Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2

15.10.2013 14:50:47
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d:::::d 2222222 2:::::2
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d::::::::::::::::d o:::::::::::::::o aaaaaaaaa:::::a 2222::::2
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ddddddddd ddddd ooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaa aaaa22222222222222222222

The 'Dead or Alive 2 First FAQ' - By Big Cat (Jon Tanaka)
_____ - Assisted by al-x (Alex Ambroziak)
_/ ____\____ - Updates available at
\ __\/ \ - Version 1.0b (3rd January 2000)
| | | | \
|__| |___| /

Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------

Please feel free to distribute this text document freely with the following

- It will not be used by any commercial organization for profit without
the consent of it's writer and/or Fighters.Net (email

We have, and WILL, take legal action; the author has worked weeks to document,

translate and write this FAQ.
- It will be kept in its entirety, and individual parts of this document will

not be used without the writer's consent.

Print this FAQ in a fixed width font (eg. Courier). If this Faq has been
printed correctly, the following numbers and periods will be aligned


If you would like to add anything to this FAQ, or comment on it, please

Mr. Tanaka will receive your comments and add you contributions with full

Now on to the good stuff =) .....

This is all, of course, probably going to be discussed
again, but here goes anyhow:

- Helena has no move names yet, reason being that
they're a total bitch to translate. I think it will
take me about two to three hours of solid time to do
it, and I really don't feel like it right now.
- Not all the tag throws have been given names yet
- Not all characters have their secondary partner(s?!)
- Some moves should be re-translated by a native
speaker (eg. "The Gold Chicken Stands Alone"), or to
fully Englis names
- Missing Ayane's wall throw stats (ie. front or back)
as well as Leon's, on his qcf+S+P
- Don't know if i got all of the Catch throws
- Nothing for big, bad-ass MoFo end boss type guy in
the way of moves

Move Conventions

~ - Immediately after
, - After
> - Delayed after

(AoP) - From Art of Phoenix Stance (Helena only)
(back) - With back facing opponent
(rising) - While getting up from any prone position
(FU/FT) - Prone, face up, feet towards
(FU/FA) - Prone, face up, feet away
(FD/FT) - Prone, face down, feet towards
(FD/FA) - Prone, face down, feet away
(jump) - While descending from jump

H - High Attack - Can be blocked high, or ducked
H! - High Power - Can only be ducked
M - Mid Attack - Can only be blocked standing
M/G - Mid/Ground - Also hits grounded opponents
L - Low Attack - Can only be blocked ducking
TA - Character shows back after move

Standing Throw - Used on a standing opponent
"Catch" - Standing throw with execution time
"Low" - Used on a crouching opponent
"Back" - Used on a standing opponent, facing their back
Multithrow - Used immediately after the previous throw when
the words "Combo Throw" appear on the screen
(2) - Second Multipart, following initial throw
(3) - Third Multipart, following 2nd Multipart
(x) - Initial Replacement, damage replaces inital throw
(2x) - Multi Replacement, damage replaces 2nd Multipart
"Wall (f)" - Wall throw, used with wall at your front
"Wall (b)" - Wall throw, used with wall at your back

Eg. a "Back Wall (b) Throw" indicates that the opponent must be thrown
from behind, with the wall behind you.

"Down" Catch/Attack - May only be executed when opponent is prone

Characters -------------------------------------------------------------

The following are the moves for each character listed in alphabetical order.

Ayane ------------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Ein
Secondary Partner: ??

Basic Arts
Supreme Edge P H 10
Wind Murder Knife d/f+P M 20
Earth Edge d+P L 5
Supreme Heaven Kick K H 27
Flash People's Kick d/f+K M 24
Flowing Dust Kick d+K L 10

Front Arc Sky Murder u/f~P M 15
Front Arc Sky Kick u/f~K M 30
Front Dbl Earth Mount u/f,P M 25
Frt. Supreme Earth Kick u/f,K M 22
Arcing Sky Murder u~P M 15
Arcing Sky Kick u~K M 30
Double Earth Mount u,P M 25
Supreme Earth Kick u,K L 25
Back Spinning Dust u/b,P M 23
Back Landing Wolf Lance u/b,K L 25

Rising Illusion Lance (FU/FA) S+K M 40

Supreme Edge P H 10
Combo Edge PP (HH) 10,10
God's Double Mount PPP (HH)M 10,10,20
Edge - Heaven's Kick PPK (HH)H 10,10,27
Edge - Combo Kick PPKK (HH)HH 10,10,27,27
Edge - Wave Needle PP,f+P (HH)M 10,10,22
Edge - Shadow Claw PP,f+PP (HH)MM 10,10,22,28
Supreme Heaven Kick PK HH 10,25
Wave Needle f+P M 22
Shadow Claw f+PP MM 22,28
Dbl Mount Destruction ff+P M 25
Double Supreme Kick ff+P,f+K MM 25,22
Wind Murder Knife d/f+P M 20
W. Murder Dragon Wheel d/f+P,b+P MM 20,23
Earth & Thunder Thrust d/f,d/f+P L 18
Earth & Thunder Blaze d/f,d/f+P,D+K LL 18,25
Spinning Nishi Knife b+P M 23
SN. Rev. People's Kick b+PK MH 23,28
SN. Flying Eagle Kick b+P>K MH 23,35
SN. Rev. Earth Kick b+P,d+K ML 23,25
SN. Flying Swallow K b+P>d+K ML 23,30
Floating Heaven's Edge u/f+P H 12
One-Two Stab u/f+PP (HH) 12,10
Wind Spirit Dbl Mount u/f+PPP (HH)M 12,10,20
Wind Spirit Kick u/f+PK HH 12,28
W. Spirit Heaven Kick u/f+PKK HHH 12,28,22
Gleaming Saber of Light d/b+P L 18
Dust Kick D/B+PK LL 18,25
Supreme Heaven Kick K H 27
Combo Heaven Kick KK HH 27,22
Swift Thunder Kick f+K M 26
Thunder - Dragon Lance f+KK MH 26,25
Thunder - Wolf Lance f+K,d+K ML 26,22
Blue Heaven Kick u+K H 25
Dragontail Fan Splitter u/f+K M 45
Autumn Moon Wheel u/b+K M 40
Hatchet Spirit Kick b+K M 28
Splitting Heaven Kick S+K H 35
Splitting Earth Kick d/f+S+K M 30
Wolf Lance Kick d+S+K L 25
Comet Murder P+K H 24
Comet - Supreme Edge P+K,P (HH) 24,15
Comet - God's Attack P+K,PP (HH)H 24,15,25
Comet - Dust Splitter P+K,PK (HH)H 24,15,55
Comet - God Splitter P+K,P,u/b+K (HH)M 24,15,30
Comet - God Kick P+K,P,d+K (HH)L 24,15,25
Illusion Lance qcf+K M 38
Dust Splitter qcf+S+K H 55
Victory Thread Kick b+S+K M 32

Back Turned Techniques (all from (back))
Silken Edge P H 10
Back Shadow Arc d+P M 28
Back Earth Edge D+P L 12
Back Heaven's Kick K H 30
Back People's Kick d+K M 25
Back Earth Kick D+K L 25
(back) Px Combos
Back Combo Edge PP (HH) 10,10
Silk-Double Mount PPP (HH)M 10,10,20
Silk-Comet Murder PP,b+P (HH)H 10,10,15
Silk-Comet Rend PP,b+PP (HH)(HH) 10,10,15,12
Silk-Comet Attack PP,b+PPP (HH)(HH)H 10,10,15,12,20
Silk-Dust Splitter PP,b+PPK (HH)(HH)H 10,10,15,12,55
Silk-Comet Splitter PP,b+PP,u/b+K (HH)(HH)M 10,10,15,12,30
Silk-God Kick PP,b+PP,d+K (HH)(HH)L 10,10,15,12,25
Silk-Rising Attack PP,f+P (HH)M 10,10,20
Silk-Rev. People's K PP,f+PK (HH)MH 10,10,20,28
Silk-Flying Eagle PP,f+P>K (HH)MH 10,10,20,30
Silk-Rev. Earth Kick PP,f+P,d+K (HH)ML 10,10,20,25
Silk-Flying Swallow PP,f+P>d+K (HH)ML 10,10,20,30
Silk-Light Saber PP,d/b+P (HH)L 10,10,18
Silk-Dust Kick PP,D/B+PK (HH)LL 10,10,18,25
Wind Rite u+K M 35
Phantom Moon Wheel u/b+K M 40
Balance Wheel Knife b+P H 20
BWK - Supreme Edge b+PP (HH) 20,15
BWK - God's Attack b+PPP (HH)H 20,15,25
BWK - Dust Splitter b+PPK (HH)H 20,15,55
BWK - God Splitter b+PP,u/b+K (HH)M 20,15,30
BWK - God Kick b+PP,d+K (HH)L 20,15,25
Lonesome Light Saber d/b+P L 18
Lonesome Dust Kick D/B+PK LL 18,25
Circle Flying Wheel u/b+P M 24
Circle Flash Kick d+S+K L 30
Empty Sky Lance S+K M 43

Crimson Leaf Crumbler S+P Standing Throw 40
God's Circle Dance f+S+P Standing Throw 42
Light Circle Dance f+S+P Wall (?) Throw 52
Mist Illusion b+S+P Standing Throw 0
Peach Blossom Fan b,f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 52
Plum Blossom Fan b,f+S+P Wall (?) Throw 30+30
Avalanch Wheel ff+S+P Standing Throw 48
Ice Pillar Drop >u+S+P Multithrow (2) >20
Dreams of Butterflies qcf+S+P Standing Throw 20+35
Dreams of Chaos qcb+S+P Standing Throw 60
Wandering Sword (back) S+P Standing Throw 20+23
Dark Raven (back) f+S+P Standing Throw 58
Flowing Sand Drop S+P Back Throw 52
Disturbing the Tea Bush f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 55
Reverse Dark Raven (back) f+S+P Back Throw 58
Instant Drop d+S+P Low Throw 55
God Hiding in the Night d/b+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 55
Sharp Cut (back) d+S+P Low Throw 62
Dream Wheel d+S+P Low Back Throw 57
Heaven's Battle Dance d/b+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 40+20

