Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2

14.10.2013 16:31:33

At the same place, at the same time, you must survive this nightmare, to know the true end...


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|R| |E| |S| |I| |D| |E| |N| |T| |E| |V| |I| |L| |2|

U L T I M A T E [2ND] (S)(C)(E)(N)(A)(R)(I)(O) GUIDE

(Biological Armament Developer)

DISCLAIMER: The Resident Evil logo (this time) is made by ME. I don't want you to cheat the
concept for your RE2 guide or any other game. 1999-2000, B.A.D M.a.N. All rights

Funny Coincidences
Updates & News
1.Author's notes
2.How to use this strategy guide
3.Game controls
7.Twelve rules for survival
9.The 4th Survivor
10.GameShark codes
12.Tips n Tricks

Before I start my guide, you'll all be thinking "What the hell was this guy thinking!? He
published his guide, said the second part would come very soon, and now he's here a ages later
(how long has it been?)! I have finished the 2nd scenario myself! Why the hell am I reading
this FAQ any way?" That was funny coincidence number 1. As it so happens, alot of strange
things have been going on, and I have no intention to blame it on the aliens. As they say,
"Shit happens." And this time, I got the whole toilet. I have made an exclusive, 10-point list
to satisfy your hunger for excuses, and believe me; shit happens.

1. My moniter blew up due to unstable electricity.
2. My PC has 3 hard drives: C, D and E. I keep my files in E. I sent the PC to my computer guy
cause I was having some mal-functions. Without asking me, he merged the D and E drive, thus
wiping out all my files.
3. My teachers thought, "Hey! Lets start hell month!" They gave me tests daily for 3 weeks. The
last week I got sick.
4. The illness liked my body (no giggling, please) and decided to have picnic for another week.
5. I busted my left eye in a fight.
6. I was standing in front of my garage, when suddenly, without looking back, my dad reversed
the car. I had a bruised hip-bone.
7. I injured my wrist while playing football (soccer). I was the goalkeeper.
8. Now comes the funny part. I was riding my bike, while trying to do stunts in front of my
friends. And guess what? I fell.(surprise, surprise) Fortunately, they were good enough to
drive me to the hospital. Unfortunately, I've had my leg in a cast. I had it for 1 1/2 month.
9. I was kidnapped by aliens. No wait! I was "abducted" by aliens.
10. My dog ate my strategy guide.

So there you are. Remember. All these things didn't happen one after the other. They happened
over the period of time I was being a lazy fat-ass bastard.

Added all the new sections that you can see in the list above. Changed somethings, such as
changing Enemy names to writing new descriptions for new weapons.

Guess what? The Biohazard/Resident Evil Series sold it's exclusive rights to the Nintendo
GameCube. That means, no more RE games on PlayStation or PS2 (well, except 'Code Veronica X').

No portion of this walkthrough may be reprinted without my written or e-mail
permission. You may contact me at SHEHARYAR_PK@YAHOO.CO.UK (all characters
minimized). All questions, comments, or corrections regarding this game and
FAQ are welcome.
This walkthrough is public domain and may be used by websites only in it's complete and
original form, unaltered in any way. But I would sincerely appreciate e-mail
notification if you intend to post it at a site. This FAQ cannot be used for
profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it)
or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction.
It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase
as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited.
Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors,
employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or
association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It
cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form
of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically
mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference
or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author,
myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Sheharyar Ahmad. All
copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ. This FAQ and everything included herein
is protected by the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976, not to mention
the International Copyright Law.
Remember, Plagiarism is against the law and if you Plagiarise my strategy guide,

After the explosive success of my 1st Scenario strategy, I'm back with my second scenario
strategy! The format is the same, but the walkthrough has been changed along with some other
One more thing: THE ENEMIES ARE NOT WHERE THEY WERE IN THE 1ST SCENARIO and you have to search
for ammo yourslef. Many things have changed, including bosses. I have also taken out the Moth
as a boss. You guys were right. He sucks. Once again, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!(am I repeating
SECURITY REASONS!! You can also ask questions about some things I've written in the FAQ, but
PLEASE mail me the name and address of the site you're reading this strategy on.

There are many secret files in the game. They are hidden in the background and it is hard to
find them. If you find any files which I have not listed, please mail me the name of the file,
along with the name and address of the site you are reading this strategy guide on.
As for the puzzles, you can see the clue and try them yourself or use my solution.

1. PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTES!! I don't want you into trouble. And if you're a ripper,
you're not allowed to see this strategy!
2. The controls in the Game Controls section are set for default mode (Mode A).
3. In the Characters section, first an introduction is made to the characters, after which you
are briefed about the characters' roles in the game.
4. The enemies in the Enemies section are first briefed, and then their weaknesses and attacks
are revealed. The bosses section is, however, different. Only the descriptions of the bosses
are given.
5. In the Weapons section, the description of the weapon is given, and then the
importance of the weapons.
6. On the Walkthrough, every Danger will be surrounded with !!!! and every puzzle with ????. I
The boss fights will be written in a box. THIS TIME, I have written the names of the items in
capital letters so you don't miss them. See, I'm a nice guy!
7. All the codes in Gameshark section have been made and tested on Gameshark version 3.2

Note: These are the default settings.

UP= Go forward
<--= Turn to the characters left
-->= Turn to the characters right
Down= Go backwards

X= Action Button/ Fire
O= Go to inventory
Square= Back/ Cancel
Triangle= n/a

L1= n/a (change targets when configuration is type C)
L2= n/a
R1= Aim
R2= Aim

START= Pause game
SELECT= Go to options

|Leon Scott Kennedy|
His first day on the job was not as he expected at all, as now he is trapped in a city where
survival is the name of the game...
SPECIAL ITEM: Lighter: An oil lighter.
ROLE: Come second scenario and all is changed for Leon. Sure, his walkthrough is still smaller,
he gets the big guns quicker (magnum), BUT he gets to fight the harder bosses and goes to much
unexplored territory. But the rest is fine. HEY! This is the 2nd scenario and the game has
gotta be tough if you want to see the true end!
|Claire Redfield|
She came to Raccoon City to find her brother, but finds something much more sinister...
SPECIAL ITEM: Lockpick: I can pick simple locks with this.
ROLE: Ummm, pretty much like the 1st scenario. FUN!!!
|Ada Wong |
She says she is in town to search for her boyfriend, but there is something else about her..
SPECIAL ITEM: Photo: A photograph taken fairly recently.
ROLE: Miss Sexe-a-la-mysterooi. Ada is mysterious. She doesn't let anyone know
what she's doing in RPD. Very mysterious. She's a great help for Leon. She also has a Browning
HP, so those monsters better be careful! She helped me kill 3 zombies in the sewers and even
defeat The Claw! And maybe... yes maybe, she is the one who helps us kill T-002 Tyrant...MAYBE!
Very mysterious (am I repeating myself?) and sexy. Actually, she's a lot like Albert Wesker
(from Resident Evil). They also have something common in their names...(thanx 2 The Right Game
for dat scoop!). Too bad she still has to die in the ending, or does she...?
|Sherry Birkin|
Her mother told her to go to the RPD because it is safe, but it was not quite so..
SPECIAL ITEM: Photo: A photograph taken fairly recently.
ROLE: Well well well!! Capcom always astonish us, but to this extent? WoW. The little shitbag
has turned into mini supergirl. Yeah she still does sit down during hell time, and screams
likes the little asshole she is, BUT, this time she did many courageous things, not to mention
stopping the train in the thrilling Grand Finale.

