Guild Wars

Guild Wars

18.10.2013 00:26:42
Mesmer FAQ
Guild Wars - Mesmer FAQ
By: Kirby Ownz

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Updates Section
III. Strengths/Weaknesses
IV. Attributes
V. Tactics
VI. Ideas for a Secondary Class
VII. Skill Discussion with Elminster and Volo!
VIII. Credits
IX. Legal Information.

I - Introduction

So, your a brand new player and you feel like you can just walk right into the
mesmer class, one of the hardest to master classes in Guild Wars and expect to
take down the strongest of mages and fighters huh? Well you can't, it just so
happens that this class isn't recommended for new players at all, and even
experienced veterans have their troubles with this character. Also, a Mesmer
can't fell just anyone, that's how Guild Wars works, a series of strengths and
weaknesses. If you can manage to get a feel for the character, you should be
fine. Also, if you are only reading this to get the best skills, just stop
right here,
because skills are dependant on the players usage. This is to be an FAQ, not
a large copied pasted archive I managed to slap together and send to GameFAQs.

AIM: Massed Carriers

II - Updates Section

Version 1.01(4/21) - The basic mock-up of the guide, basic strategies and
Version 1.02(4/26) - Included skill discussion with Volo and Elminster

III - Strengths and Weaknesses

An intelligent player knows that each character has strengths and weaknesses.
If you went on reading thinking that since a Mesmer is hard to play as makes it
the best, stop reading now, because one can not be foolish to play as this
character. Now that I have managed to once again narrow down my audience,
seperating the warriors from the mesmers, I can continue.

+ Capable of IGNORING target foes armor. - Yep, that's right. Read it and
weep pathetic warriors. The Mesmer's Damage over Time skills ignore armor
class and resistances. This is probably the greatest strength of the Mesmer.
+ Wide variety of skills. - If you haven't glanced at the Mesmers skills,
they have a wide variety of skills to use. They have enchantments, hexes, and
damage dealing spells. The best overall would be stacking hexes on your
opponent, not only does it put them at a disadvantage, but there are MANY
Mesmer spells that purge the hexes you added on, just to take HEAVY damage per
hex casted, plus the effects of the hex that the opponent incurred.
+ Fast Casting. - I will cover this again in the attributes section, but Fast
Casting is considered to be the Mesmers special ability. Even with a few
points in it, your spells casting time is greatly reduced.
+ Good Looking Armor - It's not really considered a strength, but you do have
to admit it looks very nice.

+ Relatively Weak Armor - While it looks good, it is extremely fragile and it
would be best to stay out of the heat of battle.
+ Needs the Ability to almost predict target foes next attack - Many mesmer
spells such as backfire require you to be a Mad-Libs expert in a way. What
backfire does is adds heavy damage to enemy spell caster if he uses a skill in
X amount of time, but if you time it wrong they might not use a skill and the
skill is wasted.
+ Attributes closely related. - The Mesmers skill Attributes are very similar,
so it would be wise to put points into Fast Casting, Illusion, Inspiration and
Domination magic, as you will probably have plenty of spells from each catagory.
+ Horrible Dancer - It's not a weakness really, but if a Mesmer:Dancing::Bob
Saget:Comedy. 'Nuff said.

IV - Attributes

Fast Casting - As stated above, this is for the impatient mage that doesn't
like to wait while the big dumb lunkhead warrior is bashing you with his shiny
new warhammer. You want casting power, you not only want strong spells, you
want to beserk with them. Even with a few points in Fast Casting, your casting
times will be MUCH faster.

Inspiration - The enchantment catagory of the mesmer, if theres things that a
mesmer likes to do besides hexing enemies, it's giving themselves a clear
advantage with their enchantments. While I consider most enchantments to be a
waste of a skill, if you can coordinate it right (Say you are a secondary
ranger, caste winter and use the mantra of frost to take nearly half damage vs.
elements), and some are nice without any deep thought and tactics involved.

Illusion - The base tree of my favorite skill for the mesmer, Illusion of
Phantasm. This attribute is all about mixing up a creatures sences and
altering reality. A few of these skills from this attribute are nearly a must.