Twilight Spirit f,u+S vs. H Punch 58
Ring of Ice f,u+S vs. H Kick 58
Spinning Thread f,b+S vs. M Punch 58
Wind's Battle Dance b,f+S vs. M Kick 30+15
The Withering Trees f,d+S vs. L Punch 40+18
Stairway to Heaven f,d+S vs. L Kick 58

Mist of Ice Crystals u+P+K Down Attack 20
Tile Splitter d+P Down Attack 10

Special Moves
Appeal: Warasewaruwane bfb+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal: Baka Mitai dd+S+P+K Taunt 0
Treason u+P Movement 0
Moonsault u/b+P
or (back) u/f Movement 0
Billows of Wind (back) f,f Movement 0
Revolving Winds (back) f,F Movement 0
>Combination of Winds (back) F Movement 0
Mountain Wind (back) d/f Movement 0
Mountain Wind's Frost (back) D/F Movement 0
Mountain Wind's Current (back) d/f,B Movement 0
Mountain Frost Current (back) d/f,D/B Movement 0

Tag Throws
Wind Dance - Tower Kick (t/Ein) ff+ALL
Double Roundhouse (f/Ein) ff+ALL
?? (f/anyone but Ein) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Bass -------------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Tina
Secondary Partner: Leon

Basic Arts
Palm Jab P H 12
Elbow Smash d/f+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 30
Front Kick d/f+K M 26
Low Kick d+K L 12

Swing Palm (back) P H 13
Round Back Knuckle (back) d+P M 15
Swing Low Palm (back) D+P L 10
Round High Kick (back) K H 30
Round Middle Kick (back) d+K M 28
Round Low Kick (back) D+K L 25
Toras Kick (back) b+K H 35
TA Round Muscle Elbow (back) P+K [MM] [28,15]

Front Air Knuckle u/f~P M 15
Front Bronco Kick u/f~K M 35
Front Neck Shoto u/f,P H 30
Front Leg Break u/f,K L 20
Jumping Knuckle u~P M 15
Bronco Kick u~K M 30
Neck Shoto u,P H 30
Jumping Leg Break u,K L 20
Back Neck Shoto u/b,P H 30
Back Leg Break u/b,K L 20

Rising Low Drop Kick (FU/FT) D+S+K L 25

Basic Arts
Px Combos from Palm Jab or Swing Palm
Double Palm PP (HH) ??,12
Combo Gong PPP (HH)M ??,12,32
Combo Hammer PP,d+P (HH)L ??,12,26
Combo High Kick PPK (HH)H ??,12,33
Jab - Front Kick PK HM ??,26
Combo Kick Rush PKK HMH ??,26,30
Body Hook f+P M 24
Wild Swing f+PP MM 24,33
Hell Strike P+K H 30
Elbow Bat u/f+P H 27
Elbow Rush u/f+PP HM 27,30
Texas Chop b+P M 16
Shoto Gun Chop b+PP (MM) 16,18
Stun Gun Chop b+PP,P+K (MM)M 35
Proton Hammer d/b+P L 26
Power Going d/b+PP LM 26,32
Knee Lift f+K M 26
Knee Hammer f+KP MM 26,25
Jumping High Kick u+K H 34
Smash Going ff+P M 32
Bear Crash d/f+P+K M 30
Bear Scissors d/f+P+K,P MM 30,28
Front Kick d/f+K M 26
Kick Crash d/f+KK MH 26,33
One-Hand Hammer u+P M 25
Buffalo Crash d/f,d/f+P M 35
Drop Kick qcf+K M 40
Flying Cross Chop ff+P+K M 35
Kenka Kick ff+K M - TA 45
Mongolian Chop u/b+P M 27
Hell Scissors u/b+PP MM 27,28
Rolling Axe bf+P M 32
Bass Lariat f+P+K H 38
Front Roll Kick f+S+K M 32
Leg Break d/b+K L 18
Low Drop Kick d+S+K L 25
Muscle Elbow b+P+K [MM] - TA [28,15]
Appeal: Burning Soul d+P+K Taunt 0
Axe Bomber d+P+K,P+K H! 55

Falcon Arrow S+P Standing Throw 45
One Foot Headbutt d/f+S+P Standing Throw 43
or d/f+S+P Back Throw 43
Ferocious Bull Headbutt d/f+S+P Wall (f) Throw 20+35
Waterwheel Drop b+S+P Standing Throw 42
Bear Press b+S+P Wall (b) Throw 20+35
Bass Tornado f+S+P Standing Throw 48
Flying Body Scissors u+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 50
Dynamite Lariat b,f+S+P Standing Throw 55
Atomic Hammer Crash b,f+S+P Wall (b) Throw 65
Powerslam ff+S+P Standing Throw 45
>Oklahoma Stampede f+S+P Multithrow (2) >25
Kitchen Sink qcb+S+P Standing Throw 45
>Stretch Plum d+S+P Multithrow (2) >25
>>Manhattan Drop d,u+S+P Multithrow (3) >>35
Superfreak Powerbomb hcf+S+P Standing Throw 68
T.F.B.B. D,f,b+S+P Standing Throw 80
T.F.B.C. D,f,b+S+P Wall (f) Throw 90
Escape Back (back) S+P Standing Throw 0
Dangerous Back Drop S+P Back Throw 55
Locomotion Backdrop S+P Back Wall (b) 35+30
Argentine Backbreaker b+S+P Back Throw 20+20+20
Reverse Powerbomb u+S+P
or b,f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 64
Atomic Drop ff+S+P Back Throw 52
>Face Crusher f+S+P Multithrow (2) 30
Iron Claw hcf+S+P Back Throw 50
>Grizzly Launcher dd+S+P Multithrow (2) 8+8+8+8+8+15
>Grizzly Crush dd+S+P M (2) Wall (b) 8+8+8+8+8+25
Bass Bomb d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 58
Spiral Bomb d/b+S+P Low Throw 10+55
Double Arm DDT d/f,d/f+S+P Low Throw 70
Calf Branding d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 70

Half Neck Suplex f,u+S vs. H Punch 30+33
Rolling Senton f,u+S vs. H Kick 30+33
Shoulder Throw f,b+S vs. M Punch 63
Spine Buster b,f+S vs. M Kick 45
>Jurassic Trailer bb+S Multihold (2) >25
Guillotine Drop f,d+S vs. L Punch 28+35
Giant Hammer Throw f,d+S vs. L Punch 63

Double Knee Drop u+P+K Down Attack 22
Stomping d+K Down Attack 12

Special Moves
Appeal: "I love Tina" bfb+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal: "Showtime" dd+S+P+K Taunt 0

Tag Throws
Dbl Armstrong Buster (f/Tina) ff+ALL
Spike Tombstone (t/Tina) ff+ALL
Arm Lock - Legdrop (f/Leon) ff+ALL
Double Lariat (f/Tina) qcf+ALL
Iron Claw - Skytwister (t/Tina) qcf+ALL
Tag Powerslam (f/anyone but Tina/Leon) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL
>Tag Oklahoma Stampede f+S+P

Ein --------------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Ayane
Secondary Partner: ??

Basic Arts
Strike of Order P H 10
Rising Strike d/f+P M 20
Low Strike d+P L 5
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Front Kick d/f+K M 20
Low Kick d+K L 10

Turning Fist of Truth (back) P H 35
Rounded Reverse Punch (back) d+P M 38
Turning Low Punch (back) D+P L 13
Reverse Back Kick (back) K H 30
Turning Heel Drop (back) d+K M 27
Turning Low Heel Sword (back) D+K L 15
Jumping Back Kick (back) u+K M 30

Front Jump Strike u/f~P M 51
Front Jump Kick u/f~K M 30
Front Jump Dbl Strike u/f,P [HM] [20,20]
Front Jump Water Kick u/f,K L 25
Jumping Strike u~P M 15
Jumping Kick u~K M 30
Jumping Double Strike u,P [HM] [20,20]
Jumping Water Kick u,K L 25
Back Jump Dbl Strike u/b,P M 45
Back Jump Water Kick u/b,K L 25

Hilt Strike f+P M 24
My Wife bf+P H 42
Double Fist Strike f+P+K [HM] [20,20]
Dusty Wind qcf+P M 45
Clogging Strike u+P M 20
Ice Splitter u/b+P H 38
Rising Elbow Strike u/f+P M 25
Thunder Warrior u/f+PK MH 25,30
Strike of Order P H 10
Combo Punch PP (HH) 10,10
Wind Combo PPP (HH)M 10,10,25
Claw Combo PP,f+P (HH)H 10,10,16
Bull Reining Combo PP,f+PP (HH)HM 10,10,16,18
Fog Chime PP,f+PK (HH)HM 10,10,16,25
Falling Light PP,f+P,d+K (HH)HL 10,10,16,22
Combo - Roundhouse PPK (HH)H 10,10,25
Combo - Combo Kick PPKK (HH)HM 10,10,25,27
Combo - Low Kick PP,d+K (HH)L 10,10,10
Scarlet Sparrow PP,d+KK (HH)LH 10,10,10,32
Dragon Tail PP,D+KK (HH)LL 10,10,10,24
Punch - Roundhouse PK HH 10,25
Punch - Combo Kick PKK HHM 10,25,27
Claw Hand ff+P H 16
Bull Rein ff+PP HM 16,18
Claw Hand - Sidekick ff+PK HM 16,25
Claw Hand - Water Kick ff+P,d+K HL 16,25
Iron Hammer b+P H 15
IH - Low Heel Sword b+P,d+K HL 15,15
Heavenly Shores b+P,d+KP HLM 15,15,20
Iron Hammer Combo b+PP (HH) 15,15
Purple Haze b+PPP (HH)M 15,15,20
Fuumon b+PP,d+K (HH)L 15,15,25
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Roundhouse - Back Kick KK HM 30,27
Rising Roundhouse WS+K H 35
Raised Front Kick b+K M 28
Jumping Knee Kick ff+K M 25
Falling Star Kick ff+KK MH 25,20
Leftover Stars ff+KKK MHM 25,20,25
Heaven's Lance d/f,d/f+K M 30
Heel Drop u+K M 27
Wind and Clouds bf+K M 38
Ruler of the Skies qcf+K M 42
Tears of Light S+K M 30
ToL - Hop Kick S+K,K MH 30,30
ToL - Water Kick S+K,d+K ML 30,25
Jewel of Light b+S+K H 28
Thrusting Elbow P+K M 32
Dawn's Chimes P+K,f+P MM 32,40
Knee Kick F+K M 24
Demon Tooth F+KK MM 24,32
Heel Sword Kick f+K H 25
Heel Sword Combo Kick f+KK HH 25,25
Line of Stars f+KKK HHH 25,25,25
Sirius Kick f+KK,f+K HHM 25,25,27
Low Heel Sword d/b+K L 15
Kx Combos from d/b+K or (back) D+K
Silver Wolf d/b+KK LM 15,27
Style of the Sword d/b+KP LM 15,20
Low Heel Sword - Claw d/b+K,f+P LH 15,16
Thunder Cow d/b+K,f+PP LHM 15,16,18
Celestial Thunder d/b+K,f+PK LHM 15,16,25
Global Thunder d/b+K,f+P,d+K LHL 15,16,22
Low Kick d+K L 10
Leopard Tail D+KK LL 10,24
Jumping Front Kick u/f+K M 23
Flying Kirin u/f+KK (MH) 23,25
Wind of Light f+S+K M 37
Crane Wheel u/b+K M 36
Front Kick d/f+K M 20
Jumping Combo Kick d/f+KK MM 20,23
Celestial Kirin d/f+KKK M(MH) 20,23,23