Ben is one of those reporter types, always looking for a scoop. Ben has arrested himself in the
R.P.D. prison to be save of all the zombies. But not only that, he knows that those zombies are
not the only things crawling around out there...

|Brian Irons|
Police Chief Brian Irons has been told to watch for the mayor's daughter, but he
failed miserably. Irons seems very stressed. He doesn't know what he'll do next. Also he has
his hands at Umbrella...
|Annette Birkin|
She is the wife of the Umbrella scientist William Birkin and Sherry+s mother.
Annette was the one who told Sherry to go to the RPD, because it was safe there. All in one
Annette is pretty worried about her little daughter, but her mission has first priority...
Yup, she still goes around like a psycho shit-head. Becareful!
|Willian Birkin|
A high ranked researcher for Umbrella. William was the one responsible for the creation of the
G-virus. He was trying to escape from his labs, with his life's work, when Umbrella's
mercenaries ambushed him and shot him. They took away the G-virus, his life's work but forgot
one sample which he had, the very sample he trusted into his body, and became something very,
very bad..... And now he is a monster created by himself, his own virus, his own creation......

(note: These enemies are from both scenarios)
ZOMBIES: Former residents of Raccoon city, these people were attacked and infested by the
G-virus. They have lost all conscience and emotions and are now after alive humans.
In-game: Your main enemies, these guys are persistent, and hungry. They are usually in groups
of 3-4 and usually attack one by one. There are different kinds: Normal zombies, Police zombies
Teen zombies (you can tell by their T-shirts and jeans), Female Zombies and Naked zombies.
Don't worry, the nudies are male and you encounter them only once in the Umbrella labs.
$$$Special Move$$$: Puke Duke; Bite Dive.
Where: Everywhere
LICKERS: A strange creature that appeared out of nowhere. It has lost skin patches all over
it's body, yet it's most distinctive feature is it's whip like tongue, which can tear a human
torso in an instance.
In-game: This, is a strange creature. Not because it's so ugly looking, but because it can't
get over with the damn staring and licking!!! When you die, they crawl over you, and start
licking you. Bet they're saying "Oh, honey! You're so cute! Let me give you a kiss. SLURP!"
Basically the lickers were zombies before. Just like William, when he's injured and sheds off
his skin, the lickers are zombies you injured, but didn't KILL (probably with handgun or
knife).If you KILL the zombies, they won't reappear as lickers.
The rest of the lickers stay where they are supposed to be. I really like them, coz when you
blow their friggin' brains out, they sing a cute lullaby: "I'M DYING, I'M DYING,
$$$Special Move$$$: Slick Lick; Slash Crash.
Where: RPD
CROWS: Normal crows which lived in the Raccoon City limits. They were exposed to the G-virus
and are now also blood-thirsty.
In-game: The crows are not that much of a problem, but they are deadly. If you just ignore them
and think they can't do anything to you, you're certainly wrong. They are always in flocks and
they use this strategy: "I'll go first, peck 'em, you guys follow, peck 'em one by one, they
die, we feast!"
$$$Special Move$$$: Pack Attack.
Where: RPD
HOUNDS aka CERBERUS: Formerly Doberman, these dogs were attackers for the Police. Again,
they were exposed to the virus and turned deadly and vicious.
In-game: The dogs are usually in pairs. When there is no keeper (of course there
isn't. He's probably outside eating his mamma's legs), they take control of an area and patrol
it. They even eat their victims, which is not normal (of course it isn't, nothing is!!!). They
will be alerted if you shoot, run or have physical contact with them. Better if you find some
safe place and pick them off one by one, just like Ada can.
$$$Special Move$$$: Height Bite.
Where: RPD B1
SPIDERS: Spiders which lived in the Raccoon city area. They have also been exposed to the virus
and have grown tremendously in size. Due to the virus mutation, they now carry a dozen 'baby'
spiders in their body.
In-game: The spiders are very large. It made me jump outta my seat when I first saw their size.
As big as they maybe, they are still gentle giants. You can just run past them. The ones in the
Sewers only use poison, which you can avoid just by running. The ones in the Sewerage disposal
don't pay you any special attention. And even if they do, they just block
you, which unlike Resident Evil doesn't hurt you. They only spit at you once in a blue moon.
$$$Special Move$$$: Acid Spit.
Where: Sewers
PLANT MONSTERS: Plants which were exposed to the virus. They can now move and think. They are
very smart.
In-game= These guys look like idiots, like the way they walk. They actually look like people
who were going to a Fancy Dumb Costume Party on Friday the 13th and had a sudden change of
attitude. But they are smart as sometimes they are not dead, just lie there and when you walk
past their wines shoot up and hit you. After sometime, when you come back, they are resurrected
They just walk towards you slowly and limply (of course, they just learned to walk. They're
plants!) and keep spitting acid at you. This is where Claire's M79 comes in hand. The flame
rounds turn them into cabbage shit. One word of advice: never get too close.
$$$Special Move$$$: Grudge Hug.
Where: Umbrella Labs
Green LICKERS: They look just like Lickers, but are green in color. They also appear to be
In-game: They are just like Lickers, but they are more powerful, smarter and, green. They are
smarter because they most of the time surprise you. Or wait for you come in the opening so they
can QSC you, which hurts ALOT! If you'll pay attention to their claws, they're twice the size
of Licker claws!!
$$$Special Move$$$: Slick lick; Quick Slash Crash
Where: Umbrella Labs
T-00: MISTER BANANA HANDS!!!! This guy is so CUTE!! No, seriously, he IS an impressive enemy.
You know, he's got that kingship about him that makes him look tough. He has long (MISTER
BANANA HANDS!) hands, which are very powerful. Some people will associate him with *NEMESIS*
from RESIDENT EVIL 3, but that is not the case. *NEMESIS* was more powerful than T-00. He also
entered Raccoon City before T-00.
T-00 slowly walks towards you, picks you up, bashes your head, and throws you away. He also
clotheslines you if you try to run past. You meet him a lot of times in the game (and he always
makes amazing entrances), so you can just run away from where he met you and you won't see him
till the next time you're supposed to.
T-00 Tyrant: T-00 Tyrant is the perfect version of T-002 Tyrant from RE 1. Unlike Tyrant, T-00
has two huge claws. All his moves are like Tyrant. You even kill T-00 like T-002...
WHERE: Transport
WILLIAM: The very first and real form of William. He hasn't actually evolved into the
killing machine he is. He only has one claw, is still wearing his pants, and attacks you with
WHERE: Sewage Disposal
WILLIAM II: This time he is very tall. Has 4 (maybe 5) claws, and still has that ugly long face.
When you play as Claire, you get a sneak peek at him. He walks slowly towards you, and attacks.
Sometimes he holds you with 2 claws and bashes you with the rest. He has a round mark on his
chest, which looks hollow, and as if something special is inside...
WHERE: The Escape for Claire/ Factory for Leon
WILLIAM ULTIMATUM: WoW..... WoW....WoW. Even Nemesis couldn't defeat him. William is as big as
the whole train. He has huge, long tenticles like an octopus. Even the Rocket Launcher doesn't
blow him up. When you kill him, he turns purple and it looks like he's dissolving. But then
when you get out of the train compartment, he comes after you. I'm not gonna spoil everything
for you. Just play the game and see for yourself.
WHERE: Transport

(note: the placing of these weapons are according to the 2nd scenario)

KNIFE: Standard issue survivor combat knife.
IMPORTANCE= Absolutely bullshit. If you want to commit suicide, use it. Slightly effective
against Crows, single Cerberus (fat chance).
Where: Start with it.
H&K VP70 (Leon): Manufactured by H&K, Germany. Uses 9mm parabellum rounds.
IMPORTANCE= This is the standard weapon for Leon. Can hold 18 Bullets in its holster.
Effective against Zombies, Crows, Cerberi. Find the upgrading parts (see Walkthrough) and will
also be useful against Lickers and Plant Monsters as it will be able to shoot 3 bullets at the
same time.
Where: Start with it.

