Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear - Black Thorn

Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear - Black Thorn

01.10.2013 13:26:56
Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear: Black Thorn
Version 1.2
Created by idyoticwyzard
Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard

Table of Contents

1. Legal Intro
1.1 Version History
2. Gameplay Tactics
2.1 Characters
2.2 Equipment
3. The Missions
3.1 Desert Dragon
3.2 Silent Ace
3.3 Copper King
3.4 Coarse Blade
3.5 Spirit Clasp
3.6 Golden Song
3.7 Blunt Scroll
3.8 Broken Sceptre
3.9 Empty Cloud
4. Closing


1. Legalities

This guide should only be available at the following sites:


If you see this guide on another site, or would like to use this on your own
site, or would like to contact me anyway, here is my info:

Email: idyoticwyzard@hotmail.com
AIM: idyoticwyzard

Eric Fung/idyoticwyzard copyrights this document, so if you steal it *shakes
fist* then screw you.

1.1 Version History

Version 1.2 (09/30/05): Reworded and edited every mission.
Version 1.1a (09/09/05): Add websites to allowed list.
Version 1.1 (08/15/05): Some corrections and clarifications.
Version 1.0 (08/05/05): Covers the single player campaign.


2. Gameplay Tactics

--The HQ plans are trash.
--The AI easily gets shot, so in general, leave the computer only to move from
point to point and to cover/snipe open areas with only a few guards.
--Along the same lines, don't totally rely on the AI to watch your back. So a
team with more than 2 people is unnecessary; most of the time, the last few
members hardly get to shoot anyone anyway.
--When rescuing hostages, the team you control should be the first into the
room (after flashbangs, if needed).
--Learn to love the heartbeat sensor and 3rd person view.

2.1 Characters

Leaders: Chavez (stealth team), Novikov, Bogart, Price, Walther, Noronha
Assault Team: Every other member in the Assault category
Stealth: Every Recon member
Sniper: Any sniper, but I often use Johnston, Weber, and Galanos.

2.2 Equipment

Almost every mission is a hostage rescue, and every mission works best with
silenced weapons. Unless otherwise noted, everyone should be equipped with...

Primary Weapons:
9mm MP5 SD SMG or 10mm MP5 SD10 SMG --Default
0.45cal SD UMP SMG --Armor-piercing
5.7mm P90 SD SMG --Huge clip, fast reload
7.62mm AW Covert SR --Longest range

Secondary Weapon:
0.45cal M23 SD Pistol

Flashbangs and Heartbeat Sensor (HB Sensor)


3. The Missions

-EXT = extraction zone
-INS = insertion zone
-SAlpha, SBravo, SCharlie, SDelta = Snipe at [Go-Code]
-CAlpha, CBravo, CCharlie, CDelta = Cover at [Go-Code]
-I don't use Defend -_-

-Note: Mission plans are designed for Elite missions. However, they work just
as well on Veteran and even Recruit. Just the number of tangos are
different. Overprepared is better than underprepared.

3.1 Desert Dragon

-Not a difficult layout at all. 3 teams to clear each floor of the embassy.

Blue Team: From the north INS, head east to the opening of the hedge wall and
CAlpha towards the 2nd floor balcony. Alpha, head upstairs and clear
out the 2nd floor counterclockwise, avoiding the center room. Use
the HB sensor a lot, since the tangos tend to patrol around a lot.
When you get to the west side of the 2nd floor, enter the bathroom,
peek into the center room, and kill the guard there. Continue
clearing the rest of the 2nd floor, then wait for Delta at the east
door that leads into the central room. Before giving the go-code,
enter the room and throw a flashbang down into the hostage room. Do
what you can to kill the tangos below. Head to EXT.

Red Team: From the south INS, move west a few feet and CAlpha towards the 2nd
floor balcony on the SW part of the building. Once the guard up there
is down, peek from behind the hedges and take out the guard on the
eastern 2nd floor balcony and any other patrolling guards nearby.
Alpha, head to the basement via the closest stairs and just before
you reach the t-intersection, CCharlie towards the other stairs.
Charlie, peek and shoot the guard standing outside the meat locker,
then secure the hostages. Exit through the last door and neutralize
the last guard. Head upstairs via the north stairs and wait for Delta
by the north door of the central room. Delta, rush in and take out
the guards, then escort hostages to EXT.