Domination - The raw power of the mesmer, this attribute has most of the damage
causing skills, or ways to Dominate your enemy. One of this attributes
favorite things to do is to play with the enemies energy, which is expecially
good against Elementalists and Monks with their need for energy. I say, they
have too much energy to burn, so throw an Energy Burn spell at them and show
them the true power of the mesmer.

V - Tactics

Quite possibly the only way to win in Guild Wars is to use tactics. You don't
have to be Napoleon to win a battle as a mesmer, but I guarantee that it is
much harder fight as a mesmer, but it is well worth it. The best way to learn
tactics is by actually playing, but there are some general guidelines I need
for this part of my crash course. First of all, make sure you have either a
monk or a warrior, (Yes its true, as much as I dislike those muscleheads, they
are very important to the mesmer). Why do you need them you may ask, well the
answer is very simple. Unless you intend to soak up all the damage that will
be thrown your way as a mesmer, in your weak armor, but at the same time having
an enemy that is attacking you will need to fight. Having an enemy attacking
for you to do heavy damage to shouldn't be a problem, unless that enemy happens
to be doing damage to you. That is what the monk or warrior is for, a meat
shield if you will. While your attacker is attacking your guardian, all you
need to do is throw a bunch of hexes his way, and shatter them. Spells such
as Backfire for spellcasters or Empathy for Rangers and Warriors will work
exceptionally well, as it only works when the attacker is attacking. The point
of this is to get a few outcomes, but the most desireable one would be to
either stop attacking. If the enemy can't attack, then you and your team
doesn't take damage and the enemy falls. If he continues attacking, don't
dispair, he is just speeding up his fate, but at the same time causing pain to

Don't sweat it if the attacker wisens up and attacks you, the worst thing you
can do is run. Running around should only be done as a last minute panic when
you get down to the low double digets to have a chanse to recover if the enemy
changes targets (Suprisingly, this has happened countless times for me). I
don't recommend getting spells that are way to specific into the arena however,
like ones such as Illusion of Haste which should only be used if you are
considered crippled (Not slowed, crippled) as a way of escape, but trust me,
the worst thing you can do while crippled is try to run. For people who like
area effect spells, I highly reccomment chaos storm against elementalists
expecially, if they are dumb enough to stand in the storm and attempting to
cast, they will drain all of their energy. Chaos storm works wonders versus
rangers as well, but it's not great versus characters who move around like
necromancers and warriors. And one last general guideline - Mix your spells
around. Bring some damage over times, backfire and empathy-type spells are
highly reccommended, shatter hex type spells, and of course countless hex

And now for a closer look...

Vs. Warrior - Ah, time to take your revenge on that fool who thinks that heavy
armor wins a battle, show him who is boss. First I recommend slowing him, if
he isn't dumb enough already to wander through the mud pit at ascalon, the lava
in the Crag, or through by magical means a ward against foes a friendly
elementalist planted, (Trust me, I've seen it happen) toss a slowing spell such
as Imagined Burden his way and watch him go even slower. Next, Start firing
the damage over time spells, and throw a good empathy his way. If he happens
to be a necromancer or monk and has ways of healing, make SURE you backfire him
when hes low on health, its common sence that a low health character would try
to heal. If you do this correctly, he can be dead before he can do much to
you, if anything. Make sure you do your Mesmer Tap Dance on his body, to spite
him for his ignorance to think that his heavy armor can slay any spellcaster.

Vs Elementalist - Skill inturrupting spells, Backfire, Energy Burn, Damage Over
time, and Chaos storm are you friends here. Don't worry too much about
shattering hexes here, just focus on stripping the elementalists energy that
way. Make sure that you step out of their area effect spells obviously,
because elementalists just LOVE to cast those. If they start spamming flare or
stone daggers, don't run away, but just focus on draining their energy, it
should be gone quickly enough anyway after massed flares and daggers. If you
do this correctly, there is still a good chanse you will win.

Vs Monk - Hah. Just switch opponents now. You are wasting your time if there
is noone else helping you, because if you sit there focusing on a monk while he
is healing, you are going to have a hard time sinking him. But if he is
resurrecting someone, it is 100% necessary that you make sure that spell is
cast, by either inturrupting him with an inturruption type spell, or killing
him really quickly, either forcing him into retreat or death. If he isn't
resurrecting, it is not recommended at all however that you continue fighting
him, unless you are loaded with inturruptions and Backfire type spells.

