Guild Wars

Guild Wars

17.10.2013 23:47:33
Collectors Guide
= Guild Wars Collectors Guide =
= Version 0.13 5/27/2006 =
= by Hahnsoo =

Send all constructive comments, corrections, and questions to
with "Guild Wars - Collectors Guide" in your subject. All other e-mail will be
marked as spam or ignored.

I don't update this guide very regularly, but the most recent version of this
guide will always be at GameFAQs.

To easily search this document, use the (gwcgXX) search terms listed in the
table of contents (with the parentheses). When I refer to another section
using the (gwcgXX) in the document, it will be in Brackets [] instead.

= Table of Contents =

1. Introduction...........................(gwcg1)
2. Tyria: Pre-Searing Ascalon.............(gwcg2)
3. Tyria: Post-Searing Ascalon............(gwcg3)
4. Tyria: Northern Shiverpeaks............(gwcg4)
5. Tyria: Kryta...........................(gwcg5)
6. Tyria: Maguuma Jungle..................(gwcg6)
7. Tyria: Crystal Desert..................(gwcg7)
8. Tyria: Southern Shiverpeaks............(gwcg8)
9. Tyria: Ring of Fire....................(gwcg9)
10. Cantha: Shing Jea Island..............(gwcg10)
11. Cantha: Kaineng City..................(gwcg11)
12. Cantha: Echovald Forest...............(gwcg12)
13. Cantha: Jade Sea......................(gwcg13)
14. FAQ...................................(gwcg14)
15. End Notes.............................(gwcg15)

= Introduction (gwcg1) =

This guide is simply a big list of collectors scattered throughout Tyria. These
strange individuals collect a certain item dropped by monsters, and in exchange
for some of the items, they grant you weapons, foci, or armor. Why do they
exist? Who knows. But you want the items they are offering to you.

The list is split up approximately in the order of the PvE game progression,
with individual areas listed in alphabetical order. The collectors are also
listed in alphabetical order, when possible.

This list is NOT complete or 100% accurate by any means. It is simply the
information I was able to gather from various maps, fansites, and personal notes
that I made while playing Guild Wars. While I try to keep it up to date as much
as possible, there will be errors. I would appreciate if all of you, gentle
readers, could help me in this endeavor by sending in corrections or additions
to, with the words "Guild Wars - Collectors Guide" in your

= Tyria: Pre-Searing Ascalon (gwcg2) =

The Catacombs

Location: Near Green Hills County exit (moved on Oct. 27 2005)
Collects: 5 Gargoyle Skulls
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 7)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 7)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 7)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Boots (AL 7)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL ?)

Location: At the entrance of The Catacombs
Collects: 3 Skeletal Limbs
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 3-5
* Frost Artifact, Energy +3
* Holy Staff, Energy +3, Fire Dmg: 3-5
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 8-10
* Armor - Gloves
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 7)

Lakeside County

Location: Just outside Ascalon City
Collects: 5 Skale Fins
* Belt Pouch
* Devourer Egg

Location: Ashford Village
Collects: 5 Worn Belts
* Belt Pouch
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +3, Chaos Dmg: 2-4
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 5-10
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 3-5
* Crimson Carapace Shield, AL: 4
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 3-5

Location: Outside of the Ashford Village near the Ashford Abbey
Collects: 3 Baked Husks
* Idol, Energy +3
* Flame Artifact, Energy +3
* Healing Ankh, Energy +3
* Armor - Footgear
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 7)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 27)

Location: Near the entrance to Regent Valley
Collects: 3 Grawl Necklaces
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +3
* Grim Cesta, Energy +3
* Scroll, Energy +3
* Divine Symbol, Energy +3
* Armor - Chest
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL ?)

Location: Ashford Village
Collects: 3 Unnatural Seeds
* Bone Staff, Energy: +3, Cold Dmg: 3-5
* Truncheon, Dark Dmg: 3-5
* Scroll, Energy +3
* Water Staff, Cold Dmg: 3-5
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 5-10
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 7-10 (Longbow)

Fort Ranik

Collects: 5 Unnatural Seeds
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 7)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 7)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 7)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 7)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 27)

Collects: 3 Spider Legs
* Water Staff, Energy +3, Cold Dmg: 2-4
* Smiting Staff, Energy +3, Light Dmg: 2-4
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 2-4
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 2-4
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 7)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 7)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 7)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Leggings (AL 7)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL ?)

Regent Valley

Collects: 3 Unnatural Seeds
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 7)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 7)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 7)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 7)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL ?)

Location: South of the Lakeside County exit
Collects: 3 Dull Carapaces
* Devourer Egg
* Grim Cesta, Energy +3
* Storm Artifact, Energy +3
* Smiting Staff, Energy +3, Light Dmg: 3-5
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 3-5
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 7-10 (Horn Bow)

Location: Southeast of the Lakeside County exit; Fort Ranik
Collects: 3 Spider Legs
* Water Staff, Energy +3, Cold Dmg: 2-4
* Smiting Staff, Energy +3, Light Dmg: 2-4
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 2-4
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 2-4
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 7)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 7)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 7)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Leggings (AL 7)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL 27)

Wizard's Folly

Location: Fishing Village in Wizard's Folly
Collects: 3 Enchanted Lodestones
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 3-5
* Grim Cesta, Energy +3
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 8-10
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 7-10
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 7)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 7)

Location: Just outside Foible's Fair
Collects: 3 Icy Lodestones
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 7)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 7)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 7)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Gloves (AL 7)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 12)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 27)

= Tyria: Post-Searing Ascalon (gwcg3) =

Ascalon City

Calissa Sedgwick
Location: At the end of Merchant Row
Collects: 4 Charr Hides
* Belt Pouch
* Fur Square

Ascalon Foothills

Location: Near Grenth shrine
Collects: 3 Leathery Claws
* Belt Pouch

The Breach

Sally Kaugie
Location: Far west of the Ascalon entrance to The Breach
Collects: 3 Scorched Seeds
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +6 (req. 5 Illusion Magic)
Armor +5 (vs. physical attacks)
* Truncheon, Cold Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Death Magic)
Damage +10% (while Health is below 50%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 40%)
Armor +5 (while Health is below 30%)
* Scroll, Energy +6 (req. 5 Energy Storage)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +50
* Divine Symbol, Energy +6 (req. 5 Divine Favor)
Health +15
* Holy Staff, Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Divine Favor)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)
Damage +10% (while Hexed)
Damage +10% (while Health is below 40%)

Diessa Lowlands

Gil Morridan *REMOVED* in a patch?
Location: ?
Collects: 4 Leathery Claws
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist Robes (AL 21)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 21)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 21)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 21)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 31)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 41)

Lenerd Aberold
Location: Just outside of Grendich Courthouse
Collects: 3 Singed Gargoyle Skulls
* Belt Pouch

Martel Bastions
Location: Near the exit to The Breach
Collects: 3 Scorched Lodestones
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +6 (req. 5 Illusion Magic)
Armor +5 (While enchanted)
Health +45 (While enchanted)
* Wicked Staff of Fortitude, Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 4-7 (req. 4 Curses)
Received damage -2 (while hexed)
Damage +10% (vs. hexed foes)
* Scroll, Energy +6 (req. 5 Earth Magic)
Armor +10 (vs. Elemental attacks)
* Protective Icon, Energy +6 (req. 5 Protection Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Grim Cesta, Energy +6 (req. 5 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of spells (Chance: 10%)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)

Wain Hughes
Location: Just outside of Nolani Academy
Collects: 3 Charr Carvings
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +6 (req. 5 Inspiration Magic)
Armor +10 (vs. Charr)
Health +5
* Cruel Staff of Fortitude, Energy +4, Shadow Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Blood Magic)
Health +20
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Fire Magic)
Attack speed +10%
Damage -10%
Damage -10% (yes, this property shows up twice)
Energy +5
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Ascalon Battle Staff, Energy +4, Light Dmg: 4-7, (req. 3 Smiting Prayers)
Armor +5 (while casting)
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Earth Staff, Energy +4, Earth Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Earth Magic)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)

Dragon's Gullet

Nazag Fenn
Location: Southeast of the entrance on a peninsula
Collects: 9 Gruesome Ribcages
* Bag

Ashram Fenn
Location: West of the entrance
Collects: 3 Scar Behemoth Jaws
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +6 (req. 5 Fast Casting)
Improves skill recharge (Chance: 10%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +6 (req. 5 Blood Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Scroll, Energy +6 (req. 5 Energy Storage)
Energy +5 (while enchanted)
* Shocking Plasma Blade, Lightning Dmg: 7-10 (req. 4 Swordsmanship)
Damage +10% (while in a stance)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +6 (req. 5 Death Magic)
Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Ascalon Bow Piercing Dmg: 9-13 (req. 3 Marksmanship)

Eastern Frontier

Location: Halfway between Serenity Temple and the Frontier Gate
Collects: 3 Fetid Carapaces
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +6 (req. 5 Inspiration Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Truncheon, Cold Dmg: 3-4 (req. 5 Death Magic)
* Flame Artifact, Energy +6 (req. 5 Fire Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +6 (req. 5 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor skills (Chance: 20%)
* Runic Shield, Energy +5, Armor: 6 (req. 4 Tactics)
* Water Wand, Cold Dmg: 3-4 (req. 3 Water Magic)

Guardsman Noell
Location: Right outside Frontier Gate
Collects: 3 Ornate Grawl Necklaces
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Domination Magic)
* Cruel Staff, Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Blood Magic)
* Earth Staff, Energy +4, Earth Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Earth Magic)
Armor +5 (vs. Lightning attacks)
Armor +3 (while casting)
Armor +3 (while enchanted)
Armor +3 (while hexed)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 4-7, (req. 3 Curses)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 6 (req. 4 Tactics)
Armor +5 (while attacking)
Armor -5 (while casting)
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Air Magic)

Paige Osbourne
Location: Northeast of Frontier Gate
Collects: 3 Charr Carvings
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Domination Magic)
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Bone Staff, Energy +4, Cold Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Death Magic)
* Water Staff, Energy +4, Cold Dmg: 4-7 (Req. 3 Water Magic)
Armor +7 (vs. Fire attacks)
Damage +10% (vs. hexed foes)
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Protective Icon, Energy +6 (req. 5 Protection Prayers)
Armor +15 (vs. Charr)
Health +5
* Ascalon Maul of Fortitude, Blunt Dmg: 13-20 (req. 3 Hammer Mastery)
Health +20
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 4-7 (Req. 5 Fire Magic)