Water Moon S+P Standing Throw 10+30
Frame of the Dragon b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 15+32
Frame of the Boulder b+S+P Wall (b) Throw 57
Firelight d/f,d/f+S+P Standing Throw 65
Violent Flames d/f,d/f+S+P Wall (f) Throw 15+15+15+15+15
Billowing Wind f+S+P Standing Throw 10+38
Crimson Lotus qcb+S+P Standing Throw 15+30+15
Double Acme S+P Back Throw 55
Summit of Stars b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 60
Flooded Moon d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 55
Peck of the Shrike d/b+S+P Low Throw 60
Crane Fist Pinch d+S+P Low Back Throw 62
Water Wheel d/b+S+P Low Back Throw 65

Chasing Waves f,u+S vs. H Punch 60
The Milky Way f,u+S vs. H Kick 60
Fall of the Network f,b+S vs. M Punch 30+30
Fell the Gates b,f+S vs. M Kick 60
Chaos Theory f,d+S vs. L Punch 30+30
Light of the Pampas f,d+S vs. L Kick 20+40

Demon Smasher u+P+K Down Attack 18
Low Level Punch d+P Down Attack 10

Special Moves
Appeal: Koi! bfb+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal: Amai dd+S+P+K Taunt 0

Tag Throws
Wind Dance - Tower Kick (f/Ayane) ff+ALL
Double Roundhouse (t/Ayane) ff+ALL
Tag Firelight (f/anyone but Ayane) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Gen Fu -----------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Tag Partner: Helena
Secondary Tag Partners: Kasumi

Basic Arts
Jab P H 10
Upslice d/f+P M 20
Low Punch d+P L 5
High Front Kick K H 30
Front Kick d/f+K M 25
Low Kick d+K L 12

Turning High Palm (back) P H 13
Turning Rising Palm (back) d+P M 17
Turning Low Backfist (back) D+P L 11
Turning High Front Kick (back) K H 30
Turning Hook Kick (back) d+K M 27
Turning Low Kick (back) D+K L 25

Advancing Hop Punch u/f~P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick u/f~K M 30
Advancing Hop Dbl Palm u/f,P H 30
Advancing Hop Sweep u/f,K L 25
Hopping Punch u~P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u~K M 30
Hopping Double Palm u,P H 30
Hopping Sweep u,K L 25
Back Hopping Dbl Palm u/b,P H 30
Back Hopping Sweep u/b,K L 25

Palm Uppercut u+P H 16
Px Combos from P or u+P
One-Two Palm PP (HH) ??,12
Straight Strike Combo PPP (HH)M ??,12,25
Upslice d/f+P M 20
Indecision Slice d/f+PP MM 20,22
High Slap u/f+P H 26
Elbow Strike f+P M 18
Elbow-Upslice f+PP MM 18,18
Indecision Combo f+PPP MMM 18,18,20
Side Bodycheck Combo f+PP,P+K MMM 18,18,40
Cross Elbow Strike b+P M 22
Cross-Violent Slice b+PP MM 22,30
Cross-Jab b+P,f+P (MM) 22,20
Double Palm Combo b+P,f+P,P+K (MM)M 22,20,30
Upwards Riot Chop D/F+P M 24
Stepping Palm Strike ff+P M 25
Overhead Slice d/f,d/f+P M 22
Scoot Punch qcf+PP -M 0,28
Headbutt P+K M 25
Violent Slice f,b+P M 30
Short Bodycheck d/b,f+P M 50
Stomping Double Palm f+P+K M 42
Death Touch d+P+K [HM] [15,30]
Cmb Stomping Bodycheck d+P+K,bf+P HMM 15,30,30
High Double Palm b+P+K H 30
Turnaway Flipover Upper d/b+P+K M 32
(shows back if not a standing, non-counter hit)
Side Bodycheck d/f+P+K M 40
Low Backfist d/b+P L 20
Low Reverse Punch d/f+K M 25
Low Reverse-Jab d/f+KP MM 25,25
Spinning Hammer Combo d/f+KP,bf+P MMH 25,25,40
Shot Knee Strike F+K M 25
Shot Knee-Hopkick F+KK MM 25,30
Low Kick d/b+K L 15
Low-Side Bodycheck d/b+K,f+P LM 15,40
Hopkick u+K M 30
Jumping Crescent Kick u/f+K H 40
Jumping Crescent-Sweep u/f+K,d+K HL 40,25
Reverse Cartwheel Kick u/b+K M 35
Step Thrust Kick f+K H 24
Leaping Toe Touch S+K H 26
Leg Sweep d+S+K L 25

Side Cross Wrap S+P Standing Throw 40
Grasping the Heart b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 45
Dragon Shoulder b+S+P
or qcf+S+P Wall (f) Throw 15+40
Shuutai f+S+P Standing Throw 48
Rolling Earth Wind ff+S+P Standing Throw 50
>Monkey Style f+S+P Multithrow (2) 20
Unlock the Chains
of the Three Emperors qcb+S+P Standing Throw 17+17+17
Close the Clouds and
Grasp the Moon qcf+S+P Standing Throw 35+15
>Close the Clouds and
Catch the Falling S+P Multithrow (2) >0
Spread the Tiger's Tail S+P Back Throw 55
Leaning Position f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 60
The Horse's Iron Head d+S+P Low Throw 20+36
Raccoon-Cat up a Tree d/b+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 15+15+20
Great Cross Splitter d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 62

A Strike Collapses the
Tranquil Mountain f,u+S vs. H Punch 60
A Spinning Grasp
Captures the Hawk f,u+S vs. H Kick 60
The Dragon's Shape f,b+S vs. M Punch 10+10+40
Investigating the
Dragon's Bladder b,f+S vs. M Kick 60
A Strike Collapses the
Celestial Mountain f,d+S vs. L Punch 60
Great Lance f,d+S vs. L Kick 60

Taken Hand b,u+S vs. H/M Punch 0
Bent Hand b,u+S vs. H/M Kick 0
Sloping Hand b,d+S vs. L Punch 0
Sloping Suspension b,d+S vs. L Kick 0

Falling Kick u+P+K Down Attack 18
Earth Palm Strike d+P Down Attack 10

Special Moves
Appeal 1: Banrakuchi bfb+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 2: Tenseiba dd+S+P+K Taunt 0
Arrow Step qcf+P Movement 0
Back Cartwheel u/b+P Movement 0

Tag Throws
Kung Fu Fighting (f/Helena) ff+ALL
?? (t/Helena) ff+ALL
Moon Toss-Heaven Dance (t/Kasumi) ff+ALL
?? (f/anyone but Helena/??) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Hayabusa ---------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Kasumi
Secondary Partners: ??

Basic Arts
Jab P H 10
Mid Punch d/f+P M 20
Low Punch d+P L 5
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Sidekick d/f+K M 22
Low Kick d+K L 10

Turning Jab (back) P H 11
Turning Mid Punch (back) d+P M 14
Turning Low Punch (back) D+P L 13
Turning Roundhouse (back) K H 30
Turning Mid Kick (back) d+K M 26
Turning Sweep (back) D+K L 25
Trembling Fang Drop (back) u+K M 28

Advancing Hopping Palm u/f~P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick u/f~K M 30
Advancing Hop Step Palm u/f,P M 25
Advancing Hop Sweep u/f,K L 24
Hopping Palm Strike u~P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u~K M 30
Hopping Step Palm u,P M 25
Hopping Sweep u,K L 24
Back Hopping Step Palm u/b,P M 25
Back Hopping Sweep u/b,K L 24