Vs Rangers - Careful, this is a hard character to battle with as the rangers
main focus is taking YOU down. Don't try to run however, unless you are
enchanted with speed and there is no muddy terrain nature ritual around. If it
is important that you must fight him, make sure you ask your party for help if
he is targeting you. Cast empathy definatly, and if there is a monk in your
party/you are a monk secondary and have Healing Hands, it is vital that you
have this on you. The main weakness of the ranger besides the warrior is time.
Rangers need to prepare to fight, and as time passes their preparations should
go away making the fight somewhat more equal. Fast Casting is nice here
because the ranger, like the mesmer, likes to inturrupt. If you cast quick
enough, they shouldn't inturrupt. Damage over time works wonders here, and
make sure you do whatever you can to survive, depending on your secondary, if
your a warrior, sadly enough, use a healing signet, and if you like imaginary
weaponry, you should be just fine, but for other characters, it is a good idea
to use their healing, monks obviously have a wide range of healing spells.
Rangers should have troll urgent, Elementalists the aura of restoration.
Necromancers can do damage and heal with their leeching and draining magic.

Vs Necromancers - If there is one thing you shouldn't do is to keep healing and
fighting. Troll Urgent and Healing breeze need not apply for this fight, as
the necromancers favorite thing to do is leech. If you stop healing he can't
heal off of you, making this fight a mad rush on who kills each other first.
Make sure however, that you don't die, so if you are near death heal, and the
reason of not dying isn't what you would think it is (Continually playing,
Fun), it is so the Necromancer won't make a well of power out of your dead
body, healing him, and everyone in its very large 39' radius. It is better
that you not let this happen and risk giving him a bit extra health. Who
knows? Mabye he doesn't have leech after all :P

Vs Mesmers - This is where it just gets plain ugly. Backfire is a great idea,
don't worry about empathy or imagined burden, unless their secondary is warrior
and they are going to imaginary weapon rush you. As with most builds, Damage
over time is great, but not needed too much. The main focus is to drain his
energy before he drains yours, and pray he hasn't read this guide. Energy Burn
is a great way to hurt him and make him lose gobs of energy. The Mesmer
doens't get a lot of energy, but they can definatly make use of it.

VI - Good Secondary Classes

Warrior - Not recommended (go figure) unless you are specifically after the
good swordsmanship for your imaginary weapon, or some useful skills like endure
pain. If you do decide to use imaginary weapon, never ever use axes or
hammers, the damage of the weapon doesn't carry over, its the weapon speed.
That and the sword looks alot cooler and can be used with a shield. Go figure.

Elementalist - Works wonders with fast casting, as most elementalist skills
have a slow casting rate, a speeded rate can cause much chaos, specifically
what the mesmer is good at. The only problem is that the Elementalist requires
alot of specialization to become good, making it difficult to have a variety of
Elementalist Skills as well as Mesmer.

Monk - If you decide to become secondary monk, it is highly suggested that you
stick to healing. You don't have to max it, but like most skills a few points
won't hurt. Fast Casting + Resurrection is great by the way, you will cast
MUCH faster.

Necromancer - Quite possibly the monks healings rival, why you might ask?
Simply put, the necromancer is good at leaching, allowing you to do damage and
heal yourself at the same time. The main problem however is that at the end,
there might not be enough health to leach out at the end. I guess either way
you still win, but be careful about more enemies...

Ranger - A good idea if you want to use preparations, nature rituals, or a bit
of bow mastery. Summoning animals as a mesmer isn't a great idea because Beast
Masters require a variety of skills that already cast relatively fast, making
fast casting almost obsolete, and making it hard to possess a good amount of
mesmer spells at the same time.

VII - Skill Discussion with Elminster and Volo!

Some of the two greatest characters of the realm would like to comment on
some of the mesmer skills, volo a famous bard throughout the realm, and
the great mage.


Arcane Thievery {Elite}

Description: For 5/35 seconds, one random spell is disabled for target foe and
Thievery is replaced by that spell.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Spell.

