Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2

17.10.2013 07:41:07


This Faq is 2001 Copyright of Robert Snyder. You may print it out for
your own personal use or to give to a friend; you may also include it in
you webpage if you give me credit for writing it.

DOA2 is copyright of Tecmo as are all characters and the DOA2 logo and
so on and so forth...

Last updated: (6/7/01)

Version: 1.0
Did just about everything

Version: 1.1
Added information on the system, game version, and area

This FAQ contains all of the tag team character combinations which
contain at least one special team up "special". I will name the
characters, how the move is performed, and what it looks like. It was
written based exclusively on the American version of Dead or Alive 2:
Hardcore for the Playstation 2. Enjoy

I. Kasumi
II. Hayabusa
III. Gen-Fu
IV. Helena
V. Tina
VI. Bass
VII. Zack
VIII. Leon
IX. Jann-Lee
X. Lei-Fang
XI. Ayane
XII. Ein

Spoilers start here:

XIII. Special Character #1
XIV. Special Character #2
XV. Summary

I. Kasumi - The runaway Shinobi
1. Kasumi -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Kasumi does her "Oboro" move (sorry don't know any other way to
describe it) and Hayabusa runs in from the opposite side and
repeats the move

2. Kasumi -> Helena F,F(P+K+F)
-Kasumi kicks the opponent then flips them over onto their back,
Helena runs in and cartwheels over Kasumi and plants her knees in
the opponent's torso

3. Kasumi -> Bass F,F(P+K+F)
-Kasumi does a roundhouse kick to the back of the opponent's head,
the opponent stumbles toward Bass who performs a running

4. Kasumi -> Ayane F,F(P+K+F)
-Kasumi flips over the opponent's right shoulder while Ayane flips
over the left, they knee the opponent in the back and front
(respectively) before backflipping off

5. Kasumi -> Ein F,F(P+K+F)
-Kasumi leaps on the opponent's shoulders as Ein slides in
knocking the opponent of their feet, Kasumi lands knees-first on
the opponent's face

II. Hayabusa - The "noble" (pain-in-the-ass) friend
1. Hayabusa -> Kasumi F,F(P+K+F)
-Hayabusa uppercuts the opponent, Kasumi catches the opponent in
the air and flips twice before driving the opponent's head into
the ground with her feet

2. Hayabusa -> Gen-Fu F,F(P+K+F)
-Hayabusa uppercuts the opponent high into the air, Gen-Fu enters
on opposite side, the two bow to each other while the opponent
falls to the ground

3. Hayabusa -> Tina F,F(P+K+F)
-Hayabusa and Tina each grab the opponent's head and leap in
opposite directions, the spin around the opponent twice before
letting go causing the opponent to spin several time before
falling to the ground

4. Hayabusa -> Bass F,F(P+K+F)
-Hayabusa uppercuts the opponent, Bass drops down from above,
plants his feet in the opponent's armpits, grabs the opponent's
ankles, and drives them straight into the ground

5. Hayabusa -> Leon F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs a wrist and the opponent's head, lift the opponent
into the air, and slam the opponent into the ground

6. Hayabusa -> Jann-Lee F,F(P+K+F)
-Hayabusa uppercuts the opponent and boosts Jann-Lee into the air,
Jann-Lee does a flying "Dragon kick" to the airborne opponent
before landing

7. Hayabusa-> Ayane F,F(P+K+F)
-Hayabusa uppercuts the opponent and boosts Ayane into the air,
Ayane does a backflip with a twist before landing a two-footed
kick on the airborne opponent, she the performs another backflip
and lands where Hayabusa was standing (he dissappears in a flurry
of leaves)

8. Hayabusa -> Ein F,F(P+K+F)
-Hayabusa grabs the opponent by the shoulders, flips over them,
and throws them over his head, Ein runs in and lands a flying
jump-kick in the middle of the opponent's back

III. Gen-Fu - The old man with the sick grand-daughter
1. Gen-Fu -> Kasumi F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu shoots the opponent into the air and gives Kasumi a boost,
Kasumi flips, kicks the opponent to the ground, flips once more,
and is finally caught by Gen-Fu

2. Gen-Fu -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu shoots the opponent high into the air, Hayabusa enters on
opposite side, the two bow to each other while the opponent falls
to the ground

3. Gen-Fu -> Helena F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu rams the opponent with his shoulder, Helena pushes the
opponent back, Gen-Fu rams the opponent with his back, and Helena
knocks the opponent over with a shoulder ram