Raymon Elsworth
Location: Canyon leading to the exit to Pockmark Flats
Collects: 3 Stormy Eyes
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Staff, Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Illusion Magic)
Damage +10% (vs. hexed foes)
Armor +5 (while hexed)
* Cruel Staff, Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Blood Magic)
Energy +10 (while Health is below 50%)
* Frost Artifact, Energy +6 (req. 5 Water Magic)
Water Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Healing Ankh, Energy +6 (req. 5 Healing Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +30
* War Hammer of Fortitude, Blunt Dmg: 13-20 (req. 3 Hammer Mastery)
Health +20
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Earth Magic)

Grendich Courthouse

Graine Hathorn
Collects: 4 Fetid Carapaces
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 21)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 21)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 21)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 21)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 31)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 41)

Old Ascalon

Dreaz Bowen
Location: Southwest of Ascalon City
Collects: 3 Fetid Carapaces
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +6 (req. 5 Domination Magic)
Domination Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Truncheon, Dark Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Curses)
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 21)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 21)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 21)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 21)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 31)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 41)

Innis the White
Location: West of Ascalon City in Ambassador Zain's camp
Collects: 4 Singed Gargoyle Skulls
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Fire Staff, Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Fire Magic)
Armor +7 (vs. Cold attacks)
Improves skill recharge (Chance: 10%)
* Diessa Icon, Energy +6 (req. 5 Smiting Prayers)
Improves Casting speed (Chance: 10%)
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 13-20 (req. 3 Hammer Mastery)
Health +20
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Air Staff, Energy +4, Lightning Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Air Magic)

Palben Tunne
Collects: 4 Ornate Grawl Necklaces
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 21)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 21)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 21)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 21)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 31)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (Al 41)

Penelope Hoode
Location: near the statue of Balthazar
Collects: 3 Scorched Seeds
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +6 (req. 5 Fast Casting)
Halves casting time of Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%)
* Bone Staff, Energy +4, Cold Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Death Magic)
* Frost Artifact, Energy +6 (req. 5 Water Magic)
Improves Casting speed (Chance 10%)
* Holy Staff, Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Divine Favor)
Armor +5 (while casting)
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Rinblade, Slashing: 10-14 (req. 4 Swordsmanship)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)

Saba Blackstone
Location: Just outside Sardelac Sanitarium
Collects: 3 Scorched Lodestones
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Staff, Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Illusion Magic)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +6 (req. 5 Death Magic)
Armor +7 (vs. physical attacks)
* Scroll, Energy +6 (req. 5 Earth Magic)
Earth Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Holy Staff, Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Divine Favor)
Armor +7 (while Health is below 50%)
Improves Casting speed (Chance: 10%)
Critical hit -5%
* Ascalon Aegis, Armor: 6 (req. 4 Tactics)
+10 Armor (vs. elemental attacks)
+10 Armor (vs. Charr)
* Shocking Diessa Flatbow, Lightning Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)
Damage + 15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +10% (Chance: 10%)

Piken Square

Louise Haup
Location: Piken Square
Collects: 3 Charr Carvings
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 5-7 (req. 5 Illusion Magic)
Armor +7 (while attacking)
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +6 (req. 5 Soul Reaping)
Armor +15 (vs. Charr)
Health +5
* Storm Artifact, Energy +6 (req. 5 Air Magic)
Armor +10 (vs. Charr)
Health +5
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Air Magic)
Armor penetration +10% (Chance: 10%)
* Barbed Ascalon Razor of Charrslaying,
Slashing Dmg: 10-14 (req. 3 Swordsmanship)
Lengthens Bleeding duration on foe
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)

Pockmark Flats

Ouran Odwin
Location: Just outside Serenity Temple
Collects: 3 Stormy Eyes
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Domination Magic)
Damage +33%
Attack Speed -67%
Health +20
* Idol, Energy +6 (req. 5 Curses)
Armor +7 (while hexed)
* Water Wand Cold Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Water Magic)
Damage +10% (vs. hexed foes)
Energy +5 (while enchanted)
* Smiting Staff, Energy +4, Lightning Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Smiting Prayers)
Damage +10% (while hexed)
Damage +10% (while Health is below 50%)
* Ascalon Axe of Fortitude, Dmg: 6-16 (req. 3 Axe Mastery)
Health +25
* Diessa Flatbow of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)
Damage +33%
Attack Speed -67%
Health +25

Nicanor Gannel
Location: South of Serenity Temple, directly east of Fort Ranik
Collects: 3 Scorched Lodestones
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +6 (req. 5 Domination Magic)
Energy +5 (while Health is above 75%)
* Idol, Energy +6 (req. 5 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses skills (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Earth Magic)
Health +10
* Smiting Staff, Lightning Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Smiting Prayers)
* Fiery Flame Spitter, Dmg: 6-16 (req. 3 Axe Mastery)
Improves skill recharge (Chance: 15%)
Armor -10 (while attacking)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)

Regent Valley

Corwin Luceinne
Location: On a ledge south of Old Ascalon exit
Collects: 3 Ornate Grawl Necklaces
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Domination Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Truncheon, Dark Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Curses)
Improves Skill Recharge (chance: 10%)
Improves Casting Speed (Chance: 10%)
Armor -10 (while casting)
* Flame Artifact, Energy +6 (req. 5 Fire Magic)
Improves skill recharge (Chance: 10%)
* Healing Ankh, Energy +6 (req. 5 Healing Prayers)
Improves skill recharge (Chance: 8%)
* Runic Hammer, Energy +5, Blunt Dmg: 13-20 (req. 3 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while hexed)
* Air Staff, Energy +4, Lightning Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Air Magic)
Armor +7 (vs. Earth attacks)
Improves casting speed (chance: 10%)

Valeria Benes
Location: Just outside Fort Ranik
Collects: 3 Singed Gargoyle Skulls
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 4-7 (req. 5 Illusion Magic)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +6 (req. 5 Soul Reaping)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +6 (req. 5 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Fire Staff, Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 4-7 (req. 3 Fire Magic)
* Bulwark of Balthazar, Armor: 6 (req. 4 Tactics)
Armor +5 (while attacking)
Armor -5 (while casting)
* Longbow of Warding, Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (req. 3 Marksmanship)
Damage +10% (while in stance)
Armor +7 (vs. elemental attacks)

Sir Nyman
Location: At Pockmark Flats exit
Collects: 3 Rawhide Belts
* Belt Pouch

= Tyria: Northern Shiverpeaks (gwcg4) =

Anvil Rock

Maccus Ironjaw
Location: Just outside of the Ice Tooth Cave
Collects: 5 Curved Minotaur Horns
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 27)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 27)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 27)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 27)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 37)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 47)

Sander the Gray
Location: Just outside of Frost Gate
Collects: 5 Frostfire Fangs
* Armor - Leggings
* Elementalist - Glacier's Eye (AL 27) (Water Magic)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 27)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 27)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Leggings (AL 27)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 37)
* Warrior - Tactician's Helm (AL 47) (Tactics)

Deldrimor Bowl

Lenn Giantsbane
Location: East side of Deldrimor Bowl
Collects: 5 Icy Humps
* Armor - Headgear
* Mesmer - Animal Mask (AL 27) (Inspiration Magic)
* Necromancer - Wicked Scar Pattern (AL 27) (Curses)
* Ranger - Archer's Mask (AL 37)
* Warrior - Duelist's Helm (AL 47) (Swordsmanship)

Rothgar Hoffsplitter
Location: East side of Deldrimor Bowl
Collects: 5 Shiverpeak Manes
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Stone's Eye (AL 27) (Earth Magic)
* Mesmer - Costume Mask (AL 27) (Illusion Magic)
* Monk - Servant's Scalp Design (AL 27) (Healing Prayers)
* Necromancer - Vile Scar Pattern (AL 27) (Death Magic)
* Ranger - Traveler's Mask (AL 37) (Wilderness Survival)
* Warrior - Dwarven Helm (AL 47) (Hammer Mastery)

Iron Horse Mines

Norin Stonegrimm
Location: Near Anvil Rock exit
Collects: 5 Frostfire Fangs
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Storm's Eye (AL 27) (Air Magic)
* Mesmer - Imposing Mask (AL 27) (Domination Magic)
* Monk - Prophet's Scalp Design (AL 27) (Divine Favor)
* Necromancer - Ragged Scar Pattern (AL 27) (Blood Magic)
* Ranger - Tamer's Mask (AL 37) (Beast Mastery)
* Warrior - Soldier's Helm (AL 47) (Axe Mastery)

Traveler's Vale

Asgrim Brightaxe
Collects: 5 Stone Summit Badges
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 27)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 27)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 27)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 27)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 37)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 47)

Pyrs Harven
Collects: 5 Shiverpeak Manes
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - All-Seeing Eye (AL 27) (Energy Storage)
* Mesmer - Costume Mask (AL 27) (Illusion Magic)
* Monk - Prophet's Scalp Design (AL 27) (Divine Favor)
* Necromancer - Vile Scar Pattern (AL 27) (Death Magic)
* Ranger - Hunter's Mask (AL 37) (Expertise)
* Warrior - Duelist's Helm (AL 47) (Swordsmanship)

Yak's Bend

Sadira Powell
Collects: 5 Alpine Seeds
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 27)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 27)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 27)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 27)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 37)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 47)

= Tyria: Kryta (gwcg5) =

Bergen Hot Springs

Milny Samhammil
Location: Bergen Hot Springs
Collects: 4 Mergoyle Skulls
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +8 (req. 6 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +8 (req. 6 Soul Reaping)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Water Wand, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Water Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor skills (Chance: 20%)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 9 (req. 6 Tactics)
Health +45 (while hexed)
Received Damage -2 (while hexed)
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Air Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

The Black Curtain

Ian Borish
Location: East of the exit to Kessex Peak
Collects: 5 Shadowy Remains
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 39)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 39)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 39)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 39)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 49)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL 59)