"One of the funnest ways to win a battle, the use of luck" - Volo
"That's all you have to hope for" - Elminster


Description: For the next 10 seconds, whenever target enemy casts a spell, that
takes 35/140 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 3 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Ah... one of the greatest ways to prevent others from casting spells without a
penalty.." - Elminster


Description: All of target enemy's skills are disabled for 2/4 seconds. All of
your skills
are disabled for 5 seconds.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"A great spell for a secondary mesmer such as a warrior/mesmer to help even out
playing field" - Volo

Chaos Storm

Description: Create a Chaos Storm at target enemy's location. For the next 10
enemies near this location suffer 5/12 damage each second. Chaos Storm drains
energy each time it strikes an enemy casting a spell.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases damage and energy lost.
Skill Type: Spell.

"One of the greatest mesmer spells for foolish mages who should have been
warriors" - Elminster

Cry of Frustration

Description: If target enemy is using a skill, that enemy and enemies nearby are
and suffer 10/37 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Works well in a crowded area" - Shopkeeper in San Andreas's Ammu-Nation


Description: For 6 seconds, the next time target enemy uses a skill, that skill
will take
an additional 10/55 seconds to recharge.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"A wise mesmer would save this until the enemy has a skill that one really
- Elminster


Description: For the next 8/18 seconds, whenever target enemy attacks, that
takes 3/33 damage.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases duration and damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"I threw this on my wife once... she stopped attacking me luckily" - Volo
"No comment." - Elminster

Energy Burn

Description: Target enemy loses 4/11 energy and takes 8 damage for each point
of energy lost.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Spell.

"I've heard rumors about this that it actually hurts the intelligence directly
of the target!" - Volo
"Then, Volo, you would have nothing to fear." - Elminster

Energy Surge {Elite}

Description: Target foe loses 4/11 energy. For each point of energy lost, that
foe and all
adjacent foes take 8 damage.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases energy damage.
Skill Type: Spell.

"A greater form of an already great spell" - Elminster


Description: For 4/9 seconds, if target foe casts an offensive spell, the spell
fails, and
you steal 5/12 energy and Guilt ends.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases duration and energy stolen.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"I feel plenty Guilty even without this thrown on me" - Volo

Hex Breaker

Description: For 60/180 seconds, the next time you are the target of a Hex,
that Hex
fails, the caster suffers 10/39 damage and Hex Breaker ends.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: Instant.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Very nice for that pesky conjure phantasm!" - Volo


Description: For the next 8/23 seconds, target enemy cannot use signet rings.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Then Volo must never be able to use Signet Rings" - Elminster

Mind Wrack

Description: For the next 20 seconds, if target enemy's energy is zero, that
suffers 15/90 damage and Mind Wrack ends.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"A great way to damage a mage for actually fighting" - Volo

Panic {Elite}

Description: Target foe and all adjacent foes are hexed with Panic for 8/23
While hexed, they suffer energy degeneration 2 and take 10/85 damage any time
they use a Signet.
Energy Cost: 25.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases duration and damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Never to be used with Ignorance" - Elminster

Power Block {Elite}

Description: If target enemy is casting a spell, that spell is interrupted. The
spell and all spells of the same attribute are disabled for 3/18 seconds for
that enemy.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Spell.

"One of the best ways to render a Healing monk or a specalist
elementalist useless." - Elminster

Power Leak

Description: If target enemy is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and
enemy loses 10/39 energy.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases energy lost.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Works well with Backfire" - Volo

Power Spike

Description: If target enemy is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and
enemy takes 20/102 damage.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Again, works well with Backfire" - Volo


Description: For the next 4/9 seconds, the next time target enemy casts a spell
on an ally, the spell fails and you steal 5/12 energy.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases duration and energy stolen.
Skill Type: Hex spell.

"One of the best ways of preventing elementalists from casting area effect
spells" - Elminster

Shatter Delusions

Description: Remove all Mesmer Hexes from target enemy.
That enemy suffers 15/75 damage.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: Instant.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Works well if there is only a few hexes on target enemy" - Volo

Shatter Enchantment

Description: Remove an Enchantment from target enemy. If an Enchantment
is removed,
that enemy suffers 14/96 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 25 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Spell.

