Twisted Hall -
Continue down the hall and enter the door across from the double doors.

- Trap Room -
Go through the other door.

- Living Room -
Mow down the three zombies in here. Grab the Shotgun from the rack and
use the Broken Shotgun in its place. Leave.

- Trap Room -
Go through the other door.

- Twisted Hall -
Hit the double doors ahead.

- Back Passage -
Unlock the blue door on the right and push through.

- East Stairs 1F -
Enter the save room.

- East Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Beretta, Clip, Sword Key, Armor Key.

- East Stairs 1F -
Head around the corner and through the blue door.

- Back Passage -
Enter the door on the left.

- Twisted Hall -
Run through here and use the Armor Key on the metal door near the end
and discard. Enter.

- Outside---Boiler -
Ignore the dog on the other side of the fence. Kill the first dog
here, then head around the corner and kill the one that jumps over.
Grab the Chemical. Ignore the herbs for now (but grab and use one if
you need to) and leave, ignoring the third dog that jumps at you.

- Twisted Hall -
Hit the door on the left.

- East L Hall 1F -
Run through here.

- Gallery -
Push through the blue double doors.

- Main Hall 1F -
Run through the double doors across the way.

- Dining Room -
Enter the doors to the right of the fireplace.

- East L Hall 1F -
Head right and unlock the door right next to the double doors with the
Sword Key and enter.

- Bar -
Hopefully you have one space. Make your way around the piano and push
the cabinet toward the wall. Check the shelves for the Music Notes and
use them on the piano. Chris can't play the piano. No matter, Rebecca
to the rescue. She's a bit out of practice, so let her do so for
awhile. Leave.

- West L Hall 1F -
Run down and go through the door on the left.

- Dining Room 1F -
Go through the double doors across from the fireplace.

- Main Hall 1F -
Go upstairs.

- Main Hall 2F -
Climb the left steps and go through the double doors.

- Dining Room 2F -
Take the right path and go through the door.

- West Stairs 2F -
Make your way around the railing and downstairs.

- West Stairs 1F -
Dodge the dogs and enter the save room.

- West Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Shotgun, Shells, Emblem, Sword Key, Chemical, Serum.
Equip the Shotgun and leave.

- West Stairs 1F -
Run through here, ignoring the dogs, and through the door at the end.

- Green Hall -
Blast the zombies in front of you and continue forward down the hall.
Kill the zombie near the gray door and enter.

- Green House -
Use the Chemical on the pump near the entrance to kill the plant. Head
over to that area. Ignore the herbs (but use one or two if you have
to) and grab the Sun Crest by the window. Leave.

- Green Hall -
Go back down the hall, then left at the corner. Blast the zombie when
the path splits to the left, ignore this path and use the Sword Key
(discard it) on the door you come to on the right.

- Employee Room -
Ignore the Clip on the bed and run around. Examine the diary on the
desk and the closet will fly open with a zombie with open arms. Decap
him and grab the Shells. Leave.

- Green Hall -
Head through the door on the right.

- West L Hall 1F -
Run left and enter the door next to the double doors.

- Bar -
Rebecca finally mastered the song and the secret passage opens. Enter
and take the Gold Emblem from the relief. The entrance will close, so
just use the Emblem in its place. Leave the bar.

- West L Hall 1F -
Go right and through the door on the left.

- Dining Room 1F -
Place the Gold Emblem in the indentation above the fireplace and the
clock will reveal a panel. Examine it for the Blue Jewel. Get back to
the West L Hall 1F.

- West L Hall 1F -
Run right and enter the first door.

- Green Hall -
Go straight and then right and through the door.

- Tiger Statue Room -
Use the Blue Jewel on the statue to get the Mansion [Shield] Key.

- Green Hall -
We're going to fight the Yawn now, so if you think you need an herb or
two, trek back to the nearby save room and dump off some stuff to get
some (keep the Serum, Shotgun, Shells, and Shield Key). At the fork,
go left and through the door.

- West L Hall 1F -
Head right and through the door.

- Dining Room 1F -
Go through the door across from the fireplace.

- Main Hall 1F -
Head upstairs.