Lyris the Sage
Location: Northwest of the Temple of the Ages
Collects: 4 Bog Skale Fins
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +8 (req. 6 Inspiration Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Cruel Staff, Energy +6, Dark Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Water Staff, Energy +6, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Rod, Light Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Smiting Prayers)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers skills (Chance 20%)
* Truncheon, Dark Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Curses)
Halves skill recharge of Curses skills (Chance 20%)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 13-25 (req. 6 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Sir Robert
Location: South of the Temple of the Ages
Collects: 4 Abnormal Seeds
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Staff, Energy +6, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +8 (req. 6 Death Magic)
Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Earth Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Healing Ankh, Energy +8 (req. 6 Healing Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Long Sword, Slashing Dmg: 13-19 (req. 6 Swordsmanship)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Flame Artifact, Energy +8 (req. 6 Fire Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Fisherman's Haven

Delves the Dodgy
Collects: 5 Gargantuan Jawbones
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Flame's Eye (AL 39) (Fire Magic)
* Mesmer - Animal Mask (AL 39) (Inspiration Magic)
* Monk - Zealot's Scalp Design (AL 39) (Smiting Prayers)
* Necromancer - Devilish Scar Pattern (AL 39) (Soul Reaping)
* Ranger - Traveler's Mask (AL 49) (Wilderness Survival)
* Warrior - Brute's Helm (AL 59) (Strength)

Kessex Peak

Brynden Cromwell
Location: directly east of Wizard's Tower (floating castle)
Collects: 4 Gargantuan Jawbones
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +6, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Idol, Energy +8 (req. 6 Curses)
Curses +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Earth Staff, Energy +6, Earth Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Staff, Energy +6, Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor skills (Chance: 20%)
* Water Staff, Energy +6, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 13-25 (req. 6 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Bryon Elston
Location: On a ledge Northeast of the bog exit
Collects: 5 Forest Minotaur Horns
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Truncheon, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Death Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Frost Artifact, Energy +8 (req. 6 Water Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Smiting Rod, Light Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Smiting Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: ? (req. 6 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

William Pennington
Location: Near exit to The Black Curtain
Collects: 4 Ivory Troll Tusks
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +8 (req. 6 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Cruel Staff, Energy +6, Dark Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +8 (req. 6 Divine Favor)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Long Sword, Slashing Dmg: 13-19 (req. 6 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Lion's Arch

Alton Thorne
Collects: 4 Leather Belts
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +8 (req. 6 Illusion Magic)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +30
* Grim Cesta, Energy +8 (req. 6 Soul Reaping)
Halves casting time of Soul Reaping skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Soul Reaping skills (Chance: 20%)
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Staff, Energy +6, Light Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers skills (Chance: 20%)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 9 (req. 6 Tactics)
Received Damage -2 (while in a stance)

Majesty's Rest

Isabeaux Navarre
Location: On the Dock
Collects: 5 Thorny Carapaces
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +10 (req. 8 Illusion Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Truncheon, Cold Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Death Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Water Wand, Cold Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Water Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Holy Staff, Energy +8, Fire Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor skills (chance:20%)
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 6-25 (req. 8 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Robin Neils
Location: On the Dock
Collects: 5 Shadowy Remnants
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - All-Seeing Eye (AL 39) (Energy Storage)
* Mesmer - Costume Mask (AL 39) (Illusion Magic)
* Monk - Defender's Scalp Design (AL 49) (Protection Prayers)
* Necromancer - Vile Scar Pattern (AL 49) (Death Magic)
* Ranger - Hunter's Mask (AL 49) (Expertise)
* Warrior - Duelist's Helm (AL 59) (Swordsmanship)

Nebo Terrace

Beldon the Blade
Location: North of Dwayna shrine
Collects: 4 Mergoyle Skulls
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +6, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +6, Shadow Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses skills (chance: 20%)
* Frost Artifact, Energy +8 (req. 6 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +8 (req. 6 Air Magic)
Armor +5 (vs. undead)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +8 (req. 6 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 13-25 (req. 6 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (when Health is above 50%)

Kira Thorne
Location: East of Beetletun, by the windmill
Collects: 4 Glowing Hearts
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +8 (req. 6 Fast Casting)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Deadly Cesta, Shadow Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Blood Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Earth Staff, Energy +6, Earth Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Healing Ankh, Energy +8 (req. 6 Healing Prayers)
Healing Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Wicked Staff, Energy +6, Shadow Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses skills (chance: 20%)
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Air Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1

North Kryta Province

Helton Wills
Location: In Ascalon Settlement
Collects: 4 Hardened Humps
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Staff, Energy +6, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Idol, Energy +8 (req. 6 Curses)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Scroll, Energy +8 (req. 6 Earth Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Divine Favor)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Storm Artifact, Energy +8 (req. 6 Air Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 13-25 (req. 6 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Leighton Cranford
Location: Farm to the northwest of Lion's Arch (Duties of a Lionguard quest)
Collects: 4 Bog Skale Fins
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Illusion Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Bone Staff, Energy +6, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Fire Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Smiting Staff, Energy +6 Light Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers skills (Chance: 20%)
* Battle Axe of Fortitude, Dmg: 6-21 (req. 6 Axe Mastery)
Health +25
Damage +3 (vs. undead)

Wintun the Black
Location: South of Ascalon Settlement, at a farmhouse near Tengu groups
Collects: 4 Feathered Caromi Scalps
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +8 (req. 6 Domination Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Grim Cesta, Energy +8 (req. 6 Blood Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Scroll, Energy +8 (req. 6 Energy Storage)
Halves casting time of Energy Storage skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Energy Storage skills (chance:20%)
* Protective Icon, Energy +8 (req. 6 Protection Prayers)
Protection Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Fire Staff, Energy +6 Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic skills (chance:20%)

Scoundrel's Rise

Camryn Jamison
Location: Just outside Gates of Kryta
Collects: 4 Decayed Orr Emblems
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Truncheon, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Death Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Air Staff, Energy +6, Lightning Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Staff, Energy +6, Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor skills (chance: 20%)
* Cruel Staff, Energy +6, Shadow Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic skills (chance:20%)
* Flame Artifact, Energy +8 (req. 6 Fire Magic)
Fire Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30

Stingray Strand

Jamora the Wise
Collects: 5 Glowing Hearts
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 39)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 39)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 39)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 39)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 49)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL 59)

Collects: 5 Spiked Crests
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - All-Seeing Eye (AL 39) (Energy Storage)
* Mesmer - Costume Mask (AL 39) (Illusion Magic)
* Monk - Defender's Scalp Design (AL 39) (Protection Prayers)
* Necromancer - Vile Scar Pattern (AL 39) (Death Magic)
* Ranger - Hunter's Mask (AL 49) (Expertise)
* Warrior - Duelist's Helm (AL 59) (Swordsmanship)

Talmark Wilderness

Julianna Furst
Collects: 5 Glowing Hearts
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 39)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 39)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 39)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 39)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 49)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 59)

Tears of the Fallen

Arris Weston
Location: Southwest of Southern lake
Collects: 4 Spiked Crests
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +8 (req. 6 Domination Magic)
Energy +5 (while Health is above 75%)
* Bone Staff, Energy +6, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Air Staff, Energy +6, Lightning Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Deadly Cesta, Dark Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Blood Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 6-21 (req. 6 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
* Earth Scroll, Energy +8 (req. 8 Earth Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Daved Logsdon
Location: North shore of Northern lake
Collects: 4 Abnormal Seeds
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Illusion Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Idol, Energy +8 (req. 6 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Water Wand, Cold Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Water Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Protective Icon, Energy +8 (req. 6 Protection Prayers)
Halves casting time of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers (Chance: 20%)
* Fire Staff, Energy +6, Fire Dmg: 7-13 (req. 6 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 13-25 (req. 6 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Twin Serpent Lakes

Collects: 5 Mergoyle Skulls
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 39)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 39)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 39)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 39)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 49)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 59)

Gruhn the Fisher
Collects: 5 Bog Skale Fins
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 39)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 39)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 39)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 39)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 49)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 59)

Watchtower Coast

Ian Sturmme
Collects: 5 Feathered Caromi Scalps
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Stone's Eye (AL 39) (Earth Magic)
* Mesmer - Sleek Mask (AL 39) (Fast Casting)
* Monk - Servant's Scalp Design (AL 39) (Healing Prayers)
* Necromancer - Wicked Scar Pattern (AL 39) (Curses)
* Ranger - Archer's Mask (AL 49) (Marksmanship)
* Warrior - Dwarven Helm (AL 59) (Hammer Mastery)

Tenlach Silverhand
Collects: 5 Abnormal Seeds
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Storm's Eye (AL 39) (Air Magic)
* Mesmer - Imposing Mask (AL 39) (Domination Magic)
* Monk - Prophet's Scalp Design (AL 39) (Divine Favor)
* Necromancer - Ragged Scar Pattern (AL 39) (Blood Magic)
* Ranger - Tamer's Mask (AL 49) (Beast Mastery)
* Warrior - Soldier's Helm (AL 59) (Axe Mastery)

= Tyria: Maguuma Jungle (gwcg6) =

Druid's Overlook

Mosreh the Exile
Collects: 5 Ebon Spider Legs
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 51)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 61)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 71)

Ettin's Back

Location: South of Ventari's Refuge
Collects: 5 Thorny Carapaces
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 51)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 61)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 71)

Horton Longsnout
Location: Near exit to Aurora Glade
Collects: 5 White Mantle Emblems
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 51)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 61)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 71)

Lord Engelram
Location: Northeast corner of Ettin's Back
Collects: 5 Maguuma Manes
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 51)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 61)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 71)

The Falls

Agrippa Stonehands
Location: Far west of the entrance, by the eponymous Falls
Collects: 5 Behemoth Jaws
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - All-Seeing Eye (AL 51) (Energy Storage)
* Mesmer - Costume Mask (AL 51) (Illusion Magic)
* Monk - Defender's Scalp Design (AL 51) (Protection Prayers)
* Necromancer - Vile Scar Pattern (AL 51) (Death Magic)
* Ranger - Hunter's Mask (AL 61) (Expertise)
* Warrior - Duelist's Helm (AL 71) (Swordsmanship)