"One of the best ways to attack those pesky warrior/monks" - Elminster

Shatter Hex

Description: Remove a Hex from target ally. If a Hex is removed,
enemies near that ally take 22/142 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Spell.

"One of the best ways to attack those pesky warrior/mesmers" - Elminster

Signet of Weariness

Description: Target enemy and all nearby enemies lose 3/10 energy.
Energy Cost: None.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination. Increases energy lost.
Skill Type: Signet.

"A very nice way to weaken groups of enemy mages" - Volo
"The only thing you've weakened is my IQ, Volo." - Elminster

Wastrel's Worry

Description: After 3 seconds, target foe takes 8/61 damage. Wastrel's Worry ends
prematurely if that foe uses a skill.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 1 second.
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Perfect against almost anything" - Volo


Arcane Conundrum

Description: For the next 6/29 seconds, spells cast by target enemy take
twice as long to cast.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Another great anti-elementalist spell" - Volo
"Do you even know what a Conundrum is?" - Elminster

Arcane Echo

Description: If you cast a spell in the next 10/32 seconds, Arcane Echo is
replaced with that spell for 20 seconds. Arcane Echo ends prematurely
if you use a non-spell skill.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Can you say dual energy burn?" - Volo


Description: For 4/11 seconds if target foe attempts to attack, that attack is
target foe suffers 10/92 damage, and Clumsiness ends.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration and damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Ah.. I've met many who have had this permanantly.." - Elminster

Conjure Phantasm

Description: For the next 2/17 seconds, target enemy suffers -5 health
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"One of my favorite skills" - Volo

Crippling Anguish {Elite}

Description: For the next 8/23 seconds, target enemy moves 50% slower and
suffers -1/-4 health degeneration.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Increases duration and health degeneration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"A very nice spell, especially versus warriors" - Elminster


Description: For the next 5 seconds, you have a 75% chance to "evade" attacks.
Each time you evade an attack this way, you lose 3/1 energy or Distortion ends.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: Instant.
Recharge Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Decreases energy lost.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Rather short duration to be practical..." - Elminster

Echo {Elite}

Description: For 10/32 seconds, Echo is replaced with the next skill you use.
Echo acts as this skill for 20 seconds.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Spell.

"This spell along with Arcane Echo can become very annoying" - Volo
"Trust me, if something annoyed Volo, it must be pretty bad." - Elminster

Ethereal Burden

Description: For the next 10 seconds, target enemy moves 50% slower than normal.
When Ethereal Burden ends, you gain 10/25 energy.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 3 seconds.
Recharge Time: 45 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases energy gaines.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"A very nice spell to help a mesmer manage energy, and slow a target" -

Fevered Dreams {Elite}

Description: For the next 4/19 seconds, any time target foe suffers from a new
Condition, all nearby foes suffer that condition as well.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Great for people who just love conditions." - Volo


Description: For 8/23 seconds, target enemy takes 5/35 damage each time that
suffers or recovers from a new Condition.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration and damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Fevered Dreams and this make a great combination" - Elminster

Illusion of Haste

Description: For the next 5/12 seconds, you move 50% faster, and the effects
of the Crippled Condition are removed. When Illusion of Haste ends, you become
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 seconds.
Recharge Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Enchantment spell.

"If only you could cast this on other players... " - Elminster

Illusion of Weakness

Description: You lose 50/202 health. Illusion of Weakness ends if damage drops
your health below 25% of your maximum. When Illusion of Weakness ends,
you gain 50/202 health.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases health lost/gained.
Skill Type: Enchantment spell.

"A great way to prepare for battle" - Elminster

Illusionary Weaponry {Elite}

Description: For the next 30 seconds, you deal no damage in melee, but whenever
you attack in melee your target takes 8/38 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 40 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases damage.
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell.