Green Team: From the north INS, head west and just inside the second hedge
opening, CAlpha towards EXT. Alpha, CBravo towards the front doors.
Bravo, clear the 1st floor going clockwise, also staying away from
the hostage room. Wait for Delta by the south entrance to the
center room. Delta, rush in and help Red clear the room. Head to

Order of Operations: Red kills the two balcony guards and the other guys in the
backyard. Give Alpha as Blue and clear the 2nd floor. Once
they're done, give Bravo as Red and clean the 1st floor.
Charlie as Green and sweep the basement. For the final
attack, flashbang with Blue and give Delta.

3.2 Silent Ace

-Arguably the hardest level in Black Thorn, so don't worry if you have to keep
restarting. 3 assault teams and a sniper.

Blue Team: Enter the boat using the south entrance and clear the two guards in
the south cabin area. Continue north to the hallway and stop for
Charlie by the opening to the main hall. Peek out and shoot the
lounging guard. Charlie, head out into the hall and take the stairs
up to the bar (southern area). Check the HB sensor to check where
the guards are. Now you want to take out the bomber first; he's in
the SE corner. After he's dead, it shouldn't be too hard to pick off
the other two guards one at a time. With this area clear, head up 2
floors via the closest stairs. You will end up on the east side of
the boat. Check for guards on this floor before giving Delta. Cross
the deck and kill the patrol on the floor above. Head upstairs and
wait for Alpha by the east side of the hostage room. Alpha, free the
hostages and go to EXT.

Red Team: Head up the ramp to the north and wait for Alpha at the top. Alpha,
head farther north and wait for Bravo at the bottom of the stairs.
Bravo, slowly head upstairs in 3rd person view and also with the HB
sensor out. Locate the 3 guards in the bar; the stationary bomber
and 2 patrols. If you don't see 3, then one patrol is upstairs.
Anyway, when the patrols aren't looking, first shoot the bomber
through the glass door. Then quickly take care of the patrols. Once
this area is clear, wait around for Delta. Delta, head to the top
deck using the eastern stairs and join Blue outside the hostage room
while waiting for Alpha. Alpha, escort the hostages to EXT.

Green Team: Wait at the bottom of the north ramp for Alpha. Alpha, head up that
ramp and make your way south towards the main hall. Take out the 2
guards in the cabin area too. Go through the door SE of the cabins
and you will end up in a hallway that leads to the large room. The
next part gets tricky; slowly creep south until you see part of the
guard on the floor above. Kill him and CDelta in that direction.
Delta, head to the top deck via the eastern stairs and wait for
Alpha by the north door of the hostage room. There is a sniper in
the SW part of this deck, so peek out and kill him. When you are
ready, hug the wall and flash the room while giving Alpha. Clear
the room and return to EXT.

Gold Team: Wait at INS for Bravo. Bravo, head up to the casino that Red just
cleared. Now approach the opening that leads to the main hall and
snipe the guy south of you on the floor above. If he's not there
wait for him to come into your sights. When he's down, creep out
some more and snipe the guy on your left (10 o'clock), also on the
floor above. SDelta southward. Delta, follow Green's path and hold
for Alpha close to Green. Alpha, support the other teams and return
to EXT.

Order of Operations: Play as Blue first and kill the first 3 guards. Then Alpha
as Green until they reach Delta. Bravo as Red to clear the
bar area. Make sure Gold doesn't advance past you as you
kill the bombers. Then switch to Gold and clear the rest
of the main hall. Back to Blue again and clear the casino.
Delta and proceed to the top decks. Then Green to flash,
Alpha, and the end of the mission.

3.3 Copper King

-Pretty difficult. If you hear radio chatter from the enemy, then you have a
very limited amount of time to get to the tower and shoot the bus driver.
1 recon operative/team, 1 assault team, and 1 sniper team (sniper as leader).