BROWNING HP (Claire): Manufactured by FN, Belgium. Uses 9mm parabellum rounds.
IMPORTANCE= Claire's baby, this baby holds 13 Bullets in its holster and takes another minus
because it needs more bullets to kill. No upgrade, so use only against Zombies, Crows, Cerberi.
Where: Start with it.
SHOTGUN (Leon): Remington M 1100-P. It uses 12 gauge rounds. Smaller than the standard
M 1100, as the barrel is cut.
IMPORTANCE= Now that's a weapon!! Can take out anything from Crows to William III! As you
shoot, it spreads lead in a wide angle, which is great for multiple targets. It can hold 5
Shells at one time. You can find upgrades (see Walkthrough) and make it the M 1100, then it
can hold 7 Shells and it can cut up to three zombies in half in one shot! Undoubtedly the most
powerful weapon for Leon.
Where: RPD Main Hall
BOWGUN (Claire): A powerful bow gun primarily used to hunt large game.
IMPORTANCE= All is said in the intro. This thing shoots 3 Bows at the same time and carries
maximum of 18 bows at one time. You only get its ammo once or twice, so it's not that much of
a weapon.
Where: Locker in S.T.A.R.S office.
GRENADE LAUNCHER (Claire): M79 grenade launcher. Can use several kinds of rounds. The cut stock
causes greater recoil. Made in the USA.
IMPORTANCE= This is Claire's answer to Leon's Shotgun, and as good that. It can use three
kinds of rounds, which are Explosive, Acid and Flame. The bad part is its slow reload. If
you're in a close battle with a licker or something, you can knock it over, but it will be on
you as soon as you reload. The better part is all the enemies have exposed meat and skin, such
as Lickers and Nakedzombies, so you can use Acid rounds which are very effective against them.
It is also very affective against bosses. Like Barry Burton in Resident Evil said: "I'm
giving you (Jill) a very powerful weapon. It will be very useful against those monsters. Here."
And then he passes over Acid rounds. The Explosive rounds are very powerful, as they spread
four fireballs all over the place. BUT IT'S BETTER IF YOU DON'T AIM down WITH THE EXPLOSIVE
Where: RPD Main Hall
MAGNUM (Leon): Desert Eagle 50.AE. A high caliber magnum pistol. Uses powerful DOT50 A.E
rounds. By IMI, Israel.
IMPORTANCE= WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! The big-momma of all pistols and handguns, this baby is super!
I wish we could start the game with this. This is just like the Colt Python from Re1 and Re3
(but looks like a handgun), as it can kill zombies in 1 shot (guaranteed). But it takes up to 4
bullets or more to kill a Plantmonster and Greenlicker. But you also get it's upgrade (see
Walkthrough), which makes it's barrels 14 inch long!! You can then kill a Greenlicker or
Plantmonster in 2 or max 3 shots. Believe it or not, I've killed 3 zombies with
just one bullet, as they were in a diagonal line (/)!!!!! I read a couple of strategies where
the author says you can't find it until the second scenario. WELL, THOSE GUYS USE OTHER
Where: Locker in S.T.A.R.S office
SUB-MACHINE GUN: MAC 11. Manufactured by Military Armament Corps. Uses DOT 380 rounds.
IMPORTANCE= Nice weapon. Although it takes up 2 slots in your inventory, it's still a nice
weapon with powerful bullets. You don't find ammo for it, so keep track of your bullets. It's
plus though is that it's 100% goes down very slow. It's found both by Leon and Claire. I
started shooting with it when I met the "Offspring." Put it down in the chest 3 times, and
Where: RPD Weapons Storage (if you left it as Claire/Leon in 1st scenario!)
FLAME THROWER (Leon): Chemical fuel flame-thrower made by Umbrella Inc. The fuel is fed from a
small cartridge.
IMPORTANCE= AAAHHHHHHHHH!! Get it away from me!!! No, I'm not burning alive. This weapon
sucks so much, I want to get away from it!! It burns for like 12/13 seconds, just like the one
in Resident Evil (Chris). Only useful against crows, but you don't get crows don't in the labs.
Fairly effective against zombies. For you guys, I tried to kill a Greenlicker with it, and
didn't get a chance to even heal myself! It also takes up 2 inventory slots, which is a waste
of space.
Where: Umbrella Labs Guard house
SPARK GUN (Claire): High voltage gun to repel experimental animals. It uses Spark Shot rounds
and has a range of 10 feet.
IMPORTANCE= Best weapon for Claire, this thing also takes 2 inventory slots. One shot takes
away 1%, so there ARE 100 shots. As said this is for repelling experimental animals
(zombies I think) and has high voltage, so repeated shooting can kill things. Best if stocked
away for William II and III. I still use it with zombies, as sometimes it blows their heads
Where: B1 Vacant Factory


Colt S.A.A: Colt S.A.A Artillery Model. Used by cowboys in the wild west. Designed for a quick
IMPORTANCE= I heard many "legends" about the weapon. And when I got a chance to use for myself,
I had only one thing to say: it craps. Sure it shoots fast, but it has a capacity for only 6
bullets. And in this game, we don't need fast; we need furious. The only upside is the fact
that you get it with Claire's cowgirl costume, which makes her look hot.
Rocket Launcher: One shot from this can kill anything.
IMPORTANCE= Ahh, the good ol' kiss-my-ass-good-bye Rocket Launcher. One shot from this can kill
all enemies and it only takes a max of 2 shots to kill the bosses. You get it for free in the
last sections of the 2nd scenario, and you get the unlimited RL after getting a good ending and
completing the game.

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
1. Always keep track of your ammo and reload manually. Conserving ammo can save you in many
2. Know your keys.
3. Know your enemies and when they are dead.
4. Use herbs only and avoid fights until your health is FINE.
5. Avoid unnecessary battles.
6. Save your game in a new area, but save less than 9 times.
7. Dump things not needed at time in chest and have at least 3 THREE free slots.
8. Search an area as thoroughly as you can until you're sure there are no keys, ammo or health
9. Keep mixing the herbs, as they get better and more healing (for more info, mail me).
10. Don't waste your time from inspecting everything over and over again and master the
technique of running, you're gonna need it. __
11. Use my signature technique called ZeeZAG. It is running such pattern= __/\/\/
Moving up or down, up or down (regarding the positions of the zombie) and moving forward
(for more info, mail me.)
12. USE MY STRATEGY GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!


_____ _ _ _____ ____ ____
/ ___|| | /_\ |_ _|| |_|| | __|
/ / | | //_\ | | | _ | | _|
\ \___ | |__ / ___ \ _| |_ | | \ \ | |__
\_____||____|/_/ \_\|_____||_| \_\|____|

Here is the RANKING SYSTEM, which I didn't write down in the previous guides:
S ranking: Do better than A!

A ranking: Beat the game in under three hours and don't use any First
Aid sprays. (You can use herbs, though.)

B ranking: Just beat the game in under three hours.

C ranking: Finish the game in five to seven hours.

D ranking: Finish the game in seven hours or more. Note that your rank will
be lowered by one grade if you use any special weapons or if you saved more than
12 times.

PLEASE READ THE author's notes, how to use this strategy AND 12 rules for survival FIRST!!!!

Here we go, the start of the 2ND SCENARIO! Unlike the start of the 1st scenario, you can dodge
the ZOMBIES here very, very easily. When you reach the dead-end, go through the door to your
right. This is the parking lot. Here you can dodge the Zombies and run to the small room to
your right, or you can simply kill them. Inside the room take the CABIN KEY. Now go to the
other side of the parking lot and use the Cabin Key on the door. Enter.

Remember this place? I'm sure you do. But this time, there is no valve-handle. Go through the
other door. Dodge the Zombies or kill them.

Go up the stairs to see an awesome FMV and to find out how the chopper got crashed. Now go
inside the door. The Crows are feasting on the dead officer. Avoid them. Go to the short-cut
door to the offices below. Kill the Zombies, get The VALVE-HANDLE and go to the safe and open
it (forgot the number!? boy you're hopeless! it's 2234) to get Acid Rounds (from now on ACIDS).
Now go back to the chopper and use the VALVE HANDLE in the small passage at the end. Check the
chopper for some goodies.