"A great spell if you would like to try to be a warrior" - Elminster

Imagined Burden

Description: For 8/23 seconds, target foe moves 50% slower than normal.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 1 seconds.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"One of the best ways to escape from combat." - Volo

Ineptitude {Elite}

Description: For 4/11 seconds if target enemy attacks, that enemy takes 10/85
and becomes Blinded, and Ineptitude ends.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration and damage.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Excellent for warriors and rangers alike" - Elminster

Migraine {Elite}

Description: For the next 6/25 seconds, target foe suffers -1/-4 health
and takes 100% longer to cast spells.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration and health degeneration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"This is another of those spells that Volo must have thrown on me." - Elminster

Phantom Pain

Description: For the next 10 seconds, target enemy suffers -1/-4 health
When Phantom Pain ends, that enemy suffers a Deep Wound for 5/20 seconds.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration and health degeneration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Another great Damage over time spell" - Volo

Soothing Images

Description: For the next 8/20 seconds, target enemy cannot gain Adrenaline.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Only works for warriors." - Elminster

Sympathetic Visage

Description: For the next 8/23 seconds, whenever target
ally is hit by a melee attack, all nearby enemies lose
all Adrenaline and 3 energy.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Enchantment spell.

"Awesome for large groups of warriors" - Elminster

Unnatural Signet

Description: Dispel the most recent "Nature Ritual."
All of your skills are disabled
for 60/30 seconds.
Energy Cost: None.
Casting Time: 15 seconds.
Recharge Time: 75 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion. Decreases duration.
Skill Type: Signet.

"Only for use if something is truely annoying you" - Volo
"Then I would use it on you by now" - Elminster



Description: For the next 8/46 seconds, each time you cast a spell
you steal 1 energy from each nearby enemy.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell.

"Very useful in large crowds with fast casting" - Volo

Drain Enchantment

Description: Remove an Enchantment from target enemy. If an
Enchantment is removed, you gain 10/22 energy.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 25 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration. Increases energy gained.
Skill Type: Spell.

"A great way to remove enchantments" - Volo

Elemental Resistance

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, you have gain +24 armor
against elemental damage, but you suffer -24/-12 armor against
physical damage.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: Instant.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration. Increases duration and reduces armor penalty.
Skill Type: Stance.

"As the name suggests, protection from elementalists" - Elminster

Energy Drain {Elite}

Description: Steal 8/20 energy from target foe.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases energy stolen.
Skill Type: Spell.

"All your energy.." - Volo

Energy Tap

Description: Steal 8/14 energy from target foe.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 3 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases energy stolen.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Another great way to lower energy, only not as effective" - Elminster

Ether Feast

Description: Target enemy loses 5 energy. You are healed 8/24 for
each point of energy lost.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 8 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases healing.
Skill Type: Spell.

"A good way to obtain healing." - Elminster

Ether Lord

Description: You lose all energy. For the next 5/10 seconds, target
enemy suffers -1/-3 energy degeneration, and you gain +1/+3
energy regeneration.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and energy
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Another great way to obtain healing" - Elminster

Inspired Enchantment

Description: Remove an Enchantment from target foe and gain 3/13 energy.
For the next 20 seconds, Inspired Enchantment is replaced with the
Enchantment that was removed.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: None.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases energy gained.
Skill Type: Spell.

"There are much better ways to remove enchantments" - Volo

Inspired Hex

Description: Remove a Hex from target ally and gain 3/13 energy.
For the next 20 seconds, Inspired Hex is replaced with the Hex
that was removed.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: None.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases energy gained.
Skill Type: Spell.

"The hex version of the enchantment spell" - Volo

Keystone Signet {Elite}

Description: All of your other Signet skills become recharged.
All of your non-Signet skills are blacked out for 17/5 seconds.
Energy Cost: None.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Reduces blackout time.
Skill Type: Signet.

"Great for signet users..." - Volo

Leech Signet

Description: Interrupt target foe's action. If that action was a
spell, you gain 3/13 energy.
Energy Cost: None.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 45 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases energy gained.
Skill Type: Signet.