- Main Hall 2F -
Ascend the steps to the right and enter the door.

- U Passage -
Hit the right door.

- Pillar Room -
If you have an extra space, grab one of the herbs at the left. Go
through the door.

- Pillar Back Room -
Climb the steps and use the Shield Key (discard it) and enter.

~~~ Attic --- The Yawn ~~~
This battle is more difficult than in the original mode, but 7 good
shots will kill it. Shoot once or twice, then run to another spot.
Try not to get trapped. After the fight, grab the Shells atop the
barrels that were across from the shelves. Now check the hole the Yawn
came from for the other Moon Crest half. You're more than likely
poisoned, so use the Serum when it's all over, replenish any lost
health and leave.

- Pillar Back Room -
Run through the door straight ahead.

- Pillar Room -
Run through here.

- U Passage -
Head right, around the corner past the green double doors, around the
next and through the right door.

- East Stairs 2F -
Go downstairs.

- East Stairs 1F -
Enter the save room.

- East Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Beretta and Clip (or Shotgun and Shells), 2 Moon Crest
halves, Sun Crest, Star Crest.
Combine the Moon Crest halves and leave.

- East Stairs 1F -
Go through the blue door around the corner.

- Back Passage -
Shoot the zombies here, then go through the door next to the painting.

- Gallery 2 -
Love those crows ^^ Whatever you do, don't shoot them. They'll leave
you alone unless you do something wrong. Every painting in here has a
switch below it, and they need to be pressed in a certain order.
Ignore the first big painting. First lets number them. From left to
right on this wall, we'll number the paintings 1 (newborn baby), 2
(tired middle-aged man). On the next wall, from left to right, 3
(bold-looking old man), 4 (lively boy), 5 (infant), 6 (young man).
Then the lone painting on the wall, 7 ("The end of life"). Push the
switches in this order: 1, 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, and 7. The painting will
fall revealing a panel and you'll obtain the Wind Crest. With all four
crests, head out.

- Back Passage -
Go straight down the hall and through the metal door.

- Outside---Roofed Passage -
Shoot the two dogs, then place the crests in the indentations. Go
through the door.

- Courtyard Shed -
Push the steps toward the shelves and collect the [Square] Crank.
Ignore the Small Key and leave via double doors.

- Courtyard -
Shoot the three dogs and collect the Red, Green, and Blue Herbs. After
mixing and matching, leave through the gates opposite the Blue Herbs.

- Courtyard Pool -
Go left and use the Square Crank on the square hole to drain the water.
Go back and hop off the ledge and cross, climbing up at the end.
Quickly run left to avoid the falling snakes and ride the lift down.

- Courtyard Waterfall -
Run right and across the courtyard and through the gates you come to
(ignore the dogs).

- Courtyard Passage -
Collect the three Green Herbs to the right of your entrance if you have
the space. You can dodge the three dogs here, and they won't be here
later when you return. On that note, follow the path and through the
door at the end.

- Guardhouse Hall 1F -
Push the statue twice, then down the hall a few times to cover up that
first hole. There's two other holes in this hall, and not much you can
do about them (when you try to push a statue across one of them, the
vine will grab you). You're pretty much better off running by and
taking a little bit of damage. Go through the first door on the right.

- Guardhouse Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Shotgun, Shells, Small Key.
Grab the stuff from the shelves and deposit them in the box. Leave.

- Guardhouse Hall 1F -
Go through the door across from you.

- Dormitory 001 -
Blast the zombies in here. Use the Small Key on the desk for Shells,
and grab the Small Key from the cup in the corner. Leave.

- Guardhouse Hall 1F -
Go through the red double doors to the left.

- Bar -
Go right and grab the Red Book off of the table. Leave, ignoring the

- Guardhouse Hall 1F -
Head down the left path and through the door.

- Guardhouse L Passage -
Follow the hall and through the first door you come to.

- Bee Room -
Go straight and veer a left before you hit the double doors. Take the
Dormitory [002] Key from the far table and run run run. Don't bother
shooting the bees, there's too many. Leave the room via your entrance.

- Guardhouse L Passage -
Head right and use the 002 Key on the door and discard. If you want
some herbs, push the statue as far as possible and grab them. Go
through the door.

- Dormitory 002 -
Go straight and use the Small Key on the desk for Shells. Then hit the
door that was near the entrance.

- Dorm 002 Bathroom -
Mow down the zombies and grab the Dormitory [003] Key. Leave.

- Dormitory 002 -
Go through the door on the right.

- Guardhouse L Passage -
Go left and through the first door.

- Bee Room -
Use the 003 Key on the door with '003' above it and enter.

- Dormitory 003 -
Blast the zombie. Grab the "V-Jolt" Report from the shelves and use
the Red Book in its place. Enter the new door.

