Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2

13.10.2013 22:50:50
Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore
Tag Juggle Guide

Version 1.00

by Nevistar (

/***************************** WHAT'S NEW? *****************************/

Version 1.00 (11/09/01)
- Initial public release sent to GameFaqs
- Current Total: 184 tag juggles

/****************************** SOME STUFF *****************************/

| Formatting Notes |

This FAQ was intended for viewing in a monospace font such as Courier,
Console, or any other font where every character in that font
occupies the exact same amount of space (for instance, an 'i' would
have the same width as a 'w'.).

Look at the numbers and periods to the
right. If these rows do not line up 1234567890
perfectly with each other, then you ..........
need to pick a different font, or this
whole guide will look VERY messy!!!

If you intend printing this document from a word processor such as
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- Set your left and right page margins to .5".
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| Terms of Use |

Please feel free to distribute and post this document, provided
that it is completely unmodified by anyone but myself. Altering
this document in any manner is strictly prohibited, unless the
editing is done only for personal use. Profiting from this
document in any way is illegal without prior consent, approval,
and payment of Tecmo Inc. and the author of this document, neither
of which are likely to approve such an endeavor.

For an authentic version of this document, visit,
or visit my own DOA2 site should I ever make one.

/**************************** JUGGLE SYSTEM ****************************/

| What is a "juggle"??? |

A juggle is a type of combo that once started CANNOT BE ESCAPED IN ANY
FASHION!!! Once the first hit connects, there is nothing that your
opponent can do about the rest of them. Remember than moves resulting
in a "Critical Hit" only stun your opponent. While your opponent
cannot block during the Critical Hit stun animation, THEY CAN STILL
CRITICAL HOLD YOU!!! If they can escape or stop you in any way, then
it is NOT a juggle.

| Weight Classes |

Some characters seem to stay in the air for longer periods of time than
others. This is something that I just noticed recently, so this may
be far more complex than what I am listing here; however, for now,
keep the following in mind: there are 5 "weight classes" in DOA2. The
lighter the character, the higher they float in the air, allowing for
longer juggles that are not possible on heavier characters. The weight
classes are as follows:

- VERY LIGHT - Ayane, Kasumi, Lei-Fang
- LIGHT - Gen-Fu, Helena
- NORMAL - Ein, Hayabusa, Jann-Lee, Tina, Zack
- HEAVY - Bass, Bayman, Leon
- VERY HEAVY - Tengu

| About Tag Juggles |

This entire guide is about tag juggling: the art of juggling your
oppenent using both of the characters on your tag team (which obviously
means that you must be playing in "Tag Battle" mode for this to work).
In general, all tags done during a juggle must be done very quickly in
order for you to continue giving generous amounts of pain to your
airborne opponent. Tagging out quickly may take a bit a practice, but
should not be terribly difficult. You can quickly tag to your parter
after successfully hitting your opponent with a move (although there
are some exceptions to this rule).

After the character that started the juggle has tagged out, some delay
is required before tagging that character back in to continue the juggle
due to the recovery time of the juggle starter. In other words, if you
start a juggle with Kasumi and tag in Ayane, she cannot immediately
throw single punch and then tag back to Kasumi. Once you tag Kasumi
out, she has to recover from the move that she performed before she can
tag back in. So, Ayane has to throw out a couple of hits before she
tags back to Kasumi, and then Kasumi has to throw out a few moves of
her own before she can tag back to Ayane. So, you can see how it would
be possible to hit an airborne oppenent numerous times by tagging back
and forth between characters. Since your oppenent is falling down the
whole time, it's a little bit more difficult than that, but you get the
idea: do a move that knocks the opponent into the air, tag to your other
character for some more hits, tag your main character back in for more
damage, and so on. By doing this, you should be able to impress your
competition with 10+ hit air combos while simultaneously instilling
fear in them. Hopefully, all of this was actually coherent.

All juggles on this guide were performed on Ein and Jann-Lee, and some
of those were performed on every character for purposes of checking
weight classes. Also, these juggles were performed on the Danger Zone 2
or D Octagon stages since the terrain is perfectly level on those stages.
Feel free to send me your own DOA2 tag juggles, preferably ones from
teams that I have very little or nothing listed for.

/********************** UNDERSTANDING THIS GUIDE ***********************/

| Basics for the Oblivious and Clueless |

This guide is set up into one section for each character. Anytime that
you see a header like...