"Great for those darn resurrecting monks." - Volo

Mantra of Concentration

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, the next time you
would be interrupted while performing a skill, you are not
interrupted, and Mantra of Concentration ends.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: Instant.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Good if you need to focus.." - Elminster

Mantra of Earth

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, whenever
you suffer Earth damage, the damage is reduced
by 26%/45% and you gain 1 energy.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and damage reduction.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Need I say anything else?" - Elminster

Mantra of Flame

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, whenever you suffer Fire damage,
the damage is reduced by 26%/45% and you gain 1 energy.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration magic. Increases duration and damage reduction.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Need I say anything else?" - Elminster

Mantra of Frost

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, whenever you suffer Cold damage,
the damage is reduced by 26%/45% and you gain 1 energy.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and damage reduction.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Need I say anything else?" - Elminster

Mantra of Inscriptions

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, your Signet rings recharge 25%/45%
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and recharge speed.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Good for signet users" - Volo

Mantra of Lightning

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, whenever you suffer lightning damage,
the damage is reduced by 26%/45% and you gain 1 energy.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and damage reduction.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Need I say anything else?" - Elminster

Mantra of Persistence

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, any Illusion Magic Hex you
cast lasts 20%/84% longer.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration bonus.
Skill Type: Stance.

"One of my favorites" - Volo

Mantra of Recall {Elite}

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, you gain no benefit from Mantra of
You gain 20/30 energy when Mantra of Recall ends.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and energy gained.
Skill Type: Stance.

A great way to get some energy without leeching" - Elminster

Mantra of Resolve {Elite}

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, you cannot be interrupted, but
each time you would have been interrupted, you lose 10/5 energy, and
Mantra of Resolve ends.
Energy Cost: 15 .
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and reduces energy lost.
Skill Type: Stance.

"I don't see much use for losing energy" - Elminster

Physical Resistance

Description: For the next 30/90 seconds, you gain +24 armor against physical
damage, but suffer -24/-14 armor against elemental damage.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration and decreases armor
Skill Type: Stance.

"Opposite of elemental resistance" - Volo

Power Drain

Description: If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and you
gain 1/31 energy.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 25 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases energy gained.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Easy energy." - Volo

Spirit Shackles

Description: For the next 8/24 seconds, target enemy loses 5 energy whenever
he/she attacks.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 3 seconds.
Recharge Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Perfect for rangers and warriors alike that rely on spells." - Elminster

Spirit of Failure

Description: For the next 30 seconds, target foe has a 25% chance to miss with
You gain 1/4 energy for each miss.
Energy Cost: 10.
Casting Time: 3 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases energy gained.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.

"Another great spells to feed off of warriors" - Elminster


Arcane Mimicry

Description: For the next 20 seconds, Arcane Mimicry becomes the Elite skill
target other ally.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: None.
Skill Type: Spell.

"A very fun skill indeed." - Volo
"Healing Hands would be very nice" - Elminster


Description: All negative Conditions target foe suffers from are spread from
foe to nearby foes.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: None.
Skill Type: Spell.

"Perfect for people who love conditions..." - Volo

Mantra of Recovery {Elite}

Description: For the next 5/20 seconds, spells you cast recharge 50% faster.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: None.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Fast Casting. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Stance.

"One of my favorite elite skills" - Elminster

Mantra of Signets

Description: For 10/25 seconds, the next time you use a Signet ring, it
recharges immediately and Mantra of Signets ends.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: Instant.
Recharge Time: 30 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic. Increases duration.
Skill Type: Stance.

"Spending energy to recharge a skill requiring no energy... what will
they think of next?" - Volo

Signet of Humility

Description: Target enemy's Elite skill is disabled for 15 seconds.
Energy Cost: None.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Recharge Time: 20 seconds.
Linked Attribute: None.
Skill Type: Signet.

"Volo should know all about humility" - Elminster

Signet of Midnight {Elite}

Description: You and target touched foe become Blinded.
Energy Cost: None.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: None.
Skill Type: Signet.

"Never use this if you plan on directly attacking." - Elminster

VIII - Credits
------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The site I usually use to view skills and armors. - Very good skill site as well. - Obviously.
The Guild Wars staff for making a great game, the players and thadarkman78 for
inspiring me to make a Mesmer FAQ, after reading his Warrior FAQ I thought why
not talk about something I like? Last but not least, Warriorness for his ascii
The Baldurs Gate 2 instruction manual for the idea about elminster and volo
discussing skills.
IX - Legal Information

This FAQ was written by Kirby Ownz, who is the author of this FAQ

The only site allowed to use this FAQ is
Other sites may use this FAQ if and only if they credit first and
its author.

(c) 2005 Kirby Ownz
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