Now try to go back and see the FMV that will introduce you to the T-00 (MISTER BANANA HANDS!).
Go inside and you'll have a scene. Now you can't go back out to the roof. Like we need to!
Hmph!! Go around the corner to meet the T-00. Just run past him, trying to dodge his

Proceed the game as normal. Go to the other side of the balcony and take out the hord of
Zombies to get the UNICORN MEDAL behind them. Use the emergency ladder to get to the first
floor and get the GRENADE LAUNCHER. Use the Unicorn Medal at the fountain to get the SPADE KEY.
Now proceed to Licker hall.

Once arriving here, you'll realise that there is no Licker! Hmm, better rename this place to
the "No-licker hall." Go into the file room and and get the LIGHTER where you should have
gotten the Crank. Now go to the Briefing room.
!!!!!!!! In the long hall before the Briefing room, 2 Zombies will enter Superman-Style. Choose
!DANGER! to kill them or flee to save your life ("yeah like, 2 assholes who can't even see
!!!!!!!! right are gonna kill me, huh Mr. B.A.D-ass M.a.N?").

Use the Lighter in the back of the briefing room under the painting to get the VIRGIN HEART.
Now go up to the 2nd Floor. Go forward to see a statue with another VIRGIN HEART in his hands.

???????? Inspect the big statue and you'll get the clue. You have to push the statues so they
?PUZZLE? are looking at big statue. You'll see small squares on the floors. This is where the
???????? statues need to be placed. You'll hear a sound if the statues are placed correctly
and they will not be able to move. If you did something wrong, just leave the hall by the door
and return. The puzzle will reset. If done correctly, the VIRGIN HEART will be released and is
yours for the taking (mail me if you don't understand).

Go to the S.T.A.R.S office and meet Leon. After reading Chris's diary, take the DIAMOND KEY.
There is a BOWGUN in the locker. Now go to the Library. You'll have a scene where zombies break
through the windows in the RPD. Here once again you'll have to solve the Library puzzle.

???????? Look at the picture clue and push the red button and go through the shelf. If you get
?PUZZLE? far enough and look, you'll see there is a larger version of the picture behind
???????? the book shelves. Approach the left-most book shelve and inspect the red light and
choose RIGHT. Then go to the shelf to the right of the left most shelve and choose to slide
RIGHT again. Once in the correct position, the picture will fall away and reveal the SERPENT

No you should go to the 1F Hallway with the stairs that lead to the second floor and the Dark
Room and go to the locked door at the end of the hallway. Use the Diamond Key here and enter.
Go forward towards the red drawers. When you inspect them, it will say, "The lock seems to be
broken, will you use the lockpick?" Select YES and the drawer will open and give you the C4
explosive cube. Go into the other door. You are now back at the 1st office. Go into the small
side office. On the desk in the room where you find him will be the Detonator.

Now, combine the Detonator with the C4 and you'll have a Bomb! Go to the 2F Chopper hall. First
go into the room where you got the Blue Card Key. Use the Virgin Hearts on both of the busts on
the left and right of the big statue. This will show an FMV and reveal part of the Blue Stone.
Take it and dump into the chest in the waiting room.

Go back outside and use the Bomb on the damaged door. Go forward and in the door. Go forward
and you'll have a scene with the Chief. Leave the room via the other door. Go into the the
small store room at the end of this hall.

Inside, you'll hear footsteps. Make your way to the small room at the back. See the thing on
the wall right besides the opening? It's a switch. Push it and you'll have a scene with Sherry.
Now go back to the Chief's room. Where the hell did he go?! Take the Heart key and make your
way back to the main hall on the first floor. Go through the door on the right of the main
entrance doors. This is the Blue Hall.

Go into the blue double. This is the same room where you got the map of RPD. Go to the back
from where you came the first time, but this time turn left and go to the door. Use the Heart
key and discard it. Go through and take the 2 Greens if necessary. Just go to the other side of
the hall and down the stairs. Just go to the Kennals and get the CRANK. Go back to
the main hall of the B1 and go into the double doors around the corner. Go down the ladder.

There is a room to your left. You have to go in. It is a save room. Once outside, you'll have a
scene and play as Sherry. Head to the elevator and go up. There are only Zombies here. Just
ignore them. Just take a right and run straight into the door. Once inside the room, look to
the right - hanging on the wall is the Sewage Disposal map. Grab it, hop down to the left of
the control panel. The sewege puzzle awaits you!

???????? You have to push the boxes so they make a bridge. Here are their
?PUZZLE? placing: | [2] |
???????? |[1] |
| [3]|
Climb up box 1 and drop off on the other side. Push box 2 only a little so box 1 can be pushed
into place. Now push box 3 and you'll have a bridge. Now for the water...

Now go back up and press the switch on the control panel thingee. The water will raise the
boxes and you can walk across and get the CLUB KEY. Just get out and run straight to the
elevator. Once back down, Sherry will automatically give Claire the key, and you will once
again control Claire. Go back up the manhole ladder and through the doors. Go back up to the
Blue Hall.

Make sure you have the Lighter and the Diamond Key (and the Club Key). Go into the other
door and go forward. Go into the Interrogation room. You'll have to use the Diamond Key here.
Inside you'll get the EAGLESTONE. Go to the room opposite the Interrogation room. Time for
another puzzle.

???????? Go to the picture of the cart and read the writing. With lighter in hand, ignite the
?PUZZLE? furnace on the far side of the room. Then turn the faucets on the wall in this
???????? order: 12, 13, and 11. This will make the G. COGWHEEL fall out of the painting.

!!!!!!!! As soon as you run towards the Cogwheel, T-00 will bust into the room behind you. Take
!DANGER! the Cogwheel and LEAVE!!. Outside, T-00 will bust through the wall again. Hurry!

Take the Crank and Cogwheel and go to the 3rd floor via the Library. Go into the Clock Tower.
Use the Crank at the hole in in the to lower the staircase. Head up the staircase and use the
G-cogwheel on the gears, then press the button to open the door to the right. Behind the door
you'll find the other piece to the Blue Stone. Now go to the Chief's Room via the Waiting Room.
In the Waiting Room, get the 3 stones and get yourself ready for a battle.

Combine the pieces of the Blue Stone to get the JAGUARSTONE.Now go to Chief's Room. Sherry will
also enter. Go behind Chief Irons' desk and press the switch to move the painting. Use the 3
stones here to open a secret passage. Go into it and go down the elevaotr. Go to the door.
You'll have a scene with Chief Irons. get yourslef ready and go down the ladder.
|Meet William Birkin! It's an easy fight. He's very slow and you can pump him full of|
|lead with your Shotgun. He'll rip a pipe out of the bridge and use it to smash your |
|ass with. Keep blowing him. After the Music is over the fight's finished, so don't |
|waste anymore ammo. William will abandon ship. |

Now back and get Sherry. Yes, you have to go all the way back and bring her all the way here.
Then go forward and press the switch to ?raise/lower? a ladder. Go down.

Go into the door here. Sherry will fall into a hole. Go forward and into the door. Get the
Valve Handle and go down the elevator. You'll have a scene with Leon. Go through the door.
You'll get the WOLFMEDAL in the cubbyhole to your left end. Then go in the other direction,
take a left, go through the door, while evading the Spiders. There are more Spiders in here.
Go forward until you see a ledge into the door, which is to the left.

You'll have a scene with Annette Birkin. Use the Valve Handle on the bridge-lowering mechanism.
Once across and on the other side, use it again to raise the bridge back up (trust me). Head
down the corridor and open the door. Go forward and climb up the ladder. Go forward and take a
left. Get the EAGLEMEDAL from the deadbody.