4. Gen-Fu -> Tina F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu knocks the opponent back to a waiting Tina who does the
beginning of her "Double Burst" (press D,F+P to finish the move)

5. Gen-Fu -> Zack F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu knocks the opponent off balance with a shoulder blow, Zack
leaps over Gen-Fu and into the opponent and rides them across the
ground like a surfboard

6. Gen-Fu -> Leon F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu grabs the opponent, Leon runs in behind the opponent and
rams them in the back with his shoulder while Gen-Fu does the
same in the front

7. Gen-Fu -> Lei-Fang F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu rams the opponent with his shoulder then lifts the
opponent up onto his shoulders and turns, Lei-Fang runs in and
grabs the opponent's ankle and cartwheels over Gen-Fu throwing
the opponent to the ground

8. Gen-Fu -> Ayane F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu shoots the opponent into the air and gives Ayane a boost,
Ayane flips, kicks the opponent to the ground, flips once more,
and is finally caught by Gen-Fu

IV. Helena - The opera singer seeking answers
1. Helena -> Kasumi F,F(P+K+F)
-Kasumi and Helena each grab one of the opponent's arms then
simotaneously kick them in the face, then push them head-first
into the ground using their legs.

2. Helena -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Helena grabs one of the opponent's arms and spins, Hayabusa
enters, grabs the other arm and flips over the opponent causing
the opponent's arms to be crossed up; both Helena and Hayabusa
sweep kick the opponent and release the arms causing the
opponent to land flat on their back, then they both do a heel
drop on the opponent's face

3. Helena -> Gen-Fu F,F(P+K+F)
-Helena elbows the opponent in the head, Gen-Fu picks the opponent
up and he and Helena flip the opponent over onto their back

4. Helena -> Lei-Fang F,F(P+K+F)
-Helena grabs one of the opponent's arms and spins around,
Lei-Fang grabs the other arm and they both slap the opponent in
the back of the head, then punch the opponent in the face, and
finally flip the opponent over onto their back

V. Tina - The rebellious daughter
1. Tina -> Kasumi F,F(P+K+F)
-Tina lifts the opponent onto her shoulders, Kasumi runs in and
leaps all the way up onto the opponent's shoulders (she should
play in the WNBA :P) and flips off smashing the opponent's face
into the ground.

2. Tina -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Tina grabs the opponent by the legs and does a "giant-swing" she
releases the opponent Hayabusa runs past Tina, leaps, grabs the
airborne opponent, and proceeds to corkscrew them head-first into
the ground (Hayabusa will drive the opponent into a wall if you
are close enough, causing extra damage)

3a. Tina -> Bass F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass and Tina pick up the opponent and perform a two-person

3b. Tina -> Bass D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Tina knees the opponent in the stomach then rolls them across the
ground; the opponent staggers to their feet and is clotheslined
from both sides by Bass and Tina

4. Tina -> Zack F,F(P+K+F)
-Tina lifts the opponent onto her shoulders, Zack takes a running
leap and hits the opponent neck-high with his butt and drives
them into the ground

5. Tina -> Leon F,F(P+K+F)
-Tina spins the opponent around then kicks them in the back of the
head at the same time as Leon sweep kicks the opponent's legs

6. Tina -> Lei-Fang F,F(P+K+F)
-Tina leaps onto the opponent's shoulders, turns, and drives them
face-first into the ground; Tina sits up and gives Lei-Fang a
boost, Lei-Fang does two flips then lands on top of the opponent
on the ground

VI. Bass - The father who's pissed at his daughter
1. Bass -> Gen-Fu F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass sweeps out the opponent's legs with an arm swipe, after the
opponent flips one and a half times he smashes the opponent
face-first into the gound, Gen-Fu leaps over Bass and lands flat
on back on top of the opponent

2a. Bass -> Tina F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass picks up the opponent as if preparing for a suplex, Tina
runs in, jumps up, and piledrives the opponent off Bass's
shoulders into the ground

2b. Bass -> Tina D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Bass picks up the opponent by the neck, slams them to the ground,
and stomps on their face while Tina does a "Twister Press"

3a. Bass -> Zack F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass grabs the opponent and throws them into the air, Zack leaps
up and spikes the airborne opponent into the ground

3b. Bass -> Zack D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Bass punches the opponent then picks up Zack and hurls him
head-first at the opponent

