Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2

15.10.2013 14:49:16
/ Dead or Alive 2: Jann Lee Character Guide \
by Reno

Written for Monospace format
Do the '.'s line up with the numbers?


----------------------- DISCLAIMER -------------------------

This document is Copyright (c) 2000 Andrew Alfonso, all rights reserved. This
document may not be altered in any way, and may only be redistributed in its
original electronic form. This document is not to be used for promotional
and/or profitable purposes. Any information used from this document must be
given proper acknowledgement.

All aspects of Dead or Alive 2 used in this document are Copyright (c) 1999, 2000
Tecmo Inc. All rights reserved.

-------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------

1 ... Version History
2 ... Introduction
3 ... Background Info
4 ... Conventions
5 ... Movelist (not complete?)
6 ... Jann Lee Strategy
- General Thoughts
- Guard Cancelling
- Combos
7 ... To Be Done
8 ... Acknowledgements

==================== VERSION HISTORY =======================

02/06/00 - VERSION 0.01: first official release
02/12/00 - VERSION 0.05: Fixed up tab problems, edited a few
words, and... that's about it. More strategy
stuff to come when midterms are over.
03/08/00 - VERSION 0.1: Added Guard Buffering, Crouch Dashing
as well as some other stuff. If you've read my Ein
faq, it's the same thing, only applied to Jann Lee ^^;

===================== INTRODUCTION =========================

This is my second FAQ, although my first on a fighting game. The first one I
ever did was on Bust a Groove 2, and that was mainly to understand how FAQs
were written. I've been playing Dead or Alive 2 since it arrived here in Toronto
some 4 weeks ago, and I'm pretty sure I've gotten down the complete movelist, but
if you know of something that I missed in the movelist or any other part of this
FAQ, let me know. I've been planning to write this faq ever since I started
playing Dead or Alive 2, but I know this faq is far from complete at this
time. Hopefully you'll get something out of this, and if you have any questions
about the game, go visit Wind-X's Dead or Alive site at

It's an awesome resource for anything Dead or Alive related, and if you don't
find what you're looking for here, then you're SOL

==================== BACKGROUND INFO =======================

(Taken from Dead or Alive 1)
Name: Jann Lee
Birthdate: November 27th
Height: 5 foot 9 inches
Weight: 165 pounds
Measurements: B=39" / W=32" / H=36"
Nationality: Chinese
Style: Jeet Kune Do
Profession: Bodyguard
Favorite Food: Hamburger, Grapefruit
Hobby: Watching action movies

====================== CONVENTIONS =========================

P - Punch
K - Kick
S - Free

d/b - down-back
b - back
u/b - up-back
d - down
N - neutral
u - up
d/f - down-forward
f - forward
u/f - up-forward

, - Must be done right after the previous move
~ - Immediately after the previous move (faster than ",")
> - Delayed after
[ ] - Hold button(s) down
( ) - Guaranteed after initial attack
{X_Y} - Choice between button presses, X and Y represent the choices
ALL - Press all buttons together (Free, Punch, Kick)

BK - With back facing opponent
WR - While rising from any prone position
WL - While descending from jump

H - High Attack - Can be blocked high, or ducked
H! - High Unblockable - Can only be ducked
M - Mid Attack - Can only be blocked standing
M/G - Mid/Ground - Also hits grounded opponents
L - Low Attack - Can only be blocked ducking
TA - Turn Around - Character shows back after move

Standing Throw - Used on a standing opponent
Catch - Standing throw with execution time
Low - Used on a crouching opponent
Back - Used on a standing opponent, facing their back
Multithrow - Used immediately after the previous throw when
the words "Combo Throw" appear on the screen
(2) - Second Multipart, following initial throw
Wall (f) - Wall throw, used with wall at your front
Wall (b) - Wall throw, used with wall at your back
Prone Attack - May only be executed when opponent is prone

====================== MOVELIST ============================

Primary Partner: Lei Fang
Secondary Partner: Ein (Not Confirmed)

Basic Attacks
Move Motion Location Damage
Jab P H 10
Uppercut d/f+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 30
Sidekick d/f+K M 22
Thrust Kick d+K L 12

Turn Jab BK,P H 12
Turn Bodyblow BK,d+P M 15
Turn Low Knuckle BK,[d+P] L 10
Blind Knuckle BK,d/b+P H 45
Turn High Kick BK,K H 30
Turn Sidekick BK,d+K M 27
Turn Spin Kick BK,d/f+K L 25
Blind Elbow BK,P+K M 40

Front Jump Knuckle u/f~P M 15
Front Jump Spin Knuckle u/f,P H 18
Jump Knuckle u~P M 15
Jump Spin Knuckle u,P H 18
Back Jump Spin Knuckle u/b,P H 18

Front Jump Snap Kick u/f~K M 30
Front Jump Spin Kick u/f,K L 25
Jump Snap Kick u~K M 30
Jump Spin Kick u,K L 25
Back Jump Spin Kick u/b,K L 25