Blue Team: Head north through the building and take out the guy by the door.
Also take out the patrol that passes close by. Now when the guard in
the long alley to the east turns away, shoot him in the back. Enter
the nearby building. Kill the guard here and the one across the
street and hold for Alpha. Alpha, head east down the long alley. At
the end, peek north around the corner and shoot every guard around
here. More guards will come to investigate the bodies, so take them
out too. CAlpha in the same direction. Once it's safe, give Alpha
and check for the 3 stationary guards (HB sensor). Slowly crouch up
and kill them one at a time. One might be looking right at you, so
be careful. With this area clear, head to the west entrance of the
junkyard and hold for Charlie. Charlie, clear out the junkyard and
the west building, then kill the guard outside the church doors.

Red Team: Follow Blue through the hut and turn left. CBravo at the west corner
towards the west side of the map. Bravo, clear the 2-story building
and head onto the roof. Clear the roof too and take out the guard on
patrol in the back area, one floor below you.

Green Team: Go through the hut and wait by Red for Alpha. Alpha, head to the
east corner of this alley and CDelta the roof across from you. You
can't snipe or else tangos will hear the AW Covert and radio for
the bus driver to leave. Anyway, Delta, and head through the church
where you will meet 1 or 2 guards. You should hear one guard make
some noise; wait for him to run into you and shoot him as he shows
up. Go up the bell tower and snipe the bus driver.

Order of Operations: Take control of Blue until Charlie, then give Bravo as Red
to kill everyone you can find. Then back to Blue and give
Charlie, clearing out the rest of the map. Finally, Green
and Delta to finish the mission.

3.4 Coarse Blade

-The AI will clear the open area for you, making the mission a lot easier. 4
assault teams.

Blue Team: Start at the north INS and head along the northmost path. You can
get the westernmost guard here by going to the north side of the
path and looking up towards the shed. You will barely see his head,
but that's enough. Take him out. Now, hugging the south wall, creep
up slowly while watching the sniper tower, and when you see that
guard, kill him. Wait for Bravo here. Bravo, head into the building
and clear it of the 3 tangos. There is one on the balcony inside, so
face him and walk backwards to see him. Now escort the leader down
and clear the rest of the northern area. Wait for Delta by the north
door of the hostage room. Delta, storm the room and escort hostages
to EXT.

Red Team: From north INS, take the middle path and about halfway, CCharlie
towards the bridge near the south of the map. Charlie, wait for Delta
by the south door of the hostage room. Delta, move in and clear the
room. Head to EXT.

Green Team: Start at south INS and make your way SE up the small hill. Here,
CAlpha towards the bridge. Alpha, take out the guy by the anti-
aircraft gun and disarm it. Make your way over to the hostage
building and follow the south wall eastward. As you reach the
corner, peek north and shoot the crouched guard here. Head over to
the truck and kill the guard here. Look to your left down a hallway
and shoot the guard waiting down there. Head back and wait for
Delta by the south door of the hostage room. Delta, clear the room
and go to EXT.

Gold Team: At north INS, follow Blue a little bit but CAlpha eastward. You want
to cover the far east end of this ditch but still see the open shed
above you. Alpha, head into the north area and CCharlie in the north
path, covering the hostage building. Charlie, move forward a bit and
wait for Delta outside the door. Delta, enter the building and kill
the guards, then go to EXT.

Order of Operations: Play as Blue until you shoot the sniper. Then give Alpha
and switch to Green to disarm the gun. Go about clearing
the other guards until Delta. Then you can switch back to
Blue and finish clearing the north area. Once you're done,
give Charlie. Any team can lead off the hostage rescue.
Delta and go to EXT.

3.5 Spirit Clasp

-Very straightforward and fun. 2 recon assault teams and 1 electronics expert.
Alternates to the electronics expert are Sweeney or Yacoby.

Blue Team: Head to the 1st floor via the right staircase and CBravo at the
bottom of the stairs. Bravo, clear the floor from right to left,
avoiding rooms with civilians. For the assault on those rooms, enter
the diagonal-looking room to the left of the staircase you entered
from; go in through the south door. Crouch and carefully eliminate
the guard in the room west of you. Go through that room and enter
the room just NE of where you are. Face northeast and watch the
hallway for a patrol. When he's down, go out into the hall and clear
the rest of the tangos.