~~~ Plant 42 ~~~
He's a big thing, eh Chris? Nothing but a big weed... pump everything
you can onto him…he's a tough weed. Don't try to stay in one place for
too long because plaster from the ceiling can fall and hit Chris (you
can tell when it will). After tons of shots it dies. Make your way to
the fireplace and grab the C. Room Key.

- Bee Room -
Run through the door across the way.

- Guardhouse L Passage -
Go right and through the door.

- Dormitory 002 -
Push the left cabinet back. Then push the cabinet on the right in
either direction and descend the ladder it was blocking.

- Guardhouse Box Hall -
Run down the hall, past the first and second boxes. Push the third
into the water, and then the one nearby. Go back to the first box and
push it in the direction you originally came from four times. Then go
around it and push it towards the wall across from the ladder.
Finally, push it towards the other crates and into the water. Cross
the box bridge, collecting the Green Herbs on your way if you have the
space and hit the door at the bottom of the flooded ramp.

- Giant Tank Room -
Head right and around the corner towards the two doors. Use the C.
Room Key on the left door and enter.

- Control Room -
Throw the lever near the blinking red light to drain the water. Now go
straight and push the blinking red button near the door to unlock the
adjacent room. Leave.

- Giant Tank Room -
Enter the door to the left.

- Supply Room -
Grab the Mansion [Helmet] Key (it's the gleam) and grab the Shells
across from the door. Ignore the Clips and leave.

- Giant Tank Room -
Head straight and around the corner at the end. Head through the door
on the left with the red light above it.

- Guardhouse Box Hall -
Cross your bridge and make your way to the ladder.

- Dormitory 002 -
Leave via your original entrance.

- Guardhouse L Passage -
After the convo, continue through the door.

- Guardhouse Hall 1F -
Head left at the fork and go through the door on the left.

- Guardhouse Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Shotgun, Shells, Helmet Key.
Move out.

- Guardhouse Hall 1F -
Hang a left and go left at the fork through the door.

- Courtyard Passage -
Follow the passage and through the gate at the end (grab the Green
Herbs if you didn't already).

- Courtyard Waterfall -
Go straight, dodging the dogs, and ride the lift at the left.

- Courtyard Pool -
Follow the path, avoiding the falling snakes, and hop off by the
ladder. Cross the pool and climb up the other side. Go through the
gates ahead of you.

- Courtyard -
Run straight and through the double doors you come to.

- Courtyard Shed -
Run through the door ahead of you.

- Outside---Roofed Passage -
Follow the passage. Near the end Chris will find Richard's Radio. Go
through the door.

- Back Passage -
As you leave the little hallway, you'll get a CG of a something
following you. Afterwards, you're introduced to a new type of enemy--
the Hunter. Welp, we're not Jill, so the Shotgun will have to make do
for now. When dealing with the Hunters and all you have is a Shotgun,
fire, then wait for them to get back up and immediately fire again
before they jump at you. When it's dead, Chris'll hear Rebecca scream.
Your next decision affects the ending--to save, or not to save...that
is the question. Whichever, go right and unlock the brown door with
the Helmet Key and enter.

- Office -
Quickly push the switch on the desk to turn on the lights. Grab the
Magnum Rounds on the desk, then examine the bookshelf for the MO Disk.
Leave the office.

- Back Passage -
Go left and through the blue door.

- East Stairs 1F -
Blast the Hunters, go around the corner, ignore the note, and through
the door.