Llourdes the Arcane
Location: Southwestern corner, by a lot of wagons
Collects: 5 Jungle Skale Fins
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Glacier's Eye (AL 51) (Water Magic)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 61)
* Warrior - Tactician's Helm (AL 71) (Tactics)

Meghan the Bright
Location: Far West near statue of Balthazar
Collects: 5 Jungle Troll Tusks
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 51)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 61)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL 71)

Slayton Redblade
Collects: 5 Tangled Seeds
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Flame's Eye (AL 51) (Fire Magic)
* Mesmer - Animal Mask (AL 51) (Inspiration Magic)
* Monk - Zealot's Scalp Design (AL 51) (Smiting Prayers)
* Necromancer - Devilish Scar Pattern (AL 51) (Soul Reaping)
* Ranger - Traveler's Mask (AL 61) (Wilderness Survival)
* Warrior - Brute's Helm (AL 71) (Strength)

Henge of Denravi
Note: All of the collectors are in the middle of a lagoon at the West end

Adam Solstrum
Collects: 5 White Mantle Emblems
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +10 (req. 8 Soul Reaping)
Soul Reaping +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Fire Staff, Energy +8, Fire Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Smiting Staff, Energy +8, Light Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers skills (chance: 20%)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 12 (req. 8 Tactics)
Armor +5 (while attacking)
Armor -5 (while casting)

Loreen Cranford
Collects: 5 Jungle Troll Tusks
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +10 (req. 8 Illusion Magic)
Illusion Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Bone Staff, Energy +8, Cold Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Earth Staff, Energy +8, Earth Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Protective Icon, Energy +10 (req. 8 Protection Prayers)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Thyfir Greenleaf
Collects: 5 White Mantle Emblems
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +10 (req. 8 Domination Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Truncheon, Dark Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Curses)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Air Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Holy Staff, Energy +8, Fire Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor skills (chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 14-26 (req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Maguuma Stade

Ingrid Larson
Location: Behind the merchant
Collects: 5 Mossy Mandibles
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +8, Chaos Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +10 (req. 8 Death Magic)
Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Fire Magic)
Energy + 15, Energy Regeneration -1
* Healing Ankh, Energy +10 (req. 8 Healing Prayers)
Healing Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Long Sword, Slashing Dmg: 14-20 (req. 8 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Mamnoon Lagoon

Vargil the White
Location: Northwest corner nearby the Artisan
Collects: 5 Ancient Eyes
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Domination Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Grim Cesta, Energy +10 (req. 8 Blood Magic)
Blood Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Storm Artifact, Energy +10 (req. 8 Air Magic)
Air Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Healing Ankh, Energy +10 (req. 8 Healing Prayers)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 12 (req. 8 Tactics)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Received damage -2 (while enchanted)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 14-26 (req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Reed Bog

Elene the Vigilant
Location: East of the exit to The Falls
Collects: 5 Ebon Spider Legs
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 51)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 61)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 71)

Sage Lands

Aaron Fletcher
Location: East of Druid's Overlook
Collects: 5 Ancient Eyes
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Storm's Eye (AL 51) (Air Magic)
* Mesmer - Imposing Mask (AL 51) (Domination Magic)
* Monk - Prophet's Scalp Design (AL 51) (Divine Favor)
* Necromancer - Ragged Scar Pattern (AL 51) (Blood Magic)
* Ranger - Tamer's Mask (AL 61) (Beast Mastery)
* Warrior - Executioner's Helm (AL 71) (Axe Mastery)

Elwynn Kirby
Location: North of Druid's Overlook
Collects: 5 Tangled Seeds
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Stone's Eye (AL 51) (Earth Magic)
* Mesmer - Sleek Mask (AL 51) (Fast Casting)
* Monk - Servant's Scalp Design (AL 51) (Healing Prayers)
* Necromancer - Wicked Scar Pattern (AL 51) (Curses)
* Ranger - Archer's Mask (AL 61) (Marksmanship)
* Warrior - Dwarven Helm (AL 71) (Hammer Mastery)


Crispin Bryllis
Location: Just outside of Bloodstone Fen
Collects: 5 Jungle Troll Tusks
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +10 (req. 8 Domination Magic)
Domination Magic +1 (chance: 20%)
Health +30
* Deadly Cesta, Dark Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Blood Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Frost Artifact, Energy +10 (req. 8 Water Magic)
Water Magic +1 (chance: 20%)
Health +30
* Protective Icon, Energy +10 (req. 8 Protection Prayers)
Protection Prayers +1 (chance: 20%)
Health +30
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 6-25 (req. 8 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Farmer Conklin
Location: Eastern section of Silverwood
Collects: 5 Mossy Mandibles
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +10 (req. 8 Inspiration Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Idol, Energy +10 (req. 8 Curses)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Earth Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Smiting Staff, Energy +8, Light Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers skills (chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 14-26 (req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Lady Engelram
Location: Just outside of Quarrel Falls
Collects: 5 Maguuma Manes
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Illusion Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Grim Cesta, Energy +10 (req. 8 Death Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Flame Artifact, Energy +10 (req. 8 Fire Magic)
Fire Magic +1 (chance: 20%)
Health +30
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Long Sword, Slashing Dmg: 14-20 (req. 8 Swordsmanship)
Damage +20% (while hexed)

Tangle Root

Orson Cooper
Location: North of Old Joness
Collects: 5 Ancient Eyes
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +10 (req. 8 Inspiration Magic)
Inspiration Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Idol, Energy +10 (req. 8 Curses)
Curses +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Water Staff, Energy +8 Cold Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Holy Rod Holy Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor skills (chance: 20%)
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: ? (req. 8 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Serah Shaes
Location: By Old Joness, Riverside entrance
Collects: 5 Jungle Skale Fins
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +10 (req. 8 Fast Casting)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Grim Cesta, Energy +10 (req. 8 Blood Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +10 (req. 8 Air Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +10 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Divine Favor +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: ? (req. 8 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)

Tully Blackvine
Location: Just outside of Maguuma Stade
Collects: 5 Tangled Seeds
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Jeweled Staff, Energy +8, Chaos Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Cruel Staff, Energy +8, Shadow Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic skills (chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Scroll, Energy +10 (req. 8 Earth Magic)
Earth Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Divine Symbol, Energy +10 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Ascalon Bow, Piercing Dmg: 14-26 (req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Ventari's Refuge

Jaden Fletcher
Collects: 5 Ancient Eyes
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 51)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 51)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 51)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 51)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 61)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 71)

= Tyria: Crystal Desert (gwcg7) =

Amnoon Oasis

Ardenoth Oakenshield
Collects: 5 Bleached Shells
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - All-Seeing Eye (AL 60) (Energy Storage)
* Mesmer - Costume Mask (AL 60) (Illusion Magic)
* Monk - Defender's Scalp Design (AL 60) (Protection Prayers)
* Necromancer - Vile Scar Pattern (AL 60) (Death Magic)
* Ranger - Hunter's Mask (AL 70) (Expertise)
* Warrior - Duelist's Helm (AL 80) (Swordsmanship)

Ekimeel Trueshot
Collects: 5 Forgotten Seals
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Stone's Eye (AL 60) (Earth Magic)
* Mesmer - Sleek Mask (AL 60) (Fast Casting)
* Monk - Servant's Scalp Design (AL 60) (Healing Prayers)
* Necromancer - Wicked Scar Pattern (AL 60) (Curses)
* Ranger - Archer's Mask (AL 70) (Marksmanship)
* Warrior - Dwarven Helm (AL 80) (Hammer Mastery)

The Arid Sea

Sir Kaufman
Location: Near toppled statue bridging two cliffs
Collects: 5 Massive Jawbones
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 80)

Sir Pohl Sanbert
Location: South of the Skyward Reach exit
Collects: 5 Dune Burrower Jaws
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +12 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Flame Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +30
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
* Ascalon Bow (Longbow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Destiny's Gorge

Barton Smallwood
Collects: 5 Shriveled Eyes
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Flame's Eye (AL 60) (Fire Magic)
* Mesmer - Animal Mask (AL 60) (Inspiration Magic)
* Monk - Zealot's Scalp Design (AL 60) (Smiting Prayers)
* Necromancer - Devilish Scar Pattern (AL 60) (Soul Reaping)
* Ranger - Traveler's Mask (AL 70) (Wilderness Survival)
* Warrior - Brute's Helm (AL 80) (Strength)

Diviner's Ascent

Cinder Linnwood
Location: Desert Camp Northeast of Elona Reach
Collects: 5 Bleached Carapaces
* Jeweled Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Long Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a stance))

Luven Underwood
Location: Just outside Elona Reach
Collects: 5 Minotaur Horns
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Bone Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Staff, Energy +10, Light Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Ascalon Bow (Flatbow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Prophet's Path

Fenster the Golden
Location: Near Augury Rock
Collects: 5 Minotaur Horns
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 80)

Gustov the Silent
Collects: 5 Dune Burrower Jaws
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 80)

Kyle the Rich
Location: In oasis canyon
Collects: 5 Losaru Manes
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 80)

Winfield Michelson
Location: Just outside of Heroes' Audience
Collects: 5 Bleached Carapaces
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 80)

Salt Flats

Kelsay Pradist
Location: East of Seeker's Passage
Collects: 5 Jade Mandibles
* Armor - Headgear
* Elementalist - Storm's Eye (AL 60) (Air Magic)
* Mesmer - Imposing Mask (AL 60) (Domination Magic)
* Monk - Prophet's Scalp Design (AL 60) (Divine Favor)
* Necromancer - Ragged Scar Pattern (AL 60) (Blood Magic)
* Ranger - Tamer's Mask (AL 70) (Beast Mastery)
* Warrior - Executioner's Helm (AL 80) (Axe Mastery)

Sir Norrington
Collects: 5 Shriveled Eyes
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 80)

The Scar

Cedrick Rogers
Location: Just outside of Thirsty River
Collects: 5 Losaru Manes
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL 80)

Jamie the Wanderer
Location: Alcove near Sand Giants
Collects: 5 Dune Burrower Jaws
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL 80)

Lord Dorn Lendrigen
Location: Mid-eastern edge of the Scar
Collects: 5 Bleached Shells
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +30
* Air Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while in a stance)
Received Damage -2 (while in a stance)