Px combos from P or (back) P
Double Punch PP HH ??,10
Delayed Chop Combo PPP HHM ??,10,24
One-Two Backfist PP,b+P HHM ??,10,18
Stepping Palm Combo PP,b+P,f+P HHMM ??,10,18,28
Palm-Flipover Combo PP,b+P,K HHMM ??,10,18,36
One-Two Hawk Kick PPK HHH ??,10,16
Raging Hawk Combo PPKK HHHH ??,10,16,15
Hunting Hawk Combo PPKKK HHHHH ??,10,16,15,24
Rolling Handstand Cmb PP,d+K HHL ??,10,25
Jab-Roundhouse PK HH ??,26
Jab-Double Roundhouse PKK HHH ??,26,28
Trapping Elbow f+P M 18
Elbow-Knee f+PK MM 18,25
Elbow-Snap Knee f+PKK M(ML) 18,25,25
Stepping Palm Strike ff+P M 28
Leaning Uppercut u+P H 18
Spinning Backfist b+P M 18
Backfist-Stepping Palm b+P,f+P MM 18,28
Backfist-Standing Axle b+PK MM 18,30
Delayed Chop u/b+P M 24
Low Spinning Backfist d/b+P L 18
LBF-Breakdance Sweep D/B+PK LL 18,25
360 Uppercut qcf+P M 28
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Roundhouse-Downchop KP HM 30,26
Hayabusa Axle Kick KK HH 30,36
Diving Somersault Kick u/f+K M 35
Rising Punt Kick u+K H 26
Punt-Falling Axe Kick u+KK HM 26,30
Shinobi Illusion Kick u/b+K M 40
Rising Illusion Kick WS+K H 29
Sidekick d/f+K M 22
Sidekick-Breakdance d/f+K,d+K ML 22,24
Jumping Knee f+K M 25
Knee-Snapping Kick f+KK (MH) 25,25
Dashing Hop Slide ff+K L 28
Breakdance Sweep d/b+K L 24
'Dance-Handstand Roll d/b+K,D+K LL 24,25
'Dance-Hndstd Option d/b+K,d+K LL 24,24
Double Breakdance d/b+K,d/b+K LL 24,24
Breakdancing Fury d/b+K,d/b+K,D+K LLL 24,24,25
Back Leg Sweep f,b+K L 17
Light Wheel Kick b+K H 33
Stepping Illusion Kick qcf+K M 34
Rolling Handstand D,b+K M 26
Shoto P+K H 25
Double Palm Strike b+P+K M 42
Turnaway Tiger UpKnife d/f+P+K M 20
Tiger-Super Axe Kick d/f+P+K,K MM 20,28
Flying Hawk Kick S+K H 20
Raging Hawk Kick S+K,K HH 20,15
Hunting Hawk Kick S+K,KK HHH 20,15,30
Handspring Kick b+S+K H 32
Handstand Option Roll d+S+K L 25
Backroll Handstand Kick d/f+S+K M 40

Handstand Position
Rollout Jab P H 10
Rollout PK Combo PK M 25
Handstand Kick K H 20
Double Spinning Kick KK HM 20,25
Rolling Catapult Kick P+K M 35
Hyper Spin Sweep S+K L 25

SuiJuu Nage S+P Standing Throw 48
Head Hunting b+S+P Standing Throw 50

Rollout d Movement 0
Backwards Stepout b,b Movement 0

Juuji-Karami S+P Standing Throw 40
KubiKiri-Nage f+S+P Standing Throw 45
Church Bells Ring f+S+P Wall (f) Throw 55
Shiho-Nage d/f+S+P Standing Throw 48
Yama-Arashi b+S+P Standing Throw 56
Falcon Kick ff+S+P Standing Throw 50
Dream Shadow b,f+S+P Standing Throw 0
Falling Thunder Strike qcb+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 60
Rising Thunder Palm qcf+S+P Standing Throw 30+15
>Kama-Itachi d^f^u+S+P Multithrow (2) >30
>>Hankou Drop 360+S+P Multithrow (2x) >50
Ura Nage S+P Back Throw 52
Jinryuu Drop b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 55
Falling Dragon Strike ff+S+P Back Throw 58
Neck Hunting Flash d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 55
Hopping Spin Move d/b+S+P Low Throw 62
Carry the Jar Across d+S+P
the Waterfall or (jump) S+P Low Back Throw 57

Rising Thunder Bullet f,u+S vs. H punch 30+15
>Flash of Light:
Kama-Itachi d^b^u+S Multihold (2) >30
>>Flash of Light:
Hankou Drop 360+S Multihold (2x) >50
Cage of Shadows f,u+S vs. H kick 30+30
Rising Thunder Gates f,b+S vs. M punch 30+15
>Splitting Light:
Kama Itachi d^b^u+S Multihold (2) >30
>>Splitting Light:
Hankou Drop 360+S Multihold (2x) >50
Kick-Punch-Seize-Throw b,f+S vs. M kick 60
Rising Thunder Kick f,d+S vs. L punch 30+15
>Bewitching Light:
Kama-Itachi d^b^u+S Multihold (2) >30
>>Bewitching Light:
Hankou Drop 360+S Multihold (2x) >50
Arching Blade Murder f,d+S vs. L kick 60

Nara Drop u+P+K Down Attack 18
Double Tiger Fang d+P Down Attack 10

Special Moves
Appeal 1 - Shinobi b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 2 - Nosomu f,b,f+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 3 - Rei dd+S+P+K Taunt 0
Handstand Position d+P+K Movement 0
Diving Somersault u/f+P Movement 0
Triangle Jump (wall+jump) f Movement 0

Tag Team Throws
Thunder Palm-Talon Kick (t/Kasumi) ff+ALL Tag Team Throw
Double Gloom (f/Kasumi) ff+ALL Tag Team Throw
Tag Rising Thunder (f/anyone but Kasumi) ff+ALL
(f/anyone) b+ALL Tag Team Throw
>Tag Kama-Itachi d^f^u+S+P Tag Multi (2)
>>Tag Hankou Drop 360+S+P Tag Multi (2x)

Helena -----------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Gen Fu
Secondary Partner: ??

Basic Arts
Drill Palm P H 10
Mid Stabbing Fist d/f+P M 16
Low Bent Fist d+P L 5
High Spin Kick K H 28
Spin Kick d/f+K M 25
Thigh Sweep d+K L 10

Front Hop Split Hand u/f~P M 15
Front Hop Rising Kick u/f~K M 30
Front Hop Random Palm u/f,P M 25
Front Hop Turning Kick u/f,K L 23
Hopping Split Hand u~P M 15
Hopping Rising Kick u~K M 30
Hopping Random Palm u,P M 25
Hopping Turning Kick u,K L 23
Back Hop Random Palm u/b,P M 25
Back Hop Turning Kick u/b,K L 23

Random Palm ff+P M 25
Drill Palm P H 10
PP HM 10,14
PPP HMM 10,14,25
PPK HMH 10,14,30
PP,d+K HML 10,14,22
PP,B HM 10,14
PP,B+P HMM 10,14,14
PP,B+PP HMMM 10,14,14,25
PK HH 10,28
PKK H(HM) 10,28,15
PKKK H(HMH) 10,28,15,20
u+P H 20
u/b+P M 24
d/f+P M 16
d/f+PP MM 16,20
b+P M 18
b+PP MM 18,17
b+PPP MMM 18,17,25
u/f+P M 20
u/f+PP MM 20,25
u/f+PK MH 20,30
u/f+P,d+K ML 20,22
bb+P M 15
bb+PP MM 15,20
bb+PP,d+P MML 15,20,15
f+P M 22
f+PP MM 22,25
d/b+P L 15
P+K M 24
P+K,P+K MM 24,30
K H 28
KK (HM) 28,15
KKK (HMH) 28,15,20
f+K M 26
f+K,d+K ML 26,22
f+KP MM 26,24
b+K H 23
b+KK HM 23,25
u+K H 22
u/b+K M 30
ff+K L 23
ff+KP LL 23,15
ff+KPP LL[HM] 23,15,[16,24]
d/b+K L 15
d/b+KP L[HM] 15,[16,24]
d+K L 10
d+KK LM 10,25
u/f+K [(MM)] [15,20]
D+S+K L 22
D/F+P M 24
D/F+PP MM 24,24
qcf+P [(MMM)] [7,8,20]
b+P+K L 19
qcb+P M 22
f+P+K M 28

Back Turned Strikes
(back) P H 10
(back) d+P M 22
(back) D+P L 12
(back) K H 30
(back) d+K M 25
(back) D+K L 22

(back)P H 10
(back) PP (HH) 10,10
(back) PPP (HH)M 10,10,22
(back) PPPP (HHM)M 10,10,22,25
(back) PP,b+P (HH)M 10,10,15
(back) PP,b+PP (HH)MM 10,10,15,14
(back) PP,b+PPP (HH)MMM 10,10,15,14,25
(back)f+K M 22
(back) f+K,d+K ML 22,22
(back) f+KP MM 22,24
(back)f+P M 25
(back)P+K M 38
(back)ff+K L 23

Art of Phoenix
(AoP)P H 10
(AoP) PP (HH) 10,10
(AoP) PPP (HH)M 10,10,20
(AoP) PPK (HH)[(MM)] 10,10,[15+20]
(AoP)f+P M 12
(AoP) f+PP MM 12,12
(AoP) f+PPP MMM 12,12,20
(AoP) f+PPK MMH 12,12,18
(AoP)b+P M 12
(AoP) b+PK MM 12,26
(AoP) b+PK,d+K MML 12,26,22
(AoP) b+PKP MMM 12,26,24
(AoP)D/F+K M 25
(AoP) D/F+K,D+K ML 25,22
(AoP)ff+P M 25
(AoP)K H 28
(AoP)f+K H 22
(AoP)D+S+K L 28
(AoP)P+K M 36

S+P Standing Throw 10+10+20
b+S+P Standing Throw 45
b+S+P Wall (b) Throw 20+35
ff+S+P Standing Throw 15+33
or (back) S+P
or (jump) S+P
or (AoP) S+P Standing Throw 62
S+P 20+35
or (jump) S+P 20+35
or (AoP) S+P Back Throw 20+35
d+S+P Low Throw 20+35
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 62
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 28+30

f,u+S vs. H Punch 28+30
f,u+S vs. H Kick 30+38
f,b+S vs. M Punch 58
b,f+S vs. M Kick 28+30
f,d+S vs. L Punch 20+38
f,d+S vs. L Kick 58

u+P+K Down Attack 18
or (AoP) d+K Down Attack 12

Special Moves
Art of Phoenix d+P+K
or d/b+P+K Movement 0
Phoenix Advance (AoP) f Movement 0
Phoenix Retreat (AoP) b Movement 0
Phoenix Rising (AoP) u Movement 0
?? (AoP) u/b Movement 0
Phoenix Forward Dash (AoP) ff Movement 0
Phoenix Back Dash (AoP) bb Movement 0
Phoenix Crouch (AoP) dd Movement 0
?? (back) ff Movement 0
Appeal - ?? bfb+S+P+K Taunt 0