Move Motion Hit Location Damage
Knuckle Upper u/f+P H 16
Back Hook u+K H 24
High Shin Knee Kick u/b+K H 25
Rear High Kick u+K H 35

Kick Upper u/f+K M 26
Double Rising Kicks u/f+K,K (MH) 26,25

Chastisement Chop b+P M 26
Sway Jab u/b+P H 12

Following can be started by using Sway Jab, Lead Jab or Turn Jab
Jab - High Kick P,K HH ??,30
Sonic Hook P,f+P (HH) ??,18
Sonic Spin Kick P,f+P+K (HH)M ??,18,30
Sonic Low Spin Kick P,f+P,d+K (HH)L ??,18,25
Sonic Blow P,d+P HM ??,18
Sonic Upper P,d+P,P HMM ??,18,20
Combo Low Pin Kick P,[d+P+K] HML ??,18,25
Lead Hook PP (HH) ??,10
Back Knuckle PPP (HHH) ??,10,10
Dragon Rush PPPK (HHH)H ??,10,10,47
Dragon Cannon PPP,f+P (HHH)M ??,10,10,45
Dragon Slicer PPP,d+K (HHH)L ??,10,10,24
Combo Knuckle Upper PP,[f+P] (HH)H ??,10,16
Combo High Kick PPK (HH)H ??,10,26

Body Blow f+P M 18
Body Upper f+P,P MM 18,20
Body Low Spin Kick f+P,d+K ML 18,25

Flash Hook ff+P H 18
Flash Spin Kick ff+P,K HM 18,30
Flash Low Spin Kick ff+P,d+K HL 18,25

Low Dragon Hammer d/b+P L 20
Dragon Hammer b,f+P M 28

Shin Knee Kick S+K M 25
Shin Knee High Kick S+K,K MH 25,35

Middle Hook Kick b+K M 24
Double Hook Kick b+K,K MH 24,25

Thrust Kick d+K L 12
Thrust Spike Kick d+K,K LM 12,37
Thrust Spin Kick [d+K],K LL 12,25

Side Kick d/f+K M 22
Side Master Kick d/f+K,K MH 22,32
Dragon Strike d/f+P,f+P MM 22,50
Side Back Kick d/f+K,b+K MM 22,25

Snap Kick f+K M 20
Snap Spin Kick f+K,K MH 20,32
Snap Spike Kick f+K,b,f+K MM 20,37

Dragon Low Kick d/b+K L 24
Low Spin Kick d+S+K L 25
Dragon Blow qcf+P H 40
Dragon Elbow P+K M 35
Dragon Knuckle [d],b,f+P M 50
Dragon Kick qcf+K H! 55
Dragon Spike b,f+K M 40
Flash Turn b,b+P H 18

High Kick K H 30
High Spin Kick K,K HH 30,32

Dragon Flare f,f+K M 42
Dragon Step High f+S+K H 36

Move Motion Description Damage
Hell Drive S+P Standing Throw 40
Dragon Gunner f+S+P Catch Throw 42

Piggyback Throw b+S+P
OR WL S+P Standing Throw 48

The Way of the Dragon qcb+S+P Standing Throw 5(x5)+30
The Wall of the Dragon qcb+S+P Wall(f) Throw 5(x5)20+20

Headlock qcf+S+P Standing Throw 53
Bulldog Takedown b,b+S+P Multithrow (2) 25

Dragon Rave S+P Back Throw 30+25

Chastisement Punch qcf+S+P
OR WL S+P Back Throw 58

Front Facelock d+S+P
OR WL d+S+P Low Throw 55

Side Buster d/b+S+P Low Throw 60

Punishment Punch d+S+P
OR WL d+S+P Low Back Throw 63

Move Motion Description Damage
Arcade Mode:
Godless Shoto Knee f,u/b+S vs. H Punch 28+30
Trace Gunner f,u/b+S vs. H Kick 58
Double Bind f,b+S vs. M Punch 10+10
Leg Sweep b,f+S vs. M Kick 58
Deep the Dragon f,d/b+S vs. L Punch 28+30
Dragon Twist f,d/b+S vs. L Kick 58

Dreamcast Mode:
????? u/b+S vs. H ??
????? b+S vs. M ??
????? d/b+S vs. L ??

Trample u+P+K Down Attack 20
Enter the Dragon u+ALL Down Attack 15+5+5
Low Snap Kick d+K Down Attack 10

Special Moves
Shout Taunt b,f,b+ALL Taunt 0

Tag Throws
Skyscaper - Dragon Kick f,f+ALL From Lei Fang
Double Dragon Fist f,f+ALL To Lei Fang
Tag Deep the Dragon ff+ALL Anyone but Lei Fang
OR b+ALL Anyone initiates

================= JANN LEE THOUGHTS ========================

Jann Lee is one of the quicker characters of the game, much faster
than brutes such as Leon and Bass and about on par with both
Ryu and Ein.

When you first start off with Jann Lee, you'll probably learn
most of his scrubby moves, such as P+K, qcf+P and qcf+K. Once you
get a feel for Jann Lee's range and speed, you should attempt to
learn other moves and strings and stray away from the three moves
listed above.