- East Save Room -
Wesker left us some goodies. Ya gotta love that guy in black. Scoop
them up. Now we have a few decisions to make... 1) Whether or not to
save Rebecca. If not, then 2) go ahead and get 3 sets of Magnum
Rounds, 3) skip 1/2 and fight the next Yawn, or 4) some other insane
combination. Now here is where I may get confusing, if you want to
save Rebecca AND/OR get 3 sets of Magnum Rounds, take the following
stuff listed and leave. If you just want to save Rebecca, then fight
the Yawn (leaving out the Magnum Rounds) or skip all that and just
fight the Yawn, take the following stuff in addition to two full-
recover herb combos.
Inventory: Shotgun, Shells, Colt Python, Helmet Key.

- East Stairs 1F -
If you want to save Rebecca, go upstairs. If you want to get the
Magnum Rounds, exit via the blue door around the corner and skip the
next section. If you want to fight the Yawn now, stay put and let me
deal with these people first and skip down to ***East Stairs 1F ***.

~~~ Quest to Save Becky ~~~
Quickly blast the Hunter atop the stairs and ascend. Then head right
and around the corner and kill the one here. Run past the second one
you killed and go through the door. In this next hall, quickly run
right and through the door. You'll get the cutscene of Rebecca backing
away from a Hunter. Blast it and she'll run through the door. Not
even a thanks! Hmph! Leave through the door she went through. Now,
if you're going for the 3 sets of Magnum Rounds, go downstairs and
through the blue door. If you want to fight the Yawn, run alllllll the
way down and through the door (then skip to *** Messed Up Room ***).

~~~ The Strange and Marvelous Journey for Magnum Rounds ~~~
We're in the Back Passage, so go through the left door. In this hall,
kill the Hunter and go through the door at the end. Run through the
next couple of rooms and go upstairs in the Main Hall. Take the left
stairs and enter the Dining Room 2F and kill the Hunters here. In the
next room, blast the two Hunters, make your way around the railing, but
don't go downstairs. Instead, open up the door around the corner with
the Helmet Key. Grab the Shells and Magnum Rounds off the brown table.
Then face the steps as if you were going to climb them and push them
under the deer head. Then turn off the lights near the entrance and
climb the steps. Take the Red Jewel from the deer head and leave, go
downstairs, and run through this next hall (dodging the Hunters). In
the Green Hall, IMMEDIATELY run right down the hall and take the left
when the path forks (dodging the third Hunter). Use the Red Jewel on
the tiger statue to get the three Magnum Rounds. Leave and shoot the
Hunter outside, then bolt left at the fork and through the door. In
the next hall, ignore the spiders and head right and through the door.
Run across the way through the next couple of rooms. Then shoot the
new Hunter in the Twisted Hall. In the Back Passage, go through the
blue door on the right, enter the save room and drop off the Magnum
Rounds (keep the Colt fully loaded) and grab two full recover herb
combos and leave. I hope you thought all that was worth it.

*** East Stairs 1F ***
Okay, now we should all be together, so lets do a quick inventory
check. You should have: Shotgun, Shells, Colt Python (fully loaded,
no extras), Helmet Key, 2 full recover herb combos. Go upstairs.

- East Stairs 2F -
Ascend the stairs here and head left down the hall and through the door
at the end.