Skyward Reach

Arliss Vaughn
Location: Near the exit to The Scar
Collects: 5 Iridescent Griffon Wings
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Truncheon, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Frost Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Rod, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)

John Verado
Location: Just outside Augury Rock
Collects: 5 Topaz Crests
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Cruel Staff, Energy +10, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Protective Icon, Energy +12 (req. 9 Protection Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +30
* Ascalon Bow (Composite Bow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Mourn Drakespur
Location: Southwest of Destiny's Gorge near teleporter
Collects: 5 Dessicated Hydra Claws
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +10, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Healing Ankh, Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow (Short Bow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Rylan Paval
Location: Just south of Augury Rock
Collects: 5 Spiny Seeds
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination spells (Chance: 20%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +12 (req. 9 Soul Reaping)
Halves casting time of Soul Reaping spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Soul Reaping spells (Chance: 20%)
* Water Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor (20% Chance)

Vulture Drifts

Brandon Harlin
Location: Near teleporter to the North of Dunes of Despair
Collects: 5 Encrusted Loadstones
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +30
* Grim Cesta, Energy +12 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1
Health +30
* Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Protective Icon, Energy +12 (req. 9 Protection Prayers)
Halves casting time of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Karl Jakobs
Location: Near exit to the Arid Sea
Collects: 5 Massive Jawbones
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Deadly Cesta, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Fire Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while hexed)
Received Damage -2 (while hexed)
* Ascalon Bow (Horn bow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Kraviec the Cursed
Location: Near teleporter to Northeast of Dunes of Despair
Collects: 5 Iridescent Griffon Wings
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Grim Cesta, Energy +12 (req. 9 Soul Reaping)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Energy Storage)
Halves casting time of Energy Storage spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Energy Storage spells (Chance: 20%)
* Healing Ankh, Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Uderit Ignis
Location: Just outside of Dunes of Despair
Collects: 5 Jade Mandibles
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Fast Casting)
Halves casting time of Fast Casting spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fast Casting spells (Chance: 20%)
* Truncheon Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Water Wand, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Staff, Energy +10, Light Dmg: 11-12 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Long Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

= Tyria: Southern Shiverpeaks (gwcg8) =

Droknar's Forge

Ornhelm Brightaxe
Collects: 5 Stone Summit Badges
* Grim Cesta, Energy +12 (req. 9 Soul Reaping)
Halves casting time of Soul Reaping spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Soul Reaping spells (Chance: 20%)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Rod, Light Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)

Frozen Forest

Kagan Treesplitter
Location: West of Iron Mines of Moladune
Collects: 7 Alpine Seeds
* Armor - Gloves
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Gloves (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Gloves (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Handwraps (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Gloves (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Gloves (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Gauntlets (AL 80)

Ice Floe

Turlo Oakenspear
Location: Just outside Marhan's Grotto
Collects: 7 Frigid Hearts
* Armor - Legs
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Leggings (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Hose (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Pants (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Leggings (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Leggings (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Leggings (AL 80)

Lornar's Pass

Nord Stonegrimm
Location: At the entrance to the Grenth temple (south end)
Collects: 5 Frozen Shells
* Truncheon, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Staff, Energy +10, Light Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Battle Axe, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
* Ascalon Bow (Longbow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)

Mineral Springs

Bariel Darkroot
Location: Mid-Eastern edge of Mineral Springs near Resurrection shrine
Collects: 5 Alpine Seeds
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Staff, Energy +10, Earth Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow (Composite bow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Goran Grimyak
Location: West end of Mineral Springs
Collects: 5 Feathered Avicara Scalps
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses skills (Chance: 20%)
* Flame Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Water Wand, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

Trego Stonebreaker
Location: near a bridge in the mid-northern half of Mineral Springs
Collects: 5 Mountain Troll Tusks
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Fast Casting)
Halves skill recharge of Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves casting time of Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%)
* Deadly Cesta, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Protective Icon, Energy +12 (req. 9 Protection Prayers)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers skills (Chance: 20%)
Halves casting time of Protection Prayers skills (Chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow (Short bow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Snake Dance

Hagnon Warblade
Location: Just Outside of Camp Rankor
Collects: 5 Frosted Griffon Wings
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Frost Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Crimson Carapace Shield, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while hexed)
Received damage -2 (while hexed)
* Air Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Hoknil the Lesser
Location: Mid-eastern edge of Snake Dance
Collects: 5 Azure Remains
* Inscribed Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +10, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow (Horn Bow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Merrin Trollsbane
Location: Eastern edge of Snake Dance, quarter of the way up from Camp Rankor
Collects: 5 Mountain Troll Tusks
* Jeweled Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Bone Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Water Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Long Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Location: Western edge of Snake Dance, quarter of the way down from North exit
Collects: 5 Huge Jawbones
* Cane, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Truncheon, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Healing Ankh, Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* War Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Sorrow's Furnace

Makar Thoughtslayer
Collects: 5 Dredge Manifestos
* Scroll of Hero's Insight

Collects: 5 Enslavement Stones
* Scroll of Adventurer's Insight

Talus Chute

Cember Goreaxe
Location: Just outside Ice Caves of Sorrow
Collects: 5 Frigid Hearts
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Fire Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Hoknil the Greater
Location: Northwest of Droknar's Forge near Artisan
Collects: 7 Huge Jawbones
* Armor - Chest
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Robes (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Attire (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Raiment (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer Tunic (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Vest (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Hauberk (AL 80)

Volsung Stoneketil
Location: Just outside Droknar's Forge
Collects: 5 Feathered Avicara Scalps
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Grim Cesta, Energy +12 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Grim Cesta, Energy +12 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Witman's Folly

Mag Ironwall
Location: Just outside Port Sledge
Collects: 5 Intricate Grawl Necklaces
Last Updated: 9/7/05
* Cruel Staff, Energy +10, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Energy Storage)
Halves casting time of Energy Storage spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Energy Storage spells (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Ascalon Bow (Flatbow), Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Vania Sewell
Location: On a hill in mid-Northern Edge of Witman's Folly
Collects: 7 Azure Remains
* Armor - Footgear
* Elementalist - Elementalist's Shoes (AL 60)
* Mesmer - Stylish Footwear (AL 60)
* Monk - Monk Sandals (AL 60)
* Necromancer - Necromancer's Boots (AL 60)
* Ranger - Leather Boots (AL 70)
* Warrior - Ringmail Boots (AL 80)

= Tyria: Ring of Fire (gwcg9) =

Perdition Rock

Collector Corbis
Location: Directly East of the Ember Light Camp exit
Collects: 12 Seared Ribcages
* Scroll of Slayer's Insight

Collector Gabrian
Location: Northeast of Ember Light Camp
Collects: 3 Mahgo Claws
* Scroll of Berserker's Insight

Collector Terra
Location: Northwest of Ember Light Camp
Collects: 7 Unctuous Remains
* Scroll of Hero's Insight

= Cantha: Shing Jea Island (gwcg10) =

Haiju Lagoon

Location: West of the lagoon
Collects: 2 Bonesnap Shells
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Footgear
* Assassin's Shing Jea Shoes (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Shoes? (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Footwear? (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Sandals (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Boots (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Boots (AL 45)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Shoes (AL 35)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Boots (AL 55)

Location: Eastern beach near Linkei Township
Collects: 3 Naga Pelts
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Gloves
* Assassin's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Gloves? (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Handwraps (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Gloves? (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 45)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Bangles (AL 35)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Gauntlets (AL 55)

Guardsman Kikuchiyo
Location: Southeast of Lagoon, in Jatin Village
Collects: 2 Gold Crimson Skull Coins
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Chest
* Assassin's Shing Jea Guise (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Robe? (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Attire? (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Vestments (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Tunic (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Vest (AL 45)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Raiment (AL 35)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Cuirass (AL 55)

Location: Southeast of Lagoon, in Jatin Village
Collects: 3 Enchanted Vines
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Headgear
* Assassin's Shing Jea Mask (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Eye? (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Mask (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Scalp Design (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Scar Pattern? (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Mask (AL 45)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Headwrap (AL 35)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Helm (AL 55)

Xi Gai
Location: Near exit to Jaya Bluffs
Collects: 3 Elder Kappa Shells
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Legs
* Assassin's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Hose? (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Pants (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 35)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 45)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 55)

Jaya Bluffs

Gruut Snowfoot
Location: Northeast of Seitung Harbor, near Yeti cave
Collects: 3 Feathered Crests
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Gloves
* Assassin's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Gloves? (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Handwraps (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Gloves? (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 45)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Bangles (AL 35)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Gauntlets (AL 55)

Location: North of exit to Seitung Harbor, near Miki lake
Collects: 3 Stolen Supplies
* Armor - Chest
* Assassin's Shing Jea Guise (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Robe? (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Attire? (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Vestments (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Tunic (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Vest (AL 45)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Raiment (AL 35)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Cuirass (AL 55)

Rei Ming
Location: Near exit to Seitung Harbor
Collects: 3 Silver Crimson Skull Coins
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Legs
* Assassin's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Hose? (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Pants (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 35)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 45)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 55)

Kinya Province

Chen Po Chin
Location: South of Tomaat Pass
Collects: 3 Mantid Pincers
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Footgear
* Assassin's Shing Jea Shoes (AL 25)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Shoes? (AL 15)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Footwear? (AL 15)
* Monk's Shing Jea Sandals (AL 15)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Boots (AL 15)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Boots (AL 25)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Shoes (AL 15)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Boots (AL 35)

Craw Razorbeak
Location: West of Tomaat Pass in Aerie village
Collects: 3 Naga Hides
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Gloves
* Assassin's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 25)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Gloves? (AL 15)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 15)
* Monk's Shing Jea Handwraps (AL 15)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Gloves? (AL 15)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Gloves (AL 25)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Bangles (AL 15)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Gauntlets (AL 35)

Guardsman Keiko
Location: South of Tomaat Pass
Collects: 3 Copper Crimson Skull Coins
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Chest
* Assassin's Shing Jea Guise (AL 25)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Robe? (AL 15)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Attire? (AL 15)
* Monk's Shing Jea Vestments (AL 15)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Tunic (AL 15)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Vest (AL 25)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Raiment (AL 15)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Cuirass (AL 35)