The Dragon Kick is a High Power attack, meaning that you can only
duck to evade this move. If ducked, Jann Lee is left extremely
vulnerable, because he will not fly over the opponent's body.
Rather, he will just land in front of the opponent, and be left
wide open. Another disadvantage is has is the fact that it has
a good deal of lag time before it, as well as moving you forward
before the attack starts. These reasons should be enough for you to
use it sparingly, but take advantage of any opportunities you might
receive when in battle, such as:

u/f+P, PPP, d+K, qcf+K

This is Jann Lee's Dragon Slicer string, which ends in a low attack that
causes a 'trip stun', which causes the opponent to fall on his hands and rise
up against slowly. This is one of the better times to use qcf+K, since it's
hard to time the defensive hold against the kick.

Both the Dragon Elbow and Dragon Punch are nice, but also leave
Jann Lee extremely open for punishment, especially the Dragon Elbow.
Short range + Back turned after move = extremely bad. Try to stay away
from the three moves I've listed above, unless you are certain that
they will connect or they're part of a string. All three have an insane
amount of lag time once they're executed, and all of them leave you open
for about a second afterwards.

Crouch Dashing
I forgot what game this technique made it's debut in, but I'm almost certain
that it's from either VF2 or VF3. What Crouch Dashing enables you to do is move
forward while in a crouching position. This is great for avoiding
attacks that hit high, as it puts you in a tatical advantage over your opponent.
You can also duck all standing throws by Crouch Dashing, although Catch Throws
will probably nail you if you try this.

To Crouch Dash, double tap in the d/f direction. It's basically like a normal dash,
except you're going diagonal. The possibilities of this technique are endless, as
you can duck under an incoming attack, and either throw, strike or defensive hold as
soon as you recover.

Guard Cancelling
One of the more nifty things in Dead or Alive 2 is called Guard Cancelling, which
was pioneered by the Virtua Fighter series and taken a step further with Soul Calibur.
Guard cancelling allows you to put together strings of attacks that normally would be
impossibly to string together. For example, a PPP, K string may give you three punches
and a combo spin kick. However, if you want three jabs and then a regular high kick,
you would have to input PPP~S,K. This mixes up your offensive game a lot, as you can stop
your string anytime you want to and do something totally different than what your
opponent is expecting. This is especially good if your opponent knows your character
and is risking to do a defensive hold. You don't have to limit yourself to just
normal attacks after the guard cancel either. You can tack on a throw at the
end for even more damage. An example of this would be something like:

u/b+P, P, S, qcf+S+P, bb+S+P

Here you're leading with the Sway Jab, cancelling the second of your jabs in the string and
going straight into the headlock multithrow right into a bulldog. While it might take some
practice, it's an extremely deadly tatic to once you perfect it because it gives three
options while attacking: 1) complete the string 2) Guard Cancel into a standard attack
3) Guard Cancel into a throw

Guard Buffering

Another useful tactic brought over from the VF series is Guard Buffering. It's used
in Soul Calibur as well, but Virtua Fighter pioneered it :) What Guard Buffering allows
you to do is input your joystick taps while holding the Free button to guard. For example,
say you want to execute Jann's f, f+P, K string. To Guard Buffer this, hold Free and
tap f, then release Free and tap f+P... voila! you have your f, f+P without the risk of
accidently dashing forward because you didn't time the second f right ^^; This technique
works for all moves in the game, as you can guard buffer Defensive Holds, throws and
anything else you want. The key thing to remember is that you need to release the Free
button before the last joystick input, or else it won't work.

Advantages of Guard Buffering? Like I said before, it'll prevent you from accidently
dashing or whatnot if you're not too good with the timing yet, as well as it keeps your
opponent guessing to what you'll do.

================== DREAMCAST CHANGES =========================

So far, the only changes that are confirmed for the Dreamcast is the
inclusion of a Dreamcast mode. In this mode, Defensive Holds are MUCH
easier to accomplish (these changes can be seen in the Movelist above).
Tecmo also included an Arcade mode for those old school guys who
don't want to deviate from the arcade inputs.

===================== TO BE DONE =========================

- More General Strategy
- Inclusion of some neat combos
- Completion of Movelist
- Psychological tatics
- Clean up any grammar/spelling mistakes

=================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =======================

Tecmo - For making the F'n game

Wind-X - The crazy Texan that let me read his overview so that I could
learn how to play this F'n game, he's made a terrific site for all
DoA fans to come and talk about their favorite game

Janiera - This girl has been sharing DoA2 related stuff with me
ever since the game has been released over here. Oh, and she's also
a porn star named Angelique

Funland Arcade - Providing me with some good (and often times, not so good) competition

BigCat - for his amazing DoA2 FAQ, where I picked up the translations
for all the moves, without his faq, it probably would've taken me decades
to get all the move names right :)

The Next Level ( - shameless plug
for the game site that I contribute to =)

EFnet #soulcalibur tribe

Dalnet #perfect-zero tribe

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