*** Messed Up Room ***
Use the Helmet Key on the brown door and discard if you're given the
option, then pick up the Green Herb across from the entrance if you

~~~ Piano Room---The Yawn #2 ~~~
Examine the piano in the corner and the Yawn will appear from the
fireplace. It'll create a hole for you to drop down in later.
Fortunately, it isn't poisonous. Your strategy is similar to the
previous snake, but it'll take a few more Shotgun blasts. When it's
dead, examine the hole and jump down.

- Tomb -
Press the switch on the stone and descend the ladder.

- B1 ''h'' Hall -
There are three Hunters down here, one is straight ahead. I strongly
recommend you run straight ahead and hit the door. You'll save ammo
and possibly tons of health.

- B1 ''h'' Hall 2 -
Go right and grab/use the herbs to the right at the fork (but make
absolutely sure you _leave_ two spaces). Then turn around and run by
the zombies and go through the door.

- Kitchen -
Go forward and check out the door near the microwave. A zombie will
arrive following the CG. Kill it and check out the other side of the
kitchen (ignore the Small Key). Kill the zombie on the floor and ride
the elevator.

- Elevator Hall 2F -
Kill the Hunters here, then from the elevator, go left and left into
the nook for another herb if you need it. Then enter the blue double

- Large Library -
Go right and kill the zombies. Push the shelf out of the way and enter
the hidden room.

- Hidden Room -
Near the window is a Battery. If you get to close to the window, crows
will crash through. So quickly get what you came for and get out.

- Large Library -
Run across, then right and through the brown/black door.

- Library Office -
Go straight and push the statue once. Then go to the left of it and
push it across, past the relief with the red switch as far as it will
go, and into the corner across from the bookcase different from all the
others. If none of that makes sense, then push the switch on the
relief and you'll see what I'm talking about. Check out the desk for
the Doom Book 1. Check it for the Eagle Medal. Leave the area.

- Large Library -
Go straight and through the blue double doors.

- Elevator Hall 2F -
If you want some Shells, head around the corner near the elevator and
go through the door for two boxes. Back out here, ride the elevator.

- Kitchen -
Make your way across the kitchen and open the door by the microwave.

- Elevator Hall 1F -
Go up the stairs ahead, then past the elevator and through the double

- West L Hall 1F -
Run forward and through the left door.

- Dining Room 1F -
Hit the double doors across from the fireplace.

- Main Hall 1F -
Enter the blue double doors across the way.

- Gallery -
Enter the door next to the blocked hall.

- East L Hall 1F -
Run through here.

- Twisted Hall -
Hopefully, the Hunters aren't here. Run through here and enter the
double doors at the end.

- Back Passage -
Enter the blue door.

- East Stairs 1F -
Enter the save room.

- East Save Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Colt Python and Magnum Rounds (recommended, or Shotgun
and Shells), Battery, Square Crank.

- East Stairs 1F -
Head through the blue door around the corner.

- Back Passage -
Go around the corner and through the door.

- Outside---Roofed Passage -
Kill the Hunter and go through the door at the end.

- Courtyard Shed -
Go through the double doors.

- Courtyard -
Seems like the perfect place for Hunters, eh? Welp, they ain't here,
so go through the gates across the way.

- Courtyard Pool -
Hop off the ledge and climb up the other side. Avoid the snakes along
the path and ride the lift down.

- Courtyard Waterfall -
Shoot the dogs if you wish, then go into the open area across from the
waterfall and use the Battery. Ride the lift up.

- Courtyard -
Go forward, left, and through the gates.

- Courtyard Pool -
Go left and use the Square Crank in the hole. Go back to the

- Courtyard -
Run around the bushes, then head right and ride the lift.

- Courtyard Waterfall -
Go left and to where the waterfall was. Descend the ladder.

- Caves U Passage -
Enter the door on the right.

- Caves T Hall -
Go left and through the door.

- Items Room -
Head across the room (near a generator) in the sub-room for a First-Aid
Spray if you want it (only grab the Shells if you brought the Shotgun).
Turn around and go left and hit the door you come to.

- Enrico Hall -
Follow the hall and you'll wind up at Enrico. Examine him for the
[Hex.] Crank. Leave, dodging or shooting the Hunters.

- Items Room -
Run left and through the door.

- Caves T Hall -
Run past the Hunter here and take the path to the left and go through
the door.

- Caves U Passage -
Go down the hall and use the Hex. Crank in the hole. Go through the
now-accessible door.

- Boulder Room -
Grab the Flamethrower to the right, then go towards the boulder and go
back once you're near it and it'll start to roll. Run back to the nook
where you entered. When the coast is clear, enter the new hall created
by the boulder, dodge the Hunter and through the double doors.

~~~ Webbed Room---Black Tiger ~~~
This one isn't tough. Just fire your Colt 'til it dies. Once it does,
exit, and re-enter the room to clear away the baby spiders. Then equip
the Flamethrower and fire at the webbing on the doors with it.

- Straight Passage -
Go left and through the door.