*/////////////////////// EIN ///////////////////////*

...this means that all of the following juggles are started with Ein.
Under such headers are little boxes like...

| with Helena |

...which means that these juggles are started with a move from Ein, and
he tags out to Helena. Simple enough???

| The Four Columns |

--- "Juggle" ---

Under each team listing, there are four different columns: "Juggle",
"Hits","Damage", and "Difficulty".

The "Juggle" column has juggles transcribed in it. The following is a
sample entry from the Ein/Helena team:

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> f,f+K,P,P 4 55/ 69/ 83 Easy
=> f,f+K,P => d/b+K,f+P,K 6 60/ 76/ 92 Medium #1

=> FC,d/f+P,P => d/b+K,P => FC,d/f+P,P => d/b+K 8 75/ 94/113 V. Hard

The "Juggle" column starts with 'u/f+P', a type of move that is reffered
to as a "Juggle Starter". All of the moves directly under the 'u/f+P'
that are indented with a single space are different moves that can be
performed after the initial "Juggle Starter". So, this listing shows
that you can perform 'u/f+P => f,f+K,P,P' or 'u/f+P => f,f+K,P =>
d/b+K,f+P,K'. The '=>' notation means to switch out characters. There
are a number of juggles that do not have a '=>' immediately after the
juggle starter. The 'b+K' is another juggle starter that Ein has up
his sleeve, and all moves listed right after it that are indented are
different follow-ups to this juggle starter.

--- "Hits" ---

The "Hits" column just tells you how many hits are in the juggle. So,
the first juggle listed in our example is only a 4 hit combo. There
are juggles with as many as 14 hits listed in this guide.

--- "Damage" ---

This column tells you how much damage a juggle does to your opponent. It
lists three different numbers, all separated by slashes. Let's look at
the last juggle in our sample above. The first number in the "Damage"
column tells us how much this juggle does on a normal hit. The second
number tells you how much damage it does on a Counter Blow, and the last
number indicates the damage done on a Hi Counter Blow. So, this
particular juggle does 75 damage on a normal hit, 94 damage on a Counter
Blow, and 113 damage on a Hi Counter Blow. Depending on your settings,
a character will have anywhere from 200 to 300 points of life. The most
damaging juggle in this guide does over 200 damage on a Hi Counter Blow.

If one of the numbers in this column has a '-' instead of a number, that
means that there is no damage value for it. Some juggles are only
possible if the first hit is a Counter Blow or Hi Counter Blow, meaning
that the juggle is not possible if the starter connects as a normal hit.
Therefore, the first number in the "Damage" column will be replaced with
a '-'.

--- "Difficulty" ---

"Difficulty", as the name might imply, tells you how difficult a juggle
is to perform. There are 4 difficulty ratings: 'Easy', 'Medium','Hard',
and 'Very Hard' (abbreviated 'V.Hard' for spacing reasons). I sometimes
have trouble assigning such a rating to a juggle, but my criteria for
difficulty goes something like this:

- EASY - Does not require any difficult button presses. There
is a large window during which the juggle is possible.
- MEDIUM - Might require some more difficult input motions. Any
tags performed should be done so with a fair amount of
speed. Most juggles will probably fall into this
- HARD - These juggles usually require some very good timing on
at least one of the tags or moves involved.
- V.HARD - Perfect timing is of the essence. You may have trouble
performing these consistantly.

Please note that I am still getting the feel for assigning difficulties
to juggles. If I have a juggle that you think is more (or less)
difficult to perform than what I have listed, feel free to tell me. If
I get a few emails about a particular juggle having an inappropriate
difficulty rating, I'll change it.

Now, look at the second juggle in our example (the one with the 'Medium'
difficulty). After it, there is something called a "Postnote". All
"Postnotes" for moves can be found in the "Difficulty" column. There
is a table below that explains the meaning of each Postnote symbol.

| Button Conventions |

P - punch K - kick
Free - free => - tag to partner

f - tap forward once d/f - tap down/forward once
b - tap backwards once d/b - tap down/back once
d - tap down once u/f - tap up/forward once
u - tap up once u/b - tap up/back once

F - Hold stick forward D/F - Hold stick down/forward
B - Hold stick back D/B - Hold stick down/back
D - Hold stick down U/F - Hold stick up/forward
U - Hold stick up U/B - Hold stick up/back