Location: South of Tomaat Pass
Collects: 3 Augmented Flesh
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Legs
* Assassin's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 25)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 15)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Hose? (AL 15)
* Monk's Shing Jea Pants (AL 15)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 15)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 25)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 15)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Leggings (AL 35)

Panjiang Peninsula

Guardsman Ayoki
Location: Near Tsumei village
Collects: 3 Copper Crimson Skull Coins
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Headgear
* Assassin's Shing Jea Mask (AL 25)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Eye? (AL 15)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Mask (AL 15)
* Monk's Shing Jea Scalp Design (AL 15)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Scar Pattern? (AL 15)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Mask (AL 25)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Headwrap (AL 15)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Helm (AL 35)

Guardsman Kenji
Location: Southeast of Tsumei Village
Collects: 3 Silver Crimson Skull Coins
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Katana of Fortitude, Slashing Dmg: 9-13 (req. 5 Swordsmanship)
Health +20
* Storm Artifact, Energy +7 (req. 5 Air Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
* Dirks of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 5-10 (req. 5 Dagger Mastery)
Health +25
* Channeling Focus, Energy +7 (req. 5 Channeling Magic)
Channeling Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
* Short Bow of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 10-16 (req. 5 Marksmanship)
Health +20
* Hallowed Idol, Energy +7 (req. 5 Smiting Prayers)
Smiting Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
* Bleached Skull, Energy +7 (req. 5 Death Magic)
Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +7 (req. 5 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of spells (Chance: 10%)

Losai Hapatu
Location: Southwest of Tsumei Village, near Qi Falls/Ang the Ephemeral
Collects: 4 Kappa Shells
* Bludgeoner of Fortitude, Blunt Dmg: 13-19 (req. 5 Hammer Mastery)
Health +20
* Flame Artifact, Energy +7 (req. 5 Fire Magic)
Fire Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 5-10 (req. 5 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Ceremonial Cauldron, Energy +7 (req. 5 Spawning Power)
Health +20
* Recurve Bow of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 10-16 (req. 5 Marksmanship)
Health +20
* Healing Ankh, Energy +7 (req. 5 Healing Prayers)
Health +30 (while enchanted)
* Bone Idol, Energy +7 (req. 5 Curses)
Health +20
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +7 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Health +20

Seitung Harbor

Chen Po Chin
Location: Seitung Harbor
Collects: 1 Oni Claw
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Footgear
* Assassin's Shing Jea Shoes (AL 45)
* Elementalist's Shing Jea Shoes? (AL 35)
* Mesmer's Shing Jea Footwear? (AL 35)
* Monk's Shing Jea Sandals (AL 35)
* Necromancer's Shing Jea Boots (AL 35)
* Ranger's Shing Jea Boots (AL 45)
* Ritualist's Shing Jea Shoes (AL 35)
* Warrior's Shing Jea Boots (AL 55)

Note: There are three quartermasters, who all take Monastery Credits, with
different inventories.

Monastery Quartermaster
Location: Seitung Harbor, by the docks
Collects: 5 Monastery Credit
* Sai, Piercing Dmg: 6-14 (req. 8 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +10% (while Health is above 50%)
* Cleaver, Slashing Dmg: 6-23 (req. 8 Axe Mastery)
Damage +10% (while Health is above 50%)
* Bludgeoner, Blunt Dmg: 17-30 (req. 8 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +10% (while Health is above 50%)
* Katana, Slashing Dmg: 14-19 (req. 8 Swordsmanship)
Damage +10% (while Health is above 50%)
* Bronze Shield, Armor: 14 (req. 8 Strength)
Health +20
* Bronze Shield, Armor: 14 (req. 8 Tactics)
Health +20
* Longbow, Piercing Dmg: 13-24 (req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +10% (while Health is above 50%)
* Shortbow, Piercing Dmg: 13-24 (req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +10% (while Health is above 50%)

Monastery Quartermaster
Location: Seitung Harbor, by the docks
Collects: 5 Monastery Credit
* Clairvoyant Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Hypnotic Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Evil Eye Staff, Energy +10, Dark Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 15%)
* Bone Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Communing Staff, Energy +10, Dark Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Communing)
Halves casting time of Communing spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Communing spells (Chance: 15%)
* Spawning Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Spawning Power)
Halves casting time of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 15%)
* Channeling Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Channeling Magic)
Halves casting time of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 15%)

Monastery Quartermaster
Location: Seitung Harbor, by the docks
Collects: 5 Monastery Credit
* Air Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Earth Staff, Energy +10, Earth Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Fire Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Water Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 15%)
* Holy Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 15%)
* Healing Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 15%)
* Protective Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 15%)
* Smiting Staff, Energy +10, Light Dmg: 10-17 (req. 8 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 15%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 15%)

Shing Jea Monastery

Hao Zhang
Location: Shing Jea Monastery, East of Henchmen
Collects: 1 Oni Talon
* Bag
* Identification Kit (25 Uses)
* Salvage Kit (25 Uses)

Note: There are two quartermasters, who both take Monastery Credits, with
different inventories.

Monastery Quartermaster
Location: Shing Jea Monastery
Collects: 1 Monastery Credit
* Shing Jea Key
* Identification Kit (25 Uses)
* Salvage Kit (25 Uses)
* Hunter's Ale
* Scroll of Adventurer's Insight
* Bag
* Dye Remover

Monastery Quartermaster
Location: Shing Jea Monastery
Collects: 3 Monastery Credit
* Rune of Holding
* Expert Salvage Kit

Sunqua Vale

Marik Kuri
Location: Southwest of Shing Jea Monastery
Collects: 3 Mantid Pincers
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Salvage Kit (10 uses)
* Identification Kit (10 uses)
* Belt Pouch

Debiro Kuri
Location: North of Shing Jea Monastery
Collects: 5 Naga Hides
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Cleaver of Fortitude, Slashing Dmg: 5-10 (req. 1 Axe Mastery)
Health +15
* Storm Artifact, Energy +4 (req. 1 Air Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 3-6 (req. 1 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +10% (while Health is above 50%)
* Communing Focus, Energy +4 (req. 1 Communing)
Energy +10, Energy regeneration -1
* Longbow of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 7-10 (req. 1 Marksmanship)
Health +15
* Divine Symbol, Energy +4 (req. 1 Divine Favor)
Health +15
* Blood Knife, Energy +4 (req. 1 Blood Magic)
Blood Magic +1 (15% chance while using skills)
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +4 (req. 1 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of spells (Chance 10%)

Hai Lae
Location: West of Shing Jea Monastery
Collects: 3 Kappa Hatchling Shells
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Salvage Kit
* Identification Kit
* Belt Pouch

Seung Kim
Location: Northeast of Tsumei Village
Collects: 5 Feathered Scalps
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Katana of Fortitude, Slashing Dmg: 7-9 (req. 1 Swordsmanship)
Health +15
* Flame Artifact, Energy +4 (req. 1 Fire Magic)
Fire Magic +1 (15% chance while using skills)
* Dirks of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 3-6 (req. 1 Dagger Mastery)
Health +15
* Channeling Focus, Energy +4 (req. 1 Channeling Magic)
Channeling Magic +1 (15% chance while using skills)
* Short Bow of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 7-10 (req. 1 Marksmanship)
Health +15
* Hallowed Idol, Energy +4 (req. 1 Smiting Prayers)
Smiting Prayers +1 (15% chance while using skills)
* Bleached Skull, Energy +4 (req. 1 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance 20%)
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +4 (req. 1 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance 20%)

Tsumei Village

Location: Tsumei Village
Collects: 5 Feathered Scalps
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Bludgeoner of Fortitude, Blunt Dmg: 9-13 (req. 1 Hammer Mastery)
Health +15
* Earth Scroll, Energy +4 (req. 1 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 3-6 (req. 1 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes)
* Ceremonial Cauldron, Energy +4 (req. 1 Spawning Power)
Health +15
* Recurve Bow of Fortitude, Piercing Dmg: 7-10 (req. 1 Marksmanship)
Health +15
* Healing Ankh, Energy +4 (req. 1 Healing Prayers)
Health +25 (while enchanted)
* Bone Idol, Energy +4 (req. 1 Curses)
Health +15
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +4 (req. 1 Illusion Magic)
Health +15

= Cantha: Kaineng City (gwcg11) =

Budek Byway

Location: Southeast of Kaineng Center
Collects: 5 Venerable Mantid Pincers
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Headgear
* Assassin's Canthan Mask (AL 70)
* Elementalist's Canthan Eye? (AL 60)
* Mesmer's Canthan Mask (AL 60)
* Monk's Canthan Scalp Design (AL 60)
* Necromancer's Canthan Scar Pattern (AL 60)
* Ranger's Canthan Mask (AL 70)
* Ritualist's Canthan Headwrap (AL 60)
* Warrior's Canthan Helm (AL 80)

Magistrate Raisung
Location: East of The Marketplace exit
Collects: 5 Plague Idols
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Legs
* Assassin's Canthan Leggings (AL 70)
* Elementalist's Canthan Leggings (AL 60)
* Mesmer's Canthan Hose (AL 60)
* Monk's Canthan Pants (AL 60)
* Necromancer's Canthan Leggings (AL 60)
* Ranger's Canthan Leggings (AL 70)
* Ritualist's Canthan Leggings (AL 60)
* Warrior's Canthan Leggings (AL 80)

Kaineng Center

Note: There are three quartermasters, who all take Imperial Commendations, with
different inventories.