Go to the otherside of the room. Use the Valve Handle on the lighted machine to the left of the
spinning fan. This will allow you to climb up the ladder and through the air tunnel. I advise
you to go back to the control room and throw the valve handle away. Go back if you followed my

Go to he second room of the Sewers. Use the Medals on the machine to the left of the waterfall.
Now go through the door and through the other door as well. You'll meet Sherry here. Go to the
machine on the left side of the docking area and turn it on. The trolley will come back and
you'll be able to board it.

Once you exit, turn to your left. If you inspect the thing you'll find out it's a flare gun.
Located to the immediate right of the flare signal on the ground is the W. BOX KEY (you can't
see it, but it's there). Head for the door on the left of the trolley. Go down the walkway
until you reach some zombies and the first intersection. Go to the left and search the dead guy
(yes, he is dead) to find the almighty Spark Gun.

of the intersection and go through the door. Inside, you'll encounter some more zombies. To the
left is a ladder that leads to the Save Room. You'll have a little scene. Go outside.

The platform isn't there! Go you'll see a small box-like thing infront of you it is a mini
elevator. Go down and now through the door. Go forward and around the wall. You'll find the UP
KEY here. Go to the monitor and operate it.
!DANGER! Yep, you guessed it!!
Once you're out, go back to the save room and use the Up Key besides the machine where Sherry
is standing. You SHOULD save your game here. Go outside to see that the platform is back. Just
operate it and you don't need to get the key as it is already in the Control Panel. You'll have
a scene. Go outside and now go right at the back of the platfrom. Surprise!

|Okay, this is were things get tough. He is very, very hard. He can kill you by attacking |
|just 3-4 times. the strategy is simple; shoot, duck, run. When you see him coming towards |
|the you, start shooting. When he gets close enough, run either past him or away from him. |
|I prefer running away, because when you run away, he jumps on top of the trolley and then |
|tries to jump on you. You can easily avoid him by running around in circles and then repeat|
|again. Be careful when he lifts his arms!! He attacks you continously 3-5 times when he |
|gets pissed off. Just be persistant and you'll get him. |

After defeating Big Willie, go back inside and you'll have a scene.

Go outside and to the front of the platform and go into the vent shaft. Go into the door to the
right. This is the Pump Room. First, push the big box on top of the lift and take it down (be
sure to place it in the middle of the lift, or else you won't be able to push it again). Push
it off the lift and then push it north so you can climb to the top and get to the door (it is
locked now).

If it gets stuck, just exit the room and re-enter. Get the P. Epsilon Report from the deadbody
and then go down the elavator. GreenLickers block your path to the Power Switch.

After pressing the switch, go to the main hall of B1 (where you fell from the vent shaft) and
go into the other door. This is the A-2 Elevator. Press the switch besides the door. You're now
in B4. Go to the platform if you want. You'll just have a scene. Proceed the game as you did in
the 1st Scenario. I'll just write down the location of some important objects:
1. RED LAB KEY CARD in the Guard Room (West Area, B4).
2. P. ROOM KEY in the Labs (B5).
Once you get the P. Room Key, go back to the the A-2 Elevator. You'll have a scene in the
Monitor Room.

Go to B1 and into the Pump Room. Remember I told you about pushing the box and making a path to
the locked door? Go there and use the key. Go inside and you'll have a scene. Get out. Go to
the Central Area on B4 for a scene. After the scene take the MASTER KEY. Go to the A-2 Elevator
and use the MASTER KEY on the panel on the wall. Choose to go down.

Go to the back of the train and get the PLATFORM KEY. Exit the train and to Claire's left. Use
the Platform Key on the door. The Timer will start. You'll have 5 minutes till game over.
HURRY!! Go over the train and onto the other side. Go forward and operate the machine. Take the
JIONT S and JOINT N Plugs. Go through the door behind you. Go towards the panels and use the
Plugs. Ahum!
| TYRANT-00 |
|OK, I'm not going to say anything about how much he resembles You-Know-Who. He has 2 attacks.|
|If you get very close, he'll slash you 2-3 times. If you run away, he'll charge and super- |
|slash you. The trick is to shoot him a couple of times (3-4 times with C. Shotgun, 7-8 times |
|with Magnum, etc) and then *a mysterious person* will through you the Rocket Launcher! Pick |
|it up and equip it quickly. Then aim and FIRE!! |

Deja Vu? You decide. Quickly cahnge weapons as there are some Zombies you have to destroy. Go
back to the platform outside the train and open the gates which are to the east. Just press the
switch. Enter the train. Before activating the train, go to the back, save your game and get
ready as if you're going on a war (best weapons, ammo, health items etc. Now go to the driver's
seat and push the lever. You'll have an FMV.

Game Over? No. Equip the R. Launcher (if you didn't waste it!) and go to the back of the train.

| William ULTIMATUM |
|Just equip your R. Launcher and shoot. Then equip (preferably) your G. Launcher and go|
|back as far as you can. Then, JUST SHOOT YOUR GUTS OUT. This is the only battle which |
|doesn't need a strategy. |

You know what to do now!!! and CONGRATULATIONS.

_ ____ ____ __ _
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Here is the RANKING SYSTEM, which I didn't write down in the previous guides:
S ranking: Do better than A!

A ranking: Beat the game in under three hours and don't use any First
Aid sprays. (You can use herbs, though.)

B ranking: Just beat the game in under three hours.

C ranking: Finish the game in five to seven hours.

D ranking: Finish the game in seven hours or more. Note that your rank will
be lowered by one grade if you use any special weapons or if you saved more than
12 times.

PLEASE READ THE author's notes, how to use this strategy AND 12 rules for survival FIRST!!!!

Here we go, the start of the 2ND SCENARIO! Unlike the start of the 1st scenario, you can dodge
the ZOMBIES here very, very easily. when you reach the dead-end, go through the door to your
right. This is the parking lot. Here you can dodge the Zombies and run to the small room to
your right, or you can simply kill them. Inside the room take the CABIN KEY. Now go to the
other side of the parking lot and use the CABIN KEY on the door. Enter.

Remember this place? I'm sure you do. But this time, there is no valve-handle. Go through the
other door. Dodge the Zombies or kill them. Go up the stairs to see an awesome FMV and to find
out how the chopper got crashed. Now go inside the door. The Crows are feasting on the dead
officer. Avoid them. Go to the short-cut door to the offices below. Kill the Zombies, get The
VALVE-HANDLE and go to the safe and open it (forgot the number!? boy you're hopeless! it's
2234) to get Shotgun Shells(from now on SHELLS). Go out the double blue doors and kill the army
of zombies. Now go out to the Main Hall of RPD.

Save if you want and get the SHOTGUN. Now go back to the chopper and use the VALVE-HANDLE in
the small side-passage to douse the flames. Check the chopper for some goodies. Now try to go
back and see the FMV that will introduce you to the T-002 (MISTER BANANA HANDS!). Go inside and
you'll have a scene. Now you can't go back out to the roof. Like we need to! Hmph!! Go around
the corner to meet T-002. Just run past him, trying to dodge his clothesline. You'll notice, as
you keep meeting him, you will get hit at least once every time.

|Raccoon City Police Department, RPD|
Go to the door you didn't enter. Take out the LICKERS with your Shotgun. Go to the right of the
chopper which was once burning. Enter and find the SHELLS and KEY-CARD.
!!!!!!!! As you pick the card and make your way back to the door, a Licker will jump through
!DANGER! the glass roof and catch Leon off guard. Kill it before it hurts you. Now go back out
!!!!!!!! and go to the waiting room. Get the SMALL-KEY if you want. Leave the room. Go to the
other side of the balcony and kill all the Zombies.

In the relief in the wall is the UNICORNMEDAL. Take it if you want but it isn't so important in
the 2nd scenario. Go to the emergency ladder and push the button. Go down to the Main Hall. Use
the Key-Card on the computer. If you took the Unicorn Medal, use it at the fountain to get the
SPAE KEY. Now enter the double doors on the other side of the hall. Clear all the Zombies and
take the Police Memo. Go out the other door.