Tag Throws
?? (f/Gen Fu) ff+ALL
Kung Fu Fighting (t/Gen Fu) ff+ALL
?? (f/anyone but Gen Fu) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Jann Lee ---------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Lei Fang
Secondary Partner:

Basic Arts
Lead Jab P H 10
Lead Upper d/f+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 30
Sidekick d/f+K M 22
Thrust Kick d+K L 12

Turn Jab (back) P H 12
Turn Bodyblow (back) d+P M 15
Turn Low Knuckle (back) D+P L 10
Turn High Kick (back) K H 30
Turn Sidekick (back) d+K M 27
Turn Spin Kick (back) D+K L 25
Blind Knuckle (back) d/b+P H 45
Blind Elbow (back) P+K M 40

Front Jump Knuckle u/f~P M 15
Front Jump Snap Kick u/f~K M 30
Front Jump Spin Knuckle u/f,P H 18
Front Jump Spin Kick u/f,K L 25
Jump Knuckle u~P M 15
Jump Snap Kick u~K M 30
Jump Spin Knuckle u,P H 18
Jump Spin Kick u,K L 25
Back Jump Spin Knuckle u/b,P H 18
Back Jump Spin Kick u/b,K L 25

Knuckle Upper u/f+P H 16
Back Hook u+K H 24
High Shin Knee Kick u/b+K H 25
Rear High Kick u+K H 35
Kick Upper u/f+K M 26
Double Rising Kicks u/f+KK (MH) 26,25
Chastisement Chop b+P M 26
Sway Jab u/b+P H 12
Px Combos from Sway Jab, Lead Jab or Turn Jab
Jab - High Kick PK HH ??,30
Sonic Hook P,f+P (HH) ??,18
Sonic Spin Kick P,f+PK (HH)M ??,18,30
Sonic Low Spin Kick P,f+P,d+K (HH)L ??,18,25
Sonic Blow P,d+P HM ??,18
Sonic Upper P,d+PP HMM ??,18,20
Combo Low Pin Kick P,D+PK HML ??,18,25
Lead Hook PP (HH) ??,10
Back Knuckle PPP (HHH) ??,10,10
Dragon Rush PPPK (HHH)H ??,10,10,47
Dragon Cannon PPP,f+P (HHH)M ??,10,10,45
Dragon Slicer PPP,d+K (HHH)L ??,10,10,24
Combo Knuckle Upper PP,F+P (HH)H ??,10,16
Combo High Kick PPK (HH)H ??,10,26
Body Blow f+P M 18
Body Upper f+PP MM 18,20
Body Low Spin Kick f+P,d+K ML 18,25
Flash Hook ff+P H 18
Flash Spin Kick ff+PK HM 18,30
Flash Low Spin Kick ff+P,d+K HL 18,25
Low Dragon Hammer d/b+P L 20
Dragon Hammer bf+P M 28
Shin Knee Kick S+K M 25
Shin Knee High Kick S+K,K MH 25,35
Middle Hook Kick b+K M 24
Double Hook Kick b+KK MH 24,25
Thrust Kick d+K L 12
Thrust Spike Kick d+KK LM 12,37
Thrust Spin Kick D+KK LL 12,25
Side Kick d/f+K M 22
Side Master Kick d/f+KK MH 22,32
Dragon Strike d/f+P,f+P MM 22,50
Side Back Kick d/f+K,b+K MM 22,25
Snap Kick f+K M 20
Snap Spin Kick f+KK MH 20,32
Snap Spike Kick f+K,bf+K MM 20,37
Dragon Low Kick d/b+K L 24
Low Spin Kick d+S+K L 25
Dragon Blow qcf+P H 40
Dragon Elbow P+K M 35
Dragon Knuckle D,bf+P M 50
Dragon Kick qcf+K H! 55
Dragon Spike bf+K M 40
Flash Turn bb+P H 18
High Kick K H 30
High Spin Kick KK HH 30,32
Dragon Flare ff+K M 42
Dragon Step High f+S+K H 36

Hell Drive S+P Standing Throw 40
Dragon Gunner f+S+P Catch Throw 42
Piggyback Throw b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 48
The Way of the Dragon qcb+S+P Standing Throw 5+5+5+5+5+30
The Wall of the Dragon qcb+S+P Wall (f) Throw 5+5+5+5+5+20+20
Headlock qcf+S+P Standing Throw 53
>Bulldogging Headlock bb+S+P Multithrow (2) >25
Dragon Rave S+P Back Throw 30+25
Chastisement Punch qcf+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 58
Front Facelock d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 55
Side Buster d/b+S+P Low Throw 60
Punishment Punch d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 63

Godless Shoto Knee f,u+S vs. H Punch 28+30
Trace Gunner f,u+S vs. H Kick 58
Double Bind f,b+S vs. M Punch 10+10
Leg Sweep b,f+S vs. M Kick 58
Deep the Dragon f,d+S vs. L Punch 28+30
Dragon Twist f,d+S vs. L Kick 58

Trample u+P+K Down Attack 20
Enter the Dragon u+S+P+K Down Attack 15+5+5
Low Snap Kick d+K Down Attack 10

Special Moves
Appeal: Shout bfb+S+P+K Taunt 0

Tag Throws
Skyscaper - Dragon Kick (f/Lei Fang) ff+ALL
Double Dragon Fist (t/Lei Fang) ff+ALL
Tag Deep the Dragon (f/anyone but Lei Fang) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Kasumi -----------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Hayabusa
Secondary Partner: Gen Fu

Basic Arts
Heaven's Edge P H 10
World's Edge d/f+P M 20
Earth's Edge d+P L 5
Roundhouse Kick K H 27
Sidekick d/f+K M 24
Low Kick d+K L 10

Turning Jab (back) P H 10
Turning Tiger Uppercut (back) d+P M 38
Turning Low Punch (back) D+P L 14
Turning Roundhouse (back) K H 30
Turning Dbl Roundhouse (back) KK HM 30,25
Turning Sidekick (back) d+K M 25
Turning Sweep (back) D+K L 24
Turning Moonlight Kick (back) u+K M 35

Advancing Hop Spin Edge u/f~P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick u/f~K M 30
Advancing Hop TA Upper u/f,P M 22
Advancing Hop Sweep u/f,K L 25
Hopping Spin Edge u~P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u+K M 30
Hopping Turnaway Upper u,P M 22
Hopping Sweep u,K L 25
Back Hopping TA Upper u/b,P M 22
Back Hopping Sweep u/b,K L 25

Rising Mid Kick (rising) K M 20
Combo Rising Puntkick (rising) K,f+K MM 20,20
Moon Lake Kick (FD/FA) S+K M 38

Skyscraper Kick u/f+K M 30
Dragon Punt Kick u+K H 25
Moon Wheel Kickflip u/b+K M 45
Floating Heaven's Edge u+P H 12
Evading Heaven's Edge b+P H 11
Px combos from P; (back) P; u+P; or b+P
Double Combo Punch PP (HH) ??,10
World's Edge Combo PPP (HH)H ??,10,12
Flashing Punch Combo PPPP (HH)(MM) ??,10,12,15
Michizane Flash Kick PPK (HH)H ??,10,27
Michizane Cmb Kick PPKK (HH)HH ??,10,27,22
Michi. Thunder Kick PPKKK (HH)HHM ??,10,27,22,25
Michi. People's Kick PPK,d/f+K (HH)HM ??,10,27,24
Michizane Earth Kick PPK,d+K (HH)HL ??,10,27,22
Moon Breaker Combo PP,u/b+K (HH)M ??,10,35
Light Bullet Combo PP,f+P (HHM) ??,10,18
Light People's Kick PP,f+P,K (HHM)M ??,10,18,32
Light Rev. Murder PP,f+P,KK (HHM)MM ??,10,18,32,32
Light Void Murder PP,f+P,K,d+K (HHM)ML ??,10,18,32,28
Light Heaven's Kick PP,f+P,f+K (HHM)M ??,10,18,30
Light Low Savate PP,f+P,d+K (HHM)L ??,10,18,24
Flame Knee Combo PP,f+K (HH)M ??,10,22
Flame Moon Combo PP,f+KK (HH)MH ??,10,22,32
Tears of the Moon Cb PP,f+K,d+K (HH)ML ??,10,22,26
Heaven's Edge & Flash PK HH ??,27
Heaven's Edge & Combo PKK HHH ??,27,22
Heaven's E & Thunder PKKK HHHM ??,27,22,25
Heaven's Edge & Kick PK,d/f+K HHM ??,27,24
Heaven's Edge & Earth PK,d+K HHL ??,27,22
Flash Bullet Elbow f+P M 18
Flash People's Kick f+PK MM 18,32
Flash Reverse Murder f+PKK MMM 18,32,32
Flash Void Murder f+PK,d+K MML 18,32,28
Flash Heaven's Kick f+P,f+K MM 18,30
Flash Low Savate Kick f+P,d+K ML 18,24
World's Edge d/f+P M 20
World's Flash Punch d/f+PP MM 20,20
World's Low Savate d/f+P,d+K ML 20,24
Flash Roundhouse Kick K H 27
Combo Roundhouse Kick KK HH 27,22
Thunder Kick KKK HHM 27,22,25
People's Kick K,d/f+K HM 27,24
Earth's Kick K,d+K HL 27,22
Shadowless Knife ff+P M 20
Shadowless Earth KIck ff+P,d+K ML 20,25
Flame Knee f+K M 22
Flame Moon Kick f+KK MH 22,32
Tears of the Moon Kick f+K,d+K ML 22,26
Wolf's Fang Sweep ff+K L 30
360 Spinning Slap P+K H 26
Kasumi Wind Kick S+K H 32
Wind & Heaven Kick S+K,K HH 32,32
Wind & Tears Kick S+K,d+K HL 32,28
Spinning Low Kick d+S+K L 25
Spinning Kasumi Kick d/f+S+K M 24
Turnaway Mist Illusion d/f,d/f+P M 22
Super Axe Kick b+S+K M 30
Fan Dance d/f,d/f+K M 26
Turnaway New Moon Kick b+K H 27
Turnaway Moonlight Kck b+KK HM 27,35
Heaven's Advance Dance u/f+P,K -H 0,40