QCF - Quarter circle forward (Roll stick smoothly from down to forward)
QCB - Quarter circle back (Roll stick smoothly from down to back)
HCF - Half circle forward (Roll stick smoothly from back to down to forward)
HCB - Half circle back (Roll stick smoothly from forward to down to back)

| Linking / Special Conventions |

+ - Moves on each side of the '+' are done simultaneously
, - Moves separated by a ',' must be done right after each other
~ - Moves separated by a '~' must be done IMMEDIATELY after other
< - There is a slight pause before the move after the '<'. If the
'<' comes before a '=>', this means that you must see the
animation for the move preceeding the '<' before you are
able to tag in. Otherwise, a tag might not be possible.
# - Hold movement preceeding the '#' until end of string
... - Continued on the next line / Continued from preceding line

BK - Back facing the opponent
FC - Full Crouching position
WS - "While Standing" move (must be done during the animation where
a crouching character returns to the standing position. This
is different than a "While Getting Up" move).

CB - Counter Blow (Hitting your opponent during their move execution)
HiCB - Hi Counter Blow (Hitting your opponent during their throw execution)

[] - Brackets around moves mean that the hits are not part of the combo, but
are necessary to be thrown for the later juggling hit.

{} - Curved Brackets indicates an attack that misses in a juggle.

| Postnotes |

^ - An eyebrow raiser. These juggles will impress your audience.
! - Ends with a flying knockback, usually sending your oppenent
into the wall for some additional damage.
* - A new juggle that was recently added to the FAQ.
#x - See footnote x. For instance, #3 means "see footnote number 3".
&x - An old juggle that was recently corrected. The correction
will have a corresponding footnote explaining why the
listing needed correction. For instance, &1 means to see
correction footnote number 1.

*//////////////////////////////// AYANE ////////////////////////////////*

| with Kasumi |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> Free+K 2 56/ 70/ 84 Easy !
=> d/f,d/f+P, d+P => QCF+K 4 83/102/123 Medium ^!
=> d/f,d/f+P, d+P => f+K,K 5 87/107/130 Medium

CB u/b+K
=> u/f+P,K 2 - / 75/ 90 Easy
=> f,f+P, P,P,P,P 6 - / 90/109 Easy
=> f,f+P, P,P,u/b+K => b+P,d+K 7 - /115/140 Medium
=> f,f+P, P,P,u/b+K => f+K,K 7 - /116/141 Medium
=> d/f,d/f+P, d+P => P,P,f+P,P => P,P,u/b+K 10 - /131/157 Hard
=> d/f,d/f+P, d+P => P+K,P,u/b+K => P,P,f+P,K 10 - /135/161 Hard

| with Tina |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> f+P+K 2 57/ 71/ 86 Easy !

CB b+P
P,P,b+P,P,u/b+K => FC,d/f+P,P 8 - / 92/112 Hard ^

*///////////////////////////////// BASS ////////////////////////////////*

| with Tina |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> f,f+P,P,K 4 - / 83/101 Easy

=> f,f+P,P => f+K,P 5 73/ 90/110 Medium
=> f+P,P,K => f+P,P 6 84/104/126 Medium !

=> f,f+P,P,K 4 - / 83/101 Medium

CB d/f+P+K (& #c1)
=> f+P,P,K => d/f+P+K,P 6 - /100/120 Medium #1

=> f+P,P,K => b+P+K 5 75/ 93/112 Easy
=> f+P,P,K => f,f+K 5 81/100/121 Easy !
=> f+P,P,K => f,f+P+K 5 78/ 96/116 Medium
=> f+P,P,K => b+P,P,P+K 7 89/110/133 Medium !

CB d/f,d/f+P
=> f,f+P+K 2 - / 74/ 89 Easy
=> u/f+K, f+P+K 3 - / 80/ 97 Easy
d/f,d/f+P => FC d/f+P,P 4 - / 83/102 Medium
=> u/f+P,K => b+P,P,P+K 6 - /103/125 Medium !
=> f+K, f+P,P,d+K 5 - / 97/118 Hard

#1 - This juggle only works on Very Light characters. The 'd/f+P+K' at the
end of the juggle will connect on light characters easily, but
the 'P' following it will never hit. Also, it is possible, but very
hard, to get the 'd/f+P+K' at the end to connect on Normal or Heavy
sized characters.