- Caves Save Room -
There's a Blue Herb in here if you're poisoned. Other than that, open
up the magic box...
Inventory: Flamethrower, Eagle Medal, Hex. Crank.

- Straight Passage -
Avoid the snakes and go right, use the Flamethrower on the rack to
unlock the nearby door and go through.

- Boulder Room 2 -
Go right, then left towards the boulder. Turn around and run back to
where you came from when it starts to roll. Go to the origination of
the boulder and grab the Doom Book 2. Check it for the Wolf Medal.
Now use the Hex. Crank in the hole two or three times. Then check out
the open "wall" and go through the door.

- Gargoyle Statue Room -
Push the statue of the gargoyle towards the door five times. Then use
the Hex. Crank on the hole twice. Push the statue over the pad on the
floor to open the panel in the wall, giving you the Lab Key. Leave.

- Boulder Room 2 -
Go back to the original entrance of this room and take the path we
neglected earlier and ride the lift.

- Fountain -
Grab the Green Herbs and make your way to the fountain. Looking at it
as a clock with an arch at 9, 12, and 3, put the Wolf Medal in 3 and
the Eagle in 9. Descend the steps and ride the elevator.

- Lab Elevator Room B1 -
Descend the ladder here.

- Lab MB Room -
Open up the magic box...
Inventory: Shotgun and Shells, (or Colt Python and Magnum Rounds),
Lab Key, MO Disk (if you want to save Jill).
Go through the door.

- Lab B2 Z Hall -
Three zombies are in here, off with their heads and grab the Green
Herbs. Go downstairs.

- Lab B3 -
You have a decision to make. If you want to save Jill, read on.
Otherwise, stay put for now and skip the next section. For the heros,
go left, blasting any zombies on your way and enter the doors on the

~~~ Hero Time: Saving Jill Round 1 ~~~
Check out the computer. The login is "John" and password is "Ada".
Then select floor B2. The password for that is "mole". Afterwards,
select B3 and it'll automatically unlock. Then select cancel to get
out of there. Check the back of the room for a MO Disk and leave. Go
right and through the door across the way, then through the door on the
right side. Blast the zombies in here and make your way around to the
desk in the back. Use the MO Disk on the pass code output machine to
get the passcode. Leave the room and head through the double doors on
the left and go upstairs, go forward and enter the double doors. Then
open the panel on the wall near the screen (it looks like a vent) and
push the switch to move the column. Examine the hole that was behind
it to get the MO Disk. Leave the room and go downstairs.

- Lab B3 -
Run left down the path, around the corner, and blast the zombie down
here. Then keep going and use the Lab Key on the double doors with the
red triangle in front of it.

- Lab Elevator Hall -
If you want to save Jill or you're in need of Magnum Rounds, go through
the double doors on the left. If not, stay put and skip the next

~~~ Hero Time: Saving Jill Round 1.5/Getting Magnum Rounds ~~~
Grab the Red Herb to the right and Shells if desired. Push the top box
over the vent it's lined up with (be _very_ careful not to step on the
button). Then run around to the other side and push the crate alligned
with the button up twice. Next, push the steps up a few times, then
towards the crate on top of the vent. Now push the other crate towards
the steps, then down and finally left over the vent. Finally, push the
steps down and over the button and climb up and into the air shaft.
Blast the zombie on the right and grab the Magnum Rounds from the
shelves. Then head across the room and use the MO Disk on the pass
code output machine (watch out for the other zombie). Exit via the
door with the red light. Go left through the doors with the red

- Lab Elevator Hall -
Go straight and kill the zombie and enter the room straight ahead.

- Lab Save Room -
Grab the Magnum Rounds and Green Herb if you want them. Now open up
the magic box...
Inventory: Colt Python, Magnum Rounds, MO Disk, 2 full recover herb
Equip your Colt and head out.

- Lab Elevator Hall -
Go left and through the doors with the red triangle in front.

- Power Room 1 -
Go right and follow the path (avoid the Chimeras) and activate the
blacked-out areas. Go back and take the other path at the entrance,
and head left when it forks and go through the door on the right.