4. Bass -> Leon F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass and Leon each grab a leg and an arm and lift the opponent
into the air, drop them down, then up once again before smashing
the opponent into the ground

5. Bass -> Jann-Lee F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass launches the opponent over his back to a waiting Jann-Lee
who kicks the opponent in the back of the neck causing the
opponent to do half of a flip and land face-first on the ground

6. Bass -> Ayane F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass lifts the opponent onto his shoulders, Ayane enters and
grabs the opponent around the nick, falls off backwards pulling
opponent along and does a "DDT"

VII. Zack - The "DJ"/"playah"/"mack daddy"
1. Zack -> Tina F,F(P+K+F)
-Zack puts the opponent in a "full nelson", Tina runs in and does
a two-footed kick off the opponent's torso

2. Zack -> Bass F,F(P+K+F)
-Zack lifts the opponent onto his shoulders and jumps, Bass slides
in and catapaults Zack high into the air; Zack drives the
opponent into the ground

3. Zack -> Leon F,F(P+K+F)
-Zack grabs the opponent's arms and Leon grabs the opponent's
legs, they swing the opponent around twice before smashing them
into the ground

4. Zack -> Lei-Fang F,F(P+K+F)
-Zack and Lei-Fang grab the opponent from the front and back
(respectively) and simotaneously knee the opponent; Zack knees
the opponent a second time and Lei-Fang lifts the opponent over
her head and slams them to the ground

VIII. Leon - The mercenary with a heart
1. Leon -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Leon grabs the opponent's legs in a scissor hold, Hayabusa leaps
in, does a sideways twist and lands with both feet on the
opponent's head

2. Leon -> Gen-Fu F,F(P+K+F)
-Leon picks up the opponent, lifts them over his head and throws
them head-first toward Gen-Fu who headbutts the opponent

3. Leon -> Tina F,F(P+K+F)
-Leon grabs the opponent's neck and one of the opponent's arms,
Tina grabs one of the opponent's legs, and they twist as far as
possible in opposite directions

4a. Leon -> Bass F,F(P+K+F)
-Leon grabs the opponent's arm, turns, and flips them over onto
their back; Bass drops from the ceiling and crushes the
opponent's throat with his leg

4b. Leon -> Bass D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Leon punches the opponent, then he and Bass perform a
dual-headbutt, and proceed to runover the opponent who is lying
on the ground

5. Leon -> Zack F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs one of the opponent arms and they simotaneously
headbutt the opponent, then they shove the stunned opponent
backwards to the ground

IX. Jann-Lee - The bouncer who has something to prove
1. Jann-Lee -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs an arm and does a straight kick to the opponent's
head followed by a roundhouse kick to the head

2. Jann-Lee -> Gen-Fu F,F(P+K+F)
-Jann-Lee jumps behind the opponent and kicks them in the back of
the knees, before the opponent falls completely down Gen-Fu hits
them in the face with both hands knocking them upright; then
Gen-Fu reachs under the opponent's arms and pushes them
face-first into the ground

3. Jann-Lee -> Leon F,F(P+K+F)
-Jann-Lee hooks his leg around the opponent's neck and drops them
"guilloting-style" onto Leon's waiting knee, Leon puts the
opponent face down , sits on their back, and does a submission

4. Jann-Lee -> Lei-Fang F,F(P+K+F)
-Jann-Lee punches the opponent three times in rapid succession
then he and Lei-Fang perform simotaneous "Dragon punches"
knocking the opponent flying

5a. Jann-Lee -> Ein F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs an arm and does a straight kick to the opponent's
head followed by a roundhouse kick to the head

5b. Jann-Lee -> Ein D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs an arm and firmly plants their left foot on the side
of the opponent's head that is closest to them; they press harder
causing the opponent's head to turn and neck to "break"

X. Lei-Fang - the college student
1. Lei-Fang -> Helena F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grab one of the opponent's arms then they deliver an open
palm blow to the opponent's stomach, spin and sandwich the
opponent between their shoulders, and finally knock the opponent
on their face with a double shoulder blow

2. Lei-Fang -> Tina F,F(P+K+F)
-Lei-Fang grabs one of the opponent's arms, Tina comes running,
takes the other arm, and the two run one step before spikeing the
opponent's head into the ground

3a. Lei-Fang -> Jann-Lee F,F(P+K+F)
-Lei-Fang grabs the opponent and launches them into the air with
her leg, Jann-Lee performs a flying "Dragon kick" to the middle
of the airborne opponent's back