Kasumi's Reversal S+P Standing Throw 40
Waltz of Kegon f+S+P Standing Throw 42
Hawk in a Catalpa Tree f+S+P Wall (f) Throw 20+35
Heaven's Cascading Kick b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 5+5+5+10+20
Discovery of Silence b+S+P Wall (b) Throw 55
The Flying Swallow u+S+P
or u/f+P,S+P Catch Throw 57
>Swallow Reverse Drop >b+S+P Multithrow (x) 62
Heat Haze ff+S+P Standing Throw 0
>Thorn Drop >d+S+P Multithrow (2) 60
>Thorn Crush >d+S+P Wall (f)-Multi 70
Gloom d/f,d/f+S+P Standing Throw 68
Wolf's Jaw Kick qcb+S+P Standing Throw 60
White Rainbow S+P Back Throw 50
Reverse Flying Swallow u+S+P
or u/f+P,S+P Back Catch Thrw 57
Leaping Circle Dance f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 55
Flying Rainbow Splash d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 10+10+10+10+15
or d+S+P Low Back Throw 10+10+10+10+15
Advance of the Swallow d/b+S+P Low Throw 60

Flower in the Mirror f,u+S vs. H punch 58
Truth of the Persimmon f,u+S vs. H kick 58
White Feathers Taken
from a Foggy Dream f,b+S vs. M punch 58
Rain Dance b,f+S vs. M kick 30+15
Crimson Leaf Drop f,d+S vs. L punch 58
Frost Sword f,d+S vs. L kick 58

Sakura Delusion b,u+S vs. M/H Punch 0
vs. M/H Kick 0
Sakura Illusion b,d+S vs. L Punch 0
vs. L Kick 0

Hawk's Talon Kick u+P+K Down Attack 20
Tile Splitter d+P Down Attack 10

Special Moves
Appeal - Sakura Toss b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Back Handspring u/b+P Movement 0
Heaven's Dance Flip u/f+P Movement 0

Tag Team Throws
Double Gloom (t/Hayabusa) ff+ALL
Thunder Palm-Talon Kick (f/Hayabusa) ff+ALL
Tag Gloom (f/anyone but Hayabusa) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Lei Fang ---------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Jann Lee
Secondary Partner: ??

Basic Arts
Jab P H 10
Uppercut d/f+P M 20
Low Punch d+P L 5
High Front Kick K H 28
Front Kick d/f+K M 25
Low Kick d+K L 10

Turning High Palm (back) P H 12
Turning Mid Palm Strike (back) d+P M 16
Turning Low Palm Strike (back) D+P L 12
Turning Armada Kick (back) K H 30
Turning Front Kick (back) d+K M 25
Turning Low Kick (back) D+K L 23
Turning Delayed Palm (back) P+K M 38

Advancing Hopping Palm u/f~P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick u/f~K M 30
Advancing Hop Dbl Palm u/f,P H 22
Advancing Slide Kick u/f,K L 25
Hopping Palm Strike u~P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u~K M 30
Hopping Double Palm u,P H 22
Hopping Slide Low Kick u,K L 25
Back Hopping Dbl Palm u/b,P H 22
Back Hopping Slide Kick u/b,K M 20

Stepping Fist u/f+P M 25
Dashing Elbow Strike u+P H 18
Single Jumpkick u/f+K M 23
Double Jumpkick u/f+KK (MH) 23,25
Rear Hopping Crescent u/b+K H 34
Step Double Palm Strike ff+P M 26
Eye Gouge f,b+P H 26
Power Bodycheck b,f+P M 40
The Lone Gold Chicken P+K [HM] [20,25]
Sliding Low Kick dd+K L 25
Elbow Strike f+P M 17
Elbow - Gold Chicken f+PK M[HM] 17,[20,25]
Back Leaning Fist bb+P H 26
Stomping Palm b+P M 22
Stomping Fist b+PP MM 22,25
Low Upwards Knife Edge d/b+P M 18
Low Upper-TA Bodycheck d/b+PP MM 18,28
Trapping Strike qcf+P M 32
Low Swipe d/f,d/f+P L 20
Swipe-Single Jumpkick d/f,d/f+PK LM 20,23
Swipe-Dbl Jumpkick d/f,d/f+PKK L(MH) 20,23,25
Swipe-TA Bodycheck d/f,d/f+P,P+K LM 20,35
Stepping High Kick f+K H 24
Stepping Punt Kick ff+K M 32
Spreading Kick u+K H 24
Armada Kick b+K H 30
Armada-Mid Spin Sweep b+KK HM 30,20
Armada-Leg Sweep b+KK,d+K HML 30,20,15
Low Shin Kick d/b+K L 15
Low Shin-Sliding Kick D/B+KK LL 15,23
Front Kick d/f+K M 25
Front K-TA Bodycheck d/f+K,P+K MM 25,35
High Double Palm Strike f+P+K H 22
Delayed Palm Strike u/b+P M 29
Px combos from d/f+P; P; (back) P; or u/b+P
One-Two Punch PP (HH) ??,12
One-Two-Windmill PPP (HH)M ??,12,32
One-Two-Elbow Strike PP,f+P (HH)M ??,12,20
Elbow-Chicken Combo PP,f+PK (HH)M[HM] ??,12,20,[20,25]
One-Two-Stomping Palm PP,b+P (HH)M ??,12,22
Stomping Fist Combo PP,b+PP (HH)MM ??,12,22,25
One-Two-Skyscraper K PPK (HH)H ??,12,25
Sky Armada Combo PPKK (HH)HH ??,12,25,28
Sky Mid Sweep Combo PPK,d+K (HH)HM ??,12,25,20
Sliding Kick Combo PP,d+K (HH)L ??,12,25
Jab-Low Straight Punch P,D/F+P (HM) ??,20
Double Palm Combo P,D/F+PP (HM)M ??,20,26
TA Bodycheck Combo P,D/F+P,P+K (HM)M ??,20,35
Jab-Armada Kick PK (HH) ??,30
Armada-Mid Combo PKK (HH)M ??,30,20
Armada-Leg Sweep Cmb PKK,d+K (HH)ML ??,30,20,15
High Front Kick K H 28
Front-Armada KK HH 28,32
Front-Mid Sweep K,d+K HM 28,20
Double Eye Gouge b+P+K H 20
Low Double Fist Strike d/b+P+K M 34
Turnaway Bodycheck d+P+K M 35
Jumping Crescent Kick S+K M 35

Collapsing Monkey S+P Standing Throw 42
The Common Man's Horse
has Its Duty b+S+P Standing Throw 46
Reversal of Fortune b+S+P Wall (b) Throw 0
Pressing Spinfall d/f+S+P Standing Throw 20+32
Kneeling Strike b,f+S+P Standing Throw 55
The Bent Knee Staggers ff+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 25+25
The Bent Knee Dominates ff+S+P Wall (f) Throw 25+35
Challenge the Hand and
Strike the Chest qcf+S+P Standing Throw 48
>The Fat Prince
Ensnares the Fish b+S+P Multithrow (2) >20
>>Fat Prince Combo ff+S+P Multithrow (3) >>32
>>Request the Bodycheck b,f+S+P Multithrow (3) >>28
Uranui-Hijisui qcb+S+P Standing Throw 15+47
Takuchuu Treason S+P Back Throw 55
Airwalk ff+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 58
A Knee to the Head
Opens the Back qcf+S+P Back Throw 30+30
Touitsukon d+S+P Low Throw 10+20+28
The Lone Gold Chicken d/b+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 62
Take the Hand d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 65

Turning Foot Sweep f,u+S vs. H Punch 62
Routai-Toutou f,u+S vs. H Kick 32+30
Kneeling Attack f,b+S vs. M Punch 62
Kneeling Oppression (wall-b) f,b+S vs. M Punch 30+42
Revolving Push b,f+S vs. M Kick 0
Double Opening Kick f,d+S vs. L Punch 62
Embracing Thigh Kick f,d+S vs. L Kick 62

Sairetsu b,u+S vs. H/M Punch 0
Housei b,u+S vs. H/M Kick 0
Risei b,d+S vs. L Punch 0
Erasing Push b,u+S vs. L Kick 0

Falling Double Strike u+P+K Down Attack 18
Earthquake Stomp d+K Down Attack 15

Special Moves
Appeal 1 - Salute b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 2 - Damedame... dd+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 3 - Yo-shi f,b,f+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 4 - Damedame... bb+S+P+K Taunt 0

Tag Throws
Double Dragon Fist (f/Jann Lee) ff+ALL
Skyscraper- Dragon Kick (t/Jann Lee) ff+ALL
Tag Kneeling Throw (f/anyone but Jann Lee) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL
>>Tag Kneeling Crush " Wall (b) Variant

Leon -------------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Zack
Secondary Partner: Bass

Basic Arts
Jab P H 12
Palm Stamp d/f+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 32
Middle Side Kick d/f+K M 26
Low Kick d+K L 12

Turn Back Knuckle (back) P H 12
Smash Hook (back) PP HM 12,18
Smash Upper (back) PPP HMM 12,18,22
Turn Bodyblow (back) d+P M 15
Turn Low Spin Knuckle (back) D+P L 13
Turn Spin Kick (back) K H 30
Turn Sidekick (back) d+K M 28
Turn Low Spin Kick (back) D+K L 25

Assault Down Palm u/f~P M 15
Assault Front Kick u/f~K M 30
Assault Smash Hook u/f,P M 20
Assault Leg Spike u/f,K L 25
Air Down Palm u~P M 15
Air Front Kick u~K M 30
Step Smash Hook u,P M 20
Step Leg Spike u,K L 25
Trap Smash Hook u/b,P M 20
Trap Leg Spike u/b,K L 25