*///////////////////////////////// BAYMAN //////////////////////////////*

| with Hayabusa |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> P,P,b+P => QCF+K 5 - / 74/ 88 Easy !
FC,b+K, Free+K 3 - / 68/ 82 Medium
=> f+P,P,P 6 - / 87/107 Hard !

=> P,P,K,K,K 6 73/ 90/109 Easy

*///////////////////////////////// EIN /////////////////////////////////*

| with Bass |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> b+P+K 2 49/ 60/ 73 Easy !
=> f,f+P+K 2 52/ 64/ 78 Easy
=> f+K,P 3 60/ 74/ 89 Easy
d/f+P => f+K,P 4 62/ 76/ 93 Easy
b+K => f+K,P 4 66/ 81/ 99 Easy
=> b+P,P,P+K 4 69/ 85/103 Easy !
=> d/f+P, P,P,P 5 73/ 89/109 Easy
d/b+K,P => d/f,d/f+P 4 63/ 77/ 94 Medium
=> d/f+P, d/f,d/f+P => f+P+K 4 69/ 84/103 Medium !
=> u+K, P+K => d/b+K,f+P,K 6 84/104/126 Medium

| with Helena |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> f,f+K,P,P 4 55/ 69/ 83 Easy
=> => f,f+K,P => d/b+K,f+P,K 6 60/ 76/ 92 Medium #1
=> FC,d/f+P,P => P,P,f+P,K 7 68/ 86/104 Medium

=> FC,d/f+P,P => d/b+K,P => FC,d/f+P,P => d/b+K 8 75/ 94/113 V. Hard

=> FC,d/f+P,P => d/b+K,f+P,K 6 66/ 83/100 V. Hard

#1 - This juggle requires perfect timing (ie. Very Hard) if the initial hit
is a Counter Blow or Hi Counter Blow.

*///////////////////////////////// GEN-FU //////////////////////////////*

| with Jann-Lee |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
CB u+K
=> f+K,b,f+K 3 - / 72/ 87 Easy !
=> d/f+K,K 3 - / 70/ 85 Medium

CB f+K
=> P+K 2 - / 51/ 62 Easy !

CB u/b+K
=> P,P,P,K 5 - / 90/108 Easy

CB u+P
f+P,P => u/f+K,K 5 - / 62/ 75 Easy

=> P,P,P,d+K 5 53/ 65/ 78 Easy
=> b+K,K 3 50/ 62/ 75 Medium

CB u/f+P
=> P,d+P,P => D/F+P 5 - / 71/ 86 Medium

CB d+P+K (#1)
=> P,P,P,f+P 6 - /102/121 Easy

CB d/b+P+K
=> u/b+P,P,P,f+P 5 - / 87/104 Easy

CB Free+K
=> QCF+K 2 - / 69/ 83 Easy
=> P,d+P,P => f+P,P,P+K 7 - / 95/116 Hard

< => QCF+K 2 62/ 70/ 79 Medium ^

#1 - Gen-Fu's 'd+P+K' looks like one hit, but registers as 2.

*//////////////////////////////// HAYABUSA /////////////////////////////*

| with Helena |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> P,P,d+K 4 49/ 57/ 70 Easy
=> b+P,P,P 4 55/ 68/ 82 Medium
=> FC d/f+P,P => f+P,K,K 6 72/ 89/110 Medium

CB u+K
=> f+P,P 2 - / 60/ 73 Easy
=> u+P, d/f+P,P => FC,b+K, P+K 6 - / 92/112 Medium

=> FC,d/f+P,P => Free+K,K,K 6 75/ 93/111 Easy
=> d+P+K~f+P,P,K => u+K,K 6 71/ 87/105 Hard

=> u+K, f+P,P,K => u+K,K 7 - /100/121 Medium ^

=> b,b+P,P,d+P 4 52/ 65/ 79 Medium

| with Zack |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> f+P+K 3 64/ 80/ 96 Easy
=> P,K,K 4 72/ 89/107 Easy
=> f+K,K => P,P,b+P,f+P 7 85/107/129 Medium #1
=> f+k,K => P,P,K,K,K 8 87/109/131 Medium #1
=> P,P,f+P,P => P,P,b+P,K 9 91/113/138 Medium

=> f+K,K => f+P,K,K 6 72/ 89/110 Medium
=> FC+K,P,D#+K,K,K 6 52/ 63/ 77 V.Hard #2

