Fade to Black

Fade to Black

17.10.2013 13:01:37

Fade to Black - Hints compiled for the Dirty Little Helper
by Howard Kistler, HKISTLER@orf.ameridata.com


Attack Morphs
Attack Morphs are pretty stupid and have a great deal of trouble
hitting you when you move. They are easily lured into disintergrator
traps, as are regular morphs. Even better, if there is an armed
morph in the same room as you and the attack morph, you can run
around keeping the attack morph between you and the armed one, and
the armed one will shoot the attack morph dead.

Two Women
Near the end of the game you will run into your female friend. Soon,
an identical female will appear behind her and begin walking towards
her. Shoot the first one, otherwise the second, real female will be

When shots hit windows, you will hear a glass impact sound. However,
you won't see any cracks, so it's easy to think that glass is
invincible. However, about four shots will shatter the window,
sucking you out into space. There is a room with hidden floor spot
built around this principle, with cannons that fire at the windows
instead of you.

The War
Early on in the game you will take a lift shaft down to an area where
morphs and humans are fighting it out. Only one of the morphs takes
an interest in you, crouching behind barrels and rising to fire.
However, everyone involved in both sides of the battle seems
invincible, As far as I can tell, you're not supposed to fight anyone,
but rather crouch-and-run top the door to the left.

The Super Morph
He's unkillable. Just run and run anytime he shows up. He'll get his
in the pre-rendered ending.

The Trapped Head
On the level that begins next to a spaceship is an area across a
bridge with a spikey object floating in an energy column. This object
is actually a creature from Pluto, and the device supplying power to
his cage is on the wall just right of him. It's easy to miss this
equipment at first. Also easy to miss (as a target) is the ceiling-
mount probe behind the spaceship in the room where you begin. Destroy
this, too.

Special Armor & Weapons
The Anti-Radiation armor is only useful in radioactive areas, and
even then it leaves you terribly drained. The Cloaking armor is
worthless, as the enemies seem to still perceive you fairly well
and it's energy drain soon leaves you one hit away from death. Also,
I completed the game without finding a single useful situation for
the EM Pulse round ammunition. Oh, well.

The Golems
Let one kill you - the Death By Golem scene is the best.

Howard Kistler, HKISTLER@orf.ameridata.com

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