- Power Room 2 -
No Chimeras? I dunno, but I'm not taking any chances. If you want to
save Jill, run forward and eventually you'll come to a table with a
pass code output machine. Use the MO Disk to get the Pass Code 03.
Turn around and stick to the left wall to go down another path. You'll
come to a set of double doors you can go through.

- Power Room 3 -
So the Chimeras are in here, but dodge them. Quickly activate the
power connection switch on the left to activate the elevator then
circle around and grab the Battery when you come to it. Leave.

- Power Room 2 -
Make your way down the path and exit via the door on the left.

- Power Room 1 -
Turn left and head right down the path, then exit through the double
doors ahead.

- Lab Elevator Hall -
Run straight across the hall and push the switch near the elevator.
Rebecca will arrive (if you saved her) and you'll ride the elevator.

- Lab B4 Hall -
You'll meet up with Wesker, who talks about the destruction of
S.T.A.R.S. and the Tyrant. After the convo, you go into the Large Lab.

~~~ Large Lab---The Tyrant ~~~
Wesker shows Chris the Tyrant, which turns on his master. After the
scene, you're left to fight Tyrant alone. Just run away a little bit,
turn, and fire. It only takes around 6 Magnum Rounds. When he's
fallen, examine the panel Wesker was near to unlock the door and grab
the Lab [Master] Key near Wesker, then leave.

- Lab B4 Hall -
If Rebecca is alive, you'll meet up with her. Otherwise, ride the

- Lab Elevator Hall -
Rebecca runs off to set off the triggering system if you saved her.
Run down the hall, hang a right at the fork, and go through the double
doors ahead.

- Lab B3 -
Chimeras! Run to the right, then left around the corner and through
the double doors straight ahead (if you don't want to save Jill, go
upstairs and skip the next section).

~~~ Hero Time: Saving Jill Round 2 ~~~
Run down the hall and enter the pass codes. Go through the doors and
open the door at the end. You'll meet up with Jill and the both of you
decide to leave, so run down the hall and through the double doors and
through the next set. Ascend the stairs to the left.

- Lab B2 Z Hall -
Kill the zombies and go through the door at the end of the hall.

- Lab MB Room -
If Rebecca is dead, don't bother with the box (but make sure you have
the Battery and Master Key). Otherwise, open up the magic box...
Inventory: Four of your strongest herb combos (if Rebecca is alive),
Master Key, Battery.
Climb the ladder.

- Lab Elevator Room B1 -
Go through the double doors on the left.

- Lab Elevator Hall B1 -
Run down the hall and you'll hear Brad over the radio. Continue and
use the Battery in the panel of the elevator. A cutscene will follow.

~~~ Helipad---The Tyrant ~~~
Grab the Flare to the right and use it immediately. If Rebecca set off
the triggering system, the Tyrant will arrive. All you have to do is
dodge his slash attacks. The fourth or so attack is immpossible to
dodge, but no matter what happens, make sure your health never gets
below the yellow "fine" or "caution". When the timer clocks around 30
seconds left or so, Brad will drop down the Rocket Launcher. Pick it
up when you have the chance and quickly blow him away.

VIII. Special Thanks
- Your smarter than the average Musk Cat, Naflign, for keeping me
company in the long hours of the night.
- My Lord of Chaos, Cy - For his herb guide...he may post his RE2
walkthroughs soon ^^
- Zangulus, for no reason ^^;
- Capcom for bringing Resident Evil to the US.
- GameFAQs for being there to further my dream.
- And you for reading this ^^

IX. Disclaimer/Legal Mess/Credits
This walkthrough is Copyright (C) 2000 Lady Raven. Basically don't
publish, sell, copy, disfigure, or attempt some other bizarre action
for whatever the reason involving this guide without my permission, k?
Resident Evil: Director's Cut-Dual Shock is Copyright (C) 1997, 1998

X. Contact Info
Questions? Comments? Corrections? Love letters? Insights to the
soul? If for some reason you need to contact me, use one of these:
Yahoo! IM --- ClaireREII
AOL IM --- Hentai Chica X/Lady Lenore KoR/Alys Brangwin
ICQ # --- 67021149
Email ---
Website --- In the works ^^

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