CB u+K
=> QCF+P,K 3 - / 64/ 78 Easy
u+P => d/f,d/f+K.K 4 - / 68/ 81 Medium
P,P,b+P => P,P,f+P,P => u+K,K 10 - / 93/113 Medium ^

=> D/F#+P,P 3 55/ 67/ 82 Easy

CB u/f+K
=> FC+K,P,D#+K,K,K 6 - / 74/ 90 Easy

K => f+K,K => u+K,K 6 66/ - / - Medium

CB f+K
=> d/f,d/f+P,f+P 3 - / 64/ 78 Medium

=> P,P,f+K => P,P,b+P,f+P 8 - / 92/113 Easy
=> b+P, d/f+P+K => FC,b+K, K,K 6 - /102/124 Medium
=> u/b+P,P,f+P,P => u+P, u/b+K 7 - / 90/112 Medium
=> d/f+P, P,P,f+P,P => d/f+P+K,K 8 - / 97/119 Medium
=> b+P, P,P,f+P,P => FC,b+K, K,K 9 - /110/135 Medium
=> P,P,f+P,P => b+P+K 6 - / 83/102 Hard
=> f,f+K, f+K,K => u/b+k 5 - /100/122 V.Hard ^

CB u+P
=> f+K,K => D/B+P,K 5 - / 69/ 85 Easy

=> P,P,P,K 5 64/ 79/ 96 Easy
=> FC+K,P,f+P,K 5 58/ 72/ 88 Medium

=> f+P+K< => FC,b+K, K,K 6 - / 94/114 Hard

=> b+P, Free+K 3 - / 78/ 94 Easy

CB d/f+P+K
P,P,b+P => f+K,K => P,P,b+P,f+P 10 - / 87/106 Medium

#1 - Sometimes after tagging out with the 'u/b+K', Zack will be slightly
off axis when performing his 'f+K,K', making the juggle impossible.
#2 - 'Easy' difficulty on a Counter Blow.

*//////////////////////////////// HELENA ///////////////////////////////*

| with Ein |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> d/b+K,P => P,P,B+P,P 7 65/ - / - Easy #1#2
=> d/b+K,P => b+P,P,P 6 65/ - / - Medium #2

CB b+K
=> f+K,K => f+P+K 4 - / 70/ 84 Medium
=> d/f+P, d/b+K,P => D/F+P,P => d/b+K 7 - / 82/101 Medium
=> d/f+K,K => D/F+P,P => P,P,f+P,K 9 - / 91/110 Medium
=> d/f+K,K => P+K,P+K 5 - / 77/ 93 Hard

CB u+K
b+P,K => P,P,f+P,K 7 - / 75/ 92 Easy

CB u+P
=> d/b+K,P => f+P,P 5 - / 63/ 78 V.Hard

#1 - Only works on Very Light characters
#2 - Not possible on a Counter Blow or Hi Counter Blow

*/////////////////////////////// JANN-LEE //////////////////////////////*

| with Ein |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
CB [P],K
=> ~f,f+K,K,K 4 - / 79/ 96 Medium

CB u/f+K
=> => b+Free+K, P 3 - / 66/ 81 Easy ^!
=> u/f+K, F+K,K 4 - / 77/ 93 Easy
=> f,f+K, P,P,f+P,K 6 - / 80/ 96 Medium
=> P,P,P,d+K 7 - / 76/ 93 Medium
=> d/b+P 4 - / 64/ 78 Hard
=> u/f+K, d/f+P => f+P,d+K 5 - / 71/ 88 Hard
=> f+P,d+K 6 - / 67/ 82 Hard

CB u/b+K
=> P+K,f+P 3 - / 76/ 91 Easy !
=> b+P,P,P 4 - / 61/ 74 Easy
=> P,P,f+P,K 5 - / 68/ 81 Easy
=> P,P,f+P => u/f+K,K 6 - / 73/ 88 Medium

CB f+Free+K
=> f+P+K 2 - / 57/ 69 Medium
=> d/b+K,f+P,K 4 - / 77/ 93 Medium

*//////////////////////////////// KASUMI ///////////////////////////////*

| with Ayane |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
CB f+K
K => d/f+P 3 - / 55/ 67 Medium

CB u+K
=> P,K 3 - / 52/ 62 Easy
=> b+P
=> P,P,f+P,P => u/b+K 6 77/ 94/114 Medium

| with Lei-Fang |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> d/f,d/f+P,P+K 3 72/ 89/108 Medium