Red Team: Head to the 2nd floor via the left staircase and CAlpha towards the
door. Alpha, head east and clear the whole southern area. Now head to
the room just north of the east stairs, using the east door. Slowly
approach the west door and peek into the hall to take out the two
guards here. Check the HB sensor and clear the rest of the floor.

Green Team: Equip yourself with an electronics kit. Head to the 1st floor via
the east staircase and clear the room to the right of it. Since the
two electronics experts are not stealthy at all, you must quickly
kill the next tango past the door before he cuts the link. With him
down, kill the guy in the NE corner of the floor. Enter the room
west of here and dispatch the two guards, CDelta into the center.
Delta, plant the bug.

Order of Operations: Green goes first, then it's up to you. When you plant the
bug, a siren goes off, so you should save that for last.

3.6 Golden Song

-Fun for sniping and close quarters. 2 stealthy assault teams and a sniper.

Blue Team: Start in the basement of the train station. Clear the room to the SE
then kill the guard in the hallway. Head upstairs into the station
itself. There is one stationary guard, and he may be facing the top
of the staircase. Besides him, there are one or two more on patrol
and one across the room, facing away from you. The easiest thing to
do is let a patrol cross in front of the stairs so when you shoot
him, the others will be drawn to the body. Or you can just peek and
snipe. You can also crouch and hide behind the chairs for cover.
Once the station is clear, open the front door and see if you can
kill the guard in the train car on your left. Wait for Bravo. Bravo,
enter the south car and clear the bottom floor. Inch around the
staircase and get the guard upstairs before he sees you. Flashbang
the top of the car and clear it. Wait for Delta to escort the
hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Start in the north INS. Head due south onto that hill and CAlpha east
towards the corner of the train car. You can take out up to three
guards here. Alpha, go down the east side of the train while staying
on the tracks. You may be able to shoot a guard in the top floor of
one car. Wait for Charlie by the northern car that has hostages.
Charlie, clear the car just as Blue did. Wait for Delta to escort
the hostages.

Green Team: From the north INS, head onto the landing platform and SDelta down
the west side of the train. Red will cover you. Before Alpha, go
over to the east side of the train and check this side of the map
for any other tangos. Snipe them as well. Delta, head back to EXT.

Order of Operations: Control Blue through the train station. Then Green shoots
the east tangos. Alpha to move into place. Finally, the
assault on the cars can be done in any order. Delta to
return to EXT.

3.7 Blunt Scroll

-Do not pass through the metal detectors, since they do work. 3 assault teams
and 1 stealth team.

Blue Team: Start from the south INS and head to the south wall. CAlpha towards
the room nearby. Before giving Alpha, check to see if the 2 guards
are down; if not, crouch and enter the room, using the seats for
cover. Locate the remaining guards and kill them. Alpha, go up the
nearby stairs. Now at the SW corner, enter the hallway that leads to
the middle catwalk, but use the wall for some cover. CDelta towards
the center of the catwalk. Delta, go out onto the catwalk and head
to EXT through the hostage area.

Red Team: From north INS, clear the room nearby and head upstairs. Clear the
guards in the adjacent room up here as well, then copy Blue's cover
pattern, just on the other side of the airport terminal. Delta,
continue to mirror Blue's path and head to EXT through the hostage

Green Team: Wait for Alpha at the south INS. Alpha, go up the closest stairs.
On this floor, head east through the first waiting room and follow
the south wall until you reach the opening. CBravo here, guarding
the east waiting room. Bravo, continue east, head downstairs, and
wait for Delta just inside the hallway that leads to the hostages.
Delta, rush out, secure the hostages, and take them to EXT.

Gold Team: Wait for Alpha at north INS. After Alpha, head up the closest stairs
and continue clearing the waiting rooms in the north part of the 2nd
floor. Quietly head downstairs on the east side. Crouch and clear
the nearby room of the two terrorists. Head into the hallway that
connects to the main hall and CDelta the west side of the huge room.
At this point, you can use the HB sensor to find the remaining
tangos and pick them off one by one. Anyway, Delta at any time and
finish clearing the room, then go to EXT.