Palm Arrow u/b+P M 30
Tomahawk Elbow u/f+P M 32
Smash Hook u+P M 18
Smash Upper u+PP MM 22
To-raa-su Kick WS+K H 36
Rising Tomahawk u/f+K M 34
Javelin Kick u+K H 30
Body Savate S+K M 35
Blast Back Knuckle b+P H 24
Blast toraasu b+P HH 24,36
Blast Drive Knee b+P,f+K HM 24,25
Knee Lift f+K M 25
Smash D/F+P M 25
Heel Hammer b+K M 30
Head Bat P+K M 25
Arm Grenade f+P+K H 38
Flame Knuckle ff+P H 30
Shoulder Tackle b,f+P M 40
Swing Double Hammer b+P+K M 25
Reverse Double Hammer b+P+K,P MM 25,30
Leg Spike d/b+K L 25
Body Blow f+P M 18
Stomach Crush f+PP (MM) 18,18
Solid Crush f+PPP (MM)M 18,18,25
Crush Leg Spike f+PP,d+K (MM)L 18,18,20
Stomach Break f+PK MM 18,30
Jab P H 12
Jab - Bodyblow P,f+P (HM) 12,18
Rush Savate P,f+PK (HM)M 12,18,35
Rush Leg Spike P,f+P,d+K (HM)L 12,18,20
Jab - High Kick PK (HH) 12,30
Jab - Straight PP (HH) 12,12
Storm Hook PPP (HH)M 12,12,28
Storm Blast Knuckle PP,b+P (HH)H 12,12,24
Storm Savate PPK (HH)M 12,12,35
Storm Upper PP,d/b+P (HH)M 12,12,32
High Kick K H 32
Trap Heel Hammer KK HM 32,30
Trap Double Hammer KP HM 32,25
Trap Reverse Hammer KPP HMM 32,25,30
Giant Upper qcb+P M 32
Side Scimitar ff+K L 20
Scimitar Lock Heel ff+KK LM 20,30
Turn Low Javelin d+S+K L 22

Victor Knee Cross Lock S+P Standing Throw 45
Neck Hanging Tree b+S+P Standing Throw 43
Neck Hanging Blow b+S+P Wall (b) Throw 53
Arm Lock f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 48
Firestorm Knee f+S+P Wall (f) Throw 55
Pivoting Leg Sweep b,f+S+P Standing Throw 45
Standing Achilles Lock f,b+S+P Multithrow (2) >25
Reverse Prawn Hold d+S+P Multithrow (3) >>35
Crab Scissors d/f,d/f+S+P Catch Throw 42
>STF dd+S+P Multithrow (2) >10+25
Standing Arm Lock qcb+S+P Standing Throw 30
>Neck-Arm Gammadion f,b+S+P Multithrow (2) >30
>>DDT d+S+P Multithrow (3) >>45
Windmill Backbreaker qcf+S+P Standing Throw 67
Desert Bridge qcf+S+P Wall (?) Throw 75
Jumping Arm Cross Lock S+P Back Throw 55
Hell Hazard Lock f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 30+30
Sleeper Hold b,f+S+P Back Throw 50
>Swing Sleeper f,b+S+P Multithrow (2) 40
>Swing Bless Wall f,b+S+P Wall (b) Multi 30+20
Side Lock d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 40
>Reverse Arm Cross Lock d+S+P Multithrow (2) >20
>>Crazy Crash dd+S+P Multithrow (3) >>8+8+8
Snake Facelock d/b+S+P Low Throw
or d/b+S+P Low Back Throw 25+30
>Reverse Arm Lock d+S+P Multithrow (2) >20

Neck Hunting Cross Lock f,u+S vs. H Punch 62
Rev. Achilles Tdn Lock f,u+S vs. H Kick 30+32
Deathtrap f,b+S vs. M Punch 62
Snake Bites (wall-b) f,b+S vs. M Punch 72
Jumping Knee Cross Lock b,f+S vs. M Kick 62
Rolling Cross Lock f,d+S vs. L Punch 62
Cobra Death Lock f,d+S vs. L Kick 62

Knee Drop u+P+K Down Attack 22
Stomping d+K Down Attack 12
Ground Submission d+S+P Ground Catch 30

Special Moves?
Appeal: Go to Hell b,f,b+ALL
Tag Throws
Double Flapjack (f/Zack) ff+ALL
Double Headbutt (t/Zack) ff+ALL
Arm Lock - Leg Drop (t/Bass) ff+ALL
Tag Neck Cross Lock (f/anyone but Zack) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL
>>Tag Wall Crush " Wall (b) Variant

Tina -------------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Bass
Secondary Partner: Zack

Basic Arts
Jab P H 10
Upper d/f+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 30
Middle Kick d/f+K M 25
Low Kick d+K L 12

Turn Spin Knuckle (back) P H 13
Turn Middle Knuckle (back) d+P M 15
Turn Low Knuckle (back) D+P L 10
Turn Spin Kick (back) K H 30
Turn Sidekick (back) d+K M 28
Turn Low Kick (back) D+K L 15
Turn Savate (back) S+K H 38
Moonsault Attack (back) P+K M/G 35

Front Fist Drop u/f~P M 15
Drop Kick u/f~K M 35
Front Step Hammer u/f,P M 25
Kangaroo Knee Kick u/f,K M 30
Flying Fist Drop u~P M 15
Branching Kick u~K M 30
Step Hammer u,P M 25
Kangaroo Knee Step u,K M 30
Back Step Hammer u/b,P M 25
Back Step Low Drop u/b,K L 25

Px - From Jab or Turn Spin Knuckle
Jab - High Kick PK (HH) ??,30
Jab - Straight PP (HH) ??,13
Machine Gun Middle PPK (HH)M ??,13,25
Machine Gun Elbow PPP (HH)H ??,13,22
Machine Gun Knee PPPK (HH)HM ??,13,22,30
Knuckle Arrow u/b+P M 33
Blazing Chop u+P M 28
Backhand Elbow u/f+P H 22
Back Elbow - Knee u/f+PP HM 22,30
Double Hammer b+P M 25
Low Spin Knuckle d/f+P L 18
Elbow f+P M 18
Elbow - Back Knuckle f+PP (MM) 18,20
Infinity Combo f+PPP (MM)M 18,20,30
Ultimate Combo f+PPK (MM)M 18,20,25
Spin Knuckle Combo f+PP,d+P (MM)L 18,20,18
Low Drop Combo f+PP,d+K (MM)L 18,20,22
Dashing Upper ff+P M 25
Double Upper ff+PP MM 25,20
Combo Drop Kick ff+PPK MMM 25,20,31
Tina Special ff+P+K M 50
Vertical Back Chop D/F+P M 22
Vertical Hammer D/F+PP (MM) 22,25
Dolphin Upper d/f,d/f+P M 25
Rolling Elbow QCF+P M 30
High Kick K H 30
Ankle Spin Kick KK HH 30,30
Middle Kick d/f+K M 25
Double Middle Kick d/f+KK MM 25,25
Step Kick u/f+K H 26
Back Brain Kick u/b+K H 45
Drop Kick u+K M 40
Front Step Kick ff+K M 38
Jumping Knee Pat f+K M 30
Knee - Hammer f+KP MM 30,25
Turn Low Kick D+K L 15
Alley Kick D+KK LL 15,25
Double Alley Kick D+KKK LLL 15,25,28
Crash Knee d/f,d/f+K M 28
Dancing Doll Kick S+K H 32
Shoulder Tackle b,f+P M 40
Short Range Lariat P+K H 34
Elbow Suicida f+P+K M 35
Rolling Sabot b+K M 24
Front Roll Kick f+S+K M 30
Low Drop Kick f+S+K L 25
Moonsault Press b+P+K M/G 35

Death Valley Bomb P+G Standing Throw 45
Body Slam f+S+P Standing Throw 43
>Texas Driver >d+S+P Multithrow (x) 50
Bust Cyclone f+S+P Wall (F) Throw 45+15
Frankensteiner b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 48
Hammer Throw ff+S+P Standing Throw 0
>Japan Ocean Suplex >S+P Multithrow (x) 58
Bust J.O.S. ff+S+P Wall (B) Throw 40+30
Tackle b,f+S+P Catch Throw 35
Oki-Agari Tackle (FD/FA) S+P Catch Throw 35
>Tackle - Giant Swing hcf+S+P Multithrow (2) >45
Piledriver f,b+S+P Standing Throw 50
>Rev. "Gorii" Bomb d+S+P Multithrow (2) >20
>>Skytwister Press d,u+S+P Multithrow (3) >>35
Flying Mare QCB+S+P Standing Throw 48
>Surfboard-Style Lock >b,f+S+P Multithrow (2) >20
>>Japan Ocean Suplex >>d,u+S+P Multithrow (3) >>37
Fisherman's Suplex HCF+S+P Standing Throw 68
Japan Ocean Cyclone D,f,b+S+P Standing Throw 80
German Suplex S+P Back Throw 50
>Double Break >d+S+P Multithrow (2) >20
Release German Suplex f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 60
Bust Suplex f+S+P Back Wall (b) 70
Full Nelson f,b+S+P Back Throw 40
>Dragon Suplex >f,b+S+P Multithrow (2) >30
Bass Bomb d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 43
>Trans-Four Leg Lock >d,d+S+P Multithrow (2) >20
Double Arm Suplex d/b+S+P Low Throw 10+45
>Tiger Driver >d+S+P Multithrow (x) 10+55
Japan Ocean Bomb d/f,d/f+S+P Low Throw 70
Neck Crasher d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 10+60

Locking Hammer f,u+S vs. H punches 62
Spring Leg Lock f,u+S vs. H kicks 30+32
Arm Whip f,b+S vs. M punches 62
Dragon Screw b,f+S vs. M kicks 45
>Figure 4 Leglock dd+S Multihold (2) >35
Rolling Cross Lock f,d+S vs. L punches 62
Leg Split f,d+S vs. L kicks 62