Go down the hall and check the headless cop twice for bullets. Go down the hall (no Licker?
this is the 2nd scenario! Claire already killed it!) and use the SPADE KEY (if you took it) at
the File Room door. Get the Patrol Report, INK RIBBON and F-AID SPRAY. Leave the room and enter
the door at the end of the hall.
!!!!!!!! Whatch OUT!! Go forward and 2 Zombies will attack you SWAT style!! ("Yeah like,
!DANGER! uh-huh, I mean, trouble, is it? Yup, you got it, you screw-up B.A.D M.a.N you") Kill
!!!!!!!! them and enter the double doors to the Briefing room. Go to the small room at the back
and use the Lighter at the fire place to get the VIRGIN HEART. Leave the Briefing room. Go to
the door at the hall of the hall. Take the GREEN Herbs if you want. In the darkroom, there are
BULLETS in the cupboard. Go up the stairs. Go forward and you'll confront your first puzzle.

???????? Inspect the big statue and you'll get the clue. You have to push the
?PUZZLE? the statues so they are looking at big statue. You'll see small
???????? different colored squares on the floor. This is where the statues need to be placed.
You'll hear a sound if the statues are placed correctly and they will not be able to move. If
you did something wrong, just leave the hall by the door and return. The puzzle will reset. If
done correctly, the second Virgin Heart will be released and is yours for the taking (mail me
if you don't understand).

Go through the door and kill the charging Zombies. Enter the S.T.A.R.S office. Take Chris's
Diary on the table. There are BULLETS on the table with the big S.T.A.R.S chart on the back. To
the left of the huge chart is a photo of all the former (and dead) S.T.A.R.S members. In the
locker is the MAGNUM. YEEEEHAAAAWW!!! Now you're fully loaded!! Leave the room and go to the
end of the hall and enter the door and you'll have a scene. Claire will come in and you'll have
another scene.

Now leave through the other door and you'll find yourself in the library. Go up the stairs and
when you reach the door, turn left. When you go a bit further, you'll fall through the floor.
Time for the Library puzzle!

???????? Look at the picture clue and push the red button and go through the shelf. If you get
?PUZZLE? far enough and look, you'll see there is a larger version of the picture behind
???????? the book shelves. Approach the left-most book shelve and inspect the red light and
choose RIGHT. Then go to the shelf to the right of the left most shelve and choose to slide
RIGHT again. Once in the correct position, the picture will fall away and reveal the Bishop

Now leave the library through the double doors and you'll be back in the balcony. Go to the
other end of the balcony and go in the Waiting room. Take the Virgin Hearts out of the chest
and leave through the other door. Go back to the room where you took the KEYCARD. Use the
Virgin Hearts at the 2 reliefs on the wall beside the chained statue. You'll now get the KING
PLUG. You'll find the ROOK PLUG in the Interrogation Room in the East side of the RPD just like
in the 1st scenario. There is no Licker present, though.

Now go to the East Offices and use the Heart Key on the door in the back. Go through and take
out the zombies blocking your path and go down the stairs. Go into the Power Room and get the
B1 MAP. Also activate the card reader by pressing the switches (Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down).
Now go to the parking lot and meet Ada Wong. Yea, yea, you have to get inside and meet Ben. So
why don't you go ahead and do just that. After meeting Ben, get the MANHOLE OPENER behind you
and go to the kennals (the doggies will be there...bite 'em!).

Just do what you did in the 1st scenario and help Ada. You'll also get a pleasant surprise
which I won't mention. if you need help on solving the Sewage Disposal puzle, here is the

???????? You have to push the boxes so they make a bridge. Here are their
?PUZZLE? placing: | [2] |
???????? |[1] |
| [3]|
Climb up box 1 and drop off on the other side. Push box 2 only a little so box 1 can be pushed
into place. Now push box 3 and you'll have a bridge.

After you are done with Ada, Claire will call you and ask you to go to the 2F Chopper hall. On
the way, it is best if you take the G. Cogwheel to save time as well as exploring all the rooms
in the RPD. Also check out the Armory if you're a little low on ammo. To get the cogwheel, go
to the room opposite the Interrogatio Room. Enter for another journey on the dark path to the
mysterious red's a puzzle, you nit-wit!!!

???????? Go to the picture of the cart and read the writing. With lighter in hand, ignite the
?PUZZLE? furnace on the far side of the room. Then turn the faucets on the wall in this
???????? order: #12, #13, and #11. This will make the G. COGWHEEL fall out of the painting.

!!!!!!!! As soon as you run towards the Cogwheel, T-00 busts into the room behind you. Take the
!DANGER! Cogwheel and LEAVE!
Outside, T-00 busts through the wall again (near the previous hole). RUN! Now go to the Chopper
Hall and into Chief Irons' room.Go into the storage room where Claire met Sherry in the 1st
scenario get the CRANK in the box. Leave the storage room.
!DANGER! T-00 is here aswell!! GOOD LORD!! Save us all!!
Now go to the Clock Tower. Use the Crank on the hole in the wall to lower the stairs. Go up and
use the G. Cogwheel on the machinery and press the switch. The hidden door (of course) will
move and you'll get the KNIGHT PLUG. Now jump into the chute and go meet Ben. After the scene,
go to the Sewage Disposal facility.

Prepare yourself in the save room, then go into the room besides it. Hello!
|Meet William Birkin! It's an easy fight. He's very slow and you can pump him full of|
|lead with your Shotgun. He'll rip a pipe out of the bridge and use it to smash your |
|ass with. Keep blowing him. After the Music is over the fight's finished, so don't |
|waste anymore ammo. William will abandon ship. |

Use all of your Plgs on the switch besides the lock door here. Go through and you'll meet Ada.
Just follow the path and eventually (and hopefully) you'll end up in the Control Room. DON'T
FORGET THE VALVE HANDLE!!! Go down the elevator. A scene later you'll control Ada. Go through
the doorand up the ladder behind the mysterious ladder, I mean, lady. Watch out for the HUGE
roaches here and go to the ladder on the other side. go forward and you'll have another scene.
After you're done, cross the brodge and go down the ladder. Back to Leon. Go forward and take
the Sewers Map.

Go through the door and to Leon's left. You can't climb the ladder, soleave it be. Go into the
cubbyhole in the end of the path with alot of dead bodies and take the WOLF MEDAL. Go back and
through the door on the other side. Go into the double doors. Use the Valve Handle here to
lower the bridge. Once across, raise the bridge again. Go through the doors. Go ALL the way to
the other side of the hall and through the doors. THERE IS NO MORE GATOR. Meet Ada and go up
the ladder. Get the EAGLE MEDAL from the deadbody and go to the ladder from where Ada came and
use the Valve Handle. The fan will stop and you'll be able to climb up. It's recommended that
you leave the Valve Handle in the chest.

No go to the room before the Bridge Room (with the Spiders) and use the Medals on the machine
to the left of the waterfall. Go through the door and through the room. In the Trolley Room,
press the switch on the right side of the docking area. The trolley will come back now and
you'll be able to board it and reach the factory.

Use the Lighter on the Flare Gun and grab the W. BOX KEY. Go into the door on the other side of
the room. Proceed as usual. DON'T forget the SHOTGUN PARTS! Reach the save room and you'll have
a scene. Go outside. The platform isn't there! Go you'll see a small box-like thing infront of
you it is a mini elevator. Go down and now through the door. Go forward and around the wall.
You'll find the UP KEY here. Go to the monitor and operate it.
!DANGER! Yep, you guessed it!!
Once you're out, go back to the save room and use the Up Key besides the machine where Ada is
standing. You SHOULD save your game here. Go outside to see that the platform is back. Just
operate it and you don't need to get the key as it is already in the Control Panel. You'll have
a scene. Go outside and now go right at the back of the platfrom. Surprise!

|Okay, this is were things get tough. He is very, very hard. He can kill you by attacking |
|just 3-4 times. the strategy is simple; shoot, duck, run. When you see him coming towards |
|the you, start shooting. When he gets close enough, run either past him or away from him. |
|I prefer running away, because when you run away, he jumps on top of the trolley and then |
|tries to jump on you. You can easily avoid him by running around in circles and then repeat|
|again. Be careful when he lifts his arms!! He attacks you continously 3-5 times when he |
|gets pissed off. Just be persistant and you'll get him. |

After defeating Big Willie, go back inside and you'll have a scene.