3b. Lei-Fang -> Jann-Lee D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Lei-Fang grabs the opponent, cartwheels over them, and throws
them to the ground; Jann-Lee drops onto the opponent's back from
above and grinds the opponent into the ground with his feet

4. Lei-Fang -> Ein F,F(P+K+F)
-Lei-Fang kicks the opponent into the air and Ein does an axe kick
to the airborne opponent, driving them head-first into the ground

XI. Ayane - The "evil" stepsister who feels under-appreciated
1. Ayane -> Kasumi F,F(P+K+F)
-Both Ayane and Kasumi grab one of the opponent's arms, run in a
half circle, leap up, do a two-footed kick to the opponent's
head, and flip away as the opponent crumbles to the ground.

2. Ayane -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs one of the opponent's arms and elbows the opponent in
the stomach then they flip the opponent over onto their back,
Ayane flips over the opponent and dissappears

3. Ayane -> Jann-Lee F,F(P+K+F)
-Ayane jumps behind the opponent and kicks them into the air
Jann-Lee performs a flying "Dragon kick" to the middle of the
airborne opponent's back

4. Ayane -> Ein F,F(P+K+F)
-Ayane jumps behind the opponent and launches them into the air to
a waiting Ein who kicks the falling opponen wquarely in the

XII. Ein - The brainwashed guy
1. Ein -> Kasumi F,F(P+K+F)
-Ein uppercuts the opponent, Kasumi runs in and does her "Oboro"
hand slash

2. Ein -> Hayabusa F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs an arm and does a straight kick to the opponent's
head followed by a roundhouse kick to the head

3. Ein -> Bass F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass grabs the opponent from behind and holds them while Ein
beats the opponent up; Ein uppercuts the opponent and Bass uses
the momentum to perform a "German suplex"

4. Ein -> Jann-Lee F,F(P+K+F)
-Ein uppercuts the opponent and Ein and Jann-Lee do running jump-
kicks from opposite sides causing the opponent to spin several
times before landing on their head

5. Ein -> Ayane F,F(P+K+F)
-Ein grabs the opponent's arm and swings them around, then he and
Ayane simotaneously kick the opponent in the head from the front
and back and the opponent collapses to the ground

*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************
*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************
*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************
*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************
*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************SPOILER ALERT!!!*************

XIII. Bayman - The badass assassin
Note: you may have heard that Bayman is identical to Leon... but that is
not true!

Bayman: Part 1 (people who go to Bayman...)
1. Hayabusa -> Bayman F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs a wrist and the opponent's head, lift the opponent
into the air, and slam the opponent into the ground

2. Gen-Fu -> Bayman F,F(P+K+F)
-Gen-Fu grabs the opponent, Bayman runs in behind the opponent and
rams them in the back with his shoulder while Gen-Fu does the
same in the front

3. Tina -> Bayman F,F(P+K+F)
-Tina spins the opponent around then kicks them in the back of the
head at the same time as Bayman sweep kicks the opponent's legs

4a. Bass -> Bayman F,F(P+K+F)
-Bass and Bayman each grab a leg and an arm and lift the opponent
into the air, drop them down, then up once again before smashing
the opponent into the ground

4b. Bass -> Bayman D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Bass punches the opponent then knocks them to the ground with a
shoulder ram; Bayman leaps up and lands with both knees on the
opponent's head

5. Leon -> Bayman F,F(P+K+F)
-Leon grabs the opponent's arm, kicks them in the head, and holds
them in a headlock; Bayman runs in and headbutts the opponent,
knocking the opponent and Leon to the ground; Leon sits up (still
holding opponent's arm), Bayman grabs one of the opponent's legs,
and they pull in opposite directions

6. Zack -> Bayman F,F(P+K+F)
-Zack grabs the opponent's arms and Bayman grabs the opponent's
legs, they swing the opponent around twice before smashing them
into the ground

Bayman: Part 2 (people who Bayman goes to...)
1. Bayman -> Gen-Fu F,F(P+K+F)
-Bayman picks up the opponent, lifts them over his head and throws
them head-first toward Gen-Fu who headbutts the opponent

2. Bayman -> Tina F,F(P+K+F)
-Bayman grabs the opponent's neck and one of the opponent's arms,
Tina grabs one of the opponent's legs, and they twist as far as
possible in opposite directions

3a. Bayman -> Bass F,F(P+K+F)
-Bayman grabs the opponent's arm, turns, and flips them over onto
their back; Bass drops from the ceiling and crushes the
opponent's throat with his leg