CB u/b+K
=> u+P, u+P, d/f+K,P+K 5 - /114/137 Medium
=> u+P, u+P, D/F#P,P,P 6 - /118/142 Medium
=> u+P, u+P, D/F#P,P,P+K 6 - /123/149 Medium
=> b+P,P, d/f+K 4 - / 99/119 Hard #2#3
=> u/b+P,P,f+P,K => P,P,u/b+K => D/B+K,K 10 - /142/171 Hard #2
=> P,P,b+P,P => P,P,u/b+K => P,K,K 11 - /138/166 Hard #2
=> u+P, u+P, d/f+P,P,f+P,K => P,P,f+P,K 11 - /153/185 V.Hard
=> P,P,f+P,K => P,P,u/b+K => P,P,f+P,K => u/b+K 13 - /147/178 V.Hard
=> u+P, P,P,f+P,K => P,P,u/b+K => P,P,f+P,K 13 - /149/180 V.Hard
=> u+P, d/f+P,P,f+P,K => P,P,u/b+K => ...
...d/f+P,P,f+P,K => u/b+K 14 - /167/203 V.Hard ^#1

CB u+K
P,P,u/b+K => P,P,f+P,K => u/b+K 9 - /104/127 V.Hard

CB d/f,d/f+P
d+P => QCF+P 3 - / 64/ 77 Easy

#1 - This is the most damaging juggle that I have found so far in DOA2.
Also keep in mind that a lifebar ranges from 200 (Smallest) to
300 (Largest) points. The 'u/b+K' at the very end of the juggle
only works on Very Light characters and Zack (I don't know why,
but it works on Zack for some reason). However, a simple 'u+K'
or 'd+K' will work on a Light or Normal weight character, but
doesn't do as much damage as the 'u/b+K', nor is it as impressive
#2 - This juggle only works on Very Light characters.
#3 - Also works on Light characters.

*//////////////////////////////// LEI-FANG /////////////////////////////*

| with Kasumi |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
f+P,K => P,P,u/b+K => b,f+P 8 - /116/139 Hard #1

=> P,P,u/b+K => d/f+K,P+K 6 99/114/127 Medium

CB d+P+K
=> P,P,f+K => P,P,K,K 8 - /112/124 Easy
=> P,P,u/b+K => P,P,f+P,K< => P,P,u/b+K => b,f+P 12 - /140,158 V.Hard

CB u+K
P,P,K => P,P,u/b+K => d/f+K 8 - / 88/107 Medium

CB u/f+K
=> P,P,u/b+K => u/f+k,k 6 - / 81/ 99 Easy
=> P,P,u/b+K => b+K,K,d+K 7 - / 88/106 Hard

CB f+K
=> P,P,u/b+K => P,P,f+P,K< => u/b+K 9 - /103/126 Hard

CB f,f+K
f+P,K => f,f+P,d+K 5 - / 83/101 Hard
=> P,P,u/b+K => P,P,f+P,K< => P,P,u/b+K => d/f+K 12 - /124/146 Hard

#1 - This juggle only works on Very Light characters and Zack.

| with Leon |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> b+P,f+K => b+K,K,d+K 7 - /113/135 Medium
=> b+P,f+K => u+P, u/f+K,K 7 - /113/137 Medium

=> b+K 2 67/ 74/ 78 Easy
=> f+P,P,P 4 82/ 93/100 Easy !

CB d+P+K
=> f+P+K 2 - / 84/ 89 Easy !

CB f+K
=> b+P,f+K => P,P,d+K 6 - / 79/ 96 Medium
=> b+P,f+K => f+P,K => b,f+P 6 - / 89/107 Hard !

CB f,f+K
=> P,P,d/b+P => d/f+K,P+K 6 - / 99/121 Medium
=> K,P 3 - / 75/ 90 Hard ^

*////////////////////////////////// LEON ///////////////////////////////*

| with Gen-Fu |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
CB [u+P],P
=> u/f+K,d+K 3 - / 67/ 81 Easy

CB u+K
=> d/f+P+K 2 - / 62/ 75 Medium !

=> f+P,P,P+K 4 74/ 92/110 Easy !

=> b+P,f+P,P+K 4 70/ - / - Easy !

=> b,b+P,f+P,P+K 4 - / 86/104 Medium !