Go outside and to the front of the platform and go into the vent shaft. Go into the door to the
right. This is the Pump Room. First, push the big box on top of the lift and take it down (be
sure to place it in the middle of the lift, or else you won't be able to push it again). Push
it off the lift and then push it north so you can climb to the top and get to the door (it is
locked now). If it gets stuck, just exit the room and re-enter. Get the P. Epsilon Report from
the deadbody and then go down the elavator. GreenLickers block your path to the Power Switch.

After pressing the switch, go to the main hall of B1 (where you fell from the vent shaft) and
go into the other door. This is the A-2 Elevator. Press the switch besides the door. You're now
in B4. Go to the platform if you want. You'll just have a scene. Proceed the game as you did in
the 1st Scenario. I'll just write down the location of some important objects:
1. RED LAB KEY CARD in the Guard Room (West Area, B4).
2. P. ROOM KEY in the Labs (B5).
Once you get the P. Room Key, go back to the the A-2 Elevator. In the B1 hallway, you'll have a
!DANGER! what can I say?
Go into the Pump Room. Remember I told you about pushing the box and making a path to the
locked door? Go there and use the key. Go inside and you'll have a another long scene. After
the scene take the MASTER KEY Ada dropped. Another scene awaits you. Go to the A-2 Elevator and
go save Sherry from the security room. After the scene, you'll be back inside the A-2 Elevator.
Use the MASTER KEY on the panel on the wall. Choose to go down.

Leon will put Sherry inside the train. Go to the back of the train and get the PLATFORM KEY.
Exit the train and to Leon's left. Use the Platform Key on the door. The Timer will start.
You'll have 5 minutes till game over. HURRY!! Go over the train and onto the other side. Go
forward and operate the machine. Take the JIONT S and JOINT N Plugs. Go through the door behind
you. Go towards the panels and use the Plugs. Ahum!
| TYRANT-00 |
|OK, I'm not going to say anything about how much he resembles You-Know-Who. He has 2 attacks.|
|If you get very close, he'll slash you 2-3 times. If you run away, he'll charge and super- |
|slash you. The trick is to shoot him a couple of times (3-4 times with C. Shotgun, 7-8 times |
|with Magnum, etc) and then *a mysterious person* will through you the Rocket Launcher! Pick |
|it up and equip it quickly. Then aim and FIRE!! |

Deja Vu? You decide. Quickly cahnge weapons as there are some Zombies you have to destroy. Go
back to the platform outside the train and open the gates which are to the east. Just press the
switch. Enter the train. Before activating the train, go to the back, save your game and get
ready as if you're going on a war (best weapons, ammo, health items etc. Now go to the driver's
seat and push the lever. You'll have an FMV.

Game Over? No. Equip the R. Launcher (if you didn't waste it!) and go to the back of the train.

| William ULTIMATUM |
|Just equip your R. Launcher and shoot. Then equip (preferably) your C. Shotgun and go|
|back as far as you can. Then, JUST SHOOT YOUR GUTS OUT. This is the only battle which|
|doesn't need a strategy. |

You know what to do now!!! and CONGRATULATIONS.

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Once you have beaten the scenarios with a rank of A, you will prompted to save a new game
called 'Hunk'. Save this game then load it on either CD. You will be sent to the title screen
of the '4th Survivor'. Choose Start to start the game ("What the hell does this guy think?!
Next time he's gonna say 'Pressing one of the buttons on a mouse is called a Click!")

But anywho, I don't know why you'd bother to play. I mean, he has limited ammo, EVERY room has
enemies (and a hell of a lot of 'em), the recovery items are insufficient, there are no
shortcuts, no special FMVs, only short crappy cutscenes, and worst of all, He's Uglay!.
Here is a round up of what this guy is made up ofand what you can expect:

-H&K VP 70 (loaded) w/ 158 Bullets
-Remington M1100-P (loaded) w/ 15 Shells
-Desert Eagle (loaded) w/ 8 Magnum Bullets
-2 Green+Blue Herbs

Last room of Sewage Disposal to Roof.

Sewage Disposal: Zombies, Spiders
RPD B1: Hounds, Zombies
RPD 1F: Zombies, Lickers, T-00, Plant Monsters
RPD 2F: Zombies, Lickers, Crows, T-00

The only plus point is that Hunk takes alot more bites to kill than Leon or Claire (he's not
only ugly looking, he's tough! Tough and ugly; ewwww!)
Well, happy survival! Hope you get through! Send me a post card! (not that it'll do ya any

That's all about Hunk. Frankly, I'm disappointed in Capcom. They bring us such a great game
like Resident Evil 2 and in the end of it all, they send someone who's not even good for shit
like Warriors of Might and Magic.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