3b. Bayman -> Bass D,DF,F(P+K+F)
-Bayman punches the opponent, then he and Bass perform a
dual-headbutt, and proceed to runover the opponent who is lying
on the ground

4. Bayman -> Leon F,F(P+K+F)
-Bayman grabs the opponent's arm, kicks them in the head, and
holds them in a headlock; Leon runs in and headbutts the
opponent, knocking the opponent and Bayman to the ground; Bayman
sits up (still holding opponent's arm), Leon grabs one of the
opponent's legs, and they pull in opposite directions

5. Bayman -> Zack F,F(P+K+F)
-Each grabs one of the opponent arms and they simotaneously
headbutt the opponent, then they shove the stunned opponent
backwards to the ground

Bayman: Part 3 (How Bayman is different from Leon...)
1. Bayman does NOT go to Hayabusa, Leon DOES

2. Bass goes to Bayman TWICE, he only goes to Leon ONCE

XIV. Tengu - The fat and ugly "big-boss" man
You may have heard that Tengu has no special moves with anyone. I would
have loved to have proven that incorrect also; but I cannot. Tengu does
NOT have any special moves with anyone.

XV. Summary
This is probably the best section! :) It is a big list of all the tag
teams that have at least one team up special:


A1. Kasumi and Hayabusa...................2
A2. Kasumi and Gen-Fu.....................1
A3. Kasumi and Helena.....................2
A4. Kasumi and Tina.......................1
A5. Kasumi and Bass.......................1
A6. Kasumi and Ayane......................2
A7. Kasumi and Ein........................2
A8. Hayabusa and Gen-Fu...................2
A9. Hayabusa and Helena...................1

B1. Hayabusa and Tina.....................2
B2. Hayabusa and Bass.....................1
B3. Hayabusa and Bayman...................1
B4. Hayabusa and Leon.....................2
B5. Hayabusa and Jann-Lee.................2
B6. Hayabusa and Ayane....................2
B7. Hayabusa and Ein......................2
B8. Gen-Fu and Helena.....................2
B9. Gen-Fu and Tina.......................1

C1. Gen-Fu and Bass.......................1
C2. Gen-Fu and Bayman.....................2
C3. Gen-Fu and Zack.......................1
C4. Gen-Fu and Leon.......................2
C5. Gen-Fu and Jann-Lee...................1
C6. Gen-Fu and Lei-Fang...................1
C7. Gen-Fu and Ayane......................1
C8. Helena and Lei-Fang...................2
C9. Tina and Bass.........................4

D1. Tina and Bayman.......................2
D2. Tina and Zack.........................2
D3. Tina and Leon.........................2
D4. Tina and Lei-Fang.....................2
D5. Bass and Bayman.......................4
D6. Bass and Zack.........................3
D7. Bass and Leon.........................3
D8. Bass and Jann-Lee.....................1
D9. Bass and Ayane........................1

E1. Bass and Ein..........................1
E2. Bayman and Leon.......................2
E3. Bayman and Zack.......................2
E4. Bayman and Jann-Lee...................1
E5. Zack and Leon.........................2
E6. Zack and Lei-Fang.....................1
E7. Leon and Jann-Lee.....................1
E8. Jann-Lee and Lei-Fang.................3
E9. Jann-Lee and Ayane....................1

F1. Jann-Lee and Ein......................3
F2. Lei-Fang and Ein......................1
F3. Ayane and Ein.........................2

~Fin~ (end, finish, or [insert synonym for "end" here])

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17.Октябрь 2013
Tag Juggle Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die japanischeese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Kasumi Move List

13.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Miscellaneous Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Character Guide Jann Lee

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Tag Teaming

14.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Lei Fang

16.Октябрь 2013
First FAQ

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Hardcore Lei Fang

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17.Октябрь 2013
Tina Move List

15.Октябрь 2013
Ryu Move List

14.Октябрь 2013
Kasumi Combo

14.Октябрь 2013
Jann Lee

15.Октябрь 2013
Helena Move

16.Октябрь 2013
Hayabusa Combo

17.Октябрь 2013
Gen Fu Move

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14.Октябрь 2013
Full Move List

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Exciter Lyrics

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17.Октябрь 2013
Ein Combo

14.Октябрь 2013
Combo File

15.Октябрь 2013
Bass Move List

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16.Октябрь 2013
Basic FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Ayane Move

15.Октябрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018