=> f+P,P => f+P,K 5 68/ 84/101 Medium

=> b+P+K, d+P+K, b,f+P 4 - / 94/114 Medium !
P,P,d/b+P => f+P,P,P+K 7 - /105/129 Medium !
=> b+P+K, d/f+K,P,b,f+P 5 - /113/136 Medium ^!

*///////////////////////////////// TENGU ///////////////////////////////*

| with Zack |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
u/b+K => P,P,f+P,P => QCF+K 7 66/ 81/ 99 Medium !
=> u/b+P,P,f+P,P => u/b+K,P 7 77/ 95/117 Medium ^!
=> b+P, P,P,f+P,P => P,P,K 9 90/111/134 Medium

CB Free+K
=> u+K, f+K,K => Free+K 5 - / 91/110 Easy

*////////////////////////////////// TINA ///////////////////////////////*

| with Ayane |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
=> f+K,K 3 55/ 68/ 82 Medium #1

CB f+K
f+P,P,K => QCF+K 5 - / 91/110 Easy

CB u/f+K
=> P,P,f+P,P => f+P,P,K 8 - /105/129 Hard

CB Free+K
=> P,P,f+P,P => b,f+P 6 - / 99/120 Medium

CB d/f,d/f+P
=> f,f+P,f+K 3 - / 59/ 71 Medium
=> P,P,f+P,P => f+P,P,d+K 8 - / 97/118 Medium
=> P+K,P,u/b+K => f,f+P,P,K 7 - /104/127 Medium

#1 - Easy on a Counter Blow or Hi Counter Blow

*///////////////////////////////// ZACK ////////////////////////////////*

| with Tina |

Juggle Hits Damage Difficulty
------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------
CB f,f+K
=> f,f+P+K 2 - / 74/ 89 Easy !
f+K,K => f+Free+K 4 - / 86/103 Easy
=> f,f+P,P => f+P,P 5 - / 89/108 Easy
f+K,K => f+K,P 5 - / 96/116 Easy
=> u/f+K, f,f+P,P,K 5 - /105/127 Easy
f+P+K => FC d/f+P,P 4 - / 77/ 94 Medium #1
=> b,b+Free+K, b,f+P 3 - / 88/106 Medium !
f+K,K => f+P,P,K => f+K,K => f+P,P,d+K 11 - /123/152 Hard
f+K,K => f+P,P,K => P,P,f+P,P => FC d/f+P,P 12 - /123/150 Hard ^
=> f+P,P,K => P,P,f+P,P => f+P,P,K => D/F#+P,P 13 - /129/157 Hard
d/f,d/f+K => f+P,P,K => d/f,d/f+K,K 7 - /102/126 V.Hard ^

#1 - Tagging cancels the 2nd hit of the 'f+P+K'

/******************************* CREDITS *******************************/

This FAQ was largely inspired by Catlord's combo FAQ for Tekken Tag,
which is an absolutely amazing piece of work and a must read for
any Tekken player. The basic layout of this document and some of the
postnote notations are Catlord's, and I give him full credit. The
conventions used for this guide are a modification of the standard
Tekken conventions that were originally developed by LukeJedi, and
he deserves an enourmous amount of credit for putting together an
incredible notation set.

DOA, DOA2, DOA2:Hardcore and all characters contained within are
the property of Tecmo Inc., and have been used here with permission.

/***************************** FAQ HISTORY *****************************/

Version 1.00 (11/08/01)
- Initial public release sent to GameFaqs
- Current Total: 184 tag juggles
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17.Октябрь 2013
Tag Juggle Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die japanischeese NTSC Version.

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Hardcore Kasumi Move List

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Hardcore Miscellaneous Guide

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Hardcore Character Guide Jann Lee

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Tag Teaming

14.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Lei Fang

16.Октябрь 2013
First FAQ

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Hardcore Lei Fang

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Tina Move List

15.Октябрь 2013
Ryu Move List

14.Октябрь 2013
Kasumi Combo

14.Октябрь 2013
Jann Lee

15.Октябрь 2013
Helena Move

16.Октябрь 2013
Hayabusa Combo

17.Октябрь 2013
Gen Fu Move

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Full Move List

15.Октябрь 2013
Exciter Lyrics

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ein Combo

14.Октябрь 2013
Combo File

15.Октябрь 2013
Bass Move List

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Basic FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Ayane Move

15.Октябрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018