Hip Drop u+P+K Down Attack 22
Elbow Drop d+P Down Attack 12

Special Moves
Appeal: "Come on!" b,f,b+S+P+K 0
Appeal: Guts Pose dd+S+P+K 25
Front Roll d+P+K -

Tag Throws
Spike Tombstone (f/Bass) ff+ALL
Double Armstrong Buster (t/Bass) ff+ALL
Bombe de la Rougeau (t/Zack) ff+ALL
Iron Claw - Skytwister (f/Bass) qcf+ALL
Double Lariat (t/Bass) qcf+ALL
Tag Arm Drag (f/anyone but Bass) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Zack -------------------------------------------------------------------

Primary Partner: Leon
Secondary Partner: Tina

Basic Arts
Jab P H 10
Upper d/f+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 28
Middle Kick d/f+K M 20
Te Ran d+K L 12

Turn Knuckle (back) P H 13
Turn Elbow (back) d+P M 20
Turn Low Knuckle (back) D+P L 10
Turn Heel Kick (back) K H 30
Turn Upper Kick (back) d+K M 28
Turn Low Spin Kick (back) D+K L 30
Turn Sok Club (back) b+P H 28
Turn Spinning Heel Kick (back) b+K M 25

Leap Down Blow u/f~P M 15
Leap Side Kick u/f~K M 30
Forward Step Elbow u/f,P M 30
Forward Step Knee u/f,K M 30
Air Down Blow u~P M 15
Air Side Kick u~K M 30
Step Elbow u,P M 30
Step Knee Kick u,K M 30
Feint Elbow u/b,P H 28
Feint Middle Spin u/b,K M 35

Rising Head Spring (rising) F+K - 0
Spring Heel (rising) F+K,K M 18+25

Hell Needle u+P M 25
Ti Sok Bon d/b+P M 28
Rising Heel Kick u+K H 30
Sok Club qcf+P H 28
Double Impact qcf+PP HM 28,25
Spinning Heel Kick qcf+PK HM 28,25
Tei Sok Tron f+P M 18
Double Sok f+PP MM 18,28
Elbow Middle Kick f+PK MM 18,10
Elbow Double Middle f+PKK M(MM) 18,10,10
Elbow Triple Middle f+PKKK M(MMM) 18,10,10,10
Inferno Rush f+PKKKK M(MMMM)M 18,10,10,10,15
Tei Sok Ran ff+P M 25
Half Spin High Kick b+K H 28
Half Spin Sook Club b+KP HH 28,28
Half Spin Heel Kick b+KK HM 28,25
Tei Kau Tron f+K M 25
Gatling Knee f+KK MM 25,25
Heat Sunrise u/b+K M 42
Tamborine Kick bb+K M 28
Tamborine Heel bb+KK MM 18,18+25
Sway Blow u/b+P H 12
Px Combos from Sway Blow, Jab or Turn Knuckle
Jab - High Kick PK HH ??,28
Jab - High Turn Heel PKK HHM ??,28,26
Jab - High Triple PKKK HHMH ??,28,26,30
Boost Rush PKKKK HHMHM ??,28,26,30,32
Jab - Straight PP (HH) ??,11
Vulcan Flame PPP (HH)H ??,11,28
Mebius Rush PPPK (HH)HM ??,11,28,25
Vulcan Middle Kick PPK (HH)M ??,11,10
Vulcan Double Middle PPKK (HH)(MM) ??,11,10,10
Vulcan Triple Mid PPKKK (HH)(MMM) ??,11,10,10,10
Mad Beast PPKKKK (HH)(MMM)M ??,11,10,10,10,15
Vulcan Low Kick PP,d+K (HH)L ??,11,10
Vulcan Double Low PP,D+KK (HH)(LL) ??,11,10,10
Vulcan Triple Low PP,D+KKK (HH)(LLL) ??,11,10,10,10
Mad Hound PP,D+KKKK (HH)(LLL)L ??,11,10,10,10,15
Vulcan Knee Kick PP,f+K (HH)M ??,11,35
Vulcan Edge PP,f+P (HH)M ??,11,15
Genocide Rush PP,f+PK (HH)MM ??,11,15,25
Devil's Rush PP,f+PP (HH)MM ??,11,15,20
Vulcan Fake PP,b (HH)- ??,11,-
Fake Spinning Middle PP,b,K (HH)M ??,11,25
Upper d/f+P M 20
Hell Smash D/F+PP (MM) 20,20
Heaven Smash D/F+PPP (MM)M 20,20,30
Slam Knuckle b+P H 26
High Kick K H 28
High Turn Heel Kick KK HM 28,26
High Turn Triple KKK HMH 28,26,30
Mephisto Rush KKKK HMHM 28,26,30,32
Middle Kick d/f+K M 20
Double Middle Kick d/f+KK MM 20,10
Triple Middle Kick d/f+KKK M(MM) 20,10,10
Middle Kick Rush d/f+KKKK M(MMM) 20,10,10,10
Demon Rush d/f+KKKKK M(MMM)M 20,10,10,10,15
Te Ran d+K L 12
Double Low Kick D+KK LL 12,10
Triple Low Kick D+KKK L(LL) 12,10,10
Low Kick Rush D+KKKK L(LLL) 12,10,10,10
Barrier Rush D+KKKKK L(LLL)L 12,10,10,10,15
Te Ran Straight d+KP LH 12,11
Tricky Middle Kick d+KPK LHM 12,11,10
Tricky Double Middle d+KPKK LH(MM) 12,11,10,10
Tricky Triple Mid d+KPKKK LH(MMM) 12,11,10,10,10
Tricky Beast d+KPKKKK LH(MMM)M 12,11,10,10,10,15
Tricky Low Kick d+KP,d+K LHL 12,10,10
Tricky Double Low d+KP,D+KK LH(LL) 12,10,10,10
Tricky Triple Low d+KP,D+KKK LH(LLL) 12,10,10,10,10
Tricky Hound d+KP,D+KKKK LH(LLL)L 12,10,10,10,10,15
Vulcan Elbow d+KPP LHH 12,10,28
Mebius Rush d+KPPK LHHM 12,10,28,25
Vulcan Knee Kick d+KP,f+K LHM 12,10,35
Vulcan Edge d+KP,f+P LHM 12,10,15
Genocide Rush d+KP,f+PK LHMM 12,10,15,25
Vulcan Fake d+KP,b LH- 12,10
Fake Spinning Middle d+KP,b,K LHM 12,10,25
Zack Tornado d+S+K L 20
Spinning Middle Kick S+K M 32
Twister Upper d/f+P+K M 40
Kau Roy ff+K M 35
Flying Knee Kick f+P+K [MH] [25,25]
Devil's Upper d/f,d/f+P M 20
Devil's Elbow d/f,d/f+P,f+P MH 20,35
Vertical Axe P+K M 25
Airwalk ff+P+K M 55
Raising Knee d/f,d/f+K M 28
Overhead Kick d/f,d/f+KK MM 28,35
Turn Bazooka b,f+P M 45

Wild Throw S+P Standing Throw 40
Stunner b+S+P Standing Throw 45
Go Ko Tei Kau f,b+S+P Standing Throw 10+10+30
Nightmare Stand f,b+S+P Wall * throw 15+15+30
Hard Rush d/f,d/f+S+P
or (jump) S+P Standing Throw 12+12+38
Splash Dunk qcf+S+P Standing Throw 15+15+35
Fly Bo Deing qcf+S+P Wall * Throw 30+10+10+10+10

Neck Hunting S+P Back Throw 55
Violence Beat b+S+P
or (jump) S+P Back Throw 12+12+12+25

Beast Fang d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Throw 57
Heartbreaker d/b+S+P Low Throw 60
Reverse Beast Fang d+S+P
or (jump) d+S+P Low Back Throw 63

Topaz Blow f,u+S vs. H Punch 18+20+20
Slash Elbow f,u+S vs. H Kick 18+20+20
Cross Bazooka f,b+S vs. M Punch 58
Heel Edge b,f+S vs. M Kick 26+30
Funky Elbow f,d+S vs. L Punch 58
Dust Stamp f,d+S vs. L Kick 58

Foot Stamp u+P+K Down Attack 20
Stepping Wave u+P+K,bf+P+K Movement 20,-
Wild Heel d+K Down Attack 10

Appeal: Wave bfb+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal: "Nande yanen!" dd+S+P+K Taunt 0
Fake Roll qcf+S Taunt 0

Tag Throws
Double Headbutt (f/Leon) ff+ALL
Double Flapjack (t/Leon) ff+ALL
Bombe de la Rougeau (f/Tina) ff+ALL
Tag Funky Elbow (f/anyone but Leon/Tina) ff+ALL
or (f/anyone) b+ALL

Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------

We would like to thank everybody who contributed to this FAQ. In particular
those who play in the Crescent street arcade in downtown Montreal:

Banshee, Donald, Frank and all the others (your names will be here in the
next version).

Also Three-11, U-N-C-L-E and the Faceless Master.

Most of all though I (al-x) would like to thank Big Cat (Jon Tanaka) for his
insanely obsessive devotion and contributions to the fighting game genre and
for single-handedly producing this FAQ from scratch, annnnnd for ALWAYS being
up for a couple of rounds of anything (except Soul Calibur hehe).

thanks too and for the person who wrote this guide,my name is
videogamemasta at

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17.Октябрь 2013
Tag Juggle Guide

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PAL Patch für die japanischeese NTSC Version.

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Tag Teaming

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Hardcore Lei Fang

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First FAQ

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Hardcore Lei Fang

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17.Октябрь 2013
Tina Move List

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Ryu Move List

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Kasumi Combo

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Jann Lee

15.Октябрь 2013
Helena Move

16.Октябрь 2013
Hayabusa Combo

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Gen Fu Move

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14.Октябрь 2013
Full Move List

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Exciter Lyrics

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Ein Combo

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Combo File

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Bass Move List

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Basic FAQ

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Ayane Move

15.Октябрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018