These codes have different effects on different versions of the GameShark Cheat Device. For
example, I have a GameShark v2.2, and some codes did stuff totally crazy than I had expected.
|Rocket Launcher In 1st Pos. (Leon) |800ccb68ff11|
|Start W/ Platform Key In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca0c0163|
|Start W/ Precinct Key In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca1c0159|
|Start W/ Red Jewel In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca500133|
|Start W/ Rocket Launcher In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc978ff11|
|Start W/ Rook Plug In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca40013c|
|Start W/ Small Key In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca54031f|
|Start W/ Spark Shot In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc970ff0e|
|Start W/ Special Key In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca240153|
|Start W/ Submachine Gun In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc974ff0f|
|Start W/ Unicorn Medal In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca340147|
|Start W/ Wolf Medal In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca2c0149|
|Gatling Gun In 1st Position (Claire) |800cc930ff12|
|Start W/ Fuse Case In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca48014d|
|Start W/ Gatling Gun In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc97cff12|
|Start W/ Grenade Launcher (Acid) In Crate (Claire)|d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc964ff0b|
|Start W/ Grenade Launcher (Fire) In Crate (Claire)|d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc960ff0a|
|Start W/ Grenade Launcher In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc95cff09|
|Start W/ G-Virus In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca280152|
|Start W/ Ink Ribbons In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca58ff1e|
|Start W/ King Plug In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca38013e|
|Start W/ Knight Plug In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca3c013d|
|Start W/ Lab Card Key In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca140161|
|Start W/ Lockpick In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca180130|
|Start W/ Master Key In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca100162|
|Start W/ Lockpick In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc480130|
|Start W/ Master Key In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc400162|
|Start W/ Platform Key In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc3c0163|
|Start W/ Precinct Key In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc4c0159|
|Start W/ Small Key In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc8c031f|
|L2+X For Colt S.A.A. (Claire) |d00c623c0041|
| |800cc930ff0d|
|Start W/ Bishop Plug In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca44013b|
|Start W/ Bowgun In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc968ff0c|
|Start W/ Cabin Key In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca200158|
|Start W/ Colt S.A.A. In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cc96cff0d|
|Start W/ Cord In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca4c0156|
|Start W/ Eagle Medal In Crate (Claire) |d00a4fca1000|
| |800cca300148|
|Start W/ Special Key In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc540153|
|Start W/ Submachine Gun In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccbacff0f|
|Start W/ Unicorn Medal In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc640147|
|Start W/ Wolf Medal In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc5c0149|
|Infinite Health (Claire) |800c7c4200c8|
|Anti-Venom (Leon) |800c7f3c0000|
|L2+X For Colt S.A.A. (Leon) |d00c646c0041|
| |800ccb68ff0d|
|Start W/ Cabin Key In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc500158|
|Start W/ Colt S.A.A. In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccba8ff0d|
|Start W/ Cord In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc800156|
|Start W/ Fuse Case In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc7c014d|
|Start W/ G-Virus In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc580152|
|Start W/ Lab Card Key In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc440161|
|Start W/ Custom Shotgun In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccba4ff08|
|Start W/ Eagle Medal In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc600148|
|Start W/ Flamethrower In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccbb0ff10|
|Start W/ Gatling Gun In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccbb8ff12|
|Start W/ Ink Ribbons In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc90ff1e|
|Start W/ King Plug In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc6c013e|
|Start W/ Knight Plug In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc70013d|
|Start W/ Magnum In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccb98ff05|
|Start W/ Red Jewel In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc880133|
|Start W/ Rocket Launcher In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccbb4ff11|
|Start W/ Rook Plug In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc74013c|
|Start W/ Shotgun In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccba0ff07|
|L1+Square For Grenade Launcher (Acid) (Claire) |d00c623c0084|
| |800cc930ff0b|
|L1+Triangle For Grenade Launcher (Claire) |d00c623c0014|
| |800cc930ff09|
|L1+X For Grenade Launcher (Fire) (Claire) |d00c623c0044|
| |800cc930ff0a|
|L2+Square For Spark Shot (Claire) |d00c623c0081|
| |800cc930ff0e|
|L2+Triangle For Bowgun (Claire) |d00c623c0011|
| |800cc930ff0c|
|R2+Square For Gatling Gun (Claire) |d00c623c0082|
| |800cc930ff12|
|R2+Triangle For Submachine Gun (Claire) |d00c623c0012|
| |800cc930ff0f|
|R2+X For Rocket Launcher (Claire) |d00c623c0042|
| |800cc930ff11|
|L1+L2 Health Restore (Leon) |d00c646c0005|
| |800c7e7a00c8|
|Start W/ Bishop Plug In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccc78013b|
|Start W/ Custom Handgun In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccb94ff04|
|Start W/ Custom Magnum In Crate (Leon) |d00aac8c1000|
| |800ccb9cff06|
|Infinite Health (Leon) |800c7e7a00c8|
|L1+Square For Shotgun (Leon) |d00c646c0084|
| |800ccb68ff07|
|L1+Triangle For Magnum (Leon) |d00c646c0014|
| |800ccb68ff05|
|L1+X For Custom Magnum (Leon) |d00c646c0044|
| |800ccb68ff06|
|L2+Square For Submachine Gun (Leon) |d00c646c0081|
| |800ccb68ff0f|
|L2+Triangle For Custom Shotgun (Leon) |d00c646c0011|
| |800ccb68ff08|
|R2+Square For Gatling Gun (Leon) |d00c646c0082|
| |800ccb68ff12|
|R2+Triangle For Flamethrower (Leon) |d00c646c0012|
| |800ccb68ff10|
|R2+X For Rocket Launcher (Leon) |d00c646c0042|
| |800ccb68ff11|
|L1+L2 Health Restore (Claire) |d00c623c0005|
| |800c7c4200c8|

"It never happens without help."
1. GOD
4. GameShark
( for providing me with codes.
(I couldn't post them for the first scenario strategy. Sorry!)
5. Roy Barnes
6. Evil Online
7. ALL the people who have any RE game and love it.
8. ALL the people who have a PlayStation(c) and love it.

"Some people never learn."
1. People who don't like RE series.
2. People who don't like PlayStation(c).
3. People who don't like video-games.
4. People who don't have RE series.
5. People who don't have PlayStation(c).
6. People who don't have video-games.

"Stay away."
1. People who will rip this FAQ.
2. People who will use this strategy guide for profit.
3. People who will send me naughty e-mail.
4. People who will mail me and ask about my relationship with Nicole Kidman.

Now that you have completed the game in both scenarios, you will be in love with it, like me,
and I bet you want to play more and more of it. After beating the game with good ranks, you
will have specials options. Here are some other interesting things:

1. Alternate uniforms and Brad Vickers
Begin the game on normal difficulty on the 1st scenario. Play through from the
beginning without picking up any items. When you reach the main door of the
R.P.D., take the stairs to your left. You will encounter a special zombie wearing
camouflage pants and an orange vest. Say hi to Brad Vickers who you might recall
as the pilot of the chopper that airlifted Chris and Jill out of RE1. He's no
ordinary zombie. He's super powered and takes far more hits than any other
zombie. You can try to kill him now with your limited Handgun ammo (not nearly
enough shots to kill him) and your knife (uhh, good luck) but a better idea is
to pass him and head into the R.P.D. and grab a Shotgun or Grenade Launcher
and come back for him (once you've made him appear you can go grab any items you
want, he'll still be there waiting for you) You can kill him with one shotgun
blow to the head.
Or wait till he's facing you and slowly move backwards. He'll take a lunge at you
and end up at your feet. This only take up 1/8 of your health but you can kill him
with one simple boot smash. Search his corpse and you'll find the special key (you
can only fight Brad Vickers in the 2nd scenario if you encountered him in the first
and you can still pick up items along the way). Once you've obtained the special key
from Brad, as described above, take the key to the 1st floor room that also has the
darkroom attached (right below the stairs). You will find a locker there. Use the
special key and Voila! With Leon you get choice of two new costumes. Plus you'll get
the awesome ability to fire the handgun one-handed which is twice as fast as usual.
Claire gets only one new costume but also gains the Colt S.A.A. gun. This weapon will
give you a real taste of the wild west, as Claire fires it gunslinger style, holding
the pistol from the hip and fanning the hammer with her palm. Not only does this look
awesome, but she pumps out bullets at more than twice the rate of the normal handgun. But
it only holds six shots (reloads ultra fast).

2. Unlimited Ammo
If you beat the second scenario in under three hours using fewer
than twelve saves, you'll receive three unlimited weapons: the
Submachine Gun, the Rocket Launcher, and the mighty Gatling gun.
(You will not recieve All of them by playing just once. The Sub-
machine Gun comes after the second try)

3. Tofu
Tofu is yet another playable character... well sort of. He's actually a
giant piece of tofu, who plays the same scenario as Hunk but is
armed with only a knife. To open up Tofu, you must play through the
game three consecutive times. Play through a first scenario, then
its corresponding second scenario, then the other character's first
scenario and its corresponding second scenario, then finally the
first and second scenario all over again. If you can finish each one
of the six scenarios in under three hours, with fewer than twelve
saves in each one, and without using any of the unlimited weapons
mentioned above, he's all yours.

And here are some challenges I thought might interest you:
1. Finish the game with the Combat Knife [yeah, right ;}!]
2. Finish the game with the Hand Gun.
3. Run away from everything except bosses.
4. Never heal yourself.
5. Always walk.
6. Always walk backwards.
7. Only collect ammo for each weapon 5 times.
If you have anymore ideas, just mail 'em to me.

/_____________________________________________________________________________________ /|
|Final words: | |
|Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get| |
|up and kill. | |
| | |
| I'm a B.A.D, B.A.D M.a.N! | |
| | |
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16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für US-Version)

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Ultimate Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013
Tofu 4th Survivor FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Diverse Spielstände

17.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer für God-Modus und Munition

13.Октябрь 2013
Alle Geheimisse freigespielt.

18.Октябрь 2013
Japanische Version: Tofu Scenario.

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Modi sind auswählbar.

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für : Anzahl der Gegenstände im Inventar, Gesundheit und Anzahl der Speicherungen (für Schlußbewertung)

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Leon Scenario 2

16.Октябрь 2013
Claire Scenario

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Dt. ausführliche Lösung mit Karten im Word-Format

18.Октябрь 2013
Scenario B FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Leon Scenario 2 FAQ

12.Октябрь 2013
Leon Scenario 1 FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Leon FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Hunk FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Guide FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
Files FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019