Imperial Quartermaster
Location: Kaineng Center, East Side
Collects: 1 Imperial Commendation
* Identification Kit (25 Uses)
* Salvage Kit (25 Uses)
* Hunter's Ale
* Scroll of Adventurer's Insight
* Bag
* Dye Remover

Imperial Quartermaster
Location: Kaineng Center, East Side
Collects: 3 Imperial Commendation
* Forbidden Key
* Expert Salvage Kit
* Superior Identification Kit
* Rune of Holding
* Scroll of Rampager's Insight
* Scroll of Hunter's Insight

Imperial Quartermaster
Location: Kaineng Center, East Side
Collects: 5 Imperial Commendation
* Superior Salvage Kit
* Scroll of Hero's Insight
* Scroll of Berserker's Insight
* Scroll of Slayer's Insight

Maatu Keep

Dye Master Franjek
Location: Maatu Keep
Collects: 5 Pulsating Growths
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Illusion Wand, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)
* Blood Staff, Energy +10, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Recurve Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Spawning Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Halves casting time of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

The Marketplace

Attendant Nashu
Location: The Marketplace
Collects: 5 Putrid Cysts
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Hexed)
* Hypnotic Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Blood Knife, Energy +12 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Blood Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Fire Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Healing Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)
* Short Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Dadao Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Restoration Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Restoration Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Pongmei Valley

Location: Near exit to Boreas Seaboard
Collects: 2 Guardian Moss
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Gazing Scepter, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)
* Bone Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Curses +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Received damage -2 (while enchanted)
* Shortbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Ritualist Cane, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Halves skill rechage of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)

Senji's Corner

Location: Senji's Corner
Collects: 5 Celestial Essences
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Gemstone Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Bleached Skull, Energy +12 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Dadao Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Shortbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Spawning Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Halves casting time of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)

Shenzhun Tunnels

Jung Zeng
Location: Near exit to Maatu Keep
Collects: 5 Jade Bracelets
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Inspiration Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Flame Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Protective Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Recurve Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes)
* Restoration Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Restoration Magic)
Restoration Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30

Location: Near exit to Nahpui Quarter
Collects: 5 Plague Idols
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Domination Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Pronged Rod, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while in a stance)
Received damage -2 (while in a stance)
* Longbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Channeling Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Channeling +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30

Location: East of Xaquang Skyway exit
Collects: 5 Ancient Kappa Shells
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Air Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Frost Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Water Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Holy Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Strength)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Received damage -2 (while enchanted)
* Horn Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)


Location: near exit to Vizunah Square (Local)
Collects: 5 Plague Idols
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Death Rod, Shadow Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
+5 Energy (while Health is below 50%)
* Earth Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Earth Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Smiting Staff, Energy +10, Light Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Sword?, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Flatbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Channeling Staff, Energy +10, ? Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Halves casting time of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Wajjun Bazaar

Bae Kwon
Location: Northeast portion of map near exit to Xaquang Skyway
Collects: 3 Vermin Hides
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Bag
* Identification Kit
* Salvage Kit

Location: Near Xaquang Skyway exit
Collects: 5 Venerable Mantid Pincers
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Footgear
* Assassin's Canthan Shoes (AL 70)
* Elementalist's Canthan Shoes (AL 60)
* Mesmer's Canthan Shoes (AL 60)
* Monk's Canthan Sandals (AL 60)
* Necromancer's Canthan Boots (AL 60)
* Ranger's Canthan Boots (AL 70)
* Ritualist's Canthan Boots (AL 60)
* Warrior's Canthan Boots (AL 80)

Location: Northwest corner
Collects: 5 Plague Idols
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Illusion Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion)
Illusion Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Curses Wand, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
+5 Energy (while Health is below 50%)
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
+5 Energy (while Health is below 50%)
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
* Longbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while Hexed)

Location: Northwest of Undercity exit, in Southeast portion of Wajjun Bazaar
Collects: 5 Putrid Cysts
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Gloves
* Assassin's Canthan Gloves (AL 70)
* Elementalist's Canthan Gloves (AL 60)
* Mesmer's Canthan Gloves (AL 60)
* Monk's Canthan Handwraps (AL 60)
* Necromancer's Canthan Gloves (AL 60)
* Ranger's Canthan Gloves (AL 70)
* Ritualist's Canthan Bangles (AL 60)
* Warrior's Canthan Gauntlets (AL 80)

Magistrate Wakai
Location: South of The Marketplace exit
Collects: 5 Jade Bracelets
Last updated: 5/10/06
* Armor - Chest
* Assassin's Canthan Guise (AL 70)
* Elementalist's Canthan Robe (AL 60)
* Mesmer's Canthan Attire (AL 60)
* Monk's Canthan Shirt (AL 60)
* Necromancer's Canthan Tunic (AL 60)
* Ranger's Canthan Vest (AL 70)
* Ritualist's Canthan Raiment (AL 60)
* Warrior's Canthan Cuirass (AL 80)

Xaquang Skyway

Claw Tallfeather
Location: Northeast corner of Xaquang Skyway
Collects: 5 Jade Bracelets
* Butterfly Knives, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Water Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Protective Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)
* Hornbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Communing Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Communing)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30

Yu Lae
Location: ?
Collects: 5 Vermin Hides
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Bone Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Curses +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Air Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
+5 Energy (while Health is below 50%)
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Longbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Ceremonial Cauldron, Energy +12 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Halves casting time of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)

Zin Ku Corridor

Adept Bishu
Location: Zin Ku Corridor
Collects: 5 Soul Stones
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Bone Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Air Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Healing Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
* Recurve Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)

Dai Waeng
Location: Zin Ku Corridor
Collects: 5 Pulsating Growths
Last Updated: 5/10/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Bleached Skull, Energy +12 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
+5 Energy (while Health is below 50%)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Cleaver, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Ceremonial Cauldron, Energy +12 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Spawning Power +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30

= Cantha: Echovald Forest (gwcg12) =

Altrumm Ruins

Artor Bobani Kiroz
Location: Altrumm Ruins
Collects: 5 Warden Horns
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Gemstone Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Bone Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Strength)
Health +60 (while hexed)
Received damage -3 (while hexed)
* Flatbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Communing Staff, Energy +10, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Communing)
Halves casting time of Communing spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Communing spells (Chance: 20%)

Peltsman Jiri
Location: Altrumm Ruins
Collects: 5 Blood Drinker Pelts
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Hypnotic Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-2 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Blood Knife, Energy +12 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Hornbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
* Ceremonial Cauldron, Energy +12 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Halves casting time of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)

Brauer Academy

Kristoffir Roi
Location: Brauer Academy
Collects: 5 Dredge Incisors
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Domination Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Holy Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Longbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Channeling Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30

Wilhelm Joseph
Location: Brauer Academy
Collects: 2 Mantis Pincers
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Blood Knife, Energy +12 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Dadao Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Restoration Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Restoration Magic)
Restoration Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30

Durheim Archives

Gerlinda Korbauch
Location: Durheim Archives
Collects: 5 Mantis Pincers
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Protective Icon, Energy +12 (req. 9 Protection Prayers)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Communing Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Communing)
Halves casting time of Communing spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Communing spells (Chance: 20%)


Chef Armand
Location: Ferndale (just outside Fort Aspenwood (Kurzick))
Collects: 5 Truffles
Last updated: 5/11/06.
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Frost Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Divine Symbol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Divine Favor +1 (20% Chance while using spells)
Health +30
* Shortbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Restoration Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Restoration Magic)
Halves casting time of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge time of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

House Zu Heltzer

Andru Pitrak
Location: House Zu Heltzer
Collects: 2 Keen Oni Claws
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Inspiration Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Flame Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Fire Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Protective Icon, Energy +12 (req. 9 Protection Prayers)
Protection Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Hornbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Ritualist Cane, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%)

Jaun Stumi
Location: House Zu Heltzer
Collects: 4 Vampiric Fangs
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Bleached Skull, Energy +12 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Recurve Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Channeling Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Halves casting time of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Note: There are three quartermasters, who all take Equipment Requisitions, with
different inventories.

Kurzick Quartermaster
Location: House zu Heltzer
Collects: 1 Equipment Requisition
* Identification Kit (25 Uses)
* Salvage Kit (25 Uses)
* Hunter's Ale
* Scroll of Adventurer's Insight
* Bag
* Dye Remover

Kurzick Quartermaster
Location: House zu Heltzer
Collects: 3 Equipment Requisition
* Kurzick Key
* Expert Salvage Kit
* Superior Identification Kit
* Rune of Holding
* Scroll of Rampager's Insight
* Scroll of Hunter's Insight

Kurzick Quartermaster
Location: House zu Heltzer
Collects: 5 Equipment Requisition
* Stoneroot Key
* Superior Salvage Kit
* Scroll of Hero's Insight
* Scroll of Berserker's Insight
* Scroll of Slayer's Insight

Master Architect Wright
Location: House zu Heltzer
Collects: 5 Stone Carvings
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Hypnotic Scepter, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Bleached Skull, Energy +12 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Dadao Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Long Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Communing Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Communing)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30

Redemptor Kurcheck
Location: House zu Heltzer
Collects: 5 Luxon Pendants
Last updated: 5/20/06
* Scroll of Adventurer's Insight
* Scroll of Rampager's Insight
* Scroll of Hunter's Insight

Morostav Trail

Dmitri Scharkoff
Location: near east exit of Durheim Archives
Collects: 5 Warden Horns
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Illusion Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Bleached Skull, Energy +12 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Water Wand, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Smiting Staff, Energy +10, Light Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Cleaver, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Flatbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)

Jonn Tertehl
Location: near east exit of Vasburg Armory
Collects: 5 Stone Horns
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Fire Wand, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Divine Symbol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Recurve Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Communing Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Communing)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Saint Anjeka's Shrine

Buk Dirayne
Location: Saint Anjeka's Shrine
Collects: 3 Skull Jujus
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Wailing Wand, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Frost Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Water Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Healing Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Cleaver, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Channeling Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Guard Captain Mirkoz
Location: Saint Anjeka's Shrine
Collects: 5 Dredge Incisors
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Gazing Scepter, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Bone Spiral Rod, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Frost Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Protective Icon, Energy +12 (req. 9 Protection Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Strength)
Health +45 (while in a Stance)
Received damage -2 (while in a Stance)
* Flatbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

Unwaking Waters

Elder Ezio
Location: near the resurrect shrine
Collects: 5 Kraken Eyes
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Gemstone Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Storm Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Air Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Hallowed Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Hornbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Communing Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Communing)
Communing +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30

Vasburg Armory

Denos Makaluum
Location: Vasburg Armory
Collects: 5 Stone Horns
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Bone Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Curses +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Earth Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Earth Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Protective Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Dadao Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Ritualist Scepter, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))

Healer Silja
Location: Vasburg Armory
Collects: 5 Dragon Roots
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Jeweled Chakram Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Evil Eye Staff, Energy +10, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Healing Ankh, Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +30
Received damage -5 (Chance: 20%)
* Shortbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)