Order of Operations: Take Red through the first two rooms, then do your check
as Blue. As Gold, give Alpha, then give Bravo as you
approach the hostages. When everyone is in place, you can
kill any number of hostage guards as Gold and Green. Give
Delta when you feel like it and end the mission. In fact,
the mission is so simple you can combine Gold and Red into
one team, and Blue and Green.

3.8 Broken Sceptre

-Nice map, but the mission is still very easy. 2 assault teams with UMP45SDs.

Blue Team: From north INS, enter the north building from the east door. There
are two guards on this floor who are easy to take out. Head upstairs
and check for the patrolling tango in the nearby hallway. When he's
walking away, shoot him in the back. Now approach the hostage room
from the south door. You won't even need a flashbang; just open the
door, peek in and shoot the guards one at a time. Proceed through
the room and you'll see a sniper looking towards the street. Take
him down too. Head to the third floor and go to the room with the
window. Open the door and shoot the guards on the roof through the
window. Then you can kill the guy in the room. With this building
cleared, go back to the hostage and hold for Delta. Delta, escort
him to EXT.

Red Team: From south INS, go around the SW corner of the south building and
CAlpha in front of the door here. Alpha, check for the patrolling
tango nearby and when ready, enter and shoot him. Follow the hallway
into another room where the rest of the guards will be. They are dug
in a bit, so do what you can to try to flush them out. You can head
outside and reenter through the north door of this building if you
really need to. After the 1st floor is cleared, go upstairs via the
south staircase. Advance down the hallway and carefully kill the
guards in the side rooms. The rooms on this floor have no doors. One
patrol comes down from the 3rd floor, so you can kill him as he heads
back upstairs. With the 2nd floor clear, proceed to the third floor
and clear it too. I usually sweep the floor from west to east, but
try and see what works for you. Hold for Delta by the hostages. On
Delta, escort them to EXT.

Order of Operations: Take Blue until Delta, then Alpha as Red.

3.9 Empty Cloud

-A good challenge as a last level, plus a sweet map. 3 assault teams.

Blue Team: From INS, head inside to the circular area and check where the two
closest tangos are. Take those out, then proceed south and secure
all the hostages in this area. CBravo up the south staircase. Bravo,
head to the third floor and clear this theater room. There is also
guard on the west balcony above; this catwalk does not appear in the
maps. Go back down to the 2nd floor and wait for Delta outside the
middle hallway that leads to your primary target. Stay out of the
room with the camera. Delta, rush down the hall into the final room.

Red Team: Head into the entrance area and go up the east stairs of this room.
Up here, move south a little more and CAlpha towards the center of
the circle of 2nd floor rooms. Alpha, clear this floor of tangos and
wait for Delta by the southmost hallway, again staying clear of the
cameras. Delta, blitz down the catwalks and kill the primary target.

Green Team: Head into the entrance hall and CCharlie at the bottom of the west
set of stairs, aiming towards the second floor. Charlie, head east
and carefully kill the guards in the north warehouse. You cannot go
very far past the doors or the tango in the room to the east will
sound the alarm. With nightvision, you can see the guard on the
catwalk more easily. After this warehouse is cleared, exit west and
clear the south warehouse from the west door. Now if every tango
near a hostage is dead, you can safely proceed to the staircase in
the NE corner of the 1st floor. Head up there and wait for Delta.
Delta, head into the final room and kill the primary target.

Order of Operations: Take Blue and quickly kill the first two guards to protect
the other teams. Then proceed to clear the 1st floor of
hostage guards. Then Red and Alpha, clear the 2nd floor.
Bravo and Blue again, flush out the 3rd floor. Then Green
and Charlie, save the warehouse hostages. If you were
somewhat messy as Green, you should hold them on the 1st
floor so that Blue or Red can check for tangos that have
come out onto the catwalks to investigate the noise. As
any team, give Delta to finish the game.


4. Closing

If you still have problems, use the invisible cheats (theshadowknows or
teamshadow) and take a look around. Now you can explore the level and find out
where all the terrorists are. Of course, you could kill them all, but why would
you need a guide then? Hopefully, you can tweak your plans with this new info.

Of course, you can ask me if you have still any further questions.

Thanks to Ubisoft and Red Storm Entertainment.

Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard
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