= Cantha: Jade Sea (gwcg13) =


Location: near the northern exit of Jade Flats
Collects: 5 Archaic Kappa Shells
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves casting time of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wailing Wand, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while in a Stance)
Received damage -2 (while in a Stance)
* Recurve Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Ceremonial Cauldron, Energy +12 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

The Aurios Mines

Jefri Whylir
Location: The Aurios Mines
Collects: 5 Bone Charms
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Blood Knife, Energy +12 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Staff, Energy +10, Earth Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Hallowed Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Smiting Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Cleaver, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Communing Staff, Energy +10, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Communing)
Halves casting time of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Bai Paasu Reach

Location: Bai Paasu Reach
Collects: 5 Naga Skins
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Earth Wand, Earth Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Healing Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Longbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Spawning Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Halves casting time of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)

Boreas Seabed

Catrine Embolom
Location: near exit to Mount Qinkai
Collects: 5 Rot Wallow Tusks
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Illusion Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Evil Eye Staff, Energy +10, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Cleaver, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Shortbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Channeling Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Halves casting time of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Breaker Hollow

Location: Breaker Hollow
Collects: 5 Naga Skins
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Jeweled Chalice, Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Bone Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30
* Fire Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Holy Staff, Energy +10, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Strength)
Health +30
Received damage -5 (Chance: 20%)
* Hornbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)


Dauv Merishal
Location: Cavalon
Collects: 2 Keen Oni Talons
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Jeweled Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Illusion Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Bone Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Curses)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Dadao Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)
* Flatbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Ritualist Wand, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Communing)
Halves skill recharge of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))

Note: There are three quartermasters, who all take Luxon Totems, with
different inventories.

Luxon Quartermaster
Location: Cavalon
Collects: 1 Luxon Totem
* Identification Kit (25 Uses)
* Salvage Kit (25 Uses)
* Hunter's Ale
* Scroll of Adventurer's Insight
* Bag
* Dye Remover

Luxon Quartermaster
Location: Cavalon
Collects: 3 Luxon Totem
* Luxon Key
* Expert Salvage Kit
* Superior Identification Kit
* Rune of Holding
* Scroll of Rampager's Insight
* Scroll of Hunter's Insight

Luxon Quartermaster
Location: Cavalon
Collects: 5 Luxon Totem
* Deep Jade Key
* Superior Salvage Kit
* Scroll of Hero's Insight
* Scroll of Berserker's Insight
* Scroll of Slayer's Insight

Zaviar Merkanah
Location: Cavalon
Collects: 5 Kurzick Baubles
* Scroll of Adventurer's Insight
* Scroll of Rampager's Insight
* Scroll of Hunter's Insight

Gyala Hatchery

Location: near the northern exit of Leviathan Pits
Collects: 5 Black Pearls
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Hypnotic Scepter Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Evil Eye Staff, Energy +10, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Frost Artifact Energy +12 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Smiting Rod, Light Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Cleaver, Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Hornbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while hexed)

Maishang Hills

Losi Hapatu
Location: near Bai Paasu Reach
Collects: 5 Rot Wallow Tusks
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Air Wand, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Healing Ankh, Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
Healing Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
* Ritualist Wand, Dark Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Communing)
Halves skill recharge of Communing spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))

Mount Qinkai

Location: near the northern exit of Aspenwood Gate
Collects: 5 Stolen Provisions
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Gazing Scepter, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Bone Spiral Rod, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Water Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Water Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Protective Rod, Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Protection Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Dadao Sword, Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Longbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (vs. hexed foes)

Rhea's Crater

Jahn Pitz
Location: near the northern exit of Seafarer's Rest
Collects: 5 Black Pearls
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Blood Knife, Energy +12 (req. 9 Blood Magic)
Blood Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Earth Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Healing Ankh, Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
Healing Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Channeling Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Channeling Magic)
Halves casting time of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Seafarer's Rest

Location: Seafarer's Rest
Collects: 5 Azure Crests
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Butterfly Knives, Slashing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Gazing Scepter, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))
* Storm Artifact, Energy +12 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Hallowed Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Recurve Bow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Restoration Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Restoration Magic)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30

Silent Surf

Location: near northwestern exit of Seafarer's Rest
Collects: 4 Azure Crests
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Bone Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Earth Scroll, Energy +12 (req. 9 Earth Magic)
Halves casting time of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Earth Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Healing Ankh, Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wooden Buckler, Armor: 16 (req. 9 Strength)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Received damage -2 (while enchanted)
* Restoration Focus, Energy +12 (req. 9 Restoration Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Zos Shivros Channel

Elder Pomona
Location: Zos Shivros Channel
Collects: 5 Kraken Eyes
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Inscribed Chakram, Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Air Staff, Energy +10, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Hallowed Idol, Energy +12 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Armor +5 (while enchanted)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Flatbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
* Ceremonial Cauldron, Energy +12 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
Health +30

Kristo Trilios
Location: Zos Shivros Channel
Collects: 5 Moon Shells
Last updated: 5/11/06
* Dirks, Piercing Dmg: 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (while hexed)
* Hypnotic Staff, Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
* Wicked Staff, Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Curses)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Curses spells (Chance: 20%)
* Melon Hammer, Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
* Shortbow, Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
* Ritualist Scepter, Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Spawning Power)
Halves skill recharge of Restoration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while Health is below 50%))

= FAQ (gwcg14) =

Q. Where are the Healing Prayers and Inspiration Magic Wands/Staves?
A. If you notice, you'll never see a rod or cane or staff that is linked to
certain attributes, most notably Healing Prayers and Inspiration Magic. They
simply don't exist, and thus you won't find them at collectors.

Q. Where is the Max Armor version of the Crimson Carapace Shield that has mods
which activate (while enchanted)?
A. A Max Armor version of this shield does not exist. However, there is an
Armor: 12 version of this shield that is in Mamnoon Lagoon, under the collector
Vargil the White.

Factions has several Wooden Bucklers, however, that have these properties,
including Leijo in Shenzun Tunnels and Keotah in Silent Surf.

Q. Where is the Sword or Axe that has Damage +15% while Health is above 50%?
A. These items do not exist at a collector. The closest that you will get is
Damage +15% (while enchanted) or Damage +15% (while in a stance).

The 9/7/05 Update added several weapons to the weapon crafters, however,
including a Max Damage +15% while Health is above 50% Sword that can be crafted
for 5 plat, 40 Iron, and 6 Steel. This can be found at Droknar's Forge, at the
weapon master Sarad.

Several more collectors were added with the release of Factions in Cantha which
also have these properties.

Q. Where is the Max Damage version of the Ascalon Bow (Flatbow variant) that is
also Damage +15% while Health is above 50%?
A. This item does not exist. The three bows with the Damage +15% while Health
is above 50% modifiers are a Longbow, Short Bow, and Composite Bow. The Horn
Bow and Flatbow are both Damage +15% (while enchanted). This is true of both
the collectors in the Southern Shiverpeaks and the Crystal Desert.

Note that with the release of Factions, several more collectors have been added
to the game with a couple that have Flatbows with the Damage +15% (while Health
is above 50%), including Ohtah in the Undercity area.

Q. Why can't I remove my upgrade from my collector's item?
A. Collectors items cannot be salvaged. Thus, once you put an upgrade in a
collector item, you cannot salvage it out with an Expert Salvage Kit.

Q. Where can I find Bleached Shells? I have a ton of Bleached Carapaces.
A. Bleached Shells are dropped by Sand Wurms and Siege Wurms in the Crystal
Desert. Frozen Shells are dropped by Frost Wurms in the Southern Shiverpeaks.

Q. Where can I find Massive Jawbones?
A. Massive Jawbones are dropped by Sand Giants in the Crystal Desert. Try the
south-east exit of Vulture Drifts, leading to the Arid Sea. Sand Giants are
also all over the Arid Sea as well.

Q. Where can I find Spiny Seeds?
A. Spiny Seeds are dropped by Salving Cacti in the Crystal Desert. The easiest
ones to farm are to the East of Heroes' Audience.

= End Notes (gwcg15) =

- Version History -
0.01 First version of this guide is released
0.02 Added Orson Cooper, Adam Solstrum, Loreen Cranford, Thyfir Greenleaf,
Kraviec the Cursed
0.03 9/7/05 Update upgraded many of the collectors weapons, and added some
collectors in Perdition Rock.
0.04 Added more Sorrow's Furnace collectors, updated Shiverpeaks collectors.
0.05 Added some Cantha/Factions collectors in Shing Jea Island
0.06 Added some Cantha/Factions collectors in Kaineng City
0.07 Added some Cantha/Factions collectors in Echovald Forest
0.08 Updated and fixed some of the old Tyrian collectors.
0.09 Minor updates to Canthan Collectors (thanks to Jay and Karen Guerette)
0.10 Minor updates, added Quartermasters
0.11 Added Cavalon and House Zu Heltzer Collectors, Quartermasters
0.12 Added 2 Tears of the Fallen collectors
0.13 Corrected two Protection Prayers weapons (req. Divine Favor)

- Credits -
Most of the collectors information was gleaned from the following fansites:

In particular, credit goes to Maximus Bellator for his excellent Collectors
mapping projects, which can be found here:
Crystal Desert:

Post-Searing Ascalon:

Southern Shiverpeaks:

Credit also goes to the fine work done on this thread, by many people too
numerous to mention (a true community effort):

I'd like to thank my guildmates in the East Bay Alliance of Yeomen [eBay].

I'd also like to thank NCSoft for finally making a 3D Diablo clone that fits my
liking and an online RPG that doesn't have a monthly fee, all in the same game.

- Copyright Notice -
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

The following sites have permission to use this FAQ as long as it is credited:

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

In particular, Guild Wars is a trademark of NCsoft Corporation.
Guild Wars is copyrighted by NCsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2005 Hahns Shin

- End Quote -
"My advice to you, my violent friend, is to seek out gold and sit on it."
- The Dragon, from John Gardner's "Grendel"
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Beginners Guide

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Ranger Guide

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Collectors Guide

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Quest Guide

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Terminology Guide

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Monk FAQ

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Mesmer Guide

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Warrior FAQ

17.October 2013
Mesmer FAQ

18.October 2013
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